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Betrayal of the Federation

Page 13

by K M Dean

  “You are more than welcome Admiral McCreary. Thank you for the defense of our planet. We are deeply grateful for all you have done. We will notify you immediately about the results of the balloting. Regarding having dinner aboard the Odyssey, I am sure we all would be happy to join you at your convenience Admiral.”

  After arrival back at the Odyssey, Mac followed up on how the injured were doing and the progress being made on repairs. Mac decided to go to Engineering in person rather than call down. He knew Chief Engineer, Commander Sogav Ch’Korub would be going one hundred and ten percent. Commander Ch’Korub liked to lead from the front and he never left difficult tasks to be done by others. He wouldn’t stop until all work was completed.

  As Mac walked down the passageway, he couldn’t help but look back on the evening at Queen Araimel’s Palace. He sincerely enjoyed the Vikerlon people. He had enjoyed his conversations with the planetary officials and felt they would be a welcome addition to the Federation. Beyond that he was completely overwhelmed by the beautiful and personable Queen Araimel, “Tappy”. He smiled as he thought of her. He was no stranger to women, he had dated a few when he had the time, but they were just friends. Queen Araimel was quite another thing and Mac didn’t completely understand exactly what he was feeling.

  As Mac stepped through the Hatch into Engineering, Commander Ch’Korub met him and said. “Admiral are you happy to see me, or is that smile you are wearing because the Odyssey is at one hundred percent readiness?”

  “All good Commander Ch’Korub? Outstanding. I doubt the Jian will be back soon, but it is always good to know we are ready. Are there any problems I need to know about? Anything that we need to do now that we have some downtime?”

  “Mac, there are a couple of areas on the outside hull of the Odyssey I would like to reinforce if the Vikerlons would allow us to use their shipyard. The destroyer Damascus has some damage that will require her to return to Apsis Prime. If we could get her in to their shipyard we could make the necessary repairs here and she could stay with the Fast Attack Group.”

  “All right Sogav, let me talk to the Vikerlons and see what we can do. I will get back to you as soon as they reply.”

  As Mac walked on to the Odyssey bridge, Commander Benjamin Santana, MD, the Chief medical officer for the Odyssey and the Fast Attack Group said, “Mac, could I have a moment of your time please?

  Mac replied, “Shure Ben, step in to my ready room” As they stepped in to the room and Mac closed the hatch, Dr. Santana said, “Mac, we have several seriously wounded people that need to return to Apsis Prime. I can patch them up here, but they would heal faster in a good hospital environment and there are enough of them that they are overloading the ability of our fleet medical staff to care for them.”

  “Alright Ben, we have at least one ship that needs repairs, we could send them back with the Destroyer Damascus. We were going to make the repairs in the Vikerlon ship yards if they would allow it, but it might be best to send her back and take care of our injured troops.”

  Dr. Santana said, “well now wait a minute Mac. Maybe the Vikerlons could help with our medical needs as well. I spent some time this evening with Vikerlon medical officer Dr. Kneebo Mansoon. According to him, our anatomy is virtually identical to that of the Vikerlons. Maybe we should have their medical people look at our crews’ injuries. It wouldn’t hurt to give it a shot. If we can get our people back in shape without forcing them to make the long trip back to Apsis Prime I think we should do it. I am certain you would prefer not to be down a ship either if you have a choice.”

  “All right Ben, I should be getting a call in the morning to let me know how the Vikerlon people voted on joining the Federation. I will ask about the likelihood of their medical people working with you and if we can use their shipyard for repairs. If we must send our ships back to Apsis Prime for repairs then we will just send our people back with them, but if the Vikerlons will go along with our using their shipyards I will ask about the medical support as well. I will let you know.”

  Early the next morning, Communications officer Lieutenant Argan Yhaub said, “Admiral, secure communication coming for you from the Vikerlons. It is from Silravlynn Dachan, Doyenne of the Assembly of Nobles.”

  “I will take it in my ready room lieutenant.” Mac turned to his Exec, Commander Aranari Savar. “You have the bridge Commander.”

  “Aye Sir, I have the bridge.” Replied Commander Savar.

