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Claiming Lily: MacKay International, #2

Page 3

by Webb, Rene

  Finn turns, opens the glass shower door, and steps inside. Turning the water on, he glances back to give me a grin before closing himself off inside.

  As I watch him, I realize my hesitation with showering is the shower. It hadn’t bothered me this morning, but now the thought of forcing myself into a small space sends me close to panicking. It’s too much like the closet the men at the brothel used to lock me in at night. I bury my face in Finn’s T-shirt, seeking comfort in the warm, spicy scent. After a few moments, I hop off the counter and reluctantly toss Finn’s T-shirt onto the pile on the floor.

  Turning my back toward the shower, I grab a face cloth, and with warm water, I wipe my pussy to clean off the evidence of how much Finn affects me. I grab the clothes that had fallen to the floor and look at them for the first time. The black flip-flops are pretty basic, not that I’m complaining. They’ll be more comfortable than the heels I kicked off the moment we entered the hotel room. Not to mention they are certainly going to fit. Next there is a package with several pairs of cotton briefs, all printed with tiny little blue flowers on them. I’m surprised to see that they are the right size. I don't usually wear new underwear until after it’s been washed, but I tear open the package and step into a pair. The black sports-like bralette is a little snug, so I certainly won’t be bouncing around everywhere.

  Trevor did a surprisingly good job picking out a mauve, short-sleeve T-shirt dress and a pair of thin black leggings to go underneath. The leggings are not something I would pick out myself, nor the style of the dress, but the two go well together. It will certainly be warmer to have my legs covered. Trevor also included a large red hoodie at the bottom of the pile, which has the insignia of another hotel chain. It must have been where they were staying before.

  With every piece of clothing I pull on, I feel more and more myself. It is as if I am putting myself back together again, getting closer and closer to who I was before my kidnapping. Having been practically naked the entire time I was in the brothel, I feel safer being covered up.

  Once I am dressed and attempting to ignore the inviting image of a naked and wet Finn in the shower only a few steps away, I grab the comb he had brought in and drag it through my still-damp snarls. Since I don’t have any hair elastics or ways to tie back my hair, I create a crude braid to get it out of my face, even though I know it will fall out.

  I place Finn’s clean clothes and his watch in a neat pile on the counter before I leave the bathroom—and the temptation to join him. I walk back into the main room of the suite feeling more like myself.

  “Does everything fit?” Trevor asks from where his sits behind a laptop at the round dining table.

  “Yes, everything fits perfectly. How’d you guess my size?” I plop onto the corner of the couch and lean over the arm facing him.

  “I compared your size from some photos online with Mr. Finch’s sister,” he says with a smile that brightens his entire face. I find myself leaning farther, as if wanting to get closer. Damn, he’s handsome.

  But not nearly as sexy as my man, who is currently naked and showering alone.

  Why didn’t I join Finn?



  Breathing in the hot steam, I let the shower wash away the last remnants of the brothel. Mr. Clean. I smile at the nickname Lily teasingly gave me. For the record, I’m not usually this OCD about being clean. It’s just that fucking place made my skin crawl. Slowly, the real Lily, the one Peter is always telling me about, is beginning to shine through as the fear that weighs her down falls away. Her bravery, honesty, and passion sucked me in last night, but I find this new playful Lily irresistible.


  Touching Lily again so soon after last night was a mistake, as was talking about her being mine. Lily needs to decide for herself that I am what she wants. It must have been the way she was so looking at Trevor. It set my possessiveness into overdrive. Is he really that attractive? Not that I would ever worry for a second about the man even thinking about poaching what is mine.

  There is no question my princess is some siren calling me to where I can’t control myself. I have quickly formed an addiction to the surprised gasps of pleasure she makes and the gentle whispered hum of satisfaction that follows, knowing I am the only man to have elicited the sounds from her.

  Lily is new to sexual relationships, and I need to be cognizant of that. I don’t want to frighten her by coming on too strong, too soon. The next time my cock is in her tight, wet cunt, it will be because it was her idea. I am no expert when it comes to relationships. Sex? Yes. But a relationship that lasts more than a few days? Never had the desire. My attraction to a woman usually wanes after the first night. Not with Lily. I can’t ever see getting enough of her.

  I raise my hand to my face and sniff my fingers. My cock jerks to life at the faint scent of her cunt still lingering on them. Fuck. If I don’t jack off, I am in for an uncomfortable morning. I take my time soaping my body up for the second time this morning. Eventually, I hear the click of the bathroom door when Lily leaves. My hand is already gripping my cock before my brain registers that I am now alone.

  Leaning into the spray, I rest one palm against the tiled shower to hold myself up as I sink into the unsatisfying pleasure of jacking off. I imagine Lily's delicate hands are what is around me and the warm spray of the shower is her hot mouth sucking me. Something I have yet to experience.

  Groaning, I conjure a mixture of memories from last night and fantasies for the future. The feel of her experimental caresses and the images of her kneeling between my legs, with her mouth around my cock as her soft hair tickles my thighs, come together in my mind. It doesn’t take me long to explode, imagining I’m coming all over her firm, perfectly proportioned breasts.

