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Dark Consequences (Club Risque Book 4)

Page 18

by Poppy Flynn

  Connor chuckled darkly, obviously seeing the same thing. "I'm going to fuck this beautiful ass," he confided.

  Laurel shuddered in trepidation at the thought of his huge girth plumbing her most private of places. It wasn't as if she didn't enjoy anal sex or even that the two of them hadn't experimented with it before. It was just that Connor had always been so cautious and almost gentle in the past, mindful of his size and never pushing too hard. He had been careful to prepare her thoroughly and painstakingly beforehand, and this time, she instinctively knew there would be none of that. It was almost as if Connor was deliberately pushing her to the very edges of her limits and then coaxing her beyond. She didn't have the opportunity to consider it any longer as Connor added, "But not before I've heated it properly first."

  With only that barest moment of warning and without any chance to prepare, Laurel felt the uncompromising pelt of a paddle raining down on her sensitive sit spot, one of the few places where she hadn't already been marked. Well, it looked like that was about to change.

  The paddling was swift and thorough, turning her butt a bright rosy red and lighting up her skin so that the heat seemed to fan out and flood into the rest of her body. Each perfectly placed swat morphed into intoxicating ribbons of pleasure which spiralled her need higher and higher until she realised she was panting and begging for one of the men to fill her and ease the delicious tension that had twisted her to bursting point.

  And then he was there, behind her, slicking her puckered little rosette with a blessedly vast amount of lube, preparing her with his fingers. Stretching and scissoring, making her shudder for the completion she was so desperate to achieve.

  In front of her, Laurel was vaguely aware that Master X had started to unwind the breast bondage but doing so in such a way that there was still a single cord of rope waiting to be cut before the plump, engorged globes were finally free.

  Before that happened, Connor began the task of burrowing his thick, hard cock into her ass. Laurel gasped and let out a deep and guttural groan at the unceasing stretching and burning sensation, which ensued, and Xavier took advantage of her open mouth and distracted her by pushing his own meaty cock past her parted lips. And that was when she realised the full implication of the last thread of rope that bound her bulging breasts.

  Once he was fully seated at the back of her throat, Master X cut the last rope in one single deft movement and Laurel screamed long and hard around him as the blood rushed back into her aching mounds. Connor took advantage of her distraction to plunge himself fully home and the searing pain had her screaming all over again with barely a breath in between.

  Each of the men took a breast in their hand and plucked and massaged alternately spreading and perpetuating the delicious agony with a randomness that sent her senses into orbit.

  The feel of two different sets of fingers on her body, each doing their own thing, was mind boggling and Laurel's head was spinning, her mind careening from the combined assault to her senses. It was like nothing she had ever known in her entire life.

  Master X held her brutally by the hair, the pinpricks of discomfort at his harsh hold sending muddled messages of pleasure and pain from her scalp to her invisibly clenching core as he controlled even the tiniest movement of her head while he fucked her mouth. There was no other way to describe it. He simply took her and used her, and even though she'd had no interaction with him before this scene, she felt a strange kind of intimacy with the older man as she allowed him to use her body for his own pleasure.

  Connor was holding nothing back, and even as her conscious mind gloried at the knowledge that he had abandoned all semblance of control, that she herself had been able to bring him to that glorious place, the conflicting sensations of rapture and torment sent her into complete sensory overload and Laurel completely zoned out as she launched deeply into subspace.

