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Scarred Asphalt

Page 23

by Blue Remy

  Thorne couldn’t imagine living a life so freely, without inhibitions. She could tell that Tiger was well educated, but she enjoyed what she was doing, and that was all that mattered in her eyes. “I wish I could be like you. I guess I care too much what people think.”

  Bailey rolled her blue-grey eyes and snorted. “Oh, girl, trust me. Be around us for any period of time, and you won’t give a shit what others think.”

  Amy laughed and pointed at Thorne. “No, she’ll always care. She’s a healer. She’s not hard like you ladies.”

  Valeria scoffed and reached out and gave Thorne’s bicep a squeeze. “Uhm, I beg to differ, ma’am. You forget that I’m the trauma nurse at Marian, and I saw the bitch she tangled with. This is one girl you want on your side.”

  Thorne blushed, waving off the compliment. “I’m sure any of you would have done the same thing.”

  Amy nodded, shifting in her chair, looking uncomfortable. “One of the most important things that I cannot stress enough? If you see any patch holders in a circle…” She lifted up her fingers and made quotation mark motions when she said circle. “Do not go over and interrupt them, under penalty of death. It means they are having an impromptu meeting or discussing business we’re not to hear. You can stand off to the side and wait until you’re acknowledged.”

  “That’s dumb.” Thorne frowned as she looked between the women. “What if it’s an emergency?”

  Bailey spoke up. “Then you clear your throat and apologize before you even attempt to interrupt them. It’s not like they’re going to beat you or anything, but they keep shit to themselves that we’re not meant to hear, ya know? Plus, if it’s that big of an emergency, one of the guys will interrupt them.”

  “I see.” Not really, but Thorne would adhere to whatever the rules were, for now.

  Valeria kicked out her feet, crossing them at the ankles. “Oh, and whatever happens between the women, stays between the women. We don’t take it to the men unless we can’t resolve it. There’s been a few boxing matches between the ol’ ladies and a few PLs. No offense, Tiger.”

  “None taken.” She smiled warmly at Valeria. “We’ve had some dumb bitches as PLs, and we still do. That’s why I can’t stress enough to make sure you stay on top. They’ll walk all over you. I feel sorry for whoever ends up catching Wolf or Romeo’s eye.”

  “Why?” Thorne looked over to Romeo as he was deep in conversation with Saber and Mace.

  “Those are the two most sought after men in the California clubs. Wolf is mysterious and dangerous. Romeo is just plain fuckable and a total asshole that women dig.”

  “Okay, I so did not need to hear that, Tiger.” Amy shuddered with a look of disgust on her face.

  Bailey bounced her brows, leaning in and whispering, so Talon didn’t hear her. “I’d love to lick the ink off Wolf. Just sayin’.”

  “Oh dear God,” Amy gagged and struggled to get out of her chair. “I do not need to hear this crap about my family.”

  The women burst out laughing at Amy, Thorne rose up to help Amy out of her chair. Dalton caught her eye, motioning with his head that it was time to go. “We’re going to head out. It was great meeting you ladies. I hope to see you all soon.”

  A round of hugs was given, Thorne felt accepted for once in her life. These women had taken her in with no second thought, welcoming her into their world and sharing things with her that would make her better outfitted for the life that Dalton led.

  “Mind if I use the Sporty until my Glide is fixed?”

  Thorne walked up as Saber questioned his brother. She slid her index finger into one of Dalton’s belt loops, remaining quiet to let the boys talk.

  “No, go for it. I’m using the Street Glide since Thorne is riding bitch now. I was going to ask Dally to ride it some to keep it running.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, tucking her against him.

  Thorne had to smile inwardly as she nestled up against him, his musky scent washing over her. “What’s wrong with your bike?”

  Saber frowned as he ran his fingers through his long blond locks. “Not sure. She’s not starting up still, even after changing out the timing belt. With Dally having away games next week for baseball, I need wheels to get there. I’m not going to miss a game because of lack of transportation.”

  “You can use my Tahoe if you need to, Saber.”

