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Betrayal of the Federation

Page 26

by K M Dean

  Admiral Anderson then turned to Commander Conway and said, “Thank you Commander, dismiss the formation and bring me up to speed. We need to make the fleet ready as soon as possible.”

  As they moved toward the Bridge, Commander Conway said. “The fleet is nearly ready for space Admiral. The last of the destroyer escorts, one of the destroyers and two cruisers are waiting for some of their crew. The demand for crew has been so great it has created a significant problem throughout the Federation Navy. The graduating space cadets will finish up by twenty hundred hours tonight. All ships should be manned and ready by twelve hundred hours tomorrow.”

  “Excellent Commander Conway. Let’s go to the bridge. We can talk on the way.”

  “Yes sir, right this way. Sir, can you bring me up to speed as to our mission?”

  “Mr. Conway, We are taking Third Fleet to the Sigma Onias system. We are taking the war to the Jian Empire.”

  “With all due respect Admiral, it’s about damned time.”

  “I couldn’t agree with you more XO. There were good reasons we couldn’t aggressively pursue the war up until now, but we now have no choice. The Jian are forcing our hand. I just hope we are ready.”

  The Vanguard was a very large ship. It utilized moving walkways to expedite the passage of crew fore and aft. Admiral Anderson and Commander Conway walked to a central transit area where they boarded an elevator. The elevator sped upward to “A” deck. From there they stepped aboard a walkway that sped them toward the bridge. As they made their way onto the bridge of the Vanguard the Officer of the deck, Lieutenant commander Veena Hendry-Hilsen, turned to the Admiral Anderson and saluted. “Welcome aboard Admiral. The Vanguard is ready to get under way at your order sir.”

  “Very well Commander. Contact all ships and have them report ready as soon as their crew are aboard.”

  “Aye sir,” replied Commander Hendry-Hilsen.

  A couple of hours later, after meeting his bridge crew and getting comfortable with being on the bridge of a ship once again, Admiral Anderson said. “XO, it is going to be all hands-on deck for the next few days. I am going to my cabin to grab some sleep. Sleep is a commodity that has been in short supply for the last few weeks. Alert me if you need me otherwise join me for breakfast at zero six hundred in the morning.”

  “Aye Sir. Have a nice night sir.”

  After the first good night’s sleep John had enjoyed for some time, Admiral Anderson awoke to the smell of hot coffee coming from his ready room. He arose, took a shower and put on a fresh Khaki Service uniform. He then stepped in to his ready room where Lieutenant Griffin Leibowitz had ordered scrambled eggs, bacon, orange juice, toast and hot coffee for two.

  “Good morning Admiral.” “How did you sleep Sir?”

  “Just fine Griff. It is nice to be back aboard ship for a change.”

  “Griff, I will need a breakdown of all the ships in third fleet, their Captains and XO’s and the general specifications for all ships as well.”

  “Yes sir, I have those ready for you on your desk. The Captains and their X.O.’s files are appended to each ship. I also did a spread sheet you can put on your PD that has the Captains, XO’s and ships laid out to help you memorize them.”

  “Thank You Griff. Commander Conway should be here shortly.”

  A moment later there was a tap on the hatch. Lieutenant Leibowitz opened the door for Commander Conway and showed him in.

  Admiral Anderson said. “Before we get started Commander, when we are in private, please call me John.”

  “Thank you, John. My friends call me Ted.”

  “All right Ted let’s get down to it. Third Fleet is going to the Sigma Onias System as you know. What you don’t know is that the Jian are coming as well. They have two of their Legaliri Battle cruisers, four Myoxx class cruisers, eight destroyers and sixteen destroyer escorts. They also have four troop transports and four supply ships.”

  “The Jian are serious about taking control of the Sigma Onias System and keeping it. The reason the Jian are making an all-out effort like this is that the Sigma Onias System has one of the most advanced ship yards in the Federation. And to further complicate matters, the Vengan shipyard has several Avenger class ships under construction. We can’t afford to lose those ships or the technology they carry. We also need that system and we need it intact. The Jian could cripple our war effort by taking over the shipyards or even by destroying them. And the Vengan people are depending on us. I made this same speech to Admiral McCreary, but as my XO, you need to know this as well.”

