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Revival of a King (Black Hallows Book 1)

Page 5

by G N Wright

  "It's my home?" I say.

  He snorts, "So no impending nuptials to prepare for?"

  I'm immediately baffled by him, "Nuptials?" I muse out loud. What the hell is he talking about?

  "Why would I come back here just for a wedding? Trust me there isn't anyone in this town I care about enough to want to attend their wedding." Except Marcus but I am not going to admit that out loud.

  My answer makes him light up like it's what he was looking for, but I am still in the dark.

  “I bet I could think of one person you care about enough,” he says in a mocking tone and I roll my eyes. I am not going there with him, but he continues.

  "So, what's the story with you and Marcus anyway?" he's watching me so intently now that I find it hard not to fidget under his glare.

  "I'm sure he's filled you in," I say in a flat tone trying not to show any emotion.

  "I'd rather hear your version.”

  "There is no version. We were friends and then I left," I shrug like it's no big deal.

  "And then his dad was murdered," he adds, and I flinch instantly at his casual tone and the mention of Michael.

  I take a deep breath as I try to muster an answer but all I can come up with is, “Yeah.” I quietly exhale as I look around the diner in an attempt to calm my racing heart.

  "What do you know about it?" he asks in a sensitive tone that I wouldn’t expect from him.

  I meet his gaze in confusion, wondering why he's asking this. I doubt Marcus would have asked him too. I don’t owe him an answer; he's practically a stranger and close to Riv which makes this dangerous territory. But I find myself thinking about how to answer him, the stranger who a few hours ago set fire to my fucking jeep. Yet he’s not a bad guy, I can sense it. He’s good, pure. Yeah there is a hint of darkness in those hazel eyes of his but it’s not evil, trust me I know what evil is like. So, I answer him as honestly as I can.

  "I know that Michael was the best father to his son. I know that he loved Marcus more than anything in this world and I know that if I could do anything to bring him back, I would. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss him. The world is a darker place without the presence of Michael Riviera in it," my voice is cool but I can feel my throat burning at the emotions I'm currently feeling.

  Jace doesn't respond to that and just watches me intensely. His eyes pinning me to the spot with such fierceness that it makes me want to shudder. God, I imagine he could get girls to do anything with that stare. In another life we would be great friends, I can feel that connection you get when you meet someone who you just know gets you. That’s what I feel now but this isn’t another life. This is a life where anyone close to me is in danger. I'm over here and he has to stay over there. Like being on opposite sides of this booth we need to be on opposite sides of this life. He needs to think I'm just the North bred princess I once was.

  We sit in silence even as his food is placed in front of him and he starts to eat. Just watching each other, observing. I can see he is trying to work me out and I don't know what vibe I am giving off, but he doesn't seem too fazed by me.

  The tension breaks when a girl slides a napkin onto the table towards him as she passes and tells him to call her as she runs after her friends with a giggle.

  I roll my eyes and he smiles at me, "Jealous, princess?"

  I scoff "Please! I bet your dick gets so much action you're lucky it hasn't fallen off yet.”

  He laughs loudly, "You're not wrong there," he says, giving me a cheeky wink and I roll my eyes again.

  "God, you're insufferable," I say, scrubbing my hands over my face, it’s been a long day.

  "You'll get used to me," he says in a flirty tone.

  "I don't anticipate spending that much time with you to do that."

  "What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t play nice with my best friend's girl?"

  "You call blowing up my car playing nice?" I laugh, "Remind me not to get on your bad side, pretty boy,” I drawl sarcastically.

  He smiles at me in a knowing manner and I realize I didn't rebuff the rest of his statement. "And I'm not his girl," I snap.

  "Whatever you say, princess," he smiles, positively giddy now and it’s so infectious that it makes me smile too.

  I go to respond when a car honking stops me. I look to the window and lock eyes with Zack who's pulled alongside the curb next to the window I'm sitting by. He nods his head in greeting and glances Jace’s way.

