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Mafia Prince (Mafia Royalty Book 3)

Page 3

by Cala Riley

  Bash brings me a bottle of pills and some gross-looking green drink. Lo goes and flings the curtains open.

  “Ahhhh fuck! Damn it, Lo. Close them!” The throbbing in my head grows at the light.

  “No can do, buddy. We have business today.”

  I growl at him as I take four of the pills and down the gross drink.

  “Eck. What the fuck is this shit?”

  Bash chuckles. “Nonna Rosa says it’s the cure to any hangover. She said you will feel better within the hour. Now go shower and dress. We have some business to handle today.”

  “Go without me.” I moan.

  “Seriously, Gio? You going to let the boss down because you got too fucking drunk last night?” I don’t care for the tone in Lo’s voice, but I can’t contradict him. He’s right. I knew we had things to do today. It just didn’t cross my mind when I was drowning my sorrows.

  “Okay. I’m getting up.”

  “That’s what I thought. Oh, and you owe me a new pair of shoes.” He calls out as I head to the bathroom.

  I turn and glare at him. “Why is that?”

  “Because you puked on mine last night. Learn to hold your liquor better.” Lo and Bash chuckle as they close the door behind me.

  “Fucking assholes.”

  I turn on the shower and jump in. I still feel like shit when I get out, but I must admit I feel marginally better now. I change quickly and make my way to the kitchen.

  “Finally. Took you for-fucking-ever,” Lo jokes.

  “Shut up, asshole. You deserved the puke on your shoes,” I mumble as I grab a mug for coffee.

  Bash walks into the room, adjusting his cufflinks. “Get it to go, Gio. We’re running late.”

  I don’t respond. I grab a travel mug instead and fill it up. Nonna Rosa comes in a minute later and frowns at me. “You look terrible, bambino. Here.” She reaches into the fridge and takes out two hard-boiled eggs and a bottle of orange juice. “Did you drink the juice I sent up with Bash?”

  “Yes, Nonna.”

  “Good. Eat these, grab a banana, and drink the juice. You will feel better soon.”

  I give her a sweet smile as I shove one whole egg in my mouth. I have the urge to throw up, but I finally manage to choke it down before I shove the second one in. I wash it down with half the bottle of orange juice.

  “Good boy, bambino.”

  “Thank you, Nonna.” I chug the other half and feel queasy.

  “Let’s go, then.” Bash heads out of the kitchen with Lo following him.

  I grab a banana and my coffee before following.

  “Bye, Nonna,” I call out.

  Nonna Rosa’s a wonderful woman. She’s been caring for the family since she was in her teens. Rosa helped her mother until her mother died; then she took over. She never had any children of her own but always treats us as if we are her children. I briefly wonder who will care for us when she’s gone but shake the thought out of my head. I don’t want to think about a time without her.

  By the time I make it to the SUV, Bash and Lo are already inside. I climb in the back next to Bash and close my eyes. I have to admit, I’m starting to feel a little better, but I still wish I could have slept off this hangover.

  “So, Gio, want to tell me why I need to buy a new pair of shoes?” The sound of amusement in Lo’s voice pisses me off.

  I miss the old Lo. The one who barely spoke.

  “I don’t really know, Lo. I don’t remember.”

  He chuckles. “Okay. Why did you drink so much last night?”

  “When did we turn into a bunch of bitches who sit around and talk about shit? Is Mia taking your man card, Lo?” I quip back.

  He grunts. Then something flies back and hits me on my head.

  “Ow. What the fuck?” I pick up the pen he chucked at me.

  “You’re lucky it was only a pen. Don’t ever disrespect Mia again.”

  Lo’s light tone has turned dark, a sign of the devil inside. Bash turns and glares at me.

  “Don’t disrespect any of the girls. You know better.”

  I grunt. “Sorry. I didn’t mean them. I mean women in general.” Bash continues to glare, so I clear my throat as I continue. “I mean, it won’t happen again.”

  “Good, now why did you get wasted last night?” Bash commands rather than asks.

