Book Read Free

Trey Roberts and the Ancient Relics

Page 20

by Lee Magnus

  “How do you know my name?”

  “Come with me Mr. Hampton. I will ensure your safe passage back to the U.S.”

  “I’m not looking for trouble. I just need to get – “ The man nodded, then one of the guys behind struck Nick in the back of the head knocking him unconscious.

  Carry on

  Trey awoke to flashes of colorful light pulsing in his eyes. A playful group of fairies sang and danced as their magnificence reflected off smoothed gemstones donning the walls of the Keeper’s lair. As he rose, a tiny roar of cheering and clapping came from the minuscule winged crowd.

  Sensing no danger and better yet, no mind probes, he pushed himself off the ground.

  What happened? Sparky! Sparky. He became instantly sad, laid back down and closed his eyes. He tried to fight back tears, but a few escaped.

  He opened his eyes to a beautiful yellow bodied fairy kissing him on the nose.

  “Coméllula? Is that you?”

  The fairy nodded with great excitement.

  He wiped his eyes dry.

  “Are you going to change into a creepy black creature and eat my ears?”

  She frowned, then shook her head no.

  Trey projected into her mind, “Tell me what happened?”

  The tiny girl’s face lit up. She opened her mouth in a huge smile while clapping her hands, then said in a lovely mousy voice as if she were singing a hymn, “You speak Dandrelierdenish?”

  “No. But I suppose telepathy shares a common language.”

  “Ah ha! What a joy!”

  Trey smiled at her excitement.

  “I don’t know what happened. The Keeper was in control of our minds. We only received glimpses of the real world. It was like being in prison beneath an ocean of despair. I remember you passing with Simon through the forest and hating you for it. Jealousy and envy for not being touched by his evil magic enraged me.” She looked down shamefully and said, “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay. You weren’t you. Tell me what happened next.”

  “I just came to. No more ocean, no more anger or jealousy. We all awoke. Wondering what happened we carefully approached the lair. We found you here on the ground with small flames alight on charred parts of your body. You were,” she looked away morosely. “You were not alive. We were tremendously sad for you but ecstatic we were free!” She received approving nods from her glittery companions.

  “Not alive! What? Charred?” he said in alarm briskly checking his body for injury. “What do you mean not alive! Nothing seems to be wrong with me. I actually feel great!”

  “It’s okay. We fixed you,” a blue one said in a chirpy voice with a big smile.

  “I see that, and I thank you tremendously! Maybe I just need a minute.”

  Trey laid back down to take in the disturbing update.

  “We also fixed your friend, but he was much harder considering we don’t know what he is. It took a little while. We didn’t think it would work.”

  Just as she finished, vibrant electricity popped on Trey’s stomach.

  “Sparky!” he said just as the little guy appeared.

  “Sparky! You’re alive! I’m so happy you’re alive!”

  He popped and snapped and snapped and popped. He bounced around sending tiny bolts of harmless electricity in wavy arcs. Sparky then rambled up Trey’s torso and rubbed his furry body on his face. Trey stroked his back, elated to have his friend back.

  “Thank you for what you’ve done for us. I am forever in your debt,” Trey said solemnly while sitting up. He seemed to have a new source of energy now that the gloomy sadness was gone.

  “Don’t be silly! We’re the ones in your debt. You freed us from centuries of torment. You will always be welcome in our loving forest!”

  She kissed his cheek throwing off colorful sparks then said, “I hope you like the gifts. They were surprisingly easy to grant. We found you to have a penchant for magic.” The others kissed him likewise, then joined Coméllula as they zipped from the lair.

  “Gifts? What’s she talking about?” he said looking at Sparky who was now on his shoulder.

  Sparky popped and whistled.

  Trey replied, “I know. They certainly were nice helping us out.”

  He sparked whistled and popped.

  “What do you mean I don’t understand?”

  “Whistle, pop.”

  “You aren’t making any sense, Sparky. What do you mean I can’t understand that I understand?”

