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Through the Eyes of the Phoenix

Page 5

by Martin W Francis

  “As best as can be I suppose. One of the other communities is sending assistance. Attacks from Fallen have increased, but only one new fatality so far.”

  “Who was it?”

  “One of Aurora’s scouts found one of our female runners out at a cabin near Mount Ord. They were barely able to identify what was left of her. Aurora is heading that way to give the area a once over before heading out of town.”

  My heart seemed to stop in my chest. I started gasping for breath barely managing to sit in a nearby chair before my legs gave out from underneath me. Jessie was immediately at my side feeling my pulse.

  “You’re in shock. Close your eyes, clear your mind, and take slow breathes.”

  I did as she told me slowly calming down.


  “Don’t apologize. You looked like you saw a ghost.”

  “I suppose that is one way to put it.” I told Jess all the details of my nightmare.

  Jessie had a strange look on her face. “Are you sure you’re alright?” I nodded my head wondering what she was thinking. She motioned for me to wait before walking over to the radio to make another call.

  “Aurora, did you make it out to that cabin yet?”

  A few moments later Aurora’s voice came over the channel almost in a whisper. “We’re here now, but not for long. It’s not safe. We’re about to high tail it towards Marfa for those parts, but Jess...”


  “There is evidence that this attack was done by a horde. There is no positive way to know which way they are heading. I can’t even say for certain which way they came from. It is almost like they converged on this location from every direction.”

  “I was afraid you were going to mention a horde.”


  “Never mind, I’ll explain later. Get moving and stay safe. If they’re heading this way, we’ll manage somehow.”

  “We will be back as quick as we can. Good luck.”

  “You too.”

  Jessie walked over taking a seat near mine. We both sat there in silence for a couple minutes. Jessie was the first to make a response.

  “It could be coincidence, but I don’t think either of us really believe that. I have seen instances of similar abilities during one of the projects I used to oversee for the military. The most common type of clairvoyance occurs when dreaming. The other is through physical contact with another person or object. It is basically seeing something that will happen in the future or has happened in the past. Foresight by touch is usually less accurate sort of like seeing something through tunnel vision. It is kind of like having short flashes of what will or has happen. Dreams however are usually more vivid and clear. However, they can easily become twisted or exaggerated by the mind due to various reasons such as personal emotions or thoughts.”

  “So does that mean that something is wrong with me?”

  “Not at all sweetheart. It’s what you make it out to be honestly. It can be frustrating and fearful if you let it. It can also be a gift if you learn to use it properly.”

  “How does someone not be afraid when having dreams of being devoured?”

  “Never said it would be easy or quick sweetie. The first step is knowing when you’re dreaming. A good way to do that is to incorporate something into your dreams when you are first starting to drift off to sleep. After a while your mind will automatically insert that something into every dream you have, so you can recognize them for what they are. Then you need to practice taking control in your dreams so that you can experience them from a different perspective other than directly playing the role of the person or persons in conflict. Basically so your dreams are more like sitting on a couch watching a movie. I know a few other ways to help. To be clear though these precognitive glimpses in your dreams can vanish never occurring again. Some have only a few instances occur during their life; often during their younger years. However, there are some that have them their whole lives. You either learn to deal with them or they will drive you crazy. I take it that this is not the first instance it has happened...which is why you decided to discuss it with me, right? I hope they have not all been bad ones.”

  “I’ve had a few others, but nothing so vivid or real. Luckily most are rarely ever bad ones. There has been one reoccurring bad dream though. It is about the town being overran by a horde of Fallen. After finding out what happened out at the cabin, I am seriously worried it might be more than a dream also. I had to let you know.”

  Jessie’s eyes got large at what I had just relayed to her. She bit on her nails for a minute which I had never seen her do before. When she noticed me staring at her doing it, she immediately stopped.

  “Sorry, used to do that when I was younger any time I got really nervous. It was a hard habit to quit doing. Anyway, go wake Sandra immediately if she is still sleeping. The two of you spread word to everyone that there is a possibility that a horde might be coming this way. Do it in a calm manner while relaying that we need to get defenses up immediately. I need to gather up everyone that is outside the working perimeter. We have a lot of work to do, but pretty sure we have at least until nightfall seeing how as they are likely of the intelligent kind. I can’t even fathom how there could be that great a number of them traveling together.”

  I ran all the way back to the room. Amy and Sandra were sitting at a table talking.

  “Good morning sunshine, why are you out of breathe?”

  “Sorry…ran from thirteenth floor. That dream I had…”

  “Hold on. Catch your breath first.”

  I sat down at the table sipping some of Sandra’s green tea (one of the rare teas that are hard to come by these days) while my heart settled down in my chest. A few moments later I could take in oxygen normally through my lungs. I told them the details of the conversation with Jessie and Aurora. They both had frightened looks on their faces when I finished.

  “Umm, just curious I suppose. Have you ever had dreams that happened before like that?” Sandra looked at me quizzically.

