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Betrayal of the Federation

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by K M Dean




  Copyright © 2018 by K M Dean

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Printed in the United States of America

  This book is dedicated to the Wounded Warriors Project

  Please support our heroes


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve


  The Arkhir are from the planet Giana Prime in the Alpha Indi system. Alpha Indi is a binary star system near the center of the Galaxy. The Arkhir are a humanoid, bipedal species with very smooth, tough skin that is tinted slightly bronze. They also have slightly pointed ears. All Arkhir have silver/white hair from birth to death. Their life span is approximately one hundred and sixty Earth years. They were one of the original founding species of the Federation several centuries ago.

  Because the founding systems, at that time, were all from the core worlds of the Galaxy, Giana Prime in the Alpha Indi system became the de facto headquarters of the Federation

  Sofol Tauxav is an Arkhir. She is in her third term as Premier of the Federation Assembly. As Premier, she holds a great deal of power, however her power is not absolute. Most of the time she can achieve the best interest of the Federation by working behind the scenes.

  As Sofol Tauxav enters the huge Federation hall she experiences the same feeling of awe she felt upon entering the great hall for the first time many cycles before. The grandeur and the pomp have never changed. The sense of history ran deep. It is almost surreal, that so much has been accomplished by so many disparate species over the centuries.

  Today, all those years of achievement are at risk. Now the Federation needs the firm guidance she knows only she could provide. But at what cost? Is she willing to make the personnel sacrifices that were coming? Is she ready to steer the Federation through the imminent conflict? Because there was no doubt, war was coming.

  The Jian were constantly making clandestine moves to destabilize the Federation. They did not hesitate to use their collaborators to provoke incidents that weakened the Federation. So far, all the incidents had been covert. The Eldirelians the SOL/FED fleet had just defeated were controlled from behind the scenes by the Jian. The many assassination attempts were placed directly upon the Eldirelians. But there was no doubt. It had all originated from within the Jian Empire. Every confrontation involving the SOL/FED Navy fleet, including the mutiny of a SOL/FED destroyer, had ultimately been the work of the Jian.

  They had a purpose. Destabilization of the Federation. And complete control of the galaxy.

  Conflict was coming. The political strategy now was to delay the conflict until the SOL/FED Navy was ready to face the might of the Jian Empire.

  Sofol knew that she was the best hope for the survival of the Federation. It was her responsibility to ease this huge union of dissimilar species in to a new era. Hopefully an era of victory, peace and prosperity.

  As Sofol took the dais to address the Federation Assembly, she understood that this was the beginning of a new age for the Galaxy. This was the moment that required all her skill and tact. The responsibility was almost staggering if she allowed herself to dwell on it.

  It would all begin today. The future of the Federation hung in the balance. She could not fail.

  “Welcome delegates, we have much to consider this day. As you know, the Solar System is being integrated in to the Federation. Terrans, from Earth in the Solar System, have proven invaluable with their ability to form and utilize the SOL/FED Navy and Marine Corps in the Military Arm the Federation has not had.”

  “The Egolari had first contact with Humans, or Terrans as they prefer to be called. Their goal was to recruit and aid the Terrans in forming a military arm to oppose the attacks coming out of the unaligned systems. As you are aware, the Terrans still possess the unique ability to face the violence threatened by the nonaligned races. The same organizations that had been raiding races just venturing in to space and even those races not ready for space, but are still valuable to some as slaves.”

  “The Terrans, aided by the Egolari, have done an exemplary job. They have accomplished much to halt the illicit activities of these rogue systems. Now we must complete the orientation required for the Solar System to become a full member of the Federation. The Colgorane have volunteered to aid in that orientation. Arpvo Abrajli has been proposed as the ambassador to Earth. Is there any discussion?”

  The Egolari delegate, Zalra Ozar signaled her desire to address the Assembly.

  “Premier Sofol, the Egolari have a great deal of experience dealing with the Terrans. We feel that we would be the best choice to assist with the orientation of the Solar System. We would ask the Assembly to reconsider and allow the Egolari to continue with the orientation.”

  “Thank you representative Ozar. The Colgorane delegate has indicated that he wishes to add to the discussion. You may proceed delegate Oleffon”

  “Thank you Premier Sofol” said delegate Oleffon, in his oily and condescending voice. “While I am certain that all members of the Assembly appreciate the efforts of the Egolari, we must also understand that the Egolari have little experience with the orientation of uplift races. The Colgorane are far more experienced in this very sensitive process. We submit that Arpvo Abrajli should be the Ambassador to the Solar System. We also submit that the Colgorane be appointed to aid in the uplift of the Solar System. We request a vote on the proposal now.”

  Sofol knew this was coming. She really had no choice. She knew the Colgorane were aligned with the Jian. She was also aware that their purpose was not uplift, but subjugation of the Solar System. This was part of the Jian plan, but there was no way to disrupt it. The Federation was not ready for a confrontation currently. The Federation was simply not prepared for all-out war.