  “By rights I should have a Captain assigned to the Odyssey, so I can see to the fleet. We simply don’t have the manpower to make that happen. That means I am going to lean heavily on you to provide leadership. I am going to expect you to pick up the extra load and make it work. You will be my go-to guy. Do the job I know you are capable of and I promise you, when this campaign is over you will have your own ship and the command you so richly deserve.”

  “No problem Captain John, I was a bit surprised when I was offered the Executive Officers billet on the Odyssey. Of course, I jumped at the opportunity, but kind of wondered what was going on. Normally the Captain chooses his XO.”

  “Well Ted, I did choose you. I know your record, I also knew your father Jerry. You could have had a Captaincy on a destroyer escort, but I made the decision to bring you on as my XO. You are a “Captain in training.” You didn’t get the promotion in the short term, but long term it should be good for your career.”

  “Captain John, just serving under you will be good for my career. My Father spoke highly of you. He said you were a sailor’s sailor and I believe it.”

  “Thank you, Ted. That’s all I really had for you duty-wise. How is your mother? I called her after your dad passed away. I am sorry I couldn’t make it to his service. I didn’t find out about it till we returned from the Psi Unica System.”

  “She is fine Admiral. Worried about me, but she is doing well back in Phoenix.”

  “Give her my best the next time you see her.”

  “I will John. She will enjoy hearing from you.”

  “Ted, call me when all ships report with full crews. We need to get to the Sigma Onias System as soon as possible. I am going to review our ships and officers. I will be on the bridge in a couple of hours if I haven’t heard from you before.”

  “Aye, sir. I will see you on the bridge.”

  After Commander Conway had gone, Captain John went to his desk and began to review the ships and crews in Third Fleet. John was familiar with the ships in third fleet but needed a refresher through the eyes of a fleet Admiral. He couldn’t possibly know all the men and women under his command, but he needed to know the officers. He had reviewed the files of his officers and most of the men. He also had had first call on graduating cadets from the Academy. He had known he was going to take Third Fleet, so he had made it a priority to know his people, but a review never hurt.

  John began with the Vanguard. He knew Commander Conway and most of the crew, but he needed to get up to speed on the Vanguard itself. He had followed the technical information as much as possible as she was being built but needed a quick update.

  At just over three thousand meters in length, the Vanguard is the latest of the Avenger class of ships the Federation is producing. She is the largest ship ever built by the Federation. Powered by six huge antimatter reactors, she can attain maximum FTL[36] and maintain full protective shields using only one reactor.

  Her new process AMEP thrusters deliver sub light speeds of point nine five. Ninety five percent of the speed of light. She has the newest ionic multi-spatial modulators capable of providing the highest levels of shielding ever afforded a Federation ship.

  Her Vixen AMEP missiles provide thirty-five megaton anti matter warheads with devastating mid distance offensive power. Her Magi Phalanx close-in laser weapons provide outstanding close in support. In addition, she carries multiple Mass driver turrets firing tungsten slugs at near light sp
eeds. She also carries upgraded AMEP powered missiles and FTL Jump torpedoes. Each carrying fifty megaton warheads for longer range missions.

  In addition to her weapons array. The Vanguard carried two hundred and eighty-eight fighters and bombers. Sixteen squadrons. Six squadrons of the new AMEP powered Shuriken[37] fighter bombers and ten squadrons of the new AMEP powered Curtana II fighter. The Shuriken carries a crew pf two and is armed with two Talon AMEP powered high speed torpedoes with Krayari developed forty megaton anti matter warheads. Six medium AMEP powered Phantom missiles with twenty-five megaton warheads and six medium laser canons.

  The Curtana II carries six small AMEP powered Voodoo missiles with twenty megaton warheads and five medium laser canons per side. The Voodoo missiles can be replaced with four Phantom AMEP powered torpedoes with twenty-five megaton warheads. Both ships have the new Rampart shields. The Rampart shields offer twice the protection of the previous Curtana or Halberd shields.

  The Vanguard also carries ten of the new Annihilator armed shuttles and one rifle company of Federation Marines.

