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Claiming Lily: MacKay International, #2

Page 6

by Webb, Rene

  After looking through his selection, I hit the online store and briefly wonder if I should buy something completely obnoxious that he’d hate having on the device and would completely fuck up his recommendations, like that male/male erotic romance I’ve been dying to read. Instead, I choose a highlander romance by one of my favorite authors.

  Curling up on the squashy leather couch, I hold my tea in one hand and the E-reader in the other. The story quickly sucks me in as I fall into the lives of the hero and heroine, relaxing me and bringing me into another world. One where I haven’t been betrayed by someone I loved, one where I wasn’t kidnapped, beaten, and nearly assaulted and then rescued by a sexy dominating millionaire.

  I am unsure how much time goes by, but soon I find myself stretching and wiggling in my seat, attempting to get comfortable. I can’t seem to sit still. My bladder twinges and I realize why. After setting my nearly empty tea cup and the E-reader aside on the small table, I unclip my seatbelt and stand.

  Finn’s hand takes a gentle hold of my wrist. “Where are you going?”

  “To open the emergency exit and jump out,” I say deadpan rolling my eyes, which gets me a reproachful scowl. “I have to pee, okay?”

  He lets go of my wrist and returns to his work.

  The bathrooms are only a few steps away on the small private aircraft.

  As I pull open the door, a light automatically illuminates the small space. It is slightly larger than your normal airplane bathroom, but my chest still tightens when I step inside. A warm flush rushes through my body as I turn around to close the door behind me. I am frozen in place, and my hand turns white, gripping the door. It doesn’t matter that I am the one closing it and have the power to open it again. I can't bring myself to close myself inside. I rush back to my seat in a haze and collapse into it, feeling as if I've run a marathon.



  “I thought you had to go to the bathroom?” I ask when I feel Lily drop back into her seat next to me.

  “I do, but…” Her voice is a strangled whisper, breaking my attention away from my work to focus solely on my princess. Her breathing is labored, and she seems shaky. I close my laptop and shove it aside on the table, then turn and wrap my arm around her, encouraging her to continue.

  “It’s so small in there, and I couldn't bring myself to close the door,” she tells her lap. She bites her lip and grips the hem of her dress tightly.

  “You were fine in the elevator?” I kiss her forehead, taking hold of her hand.

  Looking up at me with her mesmerizing emerald eyes, she speaks in a shocked voice—almost as if she can’t believe the revelation herself. “You were there.”

  I press another firm kiss onto her temple, breathing her in, taking in the meaning of her words and the pleasant burn they leave in my chest. My princess feels safe with me, as she should. She knows I will do any and everything I can to protect her.

  Pulling away, I unbuckle my own seatbelt and stand.

  “Come with me,” I say, taking hold of her hand and pulling her up.

  “Where are we going?”

  “To the bathroom.”

  I lead her down the aisle and toward the back of the plane.

  “I’m not peeing with you on top of me,” she states as we reach the closet-like bathroom and I pull the door open.

  “I will stand right here and block the door so you don’t have to close it.” I move aside so she can step in. After a moment's hesitation, she does.

  “Turn around,” she commands.


  There is no part of her body that I haven’t seen, touched, or tasted.

  “Turn around. I don’t want you watching me pee,” she replies, wiggling her finger in a circle.

  I smile at the quick return to her sassy personality, and I comply. “Happy?”


  I hear her banging around behind me in the tight space and then the unmistakable sound of her humming “Happy Birthday,” no doubt in an adorable attempt to cover the sounds of her actually going to the bathroom. At about the time she reaches the chorus, her tune is drowned by the sound of rushing water as the toilet flushes. I turn to see Lily washing her hands in the minuscule sink.

  Squeezing into the bathroom with her, I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her into my chest. I fist the back of her hair and tug her head backward so I can lean down and take her mouth with my own, tasting her and feeling the hum of pleasure on my tongue.