  “The proposal is to allow the Colgorane to manage the uplift of the Solar System. How does the Assembly vote?” Asked Sofol.

  As the votes began to come in, Sofol knew the Jian would win this round. On the surface of it, the proposal made sense. The Colgorane did have a great deal of experience with uplift. What most delegates were not aware of yet, was that the Colgorane were working with the Jian for their own political purposes. The Jian, utilizing their minions the Colgorane, would seek to use the Earth as a tool to undermine The Federation.

  “The Assembly has completed its ballot, voting in favor of the Colgorane proposal. Arpvo Abrajli is appointed ambassador to the Solar System.”

  There was a signal on her podium surface that indicated the Tushiriak delegate from Vordeer VIII, Edulh, wished to speak. Vordeer VIII was another of the Jian cohorts.

  “Delegate Edulh, you wish to address the Assembly?”

  “I do Premier Sofol. Now that the issue of the Solar System is settled. There is another situation that needs to be addressed. I understand the Krayari have petitioned for membership in the Federation. My question is, why, after all these years, do the Krayari wish to join the Federation? Is it in our best interests to allow this very shadowy species to join our assembly? It is my opinion, my fellow representatives, that we should take some time to consider all of the ramifications of this
proposed union.”

  There were shouts, Pro and Con, from several of the delegates. This was no surprise to Sofol. She knew the Jian opposed the inclusion of the Krayari into the Federation. Allowing the Krayari to become a part of the Federation could tip the balance even further toward those who supported arming and strengthening The Federation. The Jian opposition left their allied systems no choice but to support the Tushiriak proposal.

  “Do you have a proposal Delegate Edulh?”

  “Yes Premier, I do. I propose we table the Krayari application and appoint a committee to study the Krayari request at length. I, personally, volunteer to form and chair such a committee.”

  Sofol said. “Delegates please register your votes for delegate Edulh’s proposal.” The delegates voting board lit up and the proposal to form a committee with Edulh as the chair was just barely passed.

  If Edulh had waited just a few minutes he would have found out that the Krayari had withdrawn their application the evening before. Sofol had no idea why they had suddenly withdrawn their application, and it concerned her. The Krayari were one of the oldest space faring species in the Galaxy. They were very enigmatic. Up until now they had disdained the opportunity to join the Federation. They much preferred to be left alone to explore the Galaxy and beyond. They had some trade agreements with individual systems, but overall, were a species that chose to go their own way.

  Completely out of the black of space, the Krayari had approached the council about membership and had received an invitation to do just that. However, their last communication the evening before had said they were “considering” the opportunity and would get back to us at a more appropriate time.

  The inclusion of the Krayari could have gone a long way towards stabilizing the Federation. The fact that they were now hesitating was troublesome. The Federation was in trouble and it could have used the help.

  Just as she was aware of the plans the Jian had to destabilize the Federation. She was also aware that the Colgorane were complicit with the Jian in their attempts. Sofol Tauxav also knew that assigning a Colgorane ambassador to Earth would create problems for the Terrans.

  Knowing that this was part of a scheme by the Jian to use the Colgorane to upset the balance of power in the Federation Council made for a difficult choice. Sofol had no choice, she had to let this play out and implore the Gods to help the Terrans make the right choices. She had to play for time. The fledgling SOL/FED navy and Marines had made impressive strides; however, they were not ready for a confrontation with the might of the Jian military arm.

  Sofol knew that part of the plan was to force the SOL/FED Navy to come to the rescue of Earth. The Federation had a strict policy that forbade the Federation, and by extension the SOL/FED Navy, from interfering in the internal political situations of individual systems. The problem would be that the SOL/FED Navy/Marine corps. had been built and primarily manned by Terrans from Earth. If Earth was in trouble, could the SOL/FED Navy resist the temptation to help.

  The entire council was watching to see if the SOL/FED Military would attempt to intervene. Or if the Sub council would give them permission to intervene. To do so would undermine the basic tenets of the Federation and the Jian would use that as a tool. A tool to destroy an organization that was old before the Jian race even began to think of the stars.

  Unfortunately, Humanity was on its own. For better or worse, they would need to solve their political problem themselves.

  Chapter One

  Earth in Turmoil

  The people of Earth were waiting with baited breath. The United States had become the unthinkable. After centuries of survival as a republic, The United States had abruptly become a dictatorship.

  The outgoing President, Lucas Hawthorne had been without a doubt the worst president the United States had ever had. His corruption and greed were appalling. Now he had declared martial law just prior to the inauguration of the newly elected president, Justin York.

  Hawthorne said, in his television declaration, that the country was under attack by “alien agents” and the newly elected president, Justin York, was an alien representative under the control of said aliens. He does not specify exactly who the “aliens” are, nor does he explain where his intel is coming from.

