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Through the Eyes of the Phoenix

Page 10

by Martin W Francis

  I awoke in complete darkness. I heard Sandra whispering over by the window. I quietly crossed the room following her voice. I overheard Aurora’s voice when I got close enough to touch Sandra’s shoulder.

  “Tell her to let mom know its General Ortiz.” I had already explained who he was to Sandra earlier in a quiet talk we had.

  “I filled her in on everything. She was just leaving when you came over. They found military vehicles hidden not far from here figuring something was up. One of Ortiz’s men were spotted sneaking around outside. They have been waiting until it was dark to make a move.”

  “How did they know we were in this room?”

  “Dorks left a flashlight in my bag. I have been turning it on every thirty minutes or so. I made sure to pretend I was searching inside my bag in case they noticed.” Smiling in the dark I told her that I could kiss her for being so damn smart. “Just one for now. Save the rest for when we safely get out of here.” I kissed her several times just because I am stubborn like that.

  Outside the house one man patrolled the house in the shadows. He was quickly overpowered by a silent strike that completely incapacitated him. Jessie and Aurora climbed up to the second floor using one of the trees that had grown up against the house. Jess pried off the screening with a knife. Always being prepared for anything, she had unlatched the lock on that window prior to leaving the house. They crawled inside making their way silently to the door. The moved in the shadows making their way downstairs. They went separate ways from there. Each took out a guard posted at the main doors of the house. These details were later relayed to us along with their exploits for supplies.

  We sat in the room not really sure what to expect. A small thud came from outside the door. It sounded like someone falling to the ground. Sandra turned on the flashlight focusing on the door. Jessie entered holding a finger to her lips. Aurora was leaning over the man on the floor securing his wrists and ankles with zip ties. She taped his mouth closed with a large roll of thick grey tape.

  “Still have to find Ortiz. The rest are no longer a problem. Sandra go open the front door. Flash your light on and off three times. Em you can follow us at a safe distance.”

  Aurora handed us our pistols that she had reacquired from one of the guards. Sandra took off. I followed behind Jess as they moved fast and silently. At each door they came to they gently turned the door knobs positioning themselves high and low to the sides of the doorframe before opening them. They used hand signals instead of using any words. After the first floor was searched we headed towards the stairs. Carla and Sandra were waiting for us at the foot of the staircase.

  Jess whispered, “Are all the packages secure?”

  “Wrapped up tight and locked away,” Carla whispered back.

  I got the gist they were referring to the four guards that had been knocked out.

  “The two of you keep an eye on the locked door from a distance. Remembered they are trained and dangerous. We’ll be back shortly.”

  The three of us moved back up the stairs lightly. At the top we went left first. Finding nothing we went back the other direction. A tiny sliver of light escaped from under the doorway of the room furthest to the right. Jess signaled Aurora again. Jess took a step back directing her gun at the door. Aurora kicked in the door rolling to the right. She rolled back aiming her gun in the room with one knee touching the ground. I followed suit pointing my gun at an angle towards the room.

  “I’m unarmed Jessie. If I wanted to shoot you I would have done it before the door was kicked in. The walls are surprisingly thin in this house.”

  “You would have ended up dead in the end even if you were able to take me down. You made a smart choice being unarmed. Regardless, let’s get straight to the point. Why did you take members of my group? How long have you been looking for me? And what exactly did you hope to accomplish when you did find me Ortiz? ”

  “So many questions, just like your pup.”

  “Glad to see you figured that out. You took a huge chance with your life taking my daughter. You are extremely lucky I didn’t shoot you on sight for that alone.”

  “I am fully aware of that. I would not have done it unless it was absolutely necessary. Just to be clear they were treated very well. You can see that for yourself.”

  “That is one of the reasons I didn’t pull the trigger the moment I saw your face. Now answer my questions.”