  After shutting off the tap, Lily turns in my arms and wraps her arms around my neck, pulling herself farther into my body.

  My hands glide down her back until I palm her ass, feeling her enticing curves.

  “Finn,” she says huskily. “They’re going to think we’re back here joining the mile-high club.”

  “Now that’s something I’ve never done,” I say excitedly, tightening my hold, allowing her to feel how hard my cock is for her. It might be a permanent condition with Lily as my woman.

  “Really?” Her eyes are alight with an emotion I can’t quite pinpoint—excitement, disbelief, and desire all rolled into one.

  As much as I want to take her now, I know waiting until we’re somewhere private and more comfortable will make it all the more enjoyable. Plus, I promised myself that the next time I fuck her, she’ll be the one who asks—begs—for it. But that doesn’t mean I can’t tease her a little bit.

  “I wish you weren’t wearing leggings,” I mutter into her neck. I skim my hands along her ass, unable to reach any of her silky-smooth skin.

  “Why?” Her voice is a breathy giggle.

  I flick my tongue along her jaw, tasting the sweet saltines of her. “I need to be able to feel your skin,” I tell her, running a hand up her side to palm her breast and squeeze it.

  “I don’t usually wear pants.” She scratches the nape of my neck, sending a thrill of pleasure down my spine. “Even to sleep.”

  “You sleep naked.” I groan, nipping at the shell of her ear.

  Lily pulls back, her eyes sparking with interest and eyebrows raised in rebellion. “Really?”

  “You’re mine, princess.”

  “Since when?” she whispers, running her hands down my chest and wrapping her arms around my waist. Lily’s body fits perfectly against mine.

  “Since you trusted me enough to come, creaming and shaking all over my fingers.”

  Lily shivers in my arms and breaths out an “oh.”

  “Are you mine?” She hesitates, chewing her bottom lip.

  I cup her face and tell her fervently, willing her to believe me, “Fuck yes. From the moment I looked up and saw your beautiful face.”

  Her emerald eyes spark with pleasure at my words, and her body sways against mine.


  I had promised myself not to move too fast, but I can’t seem to control myself. Lily needs to know she’s mine, and the sooner she comes to the realization that it’s something she wants, the better.

  Wrapping my arms around her once again, I exhale a deep breath and look around at our surroundings. A small airplane bathroom isn’t the place I would choose to have this conversation, but right now it’s the only way we’ll get any sense of privacy. We are meeting Peter in Paris, and Lily needs to think about what she wants to do once we get there.

  “I’m yours, princess, but you do have a choice to make,” I tell her, feeling her body melt into mine.

  “What choice?” She looks up at me, her eyes filled with such trust that my chest aches.

  “Once we get to Paris, you can go with Peter until Mayer is dealt with. We both know he will do anything to keep you safe.” I lean down and steal a kiss while I can. “Or you can stay with me and truly be mine.” I give her a quick squeeze before gliding my hands to cup her ass. “I will protect you and care for you, but you will be mine.”

  “What does that mean?” Lily bites her lip and squints her eyes at me.

  I nuzzle her neck, breathing in her sweet scent a
s I whisper, “That means your body is mine.”

  The grip she has on my shirt tightens, and I feel a shiver run through her body. “Yours?”

  “Yes. Mine to pleasure, to tease, to fuck.”

  “Tease?” Her body stiffens in my arms.

  “Yes. And cunts are my favorite things to tease.” I kiss her neck before nipping it with my teeth. “To torture.”

  “Torture?” my princess asks, her voice cracking slightly.

  “Yes, with pleasure.” I glide my hand from her ass to cup her mound. Her breath quickens as I move my hand back and forth in slow, firm, possessive strokes.


  “What makes you think I’d give away my secret plans, princess?” I chuckle, grinning at her.

  “Sir,” she pleads, her eyes alight with mischief as if she knows what that word does to me.

  “Let’s just say I will decide when you get to orgasm.”

