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Fixing You: A steamy summer romance. (You Collection Book 3)

Page 5

by Roya Carmen

  "Ethan," she cheered. "You brought pie."

  He handed her the plate. "Yeah, it's the one Kirsten and I baked." A vision of Kirsten brought to orgasm suddenly clouded his brain. He shook it off instantly. He wondered if he could think straight for even a single second. It seemed like he hadn't ever since that Beef Bourguignon dinner.

  He smiled when he spotted Kirsten in her flannel pajama pants and pink tank top. How he would love to rip those off of her, he mused. Damn, there he went again, fixated on sex... sex with her specifically. She folded her arms over her breasts but not before he spotted the outlines of her nipples. Damn. He had to focus not to get aroused again.

  "Hi," she said, shy. "Thanks for the pie."

  "I thought you'd want to taste your first masterpiece."

  "Are you sure you don't want any," she asked. "I can save you a slice."

  Here was the perfect excuse to get her at his place again, but he couldn't go there. He knew if he had her at his place, he would certainly have his way with her. And she would most definitely let him. But Kirsten wasn't the kind of girl you played with like that. She was too serious. He cared for her and he didn't want to hurt her. He was a player, not boyfriend material. "No," he smiled as he told her, "I can make another one if the craving strikes... easy as pie."

  She smiled and thanked him again, one arm still bashfully crossed over her chest. She did not invite him to stay. He understood. After all, it was early morning and she was still in her pajamas, probably about to get ready for work.

  All future meetings would have to be conducted in public locales, he concluded. He played the possibilities in his head as he walked to work. Cafés, restaurants, coffee shops, public parks. It would be for the best. And he was starting to rethink the last lesson: sex. It would probably be best if he just went over the basics without a hands-on lesson. His insane attraction to her had made him suggest it at first, but now that he had gotten to know her better, he realized what a horrible idea that would be with a woman like Kirsten.

  As much as he wanted to, he couldn't do that to her. Because if there was one thing he was not interested in, it was the whole relationship and marriage thing. Why fall in love and marry a woman, and father a few kids, if she's just going to leave you for the first tattooed brooding artist she sees. He was not walking in his father's footsteps. He had inherited his smarts for business, but not his soft heart. He could still remember, after all these years, the pain his father had suffered at his mother's hands.

  Kirsten sat at the fountain at the shopping center, pulling at the sleeves of her sweater, surprised at how nervous she was to be meeting Meghan. Ethan had told her Meghan was great, and very down-to-earth. But still... Kirsten hated first impressions.

  She knew it was her as soon as she spotted her in the distance; tall heels, blow-out, gorgeous sheath dress and matching jacket. The girl definitely had style.

  Meghan practically sprinted in her heels. "You must be Kirsten."

  Kirsten wondered for a second how she could be so sure. "Yep, that's me," she offered with a smile.

  "I knew because Ethan told me all about you."

  Kirsten wondered what he had told her. Probably something along the lines of 'look for a short uptight nerdy girl with geeky glasses'. Or perhaps it was something a little more flattering. She didn't dare ask. "It's nice to meet you," she said instead, following her new girlfriend's lead as she tilted her head and suggested getting started. This woman did not waste any time, and Kirsten liked that.

  They practically raced from store to store, picking up makeup, lingerie (which Kirsten hoped she would get to use sometime in the near future, perhaps with Ethan), and a few token pieces for work and play (conservative but slightly seductive). Meghan was really a pro, moving along with the efficiency of someone who had clearly done this many times before. Kirsten was delighted. She usually hated shopping and often had no clue where to go. They followed up with a sushi lunch at the food court.

  "Thanks so much, Meghan," Kirsten offered over a tray of California rolls, her favorite. "It's so nice of you to take time out like this to help me. I'm pretty useless when it comes to shopping and fashion."

  Meghan smiled wide and Kirsten couldn't help but notice how much she looked like her brother, same engaging blue eyes and wide smile. "Are you kidding me," she cheered. "Shopping is what I live for. And when Ethan told me all about you, I couldn't wait to help him with his little project."