  He smiled and lightly punched her arm. “I’d rather ride, but if it rains, I’ll take you up on the offer.”

  “Where’s his next game?” Dalton bumped her hip lightly with his own.

  “Arroyo Grande. It’s next Saturday. I’ll be at the benefit, then roll out from there and head up.”

  “If it wasn’t for the benefit, we’d go. Sorry I’m going to miss it.” Dalton frowned and glanced down to Thorne, then back to Saber. “We’ll be sure to catch his next one.”

  “No worries, the benefit is more important. We got money to raise for Miss Stubborn Ass.”

  Thorne stuck out her tongue at Saber, giving Dalton the slightest of nudges with her hand that had the finger wrapped in the belt loop to let him know she was ready.

  “Alright, we’re gonna bounce. The keys are with Mom. Insurance is current. I’ll catch ya on the flip side.” Dalton obviously got the hint, gave his brother a hug, then waved at the others before he led Thorne out to the bike. “Want to go for a short detour ride?”

  “Sure, why not?” Thorne scooped up her helmet, ready for more than a quick five minute ride to the house. She wanted to feel whatever it was that the women got out of sitting behind their men.

  Dalton nodded, slinging his leg over the seat, straightening out the bike. “Climb on.”

  The bike was low enough that Thorne could easily swing her leg over the seat and settle onto it and place her feet on the floorboards. She tapped his hip, letting him know that she was situated and ready.

  He fired up the bike and sped out of the parking lot, heading toward the entrance to the 101 Freeway.

  Once he was on the freeway, Thorne relaxed and let herself open up to the freedom that being on two wheels brings. The wind against her face was exhilarating. Hearing the deep rumble of the bike mixed with the hum of the tires against the asphalt made her heart race as he opened up the throttle and sped faster down the highway.

  The ride gave her time to think about what the women had said earlier that night and how she felt about it all. It was crazy, how the biker life was so structured and had so many rules to follow. She could see how easy it would have been for Maggie to accept the life it offered her. The core family values amazed Thorne. They did take care of their own, and that was something that intrigued her. Even her own family hadn’t taken care of her like the SixGuns had, and yet she had blamed them for everything that had happened.

  Then there was Dalton.

  Sweet, sexy, dominant Dalton.

  Her heart raced as thoughts of him swept through her mind. Every fiber in her wanted to be his. She knew she had fallen for him; she just wasn’t ready to admit it to herself or anyone else. He had brought back the Thorne that she had hidden from everyone after her accident and then Maggie’s death. Dalton found the softer side of her and made her want to show it to the world. She hadn’t even been bothered by her scar, and no one else noticed it. If they did, they never said anything about it, and it was usually the topic of conversation.

  The swerve of the bike brought her out of her reverie as Dalton throttled down, took the Price Street exit, and headed past Judkins and Old Fashioned Cinnamon Rolls. The sounds and smells were amazing. Salt air mixed with the sweet and spicy smell of cooking dough. As they turned onto an unknown street, Thorne strained her neck to see where they were headed.

  Dalton veered the bike toward a field, driving toward a sheer cliff. He had brought her to the Dinosaur Caves. She loved coming here during the daylight, climbing down through the old caverns to the beach below.

  Coming to a stop, Dalton placed both feet down and turned the bike off. “Well, here we are

  Thorne peeled off her helmet and set it to the bar on the back of her seat. Leaning forward, she rested her chin on his shoulder, her arms slid about his waist. “How did you know I loved this place?”

  “It’s one of my favorites, too.” He leaned back into her, rubbing his calloused hands over her own.

  Thorne pressed her chest up and against his back, nuzzling her cheeks against his whiskers. Heat flared through her as her eyes drifted closed. The desire that washed over her was so all-consuming that she almost begged him to take them home.

  Instead, she dismounted the bike and stood next to him. Excitement coursed through her at the very thought of what she was about to do. The idea of getting caught out in the open was titillating. She had never been so daring, but after being around everyone tonight, she felt the need to let go and just be.