  Sparky popped excitedly.

  “Wait! I understand you! How can I understand what you’re saying?” He grasped the little critter and raised him to eye level.

  “Whistle. Pop,“ he said with big excited eyes.

  “Yeah! That must be a gift she gave me! The ability to understand you! Ha! I’m so glad to have you back. I’m sorry I sucked at protecting you.”

  He whistled in return with a sympathetic expression.

  “No. It’s not ok. I promise I won’t let it happen again.”

  “Pop. Pop,” he said with downturned eyes.

  “I know I’ve promised that already. I mean it this time. Now I have a better idea of what we’re up against. I’ll be more prepared next time.”

  “Spark. Pop.”

  “Whatever, buddy. I’m just glad you’re alive.”

  Trey stood with Sparky on his shoulder. They regarded the large snake piled in smoldering lumps. The remaining portion of its charred head held a lifeless eye staring shockingly at Trey. Large swaths of the demon completely disintegrated.

  Sparky and Trey shared a look.

  “Simon!” He was nowhere to be found.

  The sword lay on the ground separated from the joined disk and stone. He picked up the sword and sheathed it. He then lifted the completed disk and stone which sent a river of energy through him.

  “Whoa that was intense.”

  He pocketed the stone and disk then said, “Sparky. Let’s not get these pieces together again. Ever.”

  “Pop! Spark. Whistle!” he said in agreement.

  After taking a few steps he stumbled to the ground, then sat for a minute.

  I want to see Mom. I want to see my friends. I just want to leave this nightmare.

  For just a moment he cried. Sparky consoled him by cuddling against his neck.

  Trey gathered himself and once more regarded the lifeless demon.

  “What’s that?” he said thoughtlessly out loud.

  He walked cautiously close to the remains. He removed the sword with one hand then gently poked at a protruding object within the body. It was stuck. The melted skin hardened around it like superglue. Trey forced the sword under the object, then carefully edged it out.

  “It’s a bag.”

  Using his finger and thumb, careful not to touch any part of the demon, he opened the bag and poured its contents onto the stone floor. With a light clank, a flat object that looked like animated red clouds rested in front of him.

  “I’ve seen that shape before, Sparky. But where?”

  Sparky replied with a soft whistle and curious look.

  The clouds swirled around the shape like a trapped mouse in a maze, but no housing could be discerned. It looked like they were constantly choosing to form and stay in the shape. He bumped it with the tip of the sword. It moved as if he tapped a coin or other light metallic object.

  “But what’s that shape?”

  He looked at it a moment longer then it hit him.

  “No. It can’t be. It can’t be.”

  He pulled the torn paper from his pocket and said, “It’s the same. Simon said he escaped. This must be how.”

  “Pop. Pop. Spark.”

  “I think it’s a key to the Etherios.”

  Sparky responded with a high to low to high whistle.

  “You’re right. We should leave it. But where? We can’t let chance decide who walks in here next to discover it. No one knows I’m here. No one will know I have it. Maybe I can hide it later where no one will
find it.”

  “Pop. Snap.”

  “No. The centaurs are too chicken. They’ll give it up to protect themselves. There’s a chance no one even knows he had it. I’m sure it’ll be safe with me.”

  He brushed it back into the bag with the sword, cinched it up, then scraped from the bag the remainder of the Keeper. He placed the bag in a zipped pocket then walked to a protruding stone embedded in the floor.

  “Before we go, Sparky. I want you to know how much I appreciate what you did for us back in China as well as what you did here. You’re very brave – and really awesome with that electric zappy thing you do. I’m happy I found you.”

  “Pop! Whistle!”

  “Ha, ha. Okay. You found me.” He embraced his blue friend affectionately before continuing. “This must be the portal. We need to warn the others. We must save Mr. H. Commerand can’t get the eye. We have a lot to do and not much time to do it. Are you ready?”

  “Whistle,” Sparky agreed before he popped away.