  “I would rather not talk about it.”

  “If it’s going to affect your work and your ability to do what you need to for this family, you will talk about it.”

  “It was a one-time thing. It won’t happen again.”

  “Does it have to do with Isabella?”

  “I said I don’t want to fucking talk about it. It won’t happen again. Drop it.” I turn and look out the window, trying to lessen the anger that fills me. It’s not until something smacks me across the back of my head that I turn back.

  “I let you slide with a lot, cousin, but don’t you forget who I am. You will not speak to me that way no matter where we are. Whatever’s going on with Isabella, figure it the fuck out. I don’t know why she hates you as much as she does, but if she wants you to leave her alone, do it. I let you have time, but this ends now. Forget her and focus on your work.”

  I want to glare at him. I want to tell him Izzy is mine and I will do what I damn well please. I want to defy him, but I know if I do, he will not hesitate to kill me. I might be his cousin and one of his closest friends, but he’s still our don and he will still put the family first. That is the life.

  Hell, it’s why Izzy hates me in the first place.

  I sigh and bow my head slightly. “Sorry, Don Bastiano,” I say, properly chastised. “I heard your command and will respect it.”

  Even if it kills me.


  “Mr. O’Reilly. Thank you for meeting with us,” Bash says as the man is escorted into the room.

  For the past couple of months, the drug sales in the boroughs have soared. Prior to Bash taking over, the Catalini family allowed the Albanians to deal in the boroughs with strict rules. The surge is concerning, especially when children are becoming involved.

  I stand by the door and watch as the man takes a seat on the other side of the table. Lo stands behind Bash while two of O’Reilly’s men take similar positions.

  Killian O’Reilly, head of the Westies, the Irish mob residing on the west side of Manhattan. Head of the New York branch of the Irish Mob. Everyone has a section of business they deal in. While we deal in clubs and protection, they deal in arms trafficking and drugs. Sometimes our paths cross, but usually we keep separate.

  “Of course. Sorry it has taken so long, Mr. Catalini. It seems life has gotten in the way for both of us. Congratulations on your marriage. I will be sure to send a gift.”

  I watch Bash’s reaction. Only the family has been notified of the marriage. How he found out so soon is a mystery—one that will be solved. Bash doesn’t physically react, but he doesn’t need to. I know him. I know what he’s thinking.

  “Thank you. Shall we move on to business?”

  “Of course. What prompted this visit today?”

  A visit with the Irish means neutral ground. So today, we meet in Hell’s Kitchen, where the Irish headquarters is, but in a restaurant where we know the family who owns it. They shut it down for us, but they’re not directly related to either family.

  It’s as neutral as you can get.

  “We have seen some concerning things coming out of the Bronx. Children becoming very sick with an illness that can be prevented. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?”

  Bash isn’t asking. He’s accusing. I watch as the Irish leader tenses.

  “I, too, have noticed an increase in illness in the children. As I told your father, we do not deal with children. While we may work in a business that’s not always reputable, we do have a code we follow. My men have been trying to smoke out the culprit, but so far, we have come up empty-handed. At one point, it looked to have pointed to a man who you might kn
ow, but then he disappeared. He hasn’t been seen since. Do you know anything about that?”

  The accusation is thrown right back. It’s obvious he’s now accusing us of the increased drug use.

  “I believe I know who you speak of. He’s been an issue we’ve been having to jump through hoops to take care of. We thought we had the situation under control but he’s in the wind. If you lay eyes on said man, you will let me know, yeah? His wife misses him dearly. We would like to find him as soon as possible.”

  Fucking Fillipo.

  I watch the tension slowly leave Killian.

  “I see. We haven’t seen him, but we will keep an eye out. As for the illness, it seems to be going down now that he’s missing. I feel he’s our missing link. Seems he’s a dosser, unless the Catalini family is looking for new business?”

  “No, not at all. We like our business the way it is. I will look into this matter and let you know.”

