Mafia Prince (Mafia Royalty Book 3)

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Mafia Prince (Mafia Royalty Book 3) Page 8

by Cala Riley

  He kisses me once more before he starts to move. He trails his lips down my cheek to my neck, biting softly. I rock against him, needing more friction between us as the warmth builds inside me.

  “More,” I whimper as I gyrate my hips faster.

  He grunts before pistoning his own hips faster. After a moment, he pulls my leg over his arm, deepening each stroke. In this position, he hits a spot that causes me to catch my breath each time he rubs against it.

  “So fucking good. You feel like fucking heaven. I’m so fucking close, baby. I know I said I would torture you, but I can’t, not when you feel so good. Fuck, baby.”

  His words, mixed with his heady scent, along with the pressure between my legs is enough to set me off. Moment later, the stars I saw before turn into bright lights as I scream.

  My ears are ringing as I feel him still, his body jerking slightly as his hot cum fills me. The feeling sets off another wave of trembles that rack my body. I can hear Giovanni speaking, but it’s muffled. My vision is unfocused.

  It takes minutes, but finally, my senses come back.

  “Are you okay, Isabella? Talk to me.”

  I moan, “I think you broke me.”

  He chuckles but relaxes as he lies next to me, pulling me into him. “Not yet, but I will make it my goal to try my hardest to do so until the day we die.”

  I tense slightly but then relax. I won’t let my thoughts ruin it for us.


  I wake up from a peaceful sleep with Izzy curled up next to me with her hand on my chest. My phone is insistently buzzing on my nightstand. I reach over and see it’s 4:00 a.m. and Matt’s name is on the screen. I swipe left to answer.

  “What?” I murmur, trying not to wake Izzy.

  “You could have warned me,” he demands while panting.

  “Warned you about what? And why are you panting?” I whisper. Izzy stirs, so I slowly rub my hand up and down her back, trying to soothe her back to sleep.

  “I’m panting because Greer’s a fucking escape artist. I go to the restroom for two fucking minutes, leaving how many guys on her, and she fucking slips out. So now we’re searching for her. Where the fuck would she go?”

  “She what!” I shout, waking Iz when I jackknife in bed.

  “You fucking heard me, Gio. Where. Would. She. Go?” he asks slowly.

  “What’s wrong?” Izzy asks while running her hand over my thigh.

  “Greer pulled a Houdini, and now Matt can’t find her,” I tell her while thinking.

  “Oh fuck. Okay, think.” Izzy pulls the phone out of my hand and sets it on the bed after putting it on speakerphone.

  “Does she have any friends she would go see?” Matt asks.

  “How would I know?”

  “Uh, maybe because you’re her cousin, dumbass,” Izzy mutters.

  “I’m dead. I’m fucking dead.” Matt groans.

  “Look, she’s an adult. She can handle herself. What trouble do you think she could possibly get into?” Iz asks.

  “A fuck ton,” I tell her honestly. “Did you call Bash?” I ask Matt.

  “Not yet. Figured I would call you first.”

  “Did anyone text her?” Izzy asks.

  “No,” both Matt and I say.

  Izzy sighs and picks up my phone, opening my messages, and starts a new conversation with Greer, texting her for me.

  Me: Greer, where the hell are you?

  Greer: I’m fine, Gio. I just needed a little alone time. Some breathing room without a bunch of goons around.

  Me: You know you can’t just run. We need to know where you are to keep you safe.

  Greer: Look, I don’t know if you know this, but I’m an adult. In Italy I’m alone all the time. I promise you I’m fine and I will be.

  Me: That may be but think about the men who oversaw you. Because of your actions, they could suffer the consequences.

  Greer: Look, I will call Enzo and whoever else you want by 6 in the morning so they can come get me and take me home. Bash doesn’t have to know, and if he does, well, I’ll deal with it. Just let me have this. Please.

  “Is she saying anything?” Matt asks, pulling me back into the present.

  “She did. What do you want to do, Gio?” Izzy asks softly.