  As he sat at his desk, he thought once again just how very significant this time was for the Federation and the people of Vikerlon.

  “Good afternoon, Doyenne Dachan, you have news?”

  “I do Admiral, the Vikerlon people have voted. The vote is over ninety percent in favor of joining the Federation. I am making an official request that the Federation council consider our application to join the Federation of space Faring Systems. We will forward the official paperwork in the next few hours.”

  “That is good to hear Doyenne Dachan. I will forward your request to the Federation as soon as I receive your official application.”

  “I have a question for you Doyenne Dachan, would the Vikerlon government consider making your ship building facilities available to make repairs on the Odyssey and at least one other ship in our fleet. We would require the aid of some of your workers and equipment, and of course we would pay for the use.”

  “Absolutely Admiral, in fact that was one of the topics of conversation at our meeting just moments ago. I will have our ship yard manager, Rapawa Minol, contact your chief of engineering, I believe his name is Chief Engineer, Commander Sogav Ch’Korub?”

  “That is correct Doyenne Dachan, and I have another request. Would it be possible for one of your leading medical people to contact Commander Benjamin Santana, MD, the Chief medical officer for the Odyssey? We have some wounded personnel and he was interested in talking to your medical folks to see if they could help with some of the injuries here rather than to send them all the way back to Apsis Prime.”

  “Yes, of course, Our planet wide Chief medical officer is Dr. Kneebo Mansoon. I will have him contact Dr. Santana at once.”

  “Thank You Doyenne Dachan, I will be in touch as soon as I get word back from the Federation.”

  The following day, Comm. officer Lieutenant Argan Yhaub said, “Admiral McCreary, Silravlynn Dachan, Doyenne of the Assembly of Nobles is on the Comm for you.”

  “Very well Lieutenant, on my console please.” Replied Mac.

  “Good morning Doyenne Dachan,”

  “Good morning Admiral McCreary. The Counsel is doing a tour of Athega in a few days. Queen Araimel wanted me to her personal invitation to accompany us. Would you be interested in coming along? It is a beautiful planet, I think you would enjoy it. We are trying to find out if our measures to control the araimans are successful.”

  “I would like very much to come along Doyenne Dachan. Do I need to bring anything in particular?”

  “Just some hunting clothes if you have them Admiral. We will be riding Equidione[22]. They are very similar to Terran horses I believe. Do you ride Admiral?”

  “I have ridden horses before, but it has been several years.” Replied Mac.

  The Doyenne replied. “From what we understand, they are much the same, it shouldn’t be a problem for you. I will let you know about the schedule. Queen Araimel will be coming along as well.”

  “Thank You Doyenne, I will look forward to it.”

  Two days later, Mac received a call from Doyenne Dachan. “Admiral, the trip to Athega is scheduled for tomorrow morning. The Imperial cruiser Ashacklon[23] will rendezvous with the Odyssey at zero nine hundred hours ship time.”

  “I’ll be waiting, Doyenne Dachan, I am excited to see Athega.” Not to mention he would be seeing “Tappy” again, thought Mac.

  Precisely at zero nine hundred hours, the Imperial cruiser neared the Odyssey. Mac was waiting aboard the Odyssey shuttle. The shuttle dropped him off at the Imperial Cruiser’s shuttle bay and returned to
the Odyssey

  “Good morning Admiral McCreary,” said Queen Araimel as she took Macs hand.

  “Good morning to you as well your highness. I am pleased you are going to accompany us to Athega.”

  “I don’t often get to go on these junkets, so it has been some time since I have been to Athega. I took this opportunity to see what has been done.” Replied the Queen.

  “I am happy you joined us Tappy. It is always good to see you.” Said Mac with a smile.

  “And it is nice to see you as well Mac.” Said Queen Tapava Araimel with gentle squeeze of Macs’ hand.

  As Queen Araimel and Mac took their seats the Imperial cruiser began to move. The trip would take about one and a half hours to complete. at .25 sub light. Mac couldn’t help but marvel at the fact that the Odyssey could have made the same trip in about forty-five minutes at sub light speeds and less than ten minutes using the tactical jump generator. Although the Imperial Cruiser Ashacklon had FTL capability, the Vikerlon FTL system was rather archaic compared to current Federation technology, and it was not capable of in system jumps.

