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It Takes An Artist

Page 15

by Edward Kendrick

  "Yes," Trev whispered. "That's exactly what it is."

  Zack eased one finger into Trev, stroking his gland. The resulting gasps of pleasure made him smile with delight. Gently, he pushed a second finger in to stretch his lover, then removed them both, earning a groan of dismay from Trev.

  "If I hurt you," Zack said, pressing his cock to Trev's entrance.

  "I'll live," Trev replied adamantly. "I'm not some wimp."

  Zack chuckled. "That's the last thing you are." Slowly he entered, stroking Trev's back to help him relax until he was fully engulfed in Trev's tight channel. "Ready?" he asked.

  "Oh…yes," Trev moaned.

  Zack eased back and thrust in, need and pleasure almost overriding his desire to make this perfect for Trev. With each thrust, his pace increased. He wrapped his fingers around Trev's cock, smiling when Trev rode his hand to the same beat as his thrusts. "We seem—" he murmured.

  "As if we belong together, doing this?" Trev whispered, seconds before he came with an exultant shout.

  Zack couldn't have replied if he'd wanted to. With one final thrust, he exploded so hard he collapsed onto Trev, taking them both down onto the bed, shaking with their almost-mutual releases.

  It took several minutes before either of them could speak coherently. Then Trev said, "You're the most perfect lover in the world."

  "While I'm sure some people might debate that—" Zack replied, pulling out and sliding off Trev, taking him into his arms.

  "They'd be wrong." Trev emphasized his words with a deep kiss. "You are perfect…to me. For me."

  "I'll try to be. Always," Zack said, returning the kiss with love.

  Trev snuggled against Zack, gazing at him. "I'll try to be the man you want me to be."

  "No, Trev. You'll be the man you are now, because that's who I fell in love with."

  "You really do love me—as much as I love you."

  "Yes," Zack said quietly. "I really do."


  Two weeks later

  "Deep breaths. Calm down," Zack said, straightening Trev's tie.

  "Easy for you to say. It's not your hopes and dreams that are on the line."

  "Everyone will love your work," Zack replied. "Take Clay's word for it, if you won't take mine."

  "I'm trying, but—"

  Amanda, the manager of Clay's gallery, came over, saying with a knowing grin, "The doors open in five minutes, Trev, so try to smile. Right now, you look as serious as Clay does when he has to face the madding crowds."

  "He looks even worse," Clay said, joining them. He clapped his hand on Trev's shoulder. "I only scowl, because I hate—or used to hate—dealing with all the people. You look like you're about to panic or faint, Trev."

  "Because I am?" Trev replied, trying to smile.

  "You'll live through this, and by tomorrow you'll be wondering why you were so terrified. And you'll be rich enough to move into a larger apartment."

  Trev was about to reply when Amanda and Clay left to let the guests in. He watched as people moved from one piece to another, trying to overhear what they were saying.

  "It works better if you move around and meet your soon-to-be fans," Zack told him with a wry grin, as he put his hand at the small of Trev's back, urging him to move.

  Two hours later, Trev was beginning to believe his dreams were coming true. He watched as Amanda put small Sold stickers on some placards by the various pieces, trying not to show how excited he was that someone really had bought them.

  "Told you," Zack whispered in his ear. "Tomorrow, you'll be the talk of the art world. Or at least the Denver art world."

  Trev was about to protest that statement when a reporter, followed by a photographer, corralled him to do a brief interview then take a picture of him beside one of the mobiles.

  "A star is born," Clay said with a grin when the interview was over. "Do I know how to pick them, or do I know how to pick them?" he asked Quint, who'd finally made it to the opening.

  "I believe I was the one who actually found him," Quint retorted. "I just steered you in his direction."

  "A technicality," Clay muttered, getting laughs from Trev, Zack, and Quint.

  The evening finally wound down, much to Trev's relief. While he'd finally gotten the hang of talking to the guests without sounding like a shy teenager—even enjoying it at times—he was ready to go home and collapse. So he didn't protest when Zack suggested it was time to leave.

  "Your place or mine?" Zack asked, when they got to his bike.

  Since at this point Trev was spending more time at Zack's condo than his own apartment, he said, "Yours. Of course I may fall asleep as soon as we hit the bed, but—"

  "It wouldn't surprise me in the least," Zack told him. "You've had one hell of a night—in the best way possible."

  "I wouldn't have made it through without you," Trev said as he put on his helmet and got on the bike, putting his arms around Zack before they took off. He smiled when he heard Zack reply through the helmet mike, "Bull."

  The ride to Zack's condo helped Trev release more of the tension from the excitement of the opening. Once they were in the condo, Zack started to make coffee.

  "You're trying to keep me awake, so you can have your wicked way with me," Trev teased, leaning against the kitchen counter.

  Zack chuckled. "That thought did cross my mind, but once you're totally unwound, I doubt it will work." It wasn't long before he poured them both a cup then they went into the living room. "You're still floating, aren't you?" he said, putting his arm around Trev.

  Trev nodded. "I can't believe…"

  "Believe," Zack said, kissing him gently. Then he said, after a long pause, "Clay said something tonight that got me thinking."

  "What was that?"

  "About how you'll be able to move into a larger apartment." Looking squarely at Trev, with a smile quirking his lips, Zack asked, "Do you think this one is large enough?"