  Stepping out of the shower, I see my clothes are neatly folded on the counter. After quickly dressing, I walk into the main room. The first thing I see is Lily curled up in the corner of the couch with her head on the armrest—fast asleep. She looks so sweet and innocent. The hood of her sweatshirt is pulled up and she’s hidden beneath. Resisting the urge to touch her, I turn my focus to Trevor, who is busy behind his laptop at the table.

  “Anything new to report?” I ask quietly, joining him at the table where he already has my own laptop sitting open and ready to be used.

  “Yes, I spoke to the head of Pride Security and told him James Mayer was the culprit.”

  Once Lily stepped into the bathroom, I told Trevor what we had learned from the manager of the brothel: who was responsible for her kidnapping. To say he was disgusted on her behalf is an understatement.

  I had also taken the opportunity to give him the bug I had found this morning duct-taped under the table. I’m hoping Pride Security will be able to tell us something about it.

  “He would like to video conference in forty-five minutes if that’s agreeable.”

  “Yes, but Lily will be here, so make sure they know that. I don’t want them overwhelming her too much with upsetting information. She’s been traumatized enough,” I say.

  “Of course. I’ll ask them to text me any questions or details they don’t feel comfortable saying aloud during the meeting.”

  “Good. Anything back from Maul on how I extricate myself from the contract with LCD Limited?” I type my password into the computer, PiNe91TRee!, to log in and click open my email program. Groaning, I watch as the number of unread emails quickly grows.

  “Yes, she emailed and said she was looking it over and will email you once she’s devised a plan,” Trevor says, looking up from his screen.

  I laugh. “Good. That’s the problem with having one of the best corporate attorneys around. Your contracts are fucking airtight.”

  “She did wonder why the sudden desire to switch, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you have an email from her to that effect.”

  “I’ll wait and discuss it with her when I get back to the office. Pretty sure if she knew where I was last night, she’d nail my balls to the wall. O
r worse, quit.” I chuckle, and Trevor grins back. “Not sure how I can explain that I saw Charles Henderson, the CEO of LDC, attempting to molest Lily without admitting where I was.”

  “He what?” Trevor seethes in frustration, his righteous anger still simmering on the surface from when I told him about Mayer.

  “Yes. So you can understand my desire to extricate myself from any business dealings with his company,” I reply, scanning my screen for emails I should actually open.

  “I can,” he says resolutely. “Peter called while you were both in the bathroom. I assured him Lily was now with us and safe but that you were both indisposed at the moment.”

  “He must have loved that.” I grin. I don’t feel sorry for my friend in the least, and if Lily’s reaction earlier in the cab is any indication, he may not be getting the gratitude from his cousin that he imagines he will.

  “I did tell him you’d call sometime today. And then I ended the call.”

  “Good, once we know how we are getting Lily out of the country, I will let him know.”

  “I did some research, and the US embassy is not too far away.” Trevor hands me his cellphone with the directions pulled up on a map app. “We could take her there, but I am concerned for her safety once Mayer knows she’s escaped.”

  “As am I.” I exhale, passing the phone back to him. “We won’t do anything until we’ve spoken to Pride Security regardless, but it seems to me that for right now, keeping her off the radar is the best course of action.”

  “I agree. There are still too many unanswered questions, and just because she’s escaped doesn’t mean he won’t try kidnaping her again.” Trevor exhales loudly and bites his lip as if he wants to say something but is stopping himself for some reason.


  “It’s just…” he says tentatively. “You don’t think once Mayer learns that you have Lily he would go after Riley, do you?” His voice is filled with concern for my little sister.


  “He touches one fucking hair on her head, I’ll fucking kill him myself,” I growl angrily.

  A rustle of movement comes from the couch, and I kick myself for raising my voice. I look over and see Lily still fast asleep.

  “I’d gladly help,” Trevor states in a deadly quiet tone, which reminds me that beneath the well-dressed surface, this man is dangerous. The one who taught me Krav Maga. A trained killer.

  Anyone who meets my little sister tends to form a protective instinct when it comes to her, the only exception being the kids in school who used to tease Riley for being different. I took care of that quickly. I was raised to understand it was an older brother’s duty to protect his younger sister, as well as those who can't defend themselves. Riley has many strengths, but being able to protect herself from physical attack is not one of them. It’s no wonder I worry about her on a regular basis, living on her own outside of Washington DC.

  “Call Pride Security now and tell them our concerns. I will call Riley and find out what her plans are for the next couple of days.” Shifting slightly in my chair, I pull my cellphone from my pocket. “What time is it in DC?”

  “It’s a twelve-hour difference, so it’s nine thirty p.m. there,” Trevor says, his attention on the phone in his hands. “Remember, she has that trivia thing she goes to on Tuesday nights.”

  “Damn,” I mutter, pulling up the messaging app instead.

  Finn: Kick ass tonight. Trip delayed, will call tomorrow. Be safe.

