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Sowing The Seeds Of Love (Eternal Flames Maddox Book 5)

Page 6

by Cree Storm

  The need to breathe had both men pulling back, panting. Pascal smiled up at Zen, rasping, "Well, hello to you, too, handsome."

  "I missed you," Zen softly said.

  "I missed you, too,” Pascal said just as softly.

  Pascal stood there staring into his mate’s mountain meadow green eyes. He could get so lost in those orbs. The gentleness and something else Pascal couldn't quite make out, always had him feeling like the most special Santorini Fox in the entire world.

  "Where do you want to go and eat?" Zen asked.

  Wanting to be alone with his mate, Pascal had planned ahead. "Actually, I made―well, I asked Toby and he made us some fried chicken, potato salad, and some cut vegetables. I don't know if he was trying to be funny or not, but he made peanut butter brownie truffles for dessert."

  Zen smiled wide. "I do love peanut butter."

  Pascal felt his cheeks heat. "I just thought we could have a picnic at the park and maybe talk somewhere more private."

  "I’d like that," Zen whispered.

  Pascal went to his desk and grabbed his basket from under it and quickly made his way back to Zen, grabbing his hand. Pascal made his way quickly out the door.

  Zen laughed, "What's the rush?"

  "I want to be alone with you," Pascal said picking up his pace.

  Zen stopped, causing Pascal to jerk and stumble. Zen pulled, and Pascal stumbled into Zen's arms. "I will not rush our time together."


  Zen raised a brow and then looked ahead. A large smile came over the large man. "We have a stop to make first, sweet pea."

  "Okay," Pascal replied.

  Pascal walked with Zen until they came to the town flower shop. Pascal had been seriously bummed when Mrs. Pearl told him she was closing her doors to move to be with her daughter. She had said that although she found him and others of "his kind" sweet and kind, she had just been through too much with what Charles Fowler did to Maddox and now all the strange things going on. The attack at the club had been the last straw for her. She was too old and she would rather live her life surrounded by family and love than to worry about when something else would happen. Pascal understood, he just hated to see her go.

  Pascal would miss their tea and crumpets in the back and her allowing him to help from time to time in the caring of her plants. She had thought she would leave a few weeks back, but the move to Washington had to be put off to take care of some last minute details for the shop. However, today was the day. Mrs. Pearl’s Flowerama would be no more.

  "Stand here, sweet pea, I just want to ask Mrs. Pearl if she needs anything before she goes," Zen replied.

  Zen started to walk away when Rhys yelled, causing him and Pascal to turn.

  "Day! Daytona Rampart Sutherlan, don't you run away from me!"

  "Rampart?" Pascal and Zen laughed at the same time.

  Rhys marched over to Pascal and Zen talking, however, Pascal had a feeling he wasn't really talking to them. "He thinks he can ignore me like that and get away with it? Let's see what he thinks about that when his ass gets diaper duty for the next month!"

  "Rhys, are you alright?" Pascal asked in concern for his friend.

  Rhys pursed his lips. "I just don't get it. Day is supposed to be in a meeting with Illan and some of the other council members." Rhys’s eyes went wide, and his bottom lip started to tremble, "You don't think―I mean he wouldn't―but what if―"

  Zen went to Rhys, hugging him close, and whispered, "Day loves you and Ethan, Rhys. He would never even consider cheating on either of you. You know that. Then there are your children. You know, as well as all of us do, that those two kids have Day wrapped around their little fingers."

  Sniffling, Rhys replied, "True. I should be ashamed for even thinking Day would look at another, but damn it, why would he run from me like that?"

  Pascal went to Rhys, placed a soothing hand on his back, saying, "Maybe he was getting you something special and didn't want you to see?"

  Rhys gasped and pulled back. "That's it! My 1728th birthday is coming up, maybe he's planning a party and didn't want me to know."

  "That has to be it, Rhys. Besides, I heard you talking to him this morning when you came in and you did tell him you would be in meetings all morning and afternoon. He might have thought the coast was clear for what he needed to do to put things together for a party," Zen stated.