  Arpvo Abrajli is the Colgorane Ambassador to Earth. He is in charge of the uplift of the Terrans to Federation membership. He has declared that if Earth can’t control its own affairs, how can the Federation expect them to help keep peace in the Galaxy. He is pushing for Earth to become a “limited” member of the Federation under the administration of the Colgorane species. He is requesting a military presence from Colgorane to aid him in controlling the “intolerable” situation on Earth.

  Unbeknownst to both Earth officials and the Federation Council, Abrajli and the Colgorane High Assembly have formed a fleet of Battleships, cruisers and troop transports. The Colgorane fleet had been dispatched to wait in the outer reaches of the Solar System. The Colgorane High Assembly had every intention of taking control of Earth.

  If the SOL/FED Navy attempted to intervene they would be disobeying a direct order of the Federation Council. If the Federation Council gave the SOL/FED Navy authorization to intervene it would be in direct conflict with one of the basic tenets of the Federation charter.

  “The Federation shall not intercede in the political conflicts of individual systems. The Federation may, however, choose to expel systems that do not adhere to the basic rights as laid out in the Charter Preamble.”[1]

  It was a trap. A trap engineered by the Jian and implemented by the Colgorane.

  If the SOL/FED Navy did not respond, they were damning their own planet to the tyranny of Colgorane rule.

  Sofol Tauxav realized that Admiral Miller might very well respond to help humanity. Admiral Miller was being forced to make a heart-rending decision. If he defends Earth the Federation will be destabilized. If the SOL/FED Navy can be neutralized and the Federation Council toppled, The Jian Empire, the actual power behind the Colgorane High Assembly, is prepared to move into the vacuum. The Jian intend to expand their tyrannical rule to the Galaxy.

  To accomplish their goal the Federation must be eliminated.

  Admiral Miller and Admiral Anderson had been invited to address the Federation Sub Council after their victory over the Eldirelians. In private meetings, Admirals Miller and Anderson had both asked the Federation Sub Committee for permission to go to the aid of the Solar System. Sofol had explained that the Federation could not intervene in local system politics. The Sub Committee had denied their request.

  Sofol Tauxav could only hope Admiral Miller would make the hard choice. Earth would be made to suffer, but hopefully it would be for only a short time. War was coming. The Federation was not yet ready. If the Federation managed to survive the next few months the first system liberated would be the Solar System.

  Chapter Two

  Planetary Intrigue

  Washington D. C. The oval office.

  “President Hawthorne,” said Ambassador Abrajli. “I have a Colgorane military presence ready to move from the outer reaches of the Solar System. I think you realize that your attempt to take over United States will not stand for long. Without the Colgorane forces you will be unable to hold this office.”

  “Ambassador” replied Hawthorne. “The Terran Space Command is in the process of securing the ships and personnel of the SOL/FED Navy and Marines. Senator Moore and Admiral Harrison-Langham assure me that we will have control within the month. Nearly all the SOL/FED personnel are veterans of the United States Navy or Marine Corps. They have all been reactivated into the Terran Space Command. They have no choice but to follow my orders as Commander in Chief or they will be court-martialed.”

  “I will order them to return to Earth orbit. I will use those ships to exert my control over the United States. We will be more than capable of controlling the United States. The rest of the nations of Earth will have no choice but to join us in a United World government under th
e threat of bombardment from space.”

  “We have already won this battle.”

  Ambassador Abrajli replied. “You’re a fool Hawthorne. Your ‘Terran Space Command’ will never take control of the SOL/FED forces. Admiral Miller has already moved his fighting ships out of the Solar System. And if you believe any of the SOL/FED personnel will defect to the Terran Space Command with their vessels you are truly delusional. You have no cards left to play.”

  “Not so,” Replied President Hawthorne. “As we speak, Admiral Harrison-Langham is enroute to Titan to place Admiral Miller and General Giles under arrest. Once we have them in custody, we will also grab Admiral Anderson. As you said, all the SOL/FED fighting ships have left for the Gamma Remidian System. Titan is unprotected. Miller wanted to put his people out of our reach. That action has left him exposed at Titan Station. They have no defense against the TSC. Without Miller and Giles, Anderson and the rest of those fools will fold like a house of cards. In addition, I have a plan in place that will tilt the U S Supreme court in my favor. They will certify me as the legal president and our problems will be over. We can move on with our plans to take control of the planet.”

  “We shall see, Mr. President, we shall see.” Replied Ambassador Abrajli.

  Titan Station

  “Admiral Miller, we have an incoming fleet. A little over 6 light minutes out. It looks like four destroyers, one battle ship and six corvettes. Our computer identifies them as retired Colgorane vessels. They are probably “on loan” from the Colgorane military to the Terran Space Command. They have been making about .05 C but are slowing now.”

  “Just about as expected.” Responded Admiral Miller.

  “Admiral, you have an incoming message coming from the battleship.” reported com officer Jacobs.


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