  The Annihilator armed shuttles carry the same shields used by the Federation destroyer class ships. They carry four heavy lasers. Four Talon AMEP powered high speed torpedoes, four heavy laser cannons forward and two medium laser cannons aft. They can each deploy up to two squads of combat Marines for boarding purposes.

  The Vanguard was built to go to war and win. Even though it was a warship, the Vanguard provided the largest quarters John had ever had. His cabin consisted of a well-furnished sitting room, an office and a bedroom. All were very nicely appointed. He also had an “at-sea cabin” next to the flag bridge.

  The Avenger class Battleships are two thousand two hundred meters in length. One third larger than the previous class of battleships. The battleships carry all the same armament of the Vanguard except they have two squadrons of the new AMEP powered Shuriken[38] fighter bombers and one squadron of the new AMEP powered Curtana II fighter. The also carry four platoons of Federation Marines and six Annihilator armed shuttles.

  The Battle cruisers, at eighteen hundred meters are also much larger than the previous class of Battle Cruisers. The battle cruisers carry Vixen AMEP missiles carrying twenty-five megaton anti matter warheads with fast reload magazines. Her Magi Phalanx close-in laser weapons provide outstanding close in support. In addition, she carries multiple Mass driver turrets firing large caliber tungsten slugs at near light speeds. She also carries upgraded AMEP powered anti-ship missiles and FTL Jump torpedoes. Each carrying thirty megaton warheads.

  The Battle Cruisers also carry two platoons of Federation Marines and five Annihilator armed shuttles.

  The Destroyers each carry four antimatter reactors. Their new process AMEP thrusters deliver sub light speeds of point nine seven. They have the newest ionic multi-spatial modulators capable of providing the same levels of shielding afforded the Battle Cruisers.

  The destroyers carry the Harridan AMEP missiles provide twenty-five megaton anti matter warheads for excellent mid distance offensive power. Wizard Phalanx close-in laser weapons provide outstanding close in support. They also carry Six Mass driver turrets firing large caliber tungsten and twelve Mass driver turrets firing medium caliber tungsten slugs. The new Federation destroyer also carries upgraded AMEP powered missiles and FTL Jump torpedoes. Each carrying thirty megaton warheads.

  The Destroyer escorts are built to protect the destroyers they accompany. They each carry three antimatter reactors. They carry the same new process AMEP thrusters that deliver sub light speeds of point nine seven. The Destroyer escorts carry the same shields as the destroyers.

  Each destroyer escort has eight Talon AMEP powered high speed torpedo tubes with Krayari developed twenty-five megaton anti matter warheads. twelve medium quick reload missile racks firing the new AMEP powered Phantom missiles with twenty-five megaton warheads and six Wizard Phalanx close-in laser turrets per side. The Destroyer escorts also carry multiple Mass driver turrets firing medium caliber tungsten slugs at near light speeds.

  There were two more ships that belonged with Third Fleet. The Piranha and the Tigerfish were updated Monitor II boats. The Monitor II boats were all brought up to the standard of the Barracuda when it returned from the Sigma Argosa System. The Monitor II Boats were a deadly secret weapon and they were already on location in the Sigma Onias system. The Stonefish and the Manta Ray were two more Monitor II boats that were on shakedown cruises. Hopefully they would be joining Third Fleet before the action started.

  Captain John was pleased to see that Captain Gunnar Gabrielli was the Captain of the Tigerfish. Gunnar was also in command of the four-boat squadron of Monitor II boats. Admiral Anderson knew most of the captains of the vessels in the third fleet. He also knew some of the Executive officers, but there were some he did not know at all. He perused the records of the officers he did not know and then skimmed the records for the officers he was familiar with. He found no surprises. He was appreciative of the fact that he was seeing many more races represented in the officer corps. Terran officers had made up so much of the early Federation Navy and many of them were at or near retirement age. It was good to know the Federation was drawing new recruits for Officer Training from so many diverse species.

  Finally, Admiral Anderson finished his reading, secured his desk and made his way to the bridge.

  As he strode on to the bridge, Commander Hendry-Hilsen said, “Attention on Deck.”

  Admiral Anderson said, “As you were.”