  “I have a person who will look further into it. But in the meantime, I will send you the information I have. We agree that this illness needs to end. Anything we can do to help squash it, we will do. I would like to continue the partnership I had with your father.”

  Bash is quiet a moment as he thinks. “If what you’re saying is true, and your business does not involve children, I would be willing to honor the deal you previously made with my father. For now, send me the information you have, and we will discuss this further at a later date. Is that agreeable?”

  It’s Killian’s turn to pause. “Aye. It is agreeable.” Killian stands, as does Bash.

  “Great. I will reach out after I review the information.”

  “Aye. I will have it sent over right away.”

  They shake hands, and Bash waits as Killian leaves. “Let’s go out the back.”

  Lo heads out the opposite end of the restaurant while I stay close behind Bash. After we are headed back, Bash speaks. “You think he’s telling the truth?”

  Lo stays quiet.

  “I think the thorn in our side he speaks of is capable of anything. If he was doing as he said, he wasn’t using our loyal men,” I tell him.

  Lo speaks next. “I believe it. The Irish have not been a problem since your father negotiated the peace back in the eighties. I don’t know why they would change things now. Either someone else is causing the issue or someone in his organization is going rogue and starting a new business. I will look into all avenues.”

  “Let me know as soon as possible. I need this tied up before we leave.” Bash’s phone rings, and I don’t miss his slight smile as he answers. “Mrs. Catalini, how are you doing today?”

  I can’t make out her words, but he stops fighting his smile and lets it cover his face. “You’re bad, tesoro. Very bad. I will be home soon to take care of this.”

  I smile as I turn to look out the window. I’m happy Bash has Sofia. She came to him unexpectedly, but she has done wonders for his soul.

  “Yeah? I suppose we could do a family dinner. I was hoping to have you alone since I had to leave so early this morning and didn’t give you a proper good morning.”

  I try and tune him out. I’m happy for him, but I don’t need to know about how he wishes her a good morning.

  After a few more moments, he hangs up the phone. “Family dinner tonight.”

  “I’m not really up for it.” I speak to the window as I watch the scenery go by.

  “It’s not a request. The queen demands a family dinner. Do you want to disappoint her?”

  I catch the humor in his voice and cringe slightly.

  Sofia’s a gorgeous and sweet woman. She has become quite close to not only Bash but Lo and me as well. Don’t let her sweetness and good looks fool you though. As a man who prides himself on being fearless, I can honestly say an angry Sofia is scary as fuck.

  “Dinner sounds nice. I’ll be sure to thank her,” I reply without enthusiasm.

  “That’s the spirit.”

  As we pull into Bash’s driveway, I grunt. “I’m going home to take a nap. What time do I need to be back by?”


  “I’ll be here.”

  Chapter Three


  “Is it all set up?” Mia whispers to me in the hall outside the kitchen.

  “It is. Matt helped me print everything. I had Nonna help me put it together. It will be served as dessert.”

  Mia gives me a shaky smile. She has been anxious all afternoon. She has texted me no less than fifty times telling me she doesn’t think this is a good idea.

  “Breathe, Mia. It’s okay. He will be happy. And if he isn’t? I’ll make sure he won’t have any more children in the future.” I give her my award-winning smile, making her laugh.

  “Jesus, Iz. Stop threatening his manhood. I kinda love what he does with it.”

  “Obviously, Mia Pia,” Sofia says as she enters the room. “Otherwise, I don’t think you would be in this position.”

  Mia blushes as Bash and Lo enter the room.

  “What’s going on in here?” Bash asks as he steps behind Sofia and wraps his arms around her.

  Lo does the same to Mia before he speaks. “Why is my girl blushing? Did you tell them about the thing with the vibrator we did last night?”

  Mia’s eyes widen as her blush goes from her cheeks to her entire face.

  “You were sick, Mia!” Sofia yells at the same time as I say, “Fuck. I do not need to know about your kinks.”

  Mia scolds him. “I didn’t tell them anything, but now they know. Thanks, asshole.”

  “You love me.” He leans down and kisses her lips, and she melts into him.