  “Very well. It took a while to track you to Salt Flats. There were references in a doctors notes that Jessie Sparks had been bitten surviving to tell the tale. After testing several different samples of blood found at the airport, we were surprised to come across an anomaly. There were specific genetic markers that had been altered. It quickly became apparent that an antiviral existed in those markers. The potential that a biological weapon could be created to fight the Fallen was almost unbelievable. Scientists tried for years to replicate whatever caused this alteration without any headway. During that time I followed up on every detail I could to track you down. I researched the specifics of the cabin owners in Ruidoso that you were kind enough to destroy. I cross-referenced those names with factors to examine their survival likeability. That narrowed it down some, but it wasn’t enough to go off of. In an S.U.V near Ridgeman Gas Station we found something that finally solved the name issue. There was a letter in the floorboard that had ‘Love Rye and Amy’ on the front of the envelope. The letter implied there was a relationship they shared with you. It wasn’t exactly a leap to figure out the name Rye was a nickname for Ryan Pendleton. Found his main property here in Lubbock obviously. It has been monitored ever since. Imagine my surprise when after all these years alarms went off. I flew to a base we recently secured heading straight here only to find that you were not on the premises. During my flight I received a call from the President who had also been notified alarms had been tripped. I was informed that I was to find you at all costs. During recognizance I recognizing your daughter’s resemblance. I knew that temporarily holding her was the only way I would ever have a chance at talking to you without you vanishing maybe for good this time.”

  “You do realize that his term ended over a decade ago? I presume he used executive power to make his term for life? Are you still in denial with the fact that this hasn’t been the United States in forever?”

  “It may be called Allied Nation by the citizen population I agree. However, I still follow command under the U.S. government. It may have been broken, but it was never truly dissolved. It simply moved abroad until a way to fix the problems here were found. The pompous ass President that ordered us to use Starbreeze was impeached shortly after certain individuals found out what he had attempted to do here on American soil. I may have had a little something to do with that. The Presidents that followed were so appalled at his actions that they implemented new laws to protect survivors above the reclamation of the planet from the Fallen. President Riley, recently elected, is the daughter of one of a prominent families that chose to move abroad when the outbreaks began. They had no ties in political matters at that time. Only a few of the most elite families along with high officials from other countries including the United States were allowed to enter the area that began construction shortly after the outbreak began. They built up walls to enclose themselves alongside select individuals of various occupations from the United Kingdom. They have developed over the years with the help of outside sources into a large city compacted into a small area. It has massive walls which can’t be climbed over or dug under. They are completely safe even though hordes in the thousands travel around those walls daily. The city is located in a small portion of the old London surrounding Buckingham Palace. They have officially named it New London for that reason.”

  “So what does this President Riley want with me? More specifically, what orders were you given?”

  “You have been my only mission since you destroyed Starbreeze. President Yager pretty much wanted you skinned alive for that. After his impeachment you became a pr
iority in the form of an official apology from the United States government along with a commendation. You were promoted to Brigadier General for your actions. Then the matter with your blood was brought to light. You were given another promotion skipping over Major General to Lieutenant General. Never heard of anyone being promoted for their blood before, but then there are crazy religious zealots that seem to think you are the second coming of their Messiah. Basically, you have given a lot of people hope that you can fix the undead problem.”

  “Surely you monitored radio bands? You had to know about the nine communities in North America for the last couple years at the very least.”

  “I think you mean the six in the U.S. mainland and the three in Canada. There is also one in Mexico and one in Hawaii. They are completely radio silent existing basically in the old pioneer fashion. Their communities highly believe technology is the devil apparently. I completely understand that thought process after everything that has happened over the last century. Satellites have given us a lot of information the last couple years. There are several colonies around the world. However, the living human population makes up about four percent of the previous world’s population in comparison to the ninety-six percent that are now Fallen walking around. Not positive how you have stayed invisible the last couple years, but you were finally identified about a month ago by facial recognition. We thought Alpine was pretty much wiped out a year ago, then watched from satellite as it was rebuilt. President Riley wanted to send some kind of assistance. Her suggestion was shot down by other officials that thought it was too high risk. They also stated that the community seemed to be doing fine rebuilding on their own. Anyway, when you were confirmed to be a resident of Alpine a month ago there were orders to make contact. I told them that if we went in using large numbers things would get ugly. If we sent in a single person or small group you would identify them quickly knowing they were lying or withholding information. I told them you would likely vanish going off the grid permanently if we made a move at the wrong time. Watchers were set up for outgoing citizens of Alpine in hopes that I could confront you directly in person. You somehow slipped by the individual that was supposed to be watching whatever area you left Alpine at.”