  Laurel was oblivious to the spectacle they made to those around them. Unaware of the guttural noises and grunts of animal fuelled lust that seeped from around Master X's thrusting shaft. All she knew was the clawing desperation of the climax she was so desperate to reach as she climbed higher and higher at the multiple assault from the endeavours of these two men on her senses. Her pussy wept and sucked wildly at nothing, frustrating her beyond belief even as Connor pounded and filled her other hole. As if he were attuned to her most basic needs, Connor reached down and caught her clit tightly between his index and middle fingers, pinching and manipulating it in tight little circles all at the same time and that was all Laurel could bear. Suddenly, she not only found herself at the summit of that elevation she'd been scaling, but forcefully shoved off of the edge. She howled out her pleasure and the pinnacle of vibration tipped Xavier over the edge at the same time, sending long ribbons of semen spurting down the back of her throat and dribbling from the sides of her mouth. A moment later, Connor roared out his own completion and both men rode the waves of her orgasm, X grasping her hair that much tighter in his ecstasy and Connor grasping her hips in a bruising grip as he bottomed out inside her, filling her with his seed.

  All that was left was a glorious cacophony of feeling and sensation. No longer any individual threads of pleasure and pain to intertwine, just one magnificent sensation of sheer euphoria with the love she felt for Connor at the very centre.

  Chapter 12

  The following day, Laurel was filled with a desperation born of confusion. The events of the previous evening had been near to life altering for Laurel. She had never felt closer or more in tune with a man in her entire life and had finished out the evening feeling an unexpected affinity to Master X also, something she hesitated to dissect too much as it made her slightly uncomfortable.

  Today, however, Connor was more detached than ever. It had started last night right after the end of their scene, although, in truth, Laurel had been too out of it during that splendid aftermath to be completely cognizant of the fact.

  Now, though, the fact that he had left her aftercare entirely in the hands of Master X was screaming glaringly to her apprehension. Everything had been so beautiful and mind blowing that Laurel hadn't even realised for a while that it was Xavier who was cuddling and coaxing her to take the little pieces of chocolate he held out to her or who encouraged her to drink plenty of water. All she had known was that she was shattered and sated and connected on a whole other, mind blowing level. When she had finally come to enough to realise that it was Master X cuddling and crooning and telling her what a good girl she was, Laurel had felt an acute embarrassment and had attempted to flee. Not that he had let her, of course. A sadist he might be, but the man took his aftercare responsibilities extremely seriously.

  Unlike Connor, it would seem. Or had he just been suffering from the same mind-blowing connection that she had felt, herself, and needed his own time and space to deal with it? Whichever was the case, Laurel far preferred to think that it might be the latter. She just couldn't imagine that an experience, which had been so very intimate and meaningful to her, wouldn't have been shared and reciprocated by anybody else involved. Heck, even Master X, himself, hadn't appeared unaffected and he wasn't connected to their involvement in any way, shape, or form. He was just a random third who had been invited, temporarily, into their space for the mutual satisfaction of the three of them, no strings attached. And yet as he had held her and tended to her, stroked her hair and ensured himself of her comfort, he had also given away the depth of his own engagement.

  As she sat at her desk, staring into space, Laurel thought back on their brief conversation before she had extracted herself and convinced him that she was more than capable of getting herself home safely.

  "Well, my little odalisque, it would appear that you are a bit more of a masochist than I ever believed. Did you enjoy the experience?"

  If she'd had any energy, Laurel would have snorted indelicately at his question, probably enough to offend him. As it was, she simply let out a soft whisper of a laugh before she answered him honestly. "You know I di
d." There was no point in denying it, after all. He had been there!

  "Perhaps you would do me the honour of allowing me to join you in a scene on another occasion?"

  "Umm, I guess that depends on Connor," Laurel hedged.

  "Either with or without Master Connor," the sadist suggested, and Laurel was at a loss of how to answer. The man was mesmerising and carried such an aura of dominant power that Laurel couldn't help but be affected by it. But she didn't think that was something unique to her. Laurel was pretty certain that Master Xavier had the same effect on every single sub he came into contact with. It was just an integral part of his persona, but that still didn't stop the shock she had felt at his next words.

  "I think you would make a perfectly delightful slave. Let me know if you are ever in the market to give it a try."

  With those shocking parting words as he walked her to her car, he had kissed her on the forehead, folded her into the driver's seat and watched until she was out of sight.