  “Matt, call everyone off. This isn’t the first time on her trip she’s gone rogue. She has until 6:00 a.m. to get ahold of me and Enzo to get her. If she doesn’t, we tell Bash.”

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” he asks with hesitation in his voice.

  “No, but I’m doing it,” I tell him on a sigh.

  Me: My phone better be ringing by 6 a.m. so I can come get you myself. Don’t do anything stupid, bambina.

  I text back.

  Greer: Thank you.

  Chapter Seven


  Today has been perfect. Gio and I spent all day in bed, naked, getting reacquainted with each other. Little talking has been done, but when we have, it was all light and surface-level talk, nothing too serious to bring down the mood. A little while ago, after my stomach starting singing, Gio pulled me downstairs and made me a delicious steak fettucine to build our strength back up. Now we’re in his backyard sitting area with the fire roaring, my back to his front with a bottle of wine.

  “I never thought we would get here,” he murmurs against my hair, squeezing me a little tighter.

  “I honestly didn’t either.” I sigh. “It’s time to talk, isn’t it?” I ask him, even though I know the answer.

  “It is. If we expect to move on, we need to air it all out. I refuse to let you walk away again.”

  I turn to look at him, my legs lying over his. “Why didn’t you show, Giovanni? You promised. We had a plan, and I sat there feeling like a fool waiting for you.” I try to hold back the tears.

  “You’re not and never were a fool, Iz.” He sighs, taking his time to put his thoughts together. “I was on my way to you when they grabbed me. They kidnapped me for my initiation. I obviously didn’t know it was going to happen then, or I would have moved our plan up. It was completely out of my hands. They grabbed me two blocks from the meetup. Once they had me there, I couldn’t leave. I couldn’t do anything until they released me. And when they did, I tried calling. You didn’t answer. When I found out you were at the hospital, I went straight there. Only to be turned away.” He wipes the tears from my face.

  “You not showing changed everything. That night broke me, Giovanni. You broke my heart by not showing and then going to the hospital broke me even more. After that, I shut down. I couldn’t handle seeing you or what your family cost us.”

  “What happened, Iz? Why did you go to the hospital? You’ve never told me, and even though I could use my connections to find out, I didn’t want to know what happened from anyone but you. When your mother walked out and handed me your letter, it killed me. A piece of me died right there. But I refused to leave until they released you. I wouldn’t willingly walk away from you.”

  “You want to know what happened?”

  “Yes, cuore mio, why were you at the hospital?”

  “I was pregnant,” I whisper without making eye contact.

  “What?” he asks, full of anguish.

  “I didn’t know.” I sob. “I didn’t know, I swear.”

  He pulls me closer, holding me tight. “Shhh, I know, cuore mio. I know you would have told me. Calm down and tell me what happened,” he demands, but softens, “but take your time.”

  After a few minutes, the tears dry and I become numb. With my face buried into his chest, I finish our story. “I thought you abandoned me, left me alone to wait for you. Told me I was your number one priority, and then you didn’t show. I thought every fear I ever had was coming true. Like my dad leaving all over again but worse, you know? Because I knew what loving you was like, where I barely remember him.”

  “Never, Isabella. If you take anything from tonight, just know I would never purposely leave you.”

  “I know. You
’ve showed that by sticking around. Always being there when I need you no matter how much I want to deny it.” I take a minute and listen to his heartbeat under my ear. The steady thump, thump, thump giving me the courage to pick back up.

  “I waited for you for three hours. It was so cold, but I was numb to it. All I wanted had been you, but finally something clicked, and I knew you weren’t coming. On my way to the subway stop, I passed Aperitivo. I attempted to hide in the shadows so no one would see me. Then I heard you laugh. I stood in the shadows and watched as you laughed and smoked cigars with a bunch of men in the alley beside the bar. My heart broke in that moment. You didn’t show up because you put the family over us. La Costa Nostra, the family comes first, above all others, even blood. You always resented that, yet you toasted to it outside the bar. How devoted to the family you were. It felt like everything you had ever told me was a lie when I heard you.”

