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Trey Roberts and the Ancient Relics

Page 28

by Lee Magnus

  On his way to meet Nick in the science lab, a short stocky kid strutted toward Trey. He wore a smug grin.

  “Davis,” Trey said in a condescending tone.

  “Trey! Nice to have you back,” he said significantly overdoing the sarcasm. “See you at practice today,” he said staring coldly at Trey then roughly bumped his shoulder as he passed.

  Trey shook his head then moved on to the lab

  Nick met Trey at the door of the science lab.

  “Come see this.”

  Nick took him to an object inconspicuously located in the corner by the far window.

  “That’s the rock you were testing for conductivity, right?”

  “Yeah. It is. But I’m not testing it for connectivity. I wasn’t really sure what it was I built until Lyza brought us back home.”

  He uncovered the object revealing a dark igneous stone encased in a copper housing. A flat four-inch by four-inch panel remained accessible. The copper housing attached to thick shielded copper cables connected to long grounding rods buried just outside the window.

  “I forgot about this after that morning. The stone looks just like…”

  “A portal stone” Nick finished.

  “Lyza was right.”

  “Right about what?”

  “That Khaitu or someone related to him wanted you to build this and get the Eye of Kartho. We did just what they wanted us to do. But it’s useless without a key to power the portals and Lyza has that and the Eye is missing.”

  Nick held up the opened ceramic box displaying a copper colored key he recovered from the bird spider cave in Asia over the summer.

  “You have a key too! We’re in it deep. Who else knows?”

  “No one. Just you, me and I guess Lyza. But she doesn’t know I have a key.”

  “And the creeper that led you to do it.”

  “Yeah. I suppose that’s true. But why go through all that effort? Why not just send others loyal to Khaitu, or Commerand himself?”

  “I don’t know. It looks almost the same as Don’s.” Trey ran a finger across the cold surface of the portal. “Maybe when his didn’t work out, they tried you. But if Commerand knew you had a key, he’d be here. Without the Eye, there’s no other way for him to get to the other dimensions.”

  “At least none that Lyza has mentioned,” Nick countered. “Remember, Don said he thought Commerand could open the portal. Maybe he has a key.”

  “Oh yeah. I forgot about that part. How many keys do you think are out there?”

  “I have no idea. I didn’t even know I had one until yesterday. You know,” he said to Trey sincerely, “we talk about her a lot like she’s this great guardian doing us favors. What do we really know about her? I mean, I’m not positive, but I feel quite certain she was responsible for Seth and I getting jumped at the Cairo airport.”

  “Really? That’s what happened? Her and a guy named the Phoenix were talking about that. Said you gave ‘em hell! That’s awesome!” Trey responded excitedly.

  “We nearly died.”

  “Oh yeah. That would’ve been bad,” Trey said tempering his excitement.

  “All I’m saying is that I’m not sure we can trust her. Think of the mess she’s gotten you into.”

  “I’ve been having the same thoughts. She did conveniently show up at my house right before the rogglets attacked us and she did haul me off to nearly get killed in the desert. And I just followed the plan and won the Eye for her. I’m so stupid!”

  “No, Trey. You just did what you thought was right at the time. But just in case you see her again, don’t tell her about this portal or that I have a key. By the way, do you know how it works?”

  “Yeah, she said you have to know the shape engraved on the stone to where you want to go and then think about where you want to go. Then as you saw, touch it to the stone. I wouldn’t try it though. If you get it wrong, bad stuff happens.”

  “What do you mean bad stuff?”

  “She tried to describe it to me but all I could imagine is falling forever until you die of old age which shouldn’t be too much longer for you, huh?” Trey said jabbing Nick in the arm.

  “Very funny, funny guy! It’s about time for soccer practice, right?”

  “Yeah, I need to get going.”

  “Did I hear right that Rafiq moved you to midfielder?”

  “Yeah. Said I missed too many practices this week. It makes sense since I don’t know how the team utilizes the new formation. It’ll be ok. Davis will be a good striker.”

  “And you’re wicked fast. You’ll do fine,” Nick said proudly.

  About the Author

  Lee Magnus is an American author who began creating the stories he wrote with his children in a storytelling game he called "Let's Build a Story" where each participant would, in turn, orally create a few lines at a time until there was an eventual conclusion. The Trey Robert's series and several of the characters came directly from this wonderful activity.

  Born in a small South Georgia town, Lee Magnus was raised by an English teacher who encouraged reading at a young age. He is a proud UGA alumnus, plays various musical instruments but is particular to the piano, and has boys with wide imaginations. He currently lives with his family in Florida. Visit him at




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