  Setting the phone on the table in case Riley responds, I return my focus back to work. After several minutes of staring at my screen and not accomplishing much of anything, except deleting the dozen or so spam emails, there is a knock on the door. Trevor gets up and walks toward the door, and I stand taking a protective position in front of Lily. This should be our breakfast, but you never know. Mayer’s men could have found us already.

  I watch Trevor peek through the peephole. I relax as he pulls the door open for room service. He takes the cart from them and wheels it into the room but doesn’t allow them to enter. Trevor’s got the right idea of not allowing whoever it was to enter and see Lily. It might not have been the smartest idea to walk with Lily through the lobby, but the fewer people who see her while we are here, the better.

  I turn toward the couch, set my hip on the cushion next to Lily, and lean over her. I take a moment to breathe in her sweet, clean scent before rubbing her back gently and whispering in her ear, “Wake up, sleeping beauty.”



  The brothel’s large lounge is empty, except for Finn who is sitting in the middle of a large couch. Relaxing back against the cushions, his arms are spread wide on the top of the couch and his legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles. Anxiously, I move toward him. Naked. His grin gets wider as I approach, and he leans forward, reaching out a hand to caress the back of my knee. Warm pleasure washes through me as he glides his gentle palm up the back of my thigh until he reaches my ass. His touch turns rough and greedy. I wince and attempt to pull away as his fingertips dig into me painfully.

  “You’re mine.” My stepfather’s voice has a low, dark tone I have never heard before.

  When I blink, I see he has replaced Finn before me. I shiver as I am forced into his lap, and his hands are everywhere. I struggle against his hold.

  “Wake up, sleeping beauty.”

  I hear Finn’s voice in the distance. I fight harder to escape the hold my stepfather has on me, wanting to get back to Finn. My chest is tight, my lungs burning, my skin itching. I gasp awake.

  Finn’s handsome face leaning over me is the first thing I see upon opening my eyes. I relax back into the cushions.


  He gives me a concerned smile. “It’s me, Lily. Breakfast is here.”

  The weight against my chest lifts. I wrap my arms around his neck and hold on. There are still so many unanswered questions, but Finn is right here, caring for and protecting me.

  “Are you hungry?” He runs his hand gently down my back as he holds onto me.

  “Starving.” I pull back and take a deep breath, inhaling the delicious smells of warm bread and omelets.

  Finn smiles, cups the back of my head, and pulls me into a quick, hard kiss before letting go and standing. I stretch and shake off my powernap. After pushing my sweatshirt’s hood off, I shake out my hair, which has fallen out of its braid, before following Finn off the couch.

  Trevor is pulling the lids off of the plates on the room service cart.

  “Which one’s mine?” I eagerly move toward the cart as my stomach growls, reminding me I haven’t eaten yet today.

  “Sit down, princess, and I’ll get your plate.” Finn is already pulling a chair out for me at the table.

  As I sit and am tucked against the table, I am reminded of last night. Of Finn’s and my strange dinner date. This one feels different. For starters, I now know who Finn is. Why didn’t Finn tell me who he was last night? Second, I’m fully clothed, and third, Trevor is here as a chaperone.

  “Enjoy,” Finn says, placing an overflowing plate in front of me.

  I had forgotten what I ordered. The omelet looks fluffy, and the croissant looks like it will melt in my mouth! The side of fruit salad looks crisp and delicious. I grab my napkin and shake out the utensils, then set it on my lap and dig in.

  “Your tea,” Trevor says, placing an empty cup near my plate along with a small teapot.

  “Thank you,” I answer around a mouthful, smiling.

  I have never been a foodie, but I have really missed good American cuisine.

  “We have a video conference in twenty minutes with Pride Security.” Finn sits in the chair next to mine, his long legs bumping into me, making me very aware of his closeness.

  “Who are they?” I ask, stabbing a piece of cantaloupe.

  “The company that Finch Distributing contracts with for our security. Trevor called Daniels, the head of my security last night, and he called his boss at Prid
e Security. They’ve been looking into your kidnapping since last night and will have some answers for us.”

  “Good.” I exhale, my heart lightening at the prospect of learning what is going on. “How am I getting home?”

  This is one of the questions I have been trying not to think about since we escaped. Along with, how can I go back to my life the way it was before? It seems almost like an impossible dream.

  “That’s what we’re going to find out.” Finn takes hold of my hand and gives me a reassuring smile. The tension that had been building in my chest releases at his touch.

  “Why didn’t you tell me who you were last night?” I take a tentative sip of my English breakfast. The one thing I have found they do well here is tea.

  “I didn’t want anyone to know we had a connection,” he answers vaguely before changing the subject. “Does everything taste okay?”

  “It’s delicious,” I reply.

  Finn raises his eyebrows, disbelieving.

  “I’m not lying.”

  “You better not be,” he answers, taking his fork and stealing a bite of my omelet.

  “Hey!” I snag several of his home fries in retaliation.

  “Just making sure,” he says with a smug smile. “Eat up. I‘ve got to answer some work emails before the call.”

  We eat the rest of our breakfast in comfortable silence. Trevor takes out his phone and texts with one hand. At times, his face breaks out into a boyish grin. I can't help but wonder whom he’s talking to and why he looks vaguely familiar.


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