  “I’m going to make sure the table is set.” I don’t wait for a response. I go through the kitchen and walk into the dining room and go around straightening the already straight plates. Nonna Rosa always sets the table, but I needed a minute away.

  I’m happy for Mia and Lo, but thinking about her pregnancy also brings back painful memories.

  “Oh, hey.”

  His voice causes me to freeze. I turn around slowly and face him.


  Whenever I see him, I cannot stop my heart from beating a little bit faster.

  “Hey,” I respond curtly.

  The painful memories of the past are still mingled with the present. I can’t help the anger that filters in.

  “Sorry, I thought dinner was at six. Was I wrong?” he mumbles, almost as if he doesn’t want to be in the room with me right now.

  I can't deny that it hurts, but it’s for the best.

  “They’re by the kitchen. I’m just making sure the dining room is ready.” I turn back and look at the perfectly set table. There’s nothing for me to do, but I can’t escape now without looking stupid.

  “Oh.” That’s all he says. I turn back around and watch him standing nervously by the door. He runs his hand through his hair and pulls on it a little—his telltale sign that he’s anxious. “Listen, Iz,” he begins, but then the others walk through the door that leads to the kitchen.

  “Gio, how nice to see you,” Bash says then turns to Lo. “Pay up, bitch.”

  “You had to show up, didn’t you?” Lo grumbles but takes his wallet out and slaps money into Bash’s hand.

  “You told me it was family dinner? Did I not have to come?” Gio sounds slightly annoyed.

  “You most certainly had to come. I ordered it.” Sofia goes and gives Gio a hug.

  He hugs her back and gives her a smile. “I wouldn’t have come if Bash ordered it, but since it was you, well, I want to keep my balls where they are.”

  She slaps his arm as she laughs. “Now why would you think your manhood would be in danger? I’m not the kind of girl to cause physical harm to others.” She says the words sweetly, and she almost sounds innocent.

  “You forget what I’ve witnessed you do. I think you’re more dangerous than Bash.”

  “Watch what you say about your boss,” Bash’s grave voice says from behind her. I can�
��t help but watch this play out. Part of me relishes the fact Gio just pissed off the most dangerous man I know. The other part, the part I hate, tenses up with worry at the man it still loves.

  “Come on, Bash,” Gio starts with a chuckle. “You’re living, breathing danger. Sofia, on the other hand, is sweet and innocent, yet deadly. She’s the type who will smile and laugh, but if you cross her, she will put a bullet between your eyes before you even realize that you need to be on guard. That’s way more dangerous.”

  There is silence in the room.

  My heart starts beating faster. The part that still loves him is winning out. My body aches to step forward and protect him. I barely hold myself back.

  Bash steps in front of Gio. After another tense moment, he claps Gio on the shoulder as he begins to laugh. “You’re right, brother. My queen is more dangerous than any man. Like a siren, she will pull you in and lead you to your death.”

  They continue to laugh and talk as they make their way to their seats.

  I let out the breath I had been holding. My heart is still beating erratically, so I turn and walk into the kitchen to give myself a minute to calm down.

  “You okay, bambina?” Nonna Rosa asks as she goes to walk into the dining room with the salad and bread.

  “Yes, Nonna. Just needed a minute. Let me take the salad.”

  She pauses. “Does this have to do with Giovanni? I hear them talk, you know.”

  I want to ask what she knows. I want to know if he still feels the way I feel. My stubborn side won’t let me though.

  “No, tonight is just going to be overwhelming with the announcement.”

  We let Nonna Rosa in on the announcement since she will be helping serve dessert.

  She frowns. “You can hide from him all you want, but I can see the way you look at him. Honey, it’s the same way he looks at you. I don’t know why you’re fighting it, but give in. You’re wasting precious time with him by holding on to this anger. You never know how much longer you have left.”

  The sadness in her voice speaks to the same sadness inside. My eyes prickle as I think about her words. She’s right. One minute you’re here, and the next you could be gone. Life can change in an instant. I know that better than most.


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