  Kirsten sneered. "He called me his little project?"

  Meghan laughed. "He did. But he said it with the best of intentions. He sounds like he's really into it. I haven't seen him this animated in a while," she added just before popping a sushi roll in her mouth.

  Kirsten smiled. She liked the idea of Ethan being excited about her, even if it was just about achieving a goal, seeing it through to its fruition. He seemed like the goal-oriented type. His success would certainly indicate as much. She wanted to learn more about the enigmatic Ethan Fox and this was the perfect opportunity to do so. "So you two are close?"

  Meghan nodded with gusto. "Thick as thieves. We're best friends."

  "That's nice." Kirsten wished she had a sibling too. She always had. She had always vowed that when she had children, she'd have at least two.

  "He's only two years older than me. We were always close," Meghan carried on. "But we got even closer when our parents divorced."

  "Oh... I'm sorry," Kirsten offered. "My parents divorced too... well they separated. They were never married,” she trailed off, hating how awkward she always got in intimate conversations.

  "So you must know how it is," Meghan went on. "Our mother left our dad for an artist, and left us with a succession of nannies. We'd see her once in a while when the mood struck her," she carried on, sipping her iced tea, having abandoned her food. "And to make matters worse, shortly thereafter, our father paraded around with a bunch of gold-diggers."

  "Wow," was all Kirsten could say. "And I thought my childhood was interesting."

  Meghan smiled wide. "I can't believe your mother is Lorraine Beals... she's my favorite. It must have been so much fun growing up with her."

  Kirsten gave her a tight smile. "It was and it wasn't. My mom was always really into her writing so I kind of took to cuddling next to her on the sofa. And while she tapped away on her laptop, I read books."

  "Oh... that's so cute."

  Kirsten liked Meghan. She'd always been quick to decide whether she liked a person or not, as she had with Ethan. He had gotten a 'no' at first impression. But his sister got a definite 'yes'.

  "So after lunch, we'll head off to this little place I know for a cute cocktail dress. Every single girl needs a sexy little dress."

  "Sure," Kirsten agreed. She owned a few dresses but none she could have described as 'sexy little dress'.

  "And then we'll go back to your place and I'll give you a quick makeover, teach you a few tips."

  Kirsten smiled and gestured to herself. "Yeah... I probably need it. This is as good as I get when it comes to makeup and hair.”

  Meghan drained her glass of iced tea. "You look nice," she told her. "You just need a little more for nighttime, for going out. You have such gorgeous eyes. We could really make them pop."

  And hour later, they were at the cashier buying a beautiful yellow designer cocktail dress. Meghan had gotten a discount of 20%. It was a little more than Kirsten usually paid for a dress but she thought it was about time she invested a little in herself. She had really liked the dress. The color suited her coloring and the fabric was so luxurious. It made her feel like a princess, a naughty sexy princess.

  "God, I wish I had your hair," Meghan said as she curled the last strand of Kirsten's long dark mane. "You are so lucky."

  "But you have great hair," Kirsten argued. "Do you have any idea how many women would kill to have naturally blonde hair."

  "Yeah... but it's thin," Meghan explained with a little tease at Kirsten's crown. "Yours is luscious and thick, something a man
could really sink his hands into."

  At Meghan's words, Kirsten imagined Ethan's long fingers in her hair. She shook her head clear.

  "You don't like it?"

  Kirsten smiled. "No, I love it." She stood and added one last dab of lip gloss, a final touch-up. She looked completely different. She was still the same woman, but more confident, sexier. She loved it.

  A mischievous grin slowly stretched Meghan's lips. "Now, let's go show you off to my big brother, and see what he thinks of all my hard work."

  Kirsten's heart skipped a beat at Meghan's words. She was both scared and excited. What would Ethan think?

  As Meghan tapped the door, she smiled wide at Kirsten, a silent encouragement of sorts. Ethan answered and swallowed his little sister in his arms with a bear hug. He paid no attention to Kirsten. Only because... he hadn't noticed her.