  “Not like that, but I have had dreams that later happen. I usually get an intense feeling of Déjà vu like I have seen something, been somewhere, or done something before which reminds me that I have had a similar dream of whatever it is.”

  “We can talk more about that later. Right now you girls need to get to knocking on doors. I’ll do the same. Work your way down from here on the sixth floor and across the street at the medical facility. I will work my way up.”

  We all got up leaving the room. It was tricky not to cause panic while hoping those told would not spread false rumors. That is all we needed for someone to twist things into something crazy like we were being invaded by aliens with lasers who were going to enslave us like cattle to be served on Planet X or something. A few people after learning the news stood around in utter shock, others calmly packed essentials heading to the first floor to await orders, and then there were the ones that ran around like chickens with their heads cut off. The last type took a lot of coaxing and calming to get them heading down the stairs. We reacquired Ally while knocking on doors taking her back to our room.

  Individuals staying on the first floor were told the news by others prior to our arrival. We headed across the street hurriedly. At the medical center we spread the news solely to Dr. Chamberlain before crossing back to the hotel. A large congregation of people were gathered about the foyer, the large hotel restaurant, the conference rooms, and everywhere else they could on the first floor. Jess appeared shortly after our arrival. Everyone was talking loudly. Those that tried questioning Jess when she passed them were politely asked to wait. She walked over to a group near the entrance. I noticed Uncle Dan was among them. She handed him a piece of paper which he read over while she stood patiently waiting. He nodded his head before addressing the crowd with a loud voice. He called out nine names. Those that were called quickly joined him. They exited the hotel without a word. This caused everyone to talk amongst themselves loudly. Jess whistle
d an ear piercing whistle to get their attention. She hopped up onto the lobby desk so that everyone could see her. I’m sure it also helped her voice carry better as well.

  “Attention please!” She waited for the few people that were still talking loudly to be nudged by those standing near them. “I sent a group to gather supplies to help build defenses. The next thing I need are volunteers, preferably our best sharpshooters to position themselves around our perimeter.”

  Fifteen came forward, three of which were politely sent away stating there were too many volunteers. She gave the twelve remaining orders to position themselves high with a good view of their surroundings. She told them to take night vision gear and scopes if they were available.

  “Fan out at least twenty feet apart. Make sure that all directions are covered. Take as much ammo as you can carry.”

  After they made their way off to get weapons, Jess called on the construction crew. She asked for volunteers to help assist them so that the fence could be finished as quickly as possible. She told them to ad razor wire to the cyclone fencing if they finished it on time. Jess then put together a small group to concoct Molotov cocktails, another to dig trenches, and one more to gather furniture not being used. The furniture and other items made of wood were piled up in several heaps that were going to be used for large bonfires.


  At lunch I found Aunt April serving meals to the elderly. She promised to make me a pecan pie when all this horde business was over.

  Amy was babysitting the children under twelve in the community. Mr. Franklin led a small group of teenagers in undertaking chores. He explained to them that doing those small tasks helped the adults that had many important jobs to do. He encouraged them making sure to thank them often. He tried to recruit me among them, but I explained to him that I was assigned with Sandra to run errands for Jessie.

  Jess had us check on Peter and the other injured or sick citizens. We brought them water and food. When the first group that left returned with lumber and other supplies, we helped them unload everything. They got to work making large stakes for the trenches, further securing the buildings, and apparently placing small explosives in some of the trenches (which they heavily packed down with dirt). Razor wire was ran all over the place inside the inner perimeter.

  Around four in the afternoon the fences had been completed by the construction crew. We were pretty worn out by that time helping out with the many odd jobs. We went to find Jess to see what needed to be done next.

  “Hey girls, want to go for a ride?”

  “Is it safe to leave now that it’s getting late in the afternoon?” I wondered aloud.

  “Even if it’s not we have a priority mission. Shouldn’t be an issue though. I’m taking sixteen heavily armed individuals along for the trip.”

  “Really? What requires that many armed people?”

  “That is a very good question, Sandra. This is actually a double mission. First we have assistance coming from the Eufaula, Oklahoma community which we need to meet. Second being the top priority is acquiring something that has been kept an uber secret. It is a project that a select few began working on ten years ago. The test results were less than hopeful over the years. About three years ago it was abandoned due to the many failures. The final serum was never tested. Several days ago there was a breakthrough even though the site has been closed down. One of the scientists that led up the project was bitten on his forearm by a Fallen. Having a slim chance, he injected himself with the untested J23 serum within ten minutes of being bitten. Miraculously he did not turn. The bite mark is already starting to heal leaving a deep scarred.”

  “Really? So there might be a cure? What if he is one of the few rare people that have built up an immunity? I mean I read about the instance with you being bitten. It seems highly likely that you had some immunity built up at that time. Plus there was Uncle Sam right? You wrote that he didn’t turn after he died. The letter in J23 is for Jessie, right?”