  Rhys snickered, "He just didn't know that one of those meetings was at the Flowerama. Well, the secret is out. Oh, but I better act surprised when it happens. I mean, I would hate for him to have gone through so much trouble and then blow it for him. I have the best mates in the entire world."

  Pascal laughed, "Well, I might have to disagree with you, but how about we just say, Fate knew what she was doing?"

  Smiling wide, Rhys said, "That she does. So, what are you two doing here?"

  "We were on our way to have a picnic lunch, but Zen wanted to stop in and see Mrs. Pearl," Pascal answered.

  "Well, life is full of coincidences, I am here to meet up with my father to finalize the purchase of this very shop," Rhys said with a smile.

  Pascal walked inside with Rhys and Zen. He looked around at the empty shelves and a sadness came over him. "I really hate that we are losing our only flower and plant shop in Maddox. I really loved coming here."

  Zen nodded. "Me, too. Sometimes on my way home I would stop in just to smell all the flowers and look to see what new plants Mrs. Pearl had purchased."

  "Your dad owned a landscaping company, didn't he?" Rhys asked.

  "Yeah, I loved that business. My father lost everything when he refused to go into business with Fowler," Zen said in disgust.

  Looking around, Zen said, "Mrs. Pearl must be in the back. I hope she got what I asked for."

  Rhys placed a hand on Zen's arm. "How about I go in the back and get her, you two stay right here."

  "Okay, but we need to hurry, because I still have to drop off this file to Wyndingo for Ollie and I don't want Dain mad at me for being late back to the office," Pascal replied.

  "Dain isn't going to care if you're not back for another two hours. He understands what it's like to want to be with one's mate," Rhys said walking to the back of the store.

  "Do you mind if I make a call while we wait?" Zen asked.

  Pascal shook his head. "Not at all."

  "I'm going to take this outside. Whatever you do, don't let Rhys out that door."


  Zen waited until someone answered the phone. "Come on! Come on!"

  "O'Bryan institute for the gay and proud. You burn 'em we turn 'em," Jett answered, throwing Zen off for a second. "Start talkin or I'mawalkin."

  "Jett have you ever been to a therapist before?" Zen asked.

  Jett snorted, "Yep, but the doc said I was a lost cause and signed the papers. What's up big, and I mean really big, brother-in-law of mine?"

  Shaking his head in disbelief, Zen asked, "Is Day there or is he still in Maddox?"

  "Maddox? Day hasn't been to Maddox today. I should know, he's yelled at me like twelve times already today and now, I am cleaning the trucks for the third time. Soon the man will have me repainting them," Jett said.

  "Can I just please talk to Day?" Zen asked once more.

  Jett couldn't have taken the phone away as he screamed so high pitched the dogs should have been barking. "Day! You're needed on the phone!"

  Day quickly picked up, "Day Sutherlan here."

  "Hey, Day, this is Zen. I think you might have a problem," Zen stated.

  "Hold on one second, Zen. Jett, hang up," Day hissed.

  Zen could practically hear the pout in Jett's voice, "But I wanna hear."

  "Hang up the damn phone, Jett," Day practically snarled.

  Zev's voice came from the other end, "Babe, I swear you love to work. Now hang up the phone before he puts you on another project and I never get to see you tonight."

  Jett huffed but the distinct sound of a click could be heard.

>   "Okay, Zen, what's up?" Day asked.

  "Jett said you haven't been to Maddox today, but Rhys swears he saw you and got really upset when you took off and ignored him."

  "I haven't been in Maddox today. He must have made a mistake," Day replied.

  Zen softly laughed. "Are you going to tell him he didn't see who he thinks he did?"

  Day scoffed, "I love my balls just where they are, thank you very much. I love my mates, Zen, but there is one thing you need to remember above all else."

  "What's that?" Zen asked.

  "Your mate is always right," Day said.

  Zen laughed, but Day quickly said, "I'm completely serious, Zen. Our job is to keep our mates happy. That means they are always right. Even when we know they are wrong, it is up to them to figure that out and up to us to support them in every way we can. I could argue with Rhys, but to what end? I love my sex life, and I won't jeopardize that for a misidentification."