  He lifts my chin to meet his eyes. “I didn’t want to make that toast. I didn’t want to be there. If I had left, they would have killed me. You were always my number one priority. That night, my only thoughts were you. To stay alive for you.”

  “I know that now, but then….” I trail off. “Anyway, while on the subway, I started cramping unbearably. Truly the worst pain I had ever felt. I got off a stop early, and when I got off, I collapsed. I fainted, and when I came to, I was in the back of an ambulance and bleeding. When I arrived at the hospital, they told me there was nothing they could do and that they were so sorry for my loss… our loss.”

  Gio’s openly crying in front of me and not saying anything.

  “Say something, please,” I beg.


  “I didn’t understand how you could love me as much as you did, only to turn away without another thought. How you could cut someone, who you said was vital to your being, out of your life and pretend I never existed. But I get it now, Isabella. I wasn’t there for you when you needed me most.”

  The complete heartbreak I find in her eyes slices me to the core. The cold-hearted woman that she has become is nowhere to be seen. In her place is the heartbroken teenage girl who only wanted to run away with the boy she loved.

  I wasn’t strong enough though. I had been a boy who still feared his father. I was weak. I didn’t deserve her then and still don’t.

  “I’m so sorry, amore mia I’m so sorry.” My fists clench as I remember that night as if it were yesterday.

  “Where is Isabella Dellaco?”

  “I’m sorry, sir. We can only give information out to family. Are you a family member?”

  “Yes, I’m her husband.”

  The nurse gives me an unbelieving look. “Her mother is with her. No one mentioned a husband. Besides that, she’s only eighteen. Don’t lie to me, boy.”

  “Do you know who I am? I’m Giovanni Catalini. Where is she?”

  “Don’t threaten me, child. Have a seat. I will let her mother know you’re here. If she wishes to let you back, she will come find you.”

  I grunt but listen to the woman. She’s as tough as nails. I can tell she won’t budge.

  My heart hurts when I think about Izzy. Why is she here? What’s wrong? Is it cancer? Was there an accident? I stand and start pacing as the possibilities rush through my head. I consider calling my father. He could get information for me. People fear him. I bet he could have that woman quivering.

  I can’t call him through. Izzy would never forgive me. He wouldn’t understand. He doesn’t agree with my relationship with Izzy. He lets me have my fun now, but he says she isn’t the woman I am to marry. He plans to pair me off with the daughter of one of the higher men in the organization.

  I briefly consider calling Bash, but I don’t want to involve him. While we are friends, I haven’t told him how important Izzy is to me. I haven’t told anyone. Information like that is dangerous. It can be used against you. While Bash is my friend, I can’t trust anyone. That’s one lesson my father made sure I know.

  So instead of taking action, I let my fear control me. It seems like days, but really it’s only hours later when Mrs. Dellaco finally comes out.

  “Is she okay?”

  She sneers at me. She’s never cared for me much. “She will be fine, Giovanni. Go home.” She turns to leave, but I grab her arm.

  “I need to see her. I’m not leaving until I do!”

  She pulls out of my grasp. “Keep your hands off me. She doesn’t wish to see you.”

  “I’m sorry, Mrs. Dellaco. Please. Let me see her. She doesn’t know the whole story. I only want to make sure she’s okay. I want to explain what happened tonight. Please.”

  She shakes her head. “You would prefer to do this the hard way? Fine.” She reaches into her purse and pulls out an envelope before thrusting it into my hands. “Read this then leave. She doesn’t want your excuses.”

  I look down at the envelope in my hand.

  “I won’t leave. Tell her I love her. Tell her she means everything to me. Please.”

  I watch her mother’s eyes soften slightly. “I will tell her, but it won’t matter. Read the letter and leave. Do it for her.” She turns and leaves without waiting for my response. I watch until I can’t see her anymore. Instead of following her like my instincts want me to, I turn and head outside. I find a bench and grip the letter.