  Thorne’s heart hammered in her chest, her breathing quickened as he turned to look to see what she was doing. She lowered her hand to the button of her pants, her thumb hooked behind the button, her index and middle finger in the front, and in a quick snapping motion, the button was free.

  Dalton’s gaze never left hers in silent expectation that caused a hitch in her breath as she grasped the zipper and lowered it with slow intent. The Nordic blues raked over her body in bold appreciation as he rose up from the seat.

  “Sit down.” Thorne’s voice hid the uncertainty in it with the demand she gave him.

  Dalton’s brows shot up in surprise, but followed her order with no questions.

  The idea of his eagerness excited her even more, the urge to take control becoming stronger. Shifting her weight, the toe of her left boot pressed against the heel of her right. Lifting up her right foot, she pulled it out of the boot, then repeated the process with her left. Her leg lifted once more to pull off her sock, and then followed up with the other foot, her gaze never leaving Dalton’s.

  She knew she was already wet. Foreplay was exactly what she was doing, stripping and controlling him with her words. Thumbs slid inside her pants, moving toward her hips, pushing her jeans down over the curves, inch by agonizing inch. She saw something flicker behind his intense gaze, his tongue darted out over his bottom lip. Thorne bent over to push the jeans all the way down, her biceps pushed her breasts together, forcing them up and out, to give him ample view of what he was about to receive.

  Stepping out of her pooled pants, arms crossed at her waist, fingers grasped the edge of her tank top. She lifted it up and over her head, then dropped it on the grass alongside her pants. Her bra was the last article of clothing to slide to the grass, leaving her nipples erect and begging for his mouth to warm them against the cool night air.

  Thorne strode toward the bike, careful not to touch the hot exhaust, hiked up her leg, threw it over the tank, and straddled him and the seat. Face to face, her legs open to him, allowing the cold air to hit the very warmth of her, she shivered as her fingers tugged eagerly at his belt. The sound of leather whispering against metal only heightened her senses more as nimble digits unsnapped his pants, almost tearing the zipper open.

  She couldn’t miss the musky smell of him as she leaned closer to him, her hand slid into his pants, wrapping around the hard length of him. Dalton’s hiss in her ear sent a tingle from her fingertips to her toes. Her grip tightened around him, a slow stroke started against the velvety feeling flesh.

  No words passed between them, their body language enough of a communication for the two. His hands rose, curling in her hair to pull her closer to him, his mouth covered hers hungrily. His kiss sent new spirals of ecstasy through her, causing her to moan softly against his lips as her tongue danced lazily with his own.

  Thorne whimpered against his mouth as she freed his thick shaft from the confines of his jeans. Planting her feet on his floorboards, she pushed herself up, crying out in surprise as his hot mouth found the diamond hard nub of a nipple, his teeth gnashed gently against the pink flesh. Back arched, her breast forced itself deeper into his mouth as she shifted her weight against him, guiding her aching delta over the hard head of his shaft.

  Her body needed no urging as her slick walls welcomed his length, slowly lowering herself onto him. Hips shifted against him as she lifted her legs to wrap around his waist, a gasp slipped past her lips. His mouth attacked her other breast. Thorne’s fingers tangled in his hair, pressing him against her chest as her hips ground down against his pelvic bone. The scrape of his jeans against her sensitive skin sent her into sensory overload.

  Dalton released a tormented groan as she rocked her body against him. Her fingers traced the strong cords of muscle on the back of his neck. Thorne could feel himself swell and pulse inside of her, his need just as great as her own.

  Thorne watched as he lifted his head, his eyes glazed with passion as he bit his bottom lip. The flat of his hand pressed gently between her breasts, pushing her back against the gas tank. Thorne hissed as the cool metal grazed her hot skin, her hips jerked and her muscles tightened around his very thickness in response.

  Thorne reached back with her lifted arms and grasped the handle bars, forcing her back to arch and bring her hips down at the perfect angle to rub her hypersensitive nub against his pelvis. Thorne could feel his thigh muscles quivering under her ass cheeks as he held up the bike, the muscle fatigue close as she thrust her slick body harder down on him.