  Now, in the cold light of day, the whole exchange seemed somewhat surreal and Laurel almost wondered if she had imagined it all.

  In fact, she could almost wonder if she hadn't dreamt up the entire evening now that she was in her office trying to concentrate on the mundane, while Connor treated her with an aloof reserve that belied the staggering intimacy of the previous night. Even his recent temper and the odd mood swings seemed to be absent, and somehow, even that served to leave Laurel strangely off balance.

  Things remained like that for the entire day, with Connor treating her with the same respect and reserve with which he would treat any other member of staff, and Laurel didn't mind admitting that it was a bit unnerving after the way everything had played out over the past two weeks, even though she was also glad of the reprieve.

  Connor closed himself off in his office for as much of the day as he possibly could. The insomnia that had been plaguing him had left him with an incessant headache, which he had hoped would have been eased last night. And it had been, for a little while. Until just after the end of the mind-blowing scene he had shared with Xavier and Fluff.

  She had been nothing short of magnificent, and Connor had felt an almost physical ache in his chest at her willingness to submit to his unpredictable whims so that he would have sworn his heart actually expanded within his rib cage.

  Or maybe he was just having early onset heart problems. Maybe that would explain the host of unexpected symptoms he'd been plagued with for the past fortnight. Symptoms which seemed to have taken a turn for the worse since last night, forcing him to flee the club in a panic and leave Fluff's aftercare in Xavier's hands.

  Guilt rode him hard at his inexcusable failure, but perhaps it had been for the best. In retrospect, Connor wasn't at all certain that he could have provided what she needed, in which case the responsible thing for any good Dom to do was, in fact, to leave her in the care of someone who could. Hell, he'd felt as if he needed aftercare, himself, after his response to the most overwhelming scene of his life. Almost as soon as he'd pumped his seed inside her hot, tight hole, he'd had an almost paralysing feeling of sheer anxiety wash over him. For the life of him, he couldn't say what had caused it, although he recognised the debilitating sensation from a couple of similar episodes in his teens. The last of which, he completely refused to think about.

  A wave of dizziness so strong had washed over him that it had left him with an upset stomach and clammy hands that had trembled so badly, he'd had to make several attempts to start his car before he managed to get back to his hotel. Once there, he had raided the complimentary section of the small fridge for some chocolate, thinking he must have the male equivalent of sub drop. Although rare, it wasn't unheard of after a particularly overwhelming scene. Then he'd forced himself to drink an entire bottle of water in case he was dehydrated—a far more common occurrence—and, finally, he had taken himself off to the shower to clean himself up and hopefully ease the tightness in his muscles that he'd been plagued with all the way home.

  None of it had helped very much. When he had thought he would fall into bed and sleep the blessed sleep of sated exhaustion, he had instead tossed and turned, kept awake by the raging headache which had returned and the tenseness in his muscles which had turned into a physical ache. After two hours, which he had spent getting more and more irate with the situation, he had finally given in and found himself some Ibuprofen. An hour later, when even those had failed to work, he had hunted down some paracetamol and chased those down with two fingers of brandy before he had finally fallen into a disturbed and fitful sleep filled with vague shadowy figures which he couldn't make out but instinctively identified as female and which, somehow, instilled a huge amount of fear in him. He had awoken in the darkest hour before dawn in a cold sweat, his body clammy and trembling, and his muscles just as tense as when he'd turned in, after barely two hours of inadequate sleep.

  With his host of symptoms firmly in tow when Connor had made it into work, he had trudged despondently to the company nurse, convinced he was coming down with something. Then he had almost bitten the poor woman's head off when she had told him that he should make an appointment with his doctor because his blood pressure was unusually high. He had caught himself mid-rage, wondering what the hell had gotten into him, before he apologised profusely and made his way back to the confines of his office where he had stayed for the rest of the day. Thank goodness the nurse had taken his outbreak in her stride and put it down to how unwell he was feeling.