  Upon arriving at Athega, the group took a shuttle to the surface. They were met by the director of planet management, Drayson[24] Tykin Borgan. Borgan began by assigning each of the group to an Equidione.

  Before they mounted their Equidione, each was issued a Vikerlon pulse rifle and were coached on its use.

  Drayson Tykin Borgan said. “You shouldn’t need these rifles. The area you are touring has been cleared. The weapons are a safety precaution only.”

  The saddles for the Equidione were much like a Terran, western style saddle without the saddle horn. They were comfortable and gave a great deal of stability.

  The group was led off by two guides. As they began the tour, Queen Tapava Araimel dropped back next to Mac. She began telling Mac about the planet Athega and identifying the different flora in the region and some of the smaller animals. They were soon making small talk like they had known each other for years.

  About an hour into the ride, the group had spread out a bit. The queen had not brought her personal guards. She felt it unnecessary. As they rounded a turn in the forest trail, Mac realized they could not see the rest of the group ahead. He began to urge his Equidione to pick up the pace. The Queen followed suite. A moment later there was a roar from the forest to their right.

  “That is an araimans Mac.” Queen Tapava Araimel said with fear in her voice. “There are not supposed to be any araimans here. It won’t go away on its own. It will attack, it is what they do.”

  Mac said. “It sounded like it came from the right.” As he urged his Equidione to a position between the Queen and the hidden Araimans. At that moment there was the sound of a large animal moving quickly through the brush. Suddenly the Araimans leaped at the pair. Macs Equidione jumped just as Mac took a shot as the huge cat like creature. Queen Araimel’s Equidione had reared and thrown her to the ground. Mac’s shot knocked the Araimans off course. The araimans missed the pair, but it was wounded and still dangerous. Mac realized that Tappy had fallen from her mount. His own equidione was so jittery and moving Mac couldn’t get a shot. He stepped down from the nervous creature. Queen Araimel’s animal had bolted through the brush leaving the stunned Queen Araimel lying on the ground.

  A second attack was aimed directly at Queen Araimel. The araimans had distinguished her as injured and the most vulnerable of the pair. As the Araimans leapt at the Queen, Mac shot once more. Mac’s attack caused the araimans to veer away from the Queen. The huge cat was mortally wounded but was still able to take Mac to the ground before succumbing to its injuries.

  The cat was dead, but it had damaged Mac’s rifle. Mac managed to extricate himself from the araimans just in time to see a second araimans preparing to attack. Mac threw himself over the unconscious Queen Araimel.

  A split second before the huge cat landed on Mac, a shot rang out. The party ahead, hearing the roars and commotion returned in time to see Mac throw himself over the Queen to protect her. The lead guide made an impossible shot from the saddle to kill the second cat.

  Doyenne Dachan began to help Queen Araimel to her feet while Supreme Commander Bojer Ozgozar performed some first aide on Mac. The Queen had suffered a blow to the head when her equidione had thrown her. She was just now regaining consciousness.

  Mac had a slight concussion also some deep scratches and cuts. He had bruises all over his body from the big cats’ attack.

  Doyenne Silravlynn Dachan was livid. He demanded to know, “How could this happen. We were assured that the Araimans had been cleared from this area? And this was an attack by two araimans. They never attack in pairs.”

  Drayson Tykin Borgan said. “I have no answer Sir, but I will find out. You are correct. Araimans do not travel together and only meet to mate.”

  Supreme Commander Bojer Ozgozar said. “Admiral McCreary, are you alright? We saw what you did, your heroism saved the Queens life, the people of Lithios are forever in your debt.”

  After returning to the Athega ranger station. The group prepared for the trip back to the Ashacklon. Queen Tapava refused to leave Admiral McCreary’s side. She insisted he lie down and sat next to his reclined seat all the way back to the Odyssey.

  When Mac arrived back at the Odyssey, he went straight to the infirmary. Dr. Santana was there and said, “What the heck happened to you Mac?”