  But when his gaze fell on her, he faltered for a second and took her in with wide eyes, from top to bottom, and back up again. "Wow."

  She blushed. And she couldn't believe she was blushing. She wished she could say something clever instead of standing there like a statue, turning crimson under his stare. But it was no use. Her brain was simply not functional under his scrutiny. She wanted his approval. After all, this was all part of the lesson.

  "So what do you think?" Meghan ventured.

  He bit down a playful smile. "I like it. I believe you get an A+, Miss Beals."


  So Mr. Fox approves?

  Kirsten held her breath. God... he was being so seductive. He didn't seem to care that his sister was standing right there.

  Almost as if following his cue, Meghan walked towards the door. "Well, I should get going. I'm late meeting Kyle."

  "Sure," Ethan said, not taking his eyes off Kirsten. Suddenly, he couldn't have cared less about his little sister.

  Kirsten was feeling all out of sorts. She did not have the experience to handle the look he was giving her. She definitely needed more lessons. "Yeah, I should go too," she said, following Meghan back to the door.

  He rushed to her and grabbed her wrist. "Wait..." he said. "We need to discuss this dress."

  Meghan shot Kirsten a mischievous smile. She too, knew what her brother was up to. "Have fun, guys," she cheered as she left.

  Oh my... the way Ethan was staring at her was intense.

  "About this dress," he started, delicately wrapping his arm around her waist. He was putting her on the spot again. Was this part of the lesson? Or was this just about him wanting her? She didn't know how to react. She decided to play it cool, to not get too excited, like she had the last time he had seduced her. Perhaps he was testing her.

  Looking at him straight in the eye and acting coy, she asked, "What about it?" She was learning. Slowly but surely.

  "It's sexy as hell," he told her, playing with the hem of the fabric, rubbing it between his fingers, "and soft."

  She smiled. "I know. That's what I like about it too," she told him." "So Mr. Fox approves?"

  He pressed her closer against him. "Very much." His gaze fixed hers for an eternity before he spoke again. "You look beautiful."

  She was at a loss for words. His sweetness was unexpected. He took her hand and she walked with him in the tall heels she had chosen just for the dress. As he sat on the edge of the back of the sectional sofa, he pulled her close to him. She was sure he was going to kiss her, but instead he just tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "My sister did an amazing job," he told her, baby-blues intense. "You look very... fuckable."

  She felt a rush of heat between her legs at the words on his lips. That's just what she wanted to be at this moment. Fuckable. She wanted him to have his way with her. But then he pushed her away softly and asked her to turn around. And she did.

  He trailed his finger along the embroidered edge of the deep V cut. "I love the back.”

  She closed her eyes, enjoying his touch and wanting more. “Take it off," she whispered, the words barely audible.

  His breath was warm on her shoulder as his hand stilled. "Pardon... what was that?"

  "Take off the dress," she repeated, a little louder.

  "I can," he said, his voice soft. "And what then... what do you want then?”

  She couldn't say the words.

  "Tell me what you want," he pressed, the palm of his hand hot on her back. "I want to hear you say it."

  "You..." she started, gathering the courage to say what was on her mind. "You said I looked fuckable," she added, her voice shaky. Her heart pounded as she struggled to find the courage to say the words out loud. This behavior wasn't like her, but then again, Ethan had a way of completely consuming her, like a drug, making her behave completely unlike herself.

  "Then fuck me," she finally whispered the words, and as she did, an intense pressure consumed her entire core. She desperately needed it to be released. "That's... what I want,” she added, breathless.

  The words had barely slipped out of her mouth when he pressed himself against her and slammed her against the back of the sofa, one hand clawing at her back zipper and the other pulling at her hair. She realized how intense he was as his mouth bit at the flesh on the back of her neck. She was his. Completely his. Her body had completely melted under his touch. He trailed his tongue down her back as he unzipped her. She still couldn't believe they were doing this as he peeled the dress off.