  “You wouldn’t.” Her eyes darken and squint at me at the idea of frustration.

  “You want to test it out?” I move my hand from her mound to cup her ass again and grind our bodies together. “I may not have any toys with me, but I can use my fingers, my mouth, and some ice cubes.”

  “Ice cubes?”

  “Yes. Just think of how hot your pussy is, right now. It might like being fucked with an ice cube,” I whisper into her ear and nip at the shell.

  “No.” Lily shivers against me, and I pull away just enough to see her eyes are pools of bright… interest.

  “Once we meet up with Peter in Paris, then you can decide what you want to do.”

  Lily’s body stiffens at the mention of Paris. Regardless of her decision, I plan on making our time there a pleasurable experience, one she will never want to forget.

  “Maybe I should try to convince you to stay with me now?” I move one hand from her ass and cup her breast, squeezing it possessively as I take her mouth with my own. Her gasp of pleasure gives me the opening I need, and I thrust my tongue inside, tasting remnants of the tea she had.

  My princess pushes up onto her toes and moans into the kiss, shoving me backward into the opposite wall with a thud. We break apart, panting and laughing.

  “Now they really are going to think we’re… you know.” Lily’s face is flushed pink with pleasure and embarrassment.

  “They’ll think what?” I run my hand along her neck, feeling the heat of her skin and her pulse racing beneath my fingers.

  Lily bites her lip and whispers in exasperation, “That we’re having sex.”

  “Next time we’re on a plane together, we’ll fucking join the mile-high club. It can be a first for both of us.” It will be on a plane that isn’t filled with other passengers listening. It will be just the two of us. Private.

  “Definitely!” She giggles, her hands moving down to grab my ass and pull our lower bodies together, teasing us both. My cock stiffens painfully.

  After reluctantly pulling away, I attempt to adjust my cock into a more comfortable position.

  “This is all your fault,” I tell Lily when she giggles at my expense. It only makes her cover her mouth with her hand as she laughs harder. Her eyes are sparkling, and my only thought in the moment is that I’d do anything to see her this relaxed and happy, even walk around with an erection.



  Settling back into my seat, I once again pick up Finn’s E-reader and attempt to fall back into the story I had been reading. After re-reading the same sentence several times, I realize the romance between the two characters no longer holds my interest. I can no longer drown out the thoughts buzzing around my head as the vibration of the plane’s engine sets me on edge. All I can think about is Finn and the conversation we just had about our relationship—whatever that is—and my uncertain future.

  It is clear that Finn wants some sort of relationship, but what type and for how long is unclear. Not to mention, I’m not entirely sure how I feel about giving myself over to him completely, even for a short period of time. I have always been independent, even before my father’s death. I did my own thing, not caring what other people thought except for him. What would it be like to be answerable to someone else? To Finn.

  Finn has said himself that he doesn’t have girlfriends, so if I agree to stay with Finn, it would last only until I’m safe from James. How long would that take? Not to mention, how is it even possible?

  Setting the E-reader aside, I place my hand on Finn’s arm to get his attention. He looks up from his computer with a welcoming smile. I lean into him, and he brushes his full lips against mine.

  “What do you need?” he asks, reaching out to take hold of my hand.

  Closing my eyes and resting my head against his shoulder, I ask, “When will I be safe from him?”

  James is now my personal Voldemort. There is no way I am going to say his name aloud.

  “When he has been neutralized and can’t come after you or anyone else again,” he answers firmly, squeezing my hand reassuringly.

  “But what does that mean?” I look up at him, wanting—needing—to know more details than the obvious.

  “It means we not only take away everything the bastard cares about, but that he also won’t have the resources to come after you or anyone else again,” Finn states.

  “How?” I ask, an obvious question.

  “Once we learn more from Peter, we’ll figure that out,” he answers, glancing back at his computer. I have the fleeting thought that he isn’t telling me everything.