  “She said to concentrate on where I want to go. Island in the middle of the salt lake. Island in the middle of the salt lake. Island in the middle of the salt lake.”

  He held the image in his mind, then shoved the sword into the stone.


  “Lyza ran through the Keeper’s Burrow and knelt before burnt remains of the corpulent snake. She said with wide unbelieving eyes, “The prophecy is true.”

  She bent her key into a particular shape and disappeared with a touch to the portal.

  Enter the Protector’s Realm

  Stumbling but not falling over, Trey raised his head, feeling a warm breeze on his cheeks.

  “I did it! I actually made it to the island! Woo Hoo!”

  Whoosh, Whoosh, Whoosh came from behind. He swiftly turned raising the sword to end whatever was approaching.

  “Whoa! Whoa, Trey! It’s me!”

  “Seth!” Trey said excitedly. “I’m so glad you’re here! I have so much to tell you! There was this crazy bug in a beautiful place then the centaurs wouldn’t let me leave and sparky I thought he was dead but then he was alive then he died again then I died and then the fairies brought both of us back and now I’m here and now we have to save Nick and warn the others! Commerand is coming for the eye! We have to get to it before he does!”

  “Whoa, hold on a minute. What? What are you saying?”

  Trey took a deep breath to calm down. “Nick’s in trouble and the eye, it’s how Commerand intends to free Khaitu.”

  “Right. The eye. But there’s no one to tell. Alex is back dealing with Jessie, Lyza went after you and Nick took Clievan to secure the eye. There’s nothing for us to do.”

  “Really? Nick and Clievan? But they don’t know what danger they are in. Call him. Tell him Commerand is coming.”

  Seth dialed his phone. “Voicemail.”

  We have to go to them!” Trey said emphatically. “Do you know how to get there?’

  “Yeah. I was at the altar when Nick discovered the secret location. I can drive us near the border, then we’ll fly the rest of the way.”

  “Fly? You can fly us that far?”

  “Carrying you? No problem.”

  Seth stopped the car after an hour of driving a west northwestern course.

  “Have everything you need?” asked Seth.

  Trey wore the sword on his back, then patted the completed disk in his pocket, the pack of potions on his belt and the Etherios key and gold coin in another pocket. “Yep. I’m ready.”

  Seth attached a crude harness to Trey and up they went. The land with sporadic vegetation on which they drove from the oasis gave way to an expansive sea of sand. Trey pointed out several tips of well-worn buttes as Seth flew them low over miles of wavy sand ridgelines. The peaceful flight came to an end when Seth shouted, “We have to go higher!”

  Trey gave him a nod, then they swiftly increased altitude with several beats of his wings. Seth made a series of calculated dives, then soared higher and higher after each dive.

  “We’re almost there,” Seth said. “Get ready. We have to come down fast to avoid detection.”

  “What?” Trey said with loud wind rushing past his ears. “The fat dumb cow has avid protection?”

  “OK. Let’s go!” Seth said.

  “What did you saaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!” screamed Trey as Seth folded his wings, diving directly toward the village.

  Trey could only look away the few times he attempted to open his eyes – the force of the wind was too great to meet head on. Tears briefly streamed down his face before whipped away. His clothes flapped. His heart raced. After he adjusted to the fall, the rest was pure exhilaration…until the landing.

  Seth opened his massive wings at the last second, stopping them almost instantly before resting peacefully in a deserted side street.

  “I don’t think anyone saw us.”

  “I think my stomach nearly exited my nose,” replied Trey holding his ribs.

  Seth released the harness. Trey fell to the ground exhausted from excitement.

  “Oh my god that was so fun! Whooo! You have got to come home with me! You’re amazing. I wish I had wings like that.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it, but we have to move just in case someone saw us.”

  Trey rose and took a few steps.

  “Ahhhhh!” Trey screamed falling backwards on the sandy street as Clievan appeared in front of them.

  Speaking mainly to Seth he said, “Nick’s been captured by the Order. He is in a building just up the street. I can get in, but I can’t get him out without causing trouble.”