  Unfortunately, his usual GP was over a thousand miles away, near his home on the south coast, so, while he dutifully scheduled an appointment, it would be a few weeks yet before he would be able to see him, especially since Joel and Desi had decided to extend their honeymoon by another four weeks.

  Connor hadn't been planning to call in at Club Risqué that evening. He had purposefully avoided Laurel as much as he could that day as being around her seemed to have the effect of sending his weird feelings of anxiety into overdrive. But as nighttime came around and Connor felt more and more fragmented, he decided he needed the distraction.

  As he walked through the lower level, Connor felt a welcome calm seep over him as he stood and appreciated a couple of the scenes taking place on the exhibition platforms raised above the dance floor with a certain pride. All of this belonged to him. Well, him, Jake, Joel, and Logan but it was the same thing.

  While glaringly different from the opulence and luxury of the original Club Risqué, Connor loved this venue just as much for its diversity. It was good that the two places had their own identity. It was the core values at the heart of their management that were the important thing. The fact that they pursued the highest possible standards and upheld the core values of 'Safe, Sane and Consensual'.

  Sighing in satisfaction, Connor headed for the bar. He wasn't sure that he really wanted to scene tonight. Last night would be a hard act to follow, after all, despite the insane jealousy that he'd had to try and push aside at the sight of Xavier's hands all over his girl. No! She wasn't his girl and he hadn't been jealous, Connor told himself darkly, no matter how much he had wanted to rip Master X away from Fluff on occasion, it most certainly didn't have anything to do with any proprietary feelings he had toward her. It had just been the intensity of the moment, because, wow, what amazing moments they had been!

  His smile widened as he saw Xavier at the bar, along with Micah Flynn, the club's manager and psychologist. Perfect, he could just sit and have a drink with his friends and chill for a little while and he could prove to himself that there were no hard feelings.

  "Hey, guys," he greeted as he stopped next to them and gestured the barman for service. It was quick in coming, even though the staff didn't know him as one of the co-owners, and that gave Connor an even deeper sense of satisfaction. They had built a good team here.

  "What are you looking so smug about?" Micah queried when Connor finally sat down with his brandy.

  "Just thinking how well everything has turned out h
ere." Connor smiled, saluting the two men with his glass but careful to keep his comments to generalities rather than the possessive, since Xavier was amongst those who weren't aware of his involvement in the club and Connor intended to keep it that way.

  The older man nodded his agreement, his near black coloured eyes moving across the panorama that spread out around them in appreciation.

  "Certainly has," he agreed. "Didn't used to come here much before the new owners changed everything up. Made the one-hundred-mile round trip once a week to 'Chains'," he mentioned their closest serious rival. There were closer clubs, but none of the same standard. "Now that this place is up and running, I can make it two or three times a week and maybe have a chance of finding that full time slave I'm looking for."

  Yes, Connor thought, they'd definitely done a good thing here and he was pleased to hear the positive feedback from their members.

  "So, what's the deal with you and the little girl from last night?" Xavier asked shrewdly.

  Connor turned sharply to look at the sadist, wondering at the other Dom's interest, but it was Micah who caught his eye and raised his eyebrow in silent query.

  Connor made a deliberate effort to calm his suddenly racing heart and reply as if there was really nothing pertinent to report there…which there wasn't, was there?

  "No deal," Connor declared firmly. "We play together when I'm in town, but that's the sum of it."

  Xavier turned interested eyes on Connor upon hearing his reply. "Really? No contract, no dating, no obligation?"

  Connor shrugged with an indifference he was far from feeling. "We work together, so it's convenient. She cooks for me sometimes, so I don't have to eat in restaurants the whole time I'm here, but that's just a friend thing and that's as far as it goes. No strings, no commitment. No exclusivity. She's free to do her own thing, and so am I. That's always been our agreement." Connor wondered why the words tasted like sawdust in his mouth, but they were nothing if not true.


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