  Maybe I should go with Peter, even though he couldn’t be bothered to rescue me himself.


  Let’s be honest, there is also the sex, the pleasure, to consider.

  A large part of why I’m feeling so jittery and frustrated right now is the way Finn teased my body in the bathroom. The unfulfilled pleasure is something I know from last night and this morning that he is more than capable of giving. The memory of the firm gentleness of his touch has my body tingling for more. It’s as if I’m starving and don’t know quite what I’m craving. Or maybe I do, an orgasm.

  There’s no question I enjoy having sex with Finn. I wonder what it would be like without being so nervous and now that I know what I’m doing. I definitely plan to find out in Paris, even if I decide to go home with Peter. Last night when I told Finn that my experience with men was pretty non-existent, I wasn’t lying. Most everything I know about intimate relationships is theoretical, not from practice. Which means, I have no real experience with which to compare him. Although, I have a feeling I wouldn’t be able to find any better.

  Ever since last night, I find myself wondering what sex would be like with other men. It’s as if I am seeing them in an entirely new light, like when you’re a kid and you try one flavor of Push Pop and then wonder what the other flavors are like.

  It may sound naive, but I don’t think I would enjoy being intimate with anyone else.

  It’s not just because Finn is physically attractive, with his golden eyes and toned body. The plane is filled with equally hot men. It is the way Finn touches me, a mixture of gentleness and confidence. When I am with Finn, I know all his attention is on me and giving me pleasure. What girl wouldn’t want a man like that?

  As much as I am looking forward to exploring Finn’s body further and relieving some of the tension vibrating through my body, I would rather not return to Paris. I’m sure Finn can’t blame me for wanting to go anywhere else on the planet!

  “Why do we have to go to Paris?” I grumble. “Why can’t we just go back to Boston?”

  Finn gives me a concerned look. We may be going to Paris regardless, but at least he understands my reluctance.

  “Peter wants to meet us there, and I think it’s a good idea to know what we’re walking into before we fly home.” He smiles. “We’re all going to stay in your aunt’s apartment.”

  Peter’s mother, my Aunt Kitty, is my father’s older sister. Since his death, I haven’t seen her much—at all�
�mainly because she and my mother don’t get along. She recently got remarried, but I didn’t attend the wedding and I have yet to meet my new uncle.

  It’s no secret that my father helped her buy her Parisian apartment during her last divorce. She’s been married three times now, and James would know it exists. It’s not exactly the most covert hiding place.

  “Wouldn’t that be the first place he looks,” I ask.

  “No, Mayer most likely thinks I’m taking you back to Boston with me, back to Peter.”

  In an attempt to ignore thinking about anything, I watch the other passengers. The two commandos are sleeping, while the businessman, Henderson, is like Finn, working on his computer.

  I wonder why he didn’t bring a Trevor with him, since he was supposedly traveling for business. Speaking of Trevor, he is relaxing against the couch with his attention focused solely on his phone. Every couple of minutes, a smile will flit across his face, and he presses his lips together to suppress a laugh.

  I lean into Finn, whispering loudly. “Does Trevor have a girl or a boyfriend?”

  “What?” He turns his sexy scowl on me.

  “He’s on his phone a lot!”

  “Doing his job.”

  “I’ve been watching him.”

  “What?” Finn snaps his computer shut and turns his full attention toward me.

  “I doubt his working for you is what is making him smile and laugh.”

  “Why do you care?” Finn’s eyebrows scrunch together in a thick, sexy line.

  “I don’t,” I assure him, reaching up and running a finger lightly across his brow.

  “You better not,” he growls and pulls me into a possessive kiss that leaves me breathless and wanting more.

  “I never pegged you for the jealous type.” I giggle, nuzzling his nose. “You’re too arrogant and possessive to be jealous.”

  “That’s right, princess. You’re mine and we both know it.” He smiles as he folds the table back into the couch and wraps his arm around my shoulder.


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