  “The Order,” Seth said roughly. “The Phoenix must have sent them. He’ll be safe with them.”

  “No. He’s not safe,” Trey butted in. “We have to get the eye, get Nick and get out of here before Commerand shows up. If we’re also captured, Commerand is sure to get the eye,” continued Trey from the ground. “Did Nick tell you anything about how to get it?”

  “Sort of,” Clievan replied. “He told me about this dream he had when we were in the desert. There was a man with a key and a woman looking like she is guarding a door. Inside that door was a chest with a big keyhole. Oh yeah! Above that keyhole floated the eye.”

  “Ok. That sounds like pieces of the puzzle. What about the Protector?” asked Trey.

  “He said there was this big dog by a window,” replied Clievan.

  “Was there anything else? Any details about the dog or the room? What happened in the dream?”

  “I don’t remember much else. There was a dog. I know that. The room was small, and it had…ummm… Yes! It had knives on the wall. Many knives. Knives. Knives. What did he say about the knives? Oh yeah. He said something about a green handled knife. Or was it red? No. Definitely green. Green with a black blade.”

  “Anything else?”

  “No. I think that was it. We must get going,“ Clievan urged, then began stalking up the sandy street. He turned to them and asked, “You bring any snacks with you?”

  “How can you eat at a time like this?” Trey responded.

  Clievan patted his narrow chest and said, “You don’t get a body like this by skipping meals.”

  “Actually, you do,” replied Seth.

  Trey and Seth chuckled.

  “Seriously though. You have anything to eat?”

  Clievan walked a few paces ahead of Seth and Trey, disgruntled at the lack of snacks.

  “It’s all clear. Let’s keep moving,” said Clievan as he guided them toward the small building at the end of the street.

  He led them down several back alleys passing a woman scrubbing laundry. When they reached the final street Clievan said, “There are three guards. I’ll distract them while you two get inside.”

  “How will we know?” Trey asked but received no response.

  Clievan crawled onto the side of the building heading toward the guards, then disappeared.

  “I didn’t know he could do that. He can climb on things and d
isappear?” Trey asked quietly.

  “Yes. Clievan is an amazing…whatever he is.”

  Moments later, one of the guards was propelled several feet away from the door. He then flew several more feet sprawling painfully in the road. The remaining men rushed to his assistance. Seth and Trey bolted for the door.

  Pop, Pop. Sparky briefly appeared on Trey’s shoulder before flickering away.

  “What do you mean you can’t go in?” Trey whispered as he looked around for Sparky.

  “What’d you say?” Seth said without looking back. He then entered the building.

  “Oh. Nothing,” Trey replied. Trey then followed Seth into the building.

  Just as the man regained his footing, Clievan tossed him one more time – barely avoiding a collision with the oncoming assistance.

  The confused guards never noticed the footprints casually walking into the building.

  The room was empty. No furniture, no windows, no doors, nothing. Even the door in which they entered disappeared.

  “Are you sure this is the place?” asked Clievan.

  “It must be. Why else would they be guarding it,” said Seth curtly.

  “There must be something here,” said Trey as he dropped the sword onto the bare floor. Its disappearance went unnoticed by the trio. “It’s unbearably hot in here,” he continued as he wiped beads of sweat from his forehead.

  “There’s nothing here! Face it you were wrong,” said Clievan in a deep disturbing tone that took Trey off guard.

  “Easy buddy. No reason to get so angry,” Trey flatly responded.

  “Look at that, a butterfly,” said Seth wandering off toward the corner of the room. His human disguise faded into a cat-like form.

  “Seth! What the hell’s wrong with you! Get back here!” shouted Clievan.

  “What are you anyway?” asked Trey. “And what’s the deal with those balloon fingers? Geesh!”

  Clievan’s brow furrowed, his face reddened. “You punk kid! How dare you speak to me that way! Take that smartass attitude back to your babysitter!”


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