  I look back to Jace and see him looking at Zack.

  "Friend of yours?" he asks in an unusual tone.

  "Something like that," I shrug noncommittedly.

  "Something like that," he repeats slowly, testing my words and I groan internally as I stand and gather my things. I turn behind me to the counter and say a quick goodbye to Pam with Jace's eyes on me the whole time. I turn to walk back past him to leave when he grabs my arm.

  "Watch your back with Marcus, he will keep coming for you," he says glaring up at me.

  "Maybe he should watch his back," I say as I pull my arm from his grip, "it's not safe to be around me," I warn.

  I stalk from the diner and Zack climbs from his SUV and walks around to open the door for me. He pulls me into a hug as I get close.

  "Everything okay, sweetheart?" he asks in his usual caring tone.

  I pull back as I answer, "Of course, Z," I smile at him as I move around him to get into the car and he shuts the door behind me. He stalks around front and climbs back on his side.

  “Only you would say everything is okay when someone burns your car like it's a burger on a BBQ,” he muses while looking back over at Jace.

  “It was a stupid welcome prank,” I shrug.

  “Sounds like a bunch of Rebels if you ask me,” he says in his no-nonsense tone looking back at me and I have to stop a flinch. He knows. Of fucking course, he knows, he knows everything.

  “I’ve got it handled,” I say, turning from him to stare out the front window.

  “I’m sure you do,” he says, starting the engine.

  Jace's eyes are still on us as we pull away.

  Chapter 7


  After my encounter with Jace I don't speak to any of the Rebels for the next few days. It’s Thursday now and the week is quickly passing thanks to Marcus marking me as public enemy number. No one has even tried to bother me. He clearly thought shit like that would piss me off but honestly, it’s been heavenly and, actually, quite informative.

  Being treated like you’re invisible means people actively act like you aren’t around and, therefore, run their mouths freely. It helps that outside the classroom I keep my headphones in, constantly giving the illusion that I can’t hear anything. Sneaky I know but also helpful in my recon.

  I have already learned that there is a party tomorrow night being thrown by someone on Riverbank which is classed as neutral territory. Meaning it will be a mixture of both North and South side students, the perfect hunting ground. From the research Zack and I have conducted, we have noticed a pattern of girls from all over town being taken. Some just for a couple of days and others never returning. From what I can gather it seems the richer girls are being drawn in and drugged into compromising positions to bring their families to heel through blackmail and the poorer girls are being taken and sold to the highest bidder. Elliot Donovan is a sick bastard.

  My jeep has already been replaced thanks to Zack and I drove it here early to make sure I snagged a spot right at the front of the lot. I want it to be the first thing Marcus sees when he rocks up today. I should be avoiding him like I have all week but secretly I’m craving his attention and the way it made me feel. I also need to show him that no matter what he does, I will come back swinging.

  I don’t have to wait long before I hear the rumble of his motorcycle and am greeted with his leather clad physique a few seconds later as he pulls into his usual space right next to the steps. I am grateful for the sunglasses I chose to throw on today so I can let my gaze ling
er on him without it being too obvious.

  He‘s in his usual leather jacket with a charcoal shirt and dark jeans that are tucked into black boots. He swings his leg over his bike and pulls his helmet off, the lingering heat of summer has left a slight sheen of sweat on his skin. He looks like pure lust. He was always a good-looking boy but now he’s so beautiful it hurts to even look at him. I know that if that night never happened my hormones would have had me jumping his bones a long time ago.

  He swings his gaze around the lot but halts as soon as he sees me leaning against my shiny new jeep with my headphones in. I push my glasses up into my hair and offer him a smug smile. I can see his jaw tense from here and he slowly lowers his eyes to my outfit. I’m wearing fitted ripped black jeans with a see-through black top that has embroidered flowers across it. His stare turns dark as he takes me in.