  It took Trev a moment to get what he was saying. Then he replied, "Are you serious?"

  "Very. I know it's fast, but then everything between us has been. You don't have to make up your mind right this minute, and I'll understand if you say no, but—"

  "I think this place is the perfect size, and it comes with the best amenity of all times. You."

  Zack laughed. "Not sure I've ever been called an amenity before, but I'll take it." He hugged Trev, kissing him heartily. "You're sure?"

  "Absolutely, positively, utterly sure," Trev told him enthusiastically. "When?"

  "I'm off next Friday."

  Trev faked a pout. "I have to wait that long?"

  "Afraid so. You can spend the interim packing up."

  With a snort, Trev said, "That will take all of ten minutes."

  "And the rest of the time, you spend at your studio, coming up with more works of art. Now that you're famous, everyone's going to be clamoring for an original Trev Eldridge masterpiece."

  "As if… Still…" Trev positively glowed at that idea.

  "I said it, therefore, it is the truth," Zack told him. "For now, however, I think it's time to get to bed, before you fall asleep and I have to carry you there."

  "I'm not tired yet," Trev said, negating his words when he yawned once, then again.

  "Come on, sleepyhead." Zack got up, pulling Trev to his feet, and after turning off the lights, they went into the bedroom.


  Two months later:

  Quint came into the loft, tossed his jacket on a chair then collapsed on the sofa, calling out, "I'm home."

  "So I see," Clay said, coming out of the studio to join him. "How did it go?"

  "With Reed's testimony, as well as Ross Wells', Carter was convicted on all charges. He'll appeal, of course, but I doubt it will do him any good. Both Reed and Wells were whisked away and are safely hidden—who knows where—thanks to WITSEC."

  "With Carter and Alberts in prison, thanks to you, you can take a break. Right?"

  Quint laughed. "Right. When Hel
l freezes over. You know that."

  "Not even for a week? We could take a vacation somewhere warm, like Italy or France."

  "I think it's almost winter there, as well as here."

  "Okay. How about Australia or the Caribbean?"

  "What's with your sudden desire to see the world?" Quint asked.

  "Because I've never been out of the States? Neither have you, I bet."

  "True, but how about we discuss this in the morning, when I have a working brain." Quint pulled Clay close to kiss him. "Right now, all I want to do is eat and relax."

  Clay grinned wickedly. "Food it is. Then I'll see what I can do—in bed—to relieve the stress you've been under."


  At the same time, across town, Lou Hernandez was also trying to unwind while celebrating the successful conclusion of Carter's trial.

  "I'll have another," Lou told the bartender, tapping his empty beer bottle.

  "You got it, Lou," his favorite bartender said, adding, "I thought two was your limit."

  "Usually, but tonight I'm breaking my rule."

  "I'll pay for it," a man said, taking the empty stool beside Lou, "and one for me, as well."

  Lou turned to see who was offering to buy his drink.

  The man smiled. "We haven't officially met, but I was at both Carter's and Alberts' trials. My name is Gideon Monahan."

  Lou cocked his head. "That rings a bell. I think Quint mentioned you at one point. You have something to do with recovering stolen art."

  "I do—privately. I'm not connected with the FBI or any other law enforcement agencies."

  "So you tracked me down to congratulate me on helping to put Alberts behind bars."

  "Him and Carter. I don't like it when one of my operatives is murdered. That's not the reason I'm here, however. I'm impressed by the job you did to trap Carter. You seem to be good at undercover work, the same way John was."

  Lou shrugged. "I have my moments."

  "I hope they're often, because I have a proposition for you."



  Born and bred Cleveland, I earned a degree in technical theater, later switched to costuming, and headed to NYC. Finally seeing the futility of trying to become rich and famous in the Big Apple, I joined VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America), ending up in Chicago for three years. Then it was on to Denver where I put down roots and worked as a costume designer until just recently.

  I began writing a few years ago after joining an on-line fanfic group. Two friends and I then started a group for writers, where they could post any story they wished no matter the genre or content. Since then, for the last four years, I've been writing for publication—my first book came out in February of 2011. Most, but not all, of my work is m/m, either mildly erotic or purely 'romantic'. More often than not it involves a mystery or action/adventure, and is sometimes paranormal to boot.






  Available from Fireborn Publishing:

  Sui Generis

  The Housemate

  Talbot and the Enforcers


  Love, Death, & Wednesdays

  You Do What You Have To

  The Hybrid Series

  Don't Touch Me

  Off On the Wrong Foot

  Uncanny Activity


  Allyn and Ransom



  The Element Case

  It Takes an Artist

  It Takes a Forger (Coming soon)

  Available from Wilde City Press

  The Actor and the Thief

  Majors' Folly

  L'histoire de Francois – Vampire

  The Vampire's Angel

  Garth's Chronicle

  Available from JMS Books

  Sins of the Fathers

  Hell, Look at Me

  Wrong Side of the Law


  The City PI and the Country Cop

  Art Theft 101

  Never Let Go of Hope

  Let Go of Loneliness

  Dylan's Dilemma

  Sean's Predicament

  Love and Christmas

  Tate's Quandry

  The Hitchhiker Murders

  Perhaps, Someday…

  Available from Totally Bound/Pride Publishing

  Yin and Yang

  The Hit Man Cometh


  Available from Dreamspinner Press

  You Belong to Me




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