  "Well, I hope you are planning one kickass birthday party for Rhys, then," Zen said with a snicker.

  "Birthday party? Not that I know of," Day replied sounding completely confused.

  Zen laughed. "Well you are now, because Rhys thinks that's why you ran from him today. He thinks you and Ethan are planning a big surprise party."

  "But I wasn't even in Maddox!" Day shouted.

  Zen laughed again."Remember what you said, Day, a mate is always right. Good luck with the party and let me know when and where. Pascal and I will be there."

  Zen hung up and made his way back into the Flowerama. Pascal was walking around brushing his fingers along the empty shelves. "Are you okay, sweat pea?"

  Pascal gave him a sad smile. "I always wanted my own plant shop. It's called to me since I was a young child. I knew that I would excel at it."

  Zen watched Pascal walk to another display case where a dead plant sat in its pot. Pascal barely touched the withering thing and Zen gasped as a beautiful, white, peace lily grew into a healthy white flower. "You are amazing."

  Pascal gave that same sad smile. "Thanks. I still prefer growing things from the seeds up. There's just something about the feeling I get when the soil touches my hands."

  "I know what you mean. When my dad had his landscaping company, he'd design the landscape then we would spend hours planting. It was hard labor, but when we finished and the client would see what we had done, the look of pure joy was worth every drop of sweat. Every time we passed a location that we had done, I felt pride and a sense of accomplishment. For now, I'm working at the club and saving my money so I can restart the business my dad and I had. It's just been a long slow process." Zen stated.

  Pascal sighed, "I like working for Dain, he's a great boss, but―"

  "You feel like something's missing," Zen filled in.

  Pascal nodded. Zen took Pascal in his arms, saying, "I know what you mean, Pascal. How about you and I save our money and open our own place? You can grow the plants and I'll landscape. We can make beautiful flower arrangements for people and live the life we have always dreamed about―together."

  "I would love that," Pascal whispered back with happiness twinkling in his beautiful chocolate brown eyes.

  Zen leaned in for a kiss, when Dain's robust voice had both men jumping apart. "Pascal Everly, I am beyond pissed at you."

  "What? Why?" Pascal asked fearfully.

  Zen stepped in front of Pascal, saying, "I know that we've been taking a bit longer for lunch and stuff, but that's my fault, not his. If you want to be upset with someone then be upset with me."

  Dain smiled, "You have a keeper there, Pascal. A man willing to take on the Regent to the pixies is a good man to have as a mate and is a very worthy mate. However, Zen, I'm talking about his unhappiness with his duties as my ajutor."

  Pascal stepped around Zen, shaking his head frantically, "Oh, but I'm not―"

  Dain held his hand up. "I heard what you said and just witnessed what you can do. Now, I know that Ollie told me how you love your plants and that's why I asked for you to grow my herbs and things Kerrick, Rune, and I need for our potions. Yet, you didn't tell me how deep this yearning actually is."

  "Dain, I swear I'm not unhappy working for you," Pascal insisted.

  Smiling, Dain went to Pascal. "Pascal, I know that, but I also know that you spent far too much time taking care of everyone else and it's high time someone takes care of you."

  "That is my job," Zen stated firmly.

  "True, Zen, but it's also mine. I took on that responsibility when I gave a blood oath to your mate," Dain stated, gently cupping Pascal's cheek. "You have become very dear to me, Pascal, so it's time I give you some hard truths. First, nothing in life is a guarantee. You have to stop holding back on your happiness so others can be happy. It's okay for you to live and love your own life, Pascal. There is nothing to feel guilty about. Zen is a good man and deserves to have his mate as much as you deserve to have yours."

  Pascal looked down, as if in shame. Zen sighed, "Dain, Pascal did mate with me. It's me that has not completed the mating."

  Dain turned an angry glare his way, but Rhys rushed forward. "Dad, Zen and I spoke a long time about this and his reasoning is sound. After having a mother like he did, lying to his father all those years, pretending to love him, but never saying it and then finding out it's because she honestly never did have any feelings for either he or his father, and add to that her trying to kill him. He needs the words. When Pascal says he loves him, Zen will complete the mating."

