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The Scarlet Plan

Page 34

by Rick W. Warren

  Parents of the football players started to get angry at fans that were in agreement with the mockers. Jordan’s dad, Franklin, began to sense the tone of the crowd and knew something was wrong. He leaned over to his wife, Denise, and said, “I don’t like how this is going. I think we should take the kids and go. We can finish watching it at home.”

  Denise saw the worry in Franklin’s eyes and agreed. They stood up and told Josh and Trent’s parents their concern and they agreed with them too. “You can all come over to our house if you want,” Franklin said. “The boys should be there already.”

  They all agreed and began to leave right as the Battle Axes scored again to the building rage of the crowd. Franklin felt even more justified that he made the right decision and no one disagreed with him.

  By the end of the third quarter, Quincy was only down a touchdown from tying the game. Panic came over the whole Galesburg football team as they realized they were in danger of actually losing. They were all exhausted and the voice of the coach had gone hoarse from screaming. It didn’t matter, though. No amount of yelling was going to restore Clayton’s talent or reinvigorate the rest of the team. They already knew their season was over and there was still a quarter left to play.

  As the fourth quarter started, the Quincy quarterback went for a long pass right away and was able to get it to an open receiver. He ran it in for a touchdown tying the game. The Galesburg fans began to loose their minds. Wadded up programs and plastic pop bottles began to get thrown onto the field. The cheerleaders didn’t even try any more routines because when they attempted to do so they were met with harsh boos and jeering. The hopes of the state championship had already faded away.

  With one minute left in the fourth quarter, the Fire and Battle Axes were tied. Clayton had the ball and they still had a chance to win the game. The coach had decided to have the running back run the ball and he actually managed to get some yards. The crowd had begun to regain a little hope and thought that the Fire might still be able to pull it off. With ten seconds left, they were at the ten-yard line. Clayton went to hand the ball off again, but the running back tripped and fell leaving a pass as the only option. He could have knelt on the ball and they would have gone to overtime, but in one last attempt, Clayton still wanted to be the hero. Seeing an open man in the end zone, he planted his feet and threw it to him. The ball was a perfect spiral and was headed straight to his man when suddenly a linebacker flew across the middle and intercepted it.

  Pain coursed through Clayton’s body as he was hit hard simultaneously by two defenders. He heard the snap come from his legs as they landed on him breaking them both. The linebacker, who intercepted the ball, ran unopposed to the end zone right as the time ran out. The Quincy Battle Axes won the game. They jumped up and down in elation as they celebrated in the end zone. No one expected this, not even them. The reaction of the Galesburg fans wasn’t expected either. About two hundred, of them rushed the field in fury. They descended on the winning team and turned it into an all out frenzy. In response, the Quincy fans rushed the field as well to stop the madness, but it only further escalated the melee. Clayton laid on the ground writhing in pain as his teammates also fell down in exhaustion. They were unguarded as a mob of rabid rioters made their way over to him. He had envisioned that by the end of the game he would have been lifted above everyone’s shoulders in victory. Instead, he was being kicked and trampled by enraged fans. Just like that, the dream was gone. His body began to go into shock from the multiple injuries he was receiving. He just wanted to sleep. He just wanted to go home. He closed his eyes and fell unconscious.

  Widespread panic came over everyone. While some of the people were fighting, others were just trying to escape. No emergency personnel were present because they had all been called to other places in the city. Cars crashed into each other in the parking lot as they tried to get out while other people were simply run over. Parents were anxiously looking for their children as they tried to escape in any way possible. It was the worst riot to ever take place in the history of Galesburg and it continued to grow.

  Just when it seemed that it couldn’t get any worse, it did. To the horror of everyone, the gigantic pine trees that ran down the entire length of the practice field, which had served as a windbreak for decades, all of the sudden burst into flame. The heat, even from a distance, was magnificent. People scattered as they ran away from the blaze. What they didn’t expect to see, though, was that as they ran towards the high school it began to erupt into flame as well. The shadows had previously disabled the sprinkler system so nothing could stop the blaze.

  Lance laughed out loud as he drove another stolen truck down Henderson street. He had gotten pretty proficient at it and had become a better driver since he wrecked the previous truck into that van with the woman and her kids. In the back, three shadows hurled more flaming bottles at the different businesses and restaurants that lined the street. A form of mania had come over all of them as they fully gave themselves to the evil of the Scarlet. There was no going back. The destruction they were producing at will was intoxicating, and like the fire itself, they only wanted more.

  Phase three had worked. Galesburg was on fire. The Scarlet plan was carried out.


  Jordan, Josh, and Trent’s family watched the television in horror as it showed the riot and flames. They got home by the time the fourth quarter started and watched as everything fell apart. As they saw the commotion, they locked the doors and everybody gathered to the living room. It was at that moment that Jordan’s mom’s eyes began to widen. “Franklin!”

  “What is it, honey?” He said.

  “Where are the boys? Where’s Jordan?”


  The doors to the barn opened again and this time Damon wasn’t alone. Standing on either side of him were the Actor and the Thinker. Behind them stood about twenty others in two single file lines. They were wearing the hooded robes that Jordan and Trent saw hanging in the barn the first time they were there and in each of their hands they held flaming torches. The acolytes remained outside of the barn while the Thinker, Actor, and Cleaner walked towards Emma.