  Mac said, “it is a long story Doc. One I would much rather relate you over a scotch neat sometime. For now, just fix me up please?”

  “All right Mac, but I can’t wait to hear the story.”

  The next day. Comm. officer Lieutenant Yhaub said, “Admiral, Doyenne Silravlynn Dachan, for you.”

  “On my console Lieutenant.”

  “Admiral McCreary how are you feeling today?”

  Mac said, “much better Doyenne Dachan. A little sore, but much better.”

  “Admiral, our Araimans experts have found that the two araimans had been equipped with surgically implanted devices that allowed them to tolerate being around another araimans. The Attack was triggered by someone in our party. We are investigating who might have done such a thing. It had to be more than one person and someone who knows araimans would have to be involved. As soon as we have more information I will fill you in.”

  “Thank you Doyenne Dachan. Please keep me up to date on your investigation.”

  “I will Admiral, we are glad to hear that you are feeling better. Admiral, the Vikerlon people, the Assembly of Nobles and Queen Tapava Araimel would like to honor you with a presentation for the heroism you showed on Athega tomorrow evening at the Counsel Hall.”

  “Doyenne Dachan, that is not necessary. I am just glad I was there to help.”

  “Please admiral McCreary, this is very important to the populace of Lithios. The people want to meet you and thank you for saving their queen. You deserve this, and it would be good for the new Vikerlon Federation relationship as well.”

  “Very well Doyenne Dachan.” Replied Mac. “What time should we be there?”

  “The ceremony will be at nineteen hundred hours Admiral with a short reception after. And bring some of your people if you would. The people of Lithios would love to meet them also.”

  The next evening the Odyssey shuttle landed at the Lithios spaceport. It was met by Supreme Commander Bojer Ozgozar and an honor guard of Vikerlon Marines.

  The Odyssey contingent was comprised of Admiral McCreary, Commander Sogav Ch’Korub, Commander Benjamin Santana, MD and Marine Captain Irikav K'Dhajinar. All in their dress blues.

  The group boarded the waiting limousines and sped off to the Grand Lithios Counsel Hall.

  As they approached the Counsel Hall, Mac realized there were thousands of cheering people waiting along the streets. As the Limousines stopped and the doors opened, there was a roar of approval and chants of “Mac, Mac, Mac.”

  The huge throng was truly excited to meet Admiral Morin “Mac” McCready.

  As the entourage
moved up the steps, the roar of approval followed them.

  Waiting at the top of the steps was Queen Tapava Araimel, Doyenne Dachan and the Assembly of Nobles.

  As he stopped in front of Queen Tapava Araimel, she said, “Admiral McCreary. My life would have been forfeit except for your valor. “It is now my pleasure to award you the highest honor the Vikerlon people can give. The medal of Cresaet. The ancient God Cresaet is the personification of Strength and Power and most of all Valor. Because of your heroic actions, I am alive to make this presentation today. You have my gratitude, and the thanks of the Vikerlon people.”

  Queen Tapava placed the lanyard from which the Medal of Cresaet hung around his neck. She then kissed him once on each cheek.

  The crowd was roaring its approval.

  Mac turned to the throngs and raised his arms in triumph. He said. “To the people of Lithios it is with a great deal of humility I accept this honor. I have met many people and races in my time with the Federation. Never have we met a more wonderful, kind and honorable people than the Vikerlons of Lithios. You honor me with this medal and I will carry the honor with pride wherever I go.”

  Again, the crowd roared its approval.

  The entourage turned and entered the Grand Lithios Counsel Hall to attend the reception.

  Later that evening after Mac had met so many officials he had lost count, protocol advisor S'Kalren Thules sidled up to Mac and said, “Admiral McCreary, you are only the fifth person to ever receive the Cross of Cresaet. And the first non Vikerlon. Also, no one has ever received a kiss on the cheeks. That was not protocol.”

  Mac shook his head and started to say, “S'Kalren …” But S'Kalren Thules, protocol advisor to the crown interrupted. He moved close to Admiral McCreary, cupped his hand between his lips and Macs ear so only Mac could hear and said. “I heartily approve. And Admiral, I think my Queen may be in love with you. I approve of that as well.”


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