  Fuck. Why is he so good looking? We continue to stare at each other until a girl slides up next to him. He must see the frown before I school my expression because he smirks before sliding his arm around her. Bastard.

  He is still staring at me as he leans in and whispers into her ear and she giggles. The sound grates me. They turn and head around the back of school and it doesn't take a genius to wonder what they might do back there.

  I huff and then jump when a deep voice catches my attention.

  "Careful King, your jealousy is showing," I turn to find Lincoln Blackwell leaning on his SUV next to me staring at the spot Marcus and the girl just disappeared from.

  "I'm not jealous," I scoff, and he looks back at me with a little smile. Something I've noticed he doesn't do often.

  "How do you know Zack Royton?" he asks, his face turning serious again.

  That is the last thing I ever expected him to come out with and it throws me completely.

  "What's it to you?" I say back, trying to act casual and throwing my gaze around the lot at the students milling around.

  "I work for him," he says casually and my gaze snaps back to him at his statement.

  What the fuck? Lincoln works for Zack. Why don't I know this?

  I try to keep my impassive mask in place, but I am sure he noticed my shock. I don’t say anything, so he continues.

  "He came across my skill set almost two years ago and reached out and asked me to do some work for him,” the undertone of his statement tells me the work he does isn't on the books at Royton Technology.

  “Marcus and Jace help me out sometimes," he adds, his voice is assertive and smooth.

  I try to stop my face from reacting but in the inside, I am screaming what the fuck?!

  “Jace and Marcus don't have contact with him. In fact, they’ve never met him, but they do some work for him too.”

  I don’t even know what to say but he saves me from saying anything when he reaches into his bag and pulls out a brown envelope as he continues to speak.

  “Met with him yesterday and he gave me a really interesting job, told me it was the most important task he had ever given me and not to share it with anyone.”

  Fuck I know where this is going. I reach into the envelope where I find a picture of myself and a piece of paper with some details about me. I look back to Lincoln and see him watching me closely.

  “Look Lincoln, I know how this looks,” I start.

  “And how's that?” he asks.

  “Like I am being looked after by some older rich guy with no obvious reason considering we have only known each a few years but not everything is as it seems, okay?”

  “Okay,” he says rapidly.

  I expected some backlash or more questions, but he just accepts my answer and grabs the envelope back from me. What the fuck?

  “I’ll be seeing you, King,” he adds before turning to walk away.

  Fuck me. I have only been back a few days and things are already complicated and now I have got to worry about Zack setting a little watchdog on my back.

  I don’t have time to dwell on the new information I have learned, and it would be pointless too as Zack always puts my safety first no matter what I think. Besides, I’ve got plans in motion for today.

  It took me a few days to put my revenge plan into action but now that it’s complete, I am practically floating with excitement. I can't wait to see what the guys think of my payback later.

  When lunch rolls around I grab something quick from the cafeteria then skip outside to enjoy the show. I’m sitting on the hood of my jeep, staring at my ordered handy work, slurping my tropical peach tea with a smile on my face when the doors to the front of the school open.

  Jace is the first to exit, head buried in his phone until he notices me staring at him. His attention stays on me for only a fraction of a second before he swings his gaze to his beautiful, once red, dodge charger.

  I knew from watching them this week that out of the three of them he would be the least mad. He is still a child at heart, fun and playful which is how I know he will appreciate my payback. His face lights up with a huge cheeky smile making him seem like his young, carefree self.

  “Naughty princess, you have been busy,” he says as he runs his hand over the now bright pink hood of his car.

  I fake ignorance while smirking, “Who me?”

  “I knew you would be fun to play with. Marcus is gonna be so fucking pissed,” he says with a chuckle.

  I shrug “Yeah, well he’s always pissed.”

  He smiles at me, “That he is, princess.”

  He shocks me then by coming over and jumping onto the hood with me and grabbing a handful of my fries. I smack his hand away because this girl doesn’t share food.