  “I’ve got an update for you if you’re curious about the football game,” the Actor said with an evil grin. “It seems that Clayton wasn’t as prepared for the game as he thought he was. As a matter of fact, he and his teammates seemed to fall apart. It’s a shame. He could have been something.”

  “That was never your plan!” Aaron replied. “You used him and threw him away like you do with anyone else!”

  “True. Clayton was a pawn in our chess match, but we don’t always sacrifice everyone. However, in your case, I think sacrifice would be an appropriate word.”

  Damon stepped forward and leaned into Convert’s face. “How does it feel to be a complete and total failure again? Right now the city of Galesburg is on fire, people are in hysteria, and there is no one there to help. It won’t be long until the shadows reach Marie’s house. I guess the only good thing you could take from this is that you and her will be reunited with Ralph and Jack very soon.”

  Convert flexed and once again could not break his bonds. He wanted to rip out of his chair and grab Damon’s neck. “Know this, Demon!” He said through clinched teeth. “No matter what happens today, you will pay for all you have done!”

  The guys were terrified as they listened behind the hay bales. No one knew they were there, but they had no idea what to do or how to escape. Something clicked in Jordan’s mind, however, when he heard Convert call Damon, “Demon.”

  “Demon,” he whispered to himself as he was lost in thought.

  “What’s significant about that?” Mark whispered back.

  “I think I have an idea, but we have to wait for the right moment,” Jordan replied.

  Actor walked over to Emma and gently grabbed her chin. She recoiled from him, but had nowhere to go. “Such a pretty woman,” he said as
he looked at Aaron. “I can see why you like her. It’s a shame you all had to interfere. We might have spared you, but there is no way now. She will be a wonderful gift to our gods and you will soon follow. Cleaner, prepare the gift.”

  Damon walked over to her and unsheathed his knife. With quick precise motions, he cut off the duct tape and stood her up. The Thinker walked up to her and quickly tied her hands with a rope and held the slack in order to lead her outside.

  Panic came over Aaron as he sat unable to help her. “Emma!” He said. “I love you!”

  She looked at him with her usual sweet smile as a tear ran down her cheek, “I love you, too. You’re still my Superman.”

  “Damon!” Convert yelled. “Leave them alone! Take me instead!”

  Damon laughed at him. “Don’t be so hasty. You’ll all get your turn.”

  Aaron and Convert both shook to get free as they saw the Thinker and Actor lead Emma outside. Once they left the barn, Damon closed the doors and stood looking at the both of them with a look of pure demonic delight. “The last thing I ever want you to hear from Emma is her scream.”


  Eric and three other shadows stood in front of the McKenzie’s house, each with a gasoline filled bottle in their hands. “Everyone take a different side,” Eric said. “We’re going to make sure this one goes up quick.”

  They began to walk forward when suddenly Marie stepped outside of the screen door onto the front steps. Her face was stern as she looked at her would be arsonists. “What have you done?” She said. “Think of the many lives you have destroyed tonight!”

  “Shut up, you old bag!” Eric said as he held up his bottle. “We rule the night! Everyone pays for crossing us and there is nothing you can do about it! Be sure to tell Convert hello for me! You’ll be seeing him soon on the other side!”

  Marie walked down the stairs and stood on the sidewalk. Her eyes never left Eric’s. They would have to go through her. “Get away from my house!” She screamed.

  At that moment, the shadows’ faces turned from joy to horror as they saw someone appear behind Marie. In brilliant, overbearing light stood an angel. He was holding a sword of fire and he began to point it straight towards them. As he did, the bottles in each of the shadow’s hands exploded and caught their clothes on fire. All of them ran screaming as they frantically started ripping off clothing trying to snuff themselves out. They rolled and jumped and patted themselves down as they fled. Their night of terror was over.

  Marie walked down the sidewalk surprised by what had happened. She saw one of their hooded sweatshirts laying on the sidewalk burning. She quickly stamped it out and turned to go back. When she looked at the house, she saw no one. The angel was gone without her knowing he was ever there.


  The robed figures took their place around the ornate table that sat in the middle of the circle of torches. Emma walked with her hands tied in front of her as the Thinker led her to the table. The Actor walked over to a smaller table covered with a cloth. He took it off to reveal three ornate daggers. Emma figured it was one for each of them.

  The Actor walked over to Emma and grabbed the rope around her hands. With unbelievable sharpness, the knife cut through the rope like it was warm butter. Emma stared right into his eyes and said, “I just want to thank you.”

  The Actor raised his eyebrows. “You do? For what exactly?”

  “I want to thank you for giving me the biggest story of my career. When this is all over, I’m going to expose the entire world to the Scarlet and you will never see the light of day again.”

  The Actor and Thinker both laughed out loud at what she said. “I’m sure this would make a great story,” Thinker said. “The only problem is that you’re never going to get that chance. Anyway, your story would be incomplete. You only know the tip of the iceberg when it comes to us. Look at our acolytes here around us. They all live in the city. They do the Scarlet’s work and even now you have no idea who they are. Your life ends tonight, but the Scarlet will remain.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong,” Emma said. “Even if you get rid of us tonight, you will never defeat those who are God’s. The remnant will always remain!”