  I slowly pull the paper out and find one single sheet of paper. Cuore mio’s handwriting is evident from the first words.


  You will never know how much I truly loved you. My heart aches for you even now. My mind hates you though. My mind cannot trust my heart any longer. I followed you blindly into this. A dumb child who didn’t know any better. I know you will not give up so easily, so this letter is to help you move on.

  I can never forgive you for what you have done. My heart is broken in a million pieces. I love the boy you were, not the man you have become. I can never love a man who would be a part of an organization that is so ruthless and bloody. You have proven that this is an organization you wish to follow.

  Please, if you love me at all, if you have ever felt any inkling of emotion for me, if you care about me, please respect my wishes.

  I don’t want to be with you anymore. My heart will mend, but it will never be the same. It will never love the same. It will never love you again. Please leave. Don’t try and contact me. No more phone calls. Respect my wishes and leave me alone. If I could make it happen, I would never lay eyes on your face again. Since we live in this city together, all I can ask is that if you see me, do not speak to me. Act as if you don’t know me. I do not want to be mixed up in the organization. I want to live a better life. One not bound by the restrictions of your family.

  Please respect these wishes to prove your love for me for it is the only way I will know that you truly love me.

  Yours truly,


  A single tear falls on the page as I reread her words, each one a knife to my heart. I could never deny her anything. I promised her I would give her everything within my power.

  So even if it kills me, I will respect her wishes. I will prove my love for her with this task.

  I will let her go.

  I grab Isabella’s hand and tell her with all that I am, “Never again, Iz. I swear to you, I will be with you from this day forward, whether you want me or not. I will always be there for you.”

  “Oh, Giovanni, don’t you realize you’ve already been doing that? When I’ve been hurt, you’ve been there and haven’t left. You’ve silently been proving yourself to me for a while now.” She takes a big breath and squeezes my hand tightly. “You and me, Gio,” she murmurs.

  “You and me,” I tell her while leaning forward and capturing her lips with mine.

  “To new beginnings,” she whispers against my lips.

  “No, cuore mio, to forever,” I whisper back before taking her lips once more.


  Ever since the night our secrets were revealed a month ago, G
io and I have been spending time together at his place or mine. We have slowed down our physical side, per his request.

  I want to get to know you again, Iz. I want to earn your trust.

  He’s as sweet and attentive as he was back then, and his memory is a vault. I swear the man doesn’t forget a thing. Add in the way he makes my body hum, and I’ve been in my own personal hell. Tonight, I worked late, and Gio had some things to take care of at Ivory, so we decided to spend the night apart.

  I haven’t spent any time with Mia lately with her practically living with Lo. I shoot off a quick text to her, asking her if she will be home tonight. As I walk through the door and into the living room, I jump at the sight of her on the couch.

  “Jesus, Mia! Give a girl a warning.” I clasp my chest, willing my heart to slow back down.

  “I still live here too, you know,” she says as she reaches for the remote to pause the TV.

  “Of course you do. You just surprised me is all. I wasn’t expecting you.”

  “You literally just texted me. I thought I would come spend some time with you. It’s been too long,” she tells me as she sits up from lying down.

  “Let me guess, Lo’s working,” I tease.

  Mia cringes and slightly blushes. “He is, but I really did want to spend some time with you!”

  “How about you order some food while I rinse off real quick, and then we can have a movie night and catch up?” I offer, trying to ease her guilt. I watch her instantly relax.

  “Sounds good. Anything specific you want for dinner?”

  “No, surprise me. You know what I like,” I tell her as I head toward my room.

  Even if I wasn’t her first choice, I can’t help but be thankful that I was a choice at all. I miss my friend. I would not be turning down even a second of time we get to spend together.

  After taking a quick shower and changing into lounging clothes, I make my way back into the living room. Laid out on the table is pulled pork nachos, salsa, guacamole, and chips.

  “How did you get this delivered so quickly?” My stomach growls as the heavenly scent hits my nose.


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