  “Shouldn’t you be somewhere else. Don’t want anyone seeing you fraternizing with the enemy and reporting back to your boss.”

  “You’re funny, Ells,” he chuckles as he attempts to snag some more fries.

  “Only friends call me Ells,” I say as I smack his hand away again.

  “Aw don’t be like that, we are friends.”

  “That’s funny, I thought we were enemies.”

  “Nah, Marcus just hasn’t realized it yet.”

  “Realized what?”

  He is saved from answering when a roar comes from the steps.

  “WHAT THE FUCK?” the angry tone seeps into my bones and makes me shudder.

  Marcus storms down the steps towards his Bugatti bike which is also supporting a new paint job. Lincoln right behind him surveying his pink SUV with mild amusement. The vast display of pink is truly a sight to behold, it took a chunk of money and a few guys to do it but I could not be happier right now.

  He locks eyes with me, “What the fuck did you do?”

  My body chills with the dark tone he uses sending flutters into my stomach.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I smirk, “but pink really is your color, Riv.”

  “You’re fucking done here,” he seethes as he kicks at his bike with so much force it goes flying a few feet away from where he stands. That shouldn’t do things to me, but it does.

  “Aw come on, Marcus, this is a fucking dope ass prank,” Jace says as he nicks some of my iced tea. I snatch it back and he pouts at me, rolling my eyes, I give it back and let him finish it. He is such a child.

  Looking back to Marcus I don’t think he could get any angrier.

  “Get the fuck away from her and call the guys and sort this shit out,” he vaguely waves his hand towards the pink display just as few students exit the building and see the commotion.

  Jace slides off the hood of my jeep kissing my head as he goes. The gesture is so friendly and familiar that I freeze in shock.

  “See you soon, princess. I can't wait to be besties,” he says excitedly, and I don’t want to upset him, so I manage to quip back, “Always a pleasure, pretty boy.”

  He joins the other two and then all of them head back inside together telling a few people to fuck off as they go. Typical rebels.

  The rest of my afternoon is dull in comparison to my lunchtime entertainment and I
am grateful when the last bell rings out. I take my time gathering my things from my locker hoping that my vain attempt at dawdling will help me avoid another run in with the rebels. I think once is enough for today especially after what I did.

  I barge out of the school doors and slam right into somebody. Why there are still people here is beyond me. In fact, almost everyone is still lingering around. They must have heard about the pink ladies show I arranged with the guys’ rides. I smirk to myself for the hundredth time today. I try to push past them but of course they don’t budge, not until their bullshit monarch exits the school that is.

  I move forward as soon as the crowd starts to part in an attempt to get to my jeep and floor it before the guys catch me. I am sure Marcus will want some form of payback for what I did to his bike even though it was revenge for my jeep.

  It's only then that I see the sleek black car parked across the curb obstructing half the walkway with a beautiful lean frame standing next to it.

  Asher Donovan in all his glory. He looks every bit the billionaire’s son he is on the wrong side of town. Leaning against his car that costs more than the houses around here. He's not wearing his Hallows Prep Academy uniform, so I know he hasn't come from school. Instead he's donning grey slacks and a white fitted shirt with the sleeves rolled up. You can see the veins on his forearms and his biceps bunching against the fabric showing his clear work out habits. His blonde hair is cropped short and slightly flopped over on top yet trimmed at the sides and his blue eyes sparkle with mischief. God, I've missed him.

  “It’s about damn time, baby girl.”

  He hollers at me but I'm already running towards him and he huffs as I slam myself into him and his arms pick me up and spin us around. He's one of the only people's touch I can tolerate but that's because he knows my limits. He feels as familiar and safe as always and it makes the chaos of the week so far fade away instantly.

  “Where have you been?” I whisper in his ear.

  He pulls back looking down at me, "Father had me taking care of some business," he replies, his lip curling in distaste which tells me not to ask.


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