  Thinker looked over at Actor. “Enough talk. Tie her to the table. We have a gift to offer.”


  Convert and Aaron stared at each other as Damon started laughing. Outside they started to hear a chant.

  “Do you hear that?” Damon said. “That chanting means it almost time for the gift to be given. I can’t wait to see the look on your faces when it happens. This couldn’t have worked out better for me.”

  Jordan began to move to the edge of the hay bales. It was now or never. The other three stared in horror as Jordan stood up and began to walk out of the stall.

  “What are you doing?” Josh said as quietly as he could. “Sit down! You’re going to get killed!”

  Jordan looked back. “It’s the only way to save them. Trust me.”

  Jordan looked forward and walked out into the middle of the barn. Damon cut his laughter short simply from the surprise of Jordan’s appearance out of nowhere. Aaron and Convert noticed that Damon was looking beyond them and turned in shock to see Jordan standing there alone.

  “Jordan!” Aaron yelled. “No!”

  “It’s ok, Pastor Aaron,” Jordan said. “I know why we’re here now.”

  “Don’t touch the kid, Damon!” Convert said. “Is there anything beneath even you?”

  “Well, if it isn’t Jordan Bennet,” Damon said with joy. “As if the night couldn’t get any better, you show up on my doorstep to die as well. I don’t know what it is with all of you. It’s like you’re asking to be killed just like Jack was.”

  “No,” Jordan said. “I’m here to fulfill what Jack said would happen to you. He told you your power would be rebuked and lost. I’m making sure your reign of evil ends tonight.”

  Damon began to scowl. “Jack knew nothing. Just like you. I knew I would find you eventually. You stayed well hidden, but after I take care of all of you here I will hunt your friends down too.”

  At that moment, Trent, Mark, and Josh all came out from behind the hay and stood with their friend. “How’s the knee?” Trent said with his usual smirk.

  Damon laughed again. “I can’t believe this. It’s not even work with you guys. Are you going to hand me a knife to kill you with too?”

  “Actually,” Josh said, “I’d like to get my phone back. While you were looking for us, we knew where you were the whole time. You should get some more tech savvy. It might help you in the future.”

  Damon frowned as he realized what Josh said was true. He stepped through Aaron and Convert and started walking towards the guys as he unsheathed his knife. “No more mistakes, then.”

  Mark stood next to Jordan and said, “He who is in us is greater than He who is in the world!”

  “DAMON! YOU COWARD!” Convert screamed with rage as Damon advanced.

  Jordan stood calmly and raised his hand towards Damon who was about thirty feet away. “In the name of Jesus Christ, I command those inside of you to be gone!”

  Damon froze in his tracks as the voices exploded inside his head. It wasn’t from rage. It was fear.

  Damon staggered. For the first time, they all saw something other than evil in his eyes. They saw fear. Damon knew he was in trouble and with panicked urgency he started walking towards them again.

  Once again, Jordan cried out, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I command those inside of you to be gone!”

  This time Damon dropped his knife as he put his hands to his head. It was pure torture as they tried to cling on to him. The pain was too much as he felt like his head was going to explode.

  Now in unison, Jordan, Josh, Trent, and Mark held their hands out together and shouted, “In the name of Jesus Christ, we command those inside of you to be go

  Damon looked to the ceiling and screamed with his arms splayed out as the numerous demons inside of him departed from his body. He convulsed and howled while the demons spat curses as they left. He had been their host for forty years and they had been the source of his diabolical power. Now he violently shook as the last of them left. In fear and exhaustion, Damon turned to look at Convert and in that very moment Convert felt his strength return to him.

  “Yes!” Convert said in elation as he ripped his arms out from his bonds. The chair splintered and collapsed as he stood up and straightened himself. Damon sneered as he gave a look of absolute hatred to his old rival. With all the strength he had left, he leapt at Convert like a wild animal. Convert stepped forward and planted his foot square in Damon’s chest, which sent him cartwheeling towards the guys. Damon landed unconscious before them.

  “Guys!” Aaron said. “Get me out. We have to save Emma!”

  Trent ran over and grabbed Damon’s knife. He cut the tape free while the other guys helped rip it off. Convert quickly grabbed a rope and tied Damon’s hands and feet together. With his strength back, no one would break the knots he made.

  “What do we do now?” Mark asked.

  “You guys watch Damon and make sure he stays put,” Aaron said. “The demons are gone from him so his strength is gone too. Convert and I are going to get Emma and put an end to all of this.”

  “Ok,” Jordan said. “Go get her.”

  “You ready, Convert?” Aaron said.

  Convert ran towards the barn doors. “This is the moment I’ve been waiting for!”


  Emma struggled as her hands and feet were tied to the corners of the table. They continued the same chant, “The Scarlet thread runs through it all,” over and over again. It began to drive her mad as it got louder and louder. She looked in fear as she saw the Actor grab the first knife from the table.


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