  Dain looked back at Pascal. "Do you love him, Pascal?"

  Pascal looked at Dain and then back at Zen. "I think I do, but I'm not sure."

  "Why are you not sure?" Dain asked.

  Pascal turned away. "I've never been in love before. I have no idea what it really is or means."

  Dain got a dreamy look in his eyes, softly saying, "Do you wake up every morning with Zen on your mind? Wondering, did he sleep well? Is he thinking about you as much as you are of him? Does your heart sing and breath catch from just the sight of him when he walks into your line of vision? Do you cry when he is sad, laugh when he is happy, make choices and decisions with him as your number one reason for doing something?"

  Rhys nodded. "Does the thought of Zen not being in your life make you feel like someone is cutting your insides out? If he were to die today, would you be able to go on? Would you even want to go on?"

  "Pascal, everyone questions love and people can try to define it, hell, look it up, it says an intense feeling of deep affection, but that is bullshit. Love can't be defined by anyone but the people involved," Dain stated.

  "Love is not something to pass up because of uncertainty. Everyone questions themselves. Honestly, I don't know how humans do it. At least we know that Fate has blessed us with the other part of our soul. Just don't stop yourself because of fear," Rhys stated.

  Dain stepped back. "Just think about what we said, Pascal. Until then, I want to give you a mating gift."

  "Oh no, that isn't necessary," Pascal insisted.

  Dain turned. "Oh, I insist. What if I tell you that you can have your own shop, now?"

  "What?" Both Pascal and Zen said together.

  Dain smiled and looked at Mrs. Pearl. "Margo here tells me that she is going to miss having her afternoon tea with you."

  "That I am," Mrs. Pearl replied with a nod. Then gasped, "Oh, Zen I have that order you wanted."

  Mrs. Pearl went to the back room and Dain said, "I just purchased the store from Margo. My thought here is that you want a flower shop and we have one. So, I would like to give you the shop."

  "And Zen, I would like to do something for you, as well. The shops on the left and right are ours too. My dad, uncle Destrain, Twix, and I can make this one really large place for you to have a section for flowers, as well as plants," Rhys said.

  Dain nodded, and Zen could see the excitement in his face. "Oh, and what about that warehouse in the back? Rhys, we could make that into one of the biggest greenhouses ever."

  Rhys giggled and started clapping. "And―"

  Zen practically shouted, "Wait! Both of you stop. I don't understand―"

  Dain raised his brow. "There is nothing to understand except you are both the proud owners of this plant shop. However, you’re right, we are getting a bit ahead of ourselves. I think you and Pascal need to sit and plan how you want everything to look. Rhys is right, we can add on the shops to the sides, and if you think you need more room, we can add the ones to the side of those or better yet, use two or three of the warehouses. Just figure out the square footage and how you want things to look. Rhys is right, between my brother and I, along with Rhys and Twix, we can make anything happen."

  "I don't know what to say. I mean, this is too much," Zen whispered.

  Pascal sniffled, rasping, "Dain, we can't accept this."

  Dain turned to Pascal. "It is no different than the gift we gave to York and Timmy."

  "Or Twix and his mates," Rhys said with a nod.

  Sighing, Dain said, "Pascal, please, I really want you to do this."

  Pascal turned to Zen and both men looked intently at each other, Zen whispered, "What do you say? Do you want to give this a try?"

  Pascal looked around and the yearning Zen could see decided everything for him, but he wouldn't take the offer if Pascal refused.

  A lone tear fell from Pascal's right eye and then another from the left. Zen felt his heart drop and then Pascal looked around, wiped his eyes, then said, "I would love nothing more than to own and run this place with you, Zen."

  Smiling wide, Zen took Pascal in his arms. "Thank you, Dain. Thank you, Rhys. It is a beautiful and much appreciated gift."

  "Here you go, Zen," Mrs. Pearl said coming out of the back room.

  Zen smiled when he saw the purple flower. Taking it from Mrs. Pearl, Zen handed it directly to Pascal. “This is a sweet pea flower. I knew you had to have one the moment I met you. It isn't really the season for them, but when I talked with Mrs. P she worked her magic for me."


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