  Commander Conway said, “Admiral Anderson, we have fourteen more academy graduates on their way to their assigned ships. Once they are aboard the Third Fleet will be ready for space.”

  “Thank you, XO.”

  A short time later Commander Conway said, “The fleet is manned and ready for departure for Rally point Baker sir.”

  “Very well XO, take us out.”

  Moments later, Commander Hendry-Hilsen said, “Captain, all ships report underway. ETA for point Baker is one five minutes, we anticipate FTL insertion at thirteen twenty-one ships time.”

  Captain Anderson said, “Report all ships ready for FTL Commander.”

  “Aye, Sir.” Replied Commander Hendry-Hilsen.

  Precisely at thirteen twenty-one Zulu Commander Hendry-Hilsen said, “Third Fleet is ready for FTL insertion Captain.”

  “Make it happen Commander,” replied Captain John.

  “Aye Sir,” She turned to the Bridge and said, “All ships FTL insertion in ten seconds.”

  Commander Hendry-Hilsen turned to Captain Anderson and said, “Captain, estimating fleet arrival in the Proxima Tolo System at sixteen hundred hours day after tomorrow.”

  “Thank you, Commander.” Replied Captain John Anderson.

  Commander Conway lowered his voice and said, “I am sorry, Admiral. I will speak to Commander Hendry-Hilsen and remind her to address you as Admiral.”

  “No Ted. Please don’t do that. Captain Anderson is all I ever wanted to be. It feels right.”

  “Yes Sir. I understand. Replied Commander Conway.”

  FTL is boring, the video screens that normally show the surrounding space, only showed streaks of light. After several hours, Captain John said, “XO, I am going to my cabin. Have you included me on the duty roster?”

  “I had not Captain, but I can make that a change if you like.”

  “Do that please XO. I will take the zero six hundred to fourteen hundred watch if no one has dibs.”

  “Yes Sir, zero six hundred it is, and no has made a request for that watch. It is all yours Sir.”

  A day later, Captain john paged Commander Conway on his TUI. When Commander Conway answered, Mac said. “Ted, I am going to have a staff meeting with the Captains and their X.O.’s when we get to the Proxima Tolo System. Include the Piranha and the Tigerfish if they are in system.”

  “Aye Sir, I will make the announcement.”

  As the Third fleet dropped out of FTL in the Proxima Tolo System, they immediate
ly went to battle stations. As the scans began to come in it was soon obvious they were alone in the system. The order went out to stand down from battle stations and take up normal protocols. About two hours after the fleet dropped out of FTL an alarm sounded. Two vessels had just dropped stealth in the Proxima Tolo System. It was the pair of new Monitor II boats. Tigerfish and Piranha. As the two monitor boats took up a position flanking the Vanguard they showed up on vid cameras.

  “Those damned ship are lethal looking John.” Said Commander Conway.

  “Think what they must look like to an enemy skipper.” Replied Mac. “Not that the enemy ever sees them.”

  “Now that they’re here, let’s get the process started. Advise all ships that the briefing will begin at zero nine hundred in the ward room of the Vanguard.”

  The transporter room on board the Vanguard was bringing visiting officers as fast as they could be moved off the arrival pad. The two monitor boats were the only ships in third fleet that did not have transporters. The designers of the Monitor II ships opted for more weapons and shields rather than use the space to install a transporter.

  Captain Gunnar Gabrielli, Captain of the Tigerfish and his Executive Officer Lieutenant commander Lucy Silverton came aboard via shuttle. They were accompanied by Commander Gleeu Wonfourn, Captain of the Piranha, and his executive officer Lieutenant commander Tarer Lajifam. Both captains and XO’s were met by Commander Conway. He asked the Captains to accompany him to Admiral Anderson’s ready room. Admiral Anderson was waiting for the pair.

  Lieutenant Griffin Leibowitz said, “Admiral, Captain Gabrielli and Commander Wonfourn are here.”

  “Show them in Lieutenant.”

  Lieutenant Leibowitz opened the hatch and both officers stepped in followed by Commander Conway. Both Captains stood to attention.

  “At ease gentlemen. Welcome to the Vanguard. Have a seat and fill me in.”


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