  She knew this was just a rebound fling. She told herself this didn't mean anything. He kissed the soft flesh of her rear as he peeled off her pink cotton panties, and she literally ached for him. She wanted to turn around to kiss him, but she remembered the previous lesson when he had told her not to be so eager. And obviously, this boy had a little bit of an ass fetish. She reveled in him, and with every touch, every lick and bite, she got more aroused. And then suddenly, as he slid her panties around the tall sexy heels, reality set in.

  "Ethan..." she breathed. "Do you have a..."

  He pulled away. "Not on me... but just a second. Do not move an inch."

  He raced to his desk. She closed her eyes, anticipating his return. She felt absolutely wicked leaning against the sofa in nothing but her sexy heels and brassiere. He was quick but it still wasn't quick enough. She couldn't wait to have him inside her.

  He trailed kisses down her back as he stroked her ass. "How much do you want me?" he asked and she could feel his smile pressed against her shoulder.

  She closed her eyes trying to lock in the feel of his touch, the sound of his voice, his earthy smell. "So much..." she breathed.

  He trailed his fingers to her wetness and they both knew there was no more foreplay needed. He was gentle when he sank into her. He felt so fantastic. She couldn't believe how good he felt. It had been way too long.

  "You feel amazing," he breathed.

  She let out a languid moan as he pushed deeper. Her eyes practically rolled back into her head as he pressed harder into her, hitting her sweet spot. He grabbed her hair at the nape as he brought her closer and closer with every thrust. He pulled it, and she liked the wildness of that, the fact that he was a little rough with her. The mild pain incurred blended deliciously with her pleasure and only aroused her more. He was so passionate. Logan had never fucked her quite like this. She closed her eyes as the sensations took over her entire core, and reached the best climax of her life. His followed right behind, the sound of it echoing off the walls. It aroused her to hear the sounds of his pleasure, pleasure her own body was giving him.

  When they had both fully recovered, she could suddenly see more clearly. What was she doing, draped over his sectional, nude, like a trollop? Sweet heavens, she had let him bring her to orgasm over a table, and take her from behind over the back of a sofa. And she hadn't even kissed him yet, hadn’t even seen him naked yet.

  What was he doing to her? She had always been a good girl, a missionary, in bed, with the lights dimmed kind of girl. This bad boy was turning her into a bad girl.

  And she had to admit to herself... she absol
utely loved every second of it.

  Damn. He just had no control when it came to her. He had not wanted to have sex with her so suddenly, so early on. He had not wanted to get a taste. Because now that he had, he wanted her all over again. He would have to rein himself in, control his impulses. He was not going to let that happen again. It was a one-time thing. He had wanted to kiss her so badly when she looked at him with those beautiful eyes of hers, and he had been able to talk himself down, because he knew that if they kissed, they would both want more.

  He had pushed her away. But then, he absolutely lost it when she said she wanted to be fucked, so blatantly. So sweet, she was, standing there in her pretty yellow dress, yet so damn bad too. He had just lost his marbles. And when he had gotten that dress and those panties off, and had seen her precious behind, he was done for. She had the sweetest little ass he'd ever seen.

  Just a minor setback, he told himself. No harm done. They both thoroughly enjoyed themselves, after all. The pleasures of the flesh... that's all it was. Now, it was time to buck up. Teach her a thing or two. And then set her on her way.

  As Ethan helped her zip her dress back up, she could sense that something was wrong. He had gotten all serious and distant. And this hurt her a bit. Was this how he treated all the women he had sex with? Suddenly she felt used. But then again, she had used him too. It was a mutual arrangement as far as she understood. He was probably concerned she'd fall madly in love with him just because he had sex with her. She wasn't stupid. She knew this didn't mean anything to him. He was a notorious player and what they had just done had most definitely been just sex. It was in no way love-making. They hadn't even kissed.

  She smoothed down her hair and smiled at him. "Don't worry, Ethan," she said matter-of-factly. "I know how this works. Just two people having sex... getting off. I'm not going to run off and plan our wedding." She knew she was being a little crude but that's exactly what she was going for. Nonchalance.


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