  “Glad to see that you have been making use of the journal” Jess said with a smile. “Unfortunately we still don’t know for certain that J23 is a cure. Another thing to consider is that most viruses change over time. So if it is a cure, we don’t know how long it will work. To be bluntly honest, all we can do is hope. I’ll let you fill Sandra in on the details while I make sure the men are ready.”

  I explained how Jessie had been bitten all those many years ago. I filled her in on what they did along with the obvious fact that she had not turned. I told her that they were uncertain why it had not affected her like others. If she was actually immune (along with likely Uncle Sam since he didn’t turn) then her blood could be used to make a cure of sorts. It could keep people from turning if bitten provided they survived the onslaught of the Fallen.

  “So does that mean that Jessie would likely survive if bitten again? Or since it is a virus that has probably changed or mutated to some extent that she might not?”

  Jessie walking back across the street had overheard Sandra questions.

  “I would prefer not to be bitten again thanks. Hurts like a mother! As for if I would survive providing I am immune, the chances are dependent on several factors. My blood would hold the original antibodies to fight it. My system would have to alter those antibodies hopefully in the right combination to fight the mutated virus before it killed and changed my entire body’s cellular structure.”

  “Why was the project closed down mom?”

  “I decided that it was the best thing to do because it was too difficult to watch the immense hope of loved ones be crushed every times it didn’t work. J22 was used on Uncle Kurt sweetheart. That is why Aurora took his death so hard.”

  Hearing that made my heart hurt quite a bit, especially for Aunt Aurora. Part of me wanted to cry. Another part made me feel like I should run to find her wherever she was to give her a giant hug.

  “I understand.” That was the only words I could respond with under the circumstances. Jess saw that I was choked up with sadness. She embraced me with a hug making it somehow better.

  “Well, we better get going. The team is assembled. They are waiting on us. I called in the second best runner who just got back in town to lead the team since Aurora isn’t available.”

  “You mean Celeste is back?”

  “Yep, she spent the night watching over her dad at the medical center. Peter is making a fast recovery according to Sarah.”

  “We saw Peter this morning remember. He did look a lot better. Who is Sarah?”

  “Sorry, forgot you only know her by title. That is Dr. Chamberlains first name, hun. You know the lady who delivered you when you were born. She also makes the best pumpkin pie I might remind you.”

  “Pumpkin pie is alright I suppose, but still say Pecan is the best.”

  “Must get that from Amy or your dad. Let’s get going.”

  On the way to the convoy I mentioned that it had been almost a year since I saw Celeste. She had been traveling to the different communities to build relations.

  “One of your friends is also going. Remember Stephanie? She gave you the white teddy bear.”

  “Yes, I still have Starshine at home on a shelf.” Looking over at Sandra while we walked, “I carried that silly thing around everywhere until I was five.”

  Jessie chimed in the fact that Stephanie also used to babysit me often. She stated that she had been placed under Celeste to train as runner during the last year. We arrived at the convoy which was made up of two camouflage Humvees and a lifted black Dodge Durango with large tires. There were a few bags lying next to the Durango that we were instructed to quickly load up. We climbed up into the back of the Durango. Celeste was in the driver seat behind the wheel. Her brown hair, light brown eyes, and thin pair of glasses that she now wore gave her a striking resemblance to Peter (A much thinner feminine version of Peter). The passenger seat had a short woman with blonde hair and greyish blue eyes. It wasn’t hard to recognize it was Stephanie. She appeared not to have
aged a day in the last five years.

  “Wow, you have gotten tall Ember!”

  “Seems to have sprouted another five inches since the last time I saw her. She looks like a gorgeous female version of Rye.”

  Jess sitting in the back with us smiled at Stephanie’s comment. She told Celeste that the convoy was leaving without them. Celeste quickly turned around throwing the Durango into gear to catch up. The perimeter gates were opened long enough for the convoy to exit. They were closed immediately after we exited. Celeste glanced back in the rearview mirror while driving noticing Sandra for the first time.

  “So who is this other one that you brought along Jess? Is this one of Em’s friends?”

  Stephanie turned around enough to get a better look at Sandra.

  “Her name is Sandra. I am mentoring her. She recently moved in with us. Sandra is also dating Ember.”

  Celeste laughed, “Sounds like I have missed quite a bit being gone for so long. Heard about your heroics from my dad. Thank all of you for everything you did. Couldn’t really picture Alpine without his goofy ass golfing in shorts next to a snowman during the winter.”

  We all laughed a little. There was silence for a long time while driving. Stephanie broke the awkward quiet atmosphere with a cd from the glove box. I recognized the beat of the song before the words even began. The band was a rock group called ‘Isolation.’ The first track that blared out of the speakers was one of my favorites called, Ember Path.

  Down the Ember Path a fire blazes

  On a dark road to nowhere.

  Looking forward her vision glazes

  As the fog of death spreads its wings.

  A blood moon grins down

  Upon the dead walking amongst the night.

  They bare their teeth in a deadly frown

  Bringing death unto the land.

  Running and running unto to the flame

  A flaming sword stands alone.

  The handle bears her name

  Beckoning for her to take it in hand.


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