  “Start the bike,” Thorne managed to gasp out as she writhed against him and the tank, the friction of metal and cloth a welcomed distraction.

  Dalton reached up and hit the ignition switch; a cry of utter pleasure erupted from her as the vibration from the twin valve engine drove the level of pleasure into new heights. Dalton must have taken that as a cue, racking the throttle so the pipes shook the bike even harder.

  Her heels dug into the bitch seat, which allowed her to pull back from him, her walls clenched around him as she slid up and off his length, only to drop back down upon him with a soft movement, her hips rotating as she arched her back at a more severe angle to get a deeper penetration.

  Dalton’s head dipped as she thrust her breasts up, his teeth ground against the dusky pink nipple that he sucked into his mouth, sending her closer to that precious edge. Fingers gripped the bars tight as he laid into the throttle once more.

  “God! Dalton!” Thorne cried out as her body convulsed on him, her walls clenching him, trying to pull him even deeper into her. Stars exploded across her vision as she spasmed on him, the welcomed heat flooding her body.

  He didn’t let up on the throttle as she came, his own hips bucked in response, his thighs trembled as she felt him swell inside of her. She needed him to release, to hit the plateau with her. Her muscles squeezed around him and her hips never stopped moving against him. Stabs of pleasure raced through her with each thrust of her body.

  The engine’s roar dimmed as he let go of the throttle, his grunts turned into moans of revelry as his body jerked, stilled, then jerked once more. His neck cords stood out as he gasped right before he collapsed on top of her, the bike quickly tilting to the left as it fell to the kickstand.

  “Shit!” she cried out as her arms flew around his shoulders to keep from sliding off and falling to the grass.

  “Sorry,” Dalton apologized into her chest, never moving from his crumpled position, though he placed an arm on either side of her to keep her from moving.

  Thorne couldn’t help it; she broke out into a fit of giggles.

  Dalton lifted his head, raising a brow in silent question.

  That only made Thorne laugh more, and then harder as he jerked from her, his hands trying to still her hips. “Sorry.” She gasped for air. “I never thought I’d ever do anything so wild.”

  “Trust me, I’ll never stop you from doing anything this wild.” His voice was thick as he lifted himself up from her.

  She pouted and moaned in protest as she rolled off the bike, sticking her tongue out at him. She was hoping to revel in the aftermath, but well, they were in public after al
l. She quickly pulled her clothes on and was buttoning her pants when a squad car pulled up, placing its spotlight on them.

  “This area is closed. Move on.” A voice echoed through the vehicle PA system.

  “No problem officer.” Dalton waved, firing up the bike once more, pulling on his helmet.

  Thorne snickered as she hopped on behind Dalton, her chin strap snapped closed as he rolled off the grass and headed back toward Guadalupe.

  What were the chances? Thorne laughed out loud, music to her own ears as she wrapped her arms around his waist, the delicious feeling of freedom becoming more addicting with each passing day.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  The week had flown by quicker than Apollo could imagine. He and Thorne had been inseparable since the night of the dinner. If they weren’t at work, they were in the gym. If they weren’t in the gym, they were doing something with the club.

  Thorne had come out of her shell in drastic measures. She didn’t hide her face from view. She radiated happiness and her laughter filled the once-silent house. The women had taken her into their fold, in which she was becoming fast friends with Tigerlily. It was amazing to watch her interact with the Painted Lady, never hesitating to ask whatever was on her mind, and Tiger ate that shit up.

  Everything had been quiet with the TG, the brothers walking on pins and needles, waiting for the other shoe to drop. All of the women had been notified that they were not allowed to wear their cuts, no support shirts or any support items, nor were they allowed to wear any colors to represent their ol’ man. Rebel and Dally were on twenty-four lockdown, the two best-friends always together, either at the diner, Romeo’s, or Saber’s. Wraith or Talon stood guard if Zacky-boy wasn’t available.


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