  “Guess we simply got lucky or they were asleep at their post. You still haven’t told me what your orders were when you found me. I’m curious because so far it sounds like you could have simply given a letter to my daughter for me. That would have been the logical way to tell me all of this.”

  “I actually have written such a letter. Unfortunately, in my rush to fly out I completely forgot to grab it. This was too much information to simply leave a verbal message for your daughter to relay. I also knew that a letter or words to someone else wouldn’t do. You likely wouldn’t believe unless you talked to me in person. That is the only way you would know I was telling the truth. Getting back on topic, I still have a little more to explain. When your blood was found to hold the key to possibly ending the undead a new project went underway. Providing a weapon could be created to combat them we needed a way to properly oversee its use. We have used various dispersion bombs over the years, but nothing on the scale we needed to properly administer it. It took a while, but they just recently finished a prototype. Smaller versions of that prototype have been tested with a nerve gas in a Fallen only area. It had them twitching on the ground for a few hours, but no lasting effects. So now all we need is your blood to synthesize the antivirus for starters.”

  “So if I told you that I already had an antiviral that has been tested with individuals that were bitten?”

  “Then I would ask you nicely if you would be willing to assist us by giving us a few vials of the antiviral. It will be necessary to synthesize the chemical structure so that it effects them properly. It is absolutely necessary that it absorbs into the flesh since they no longer breathe like a human would. The dispersion bomb would be a high altitude detonation of course. If you give us some of this antivirus we can began the process. Your presence would no longer be required in New London as the original plan dictated. We would never bother you again if that is what you desired. Unless of course you chose to be in charge of the project. That was something I was directed to offer as part of the negotiations.”

  Jessie laughed, “Aren’t you afraid I might sabotage another project?”

  “I know the reasons you did the things that you did. I hold no resentment for the choices you made. You have always followed your own path. Following your instincts and taking action was part of your training. I didn’t believe President Yager’s orders to use Starbreeze were the correct action as you know. This project is exponentially different. I think you are aware of that.”

  “What if the antivirus doesn’t have the desired results on the Fallen? There is a high likelihood it works to stop an infected person from turning. However, there is no guarantee it will also put down the undead permanently. They might need a different strand or a much higher dose to be effected.”

  “Those are all things that need to be tested. We have captured several of type one and two to administer the antivirus once it was obtained. You know how the process works. We always cross our t’s and dot our i’s.”

  “I suppose there also volunteers that will willingly test any new strands or higher doses?”

  “There are always men and women that will make the sacrifices that are necessary. If not there is another option. That would require contacting the other communities so they could vacate during dispersal of their areas. There is always a slim chance there are a few survivors not part of a community even after twenty years. I find that highly unlikely though.”

  “Just out of curiosity, what happens if I choose not to give you vials of J23? What if the vials are not enough to accomplish what is needed to complete the project?”

  “Provided you’re not off the grid, other attempts to persuade you would likely be made in the future. I can’t say how others assigned to do so will go about that mission. It will highly depend on who the future presidents are.”

  “It would seem I have no choice if I prefer not to go off the grid. We will have to discuss terms of trade of course. It seems only fair that Alpine is compensated for J23. I was thinking ammunition and food. It sounds like New London should have an abundance of crops at least seeing how they basically stay behind their walls at all times. I’m sure you can acquire ammunition through other means. Terms for the manpower the communities of the Allied Nations provide will have to be discussed with their leaders. I will agree to take charge of the project without compensation. It is the only way I can be assured things are done properly.”

  Jessie told Aurora to bring one of the General’s men. A burly somewhat attractive man with short red hair and blue eyes was shortly brought into the room. His restraints were removed once standing before Ortiz. He rubbed his wrists that had been tightly bound. He glanced around gauging the situation looking for weaknesses as trained to do.

  “Sergeant Major Blackwell please stand down. There is no threat or coercion. Lieutenant General Sparks was under the impression that her daughter was in danger. She only took the actions she saw necessary to free her. It was a simple misunderstanding.”

  “Confirmation sir?”

  “That is of course his way of asking for the code word to confirm I am not under duress. Alpha Foxtrot Kangaroo.”

  “Your code words always were a bit ridiculous Ortiz.”

  Blackwell saluted continuing to stand. Ortiz told him to have a seat tossing him a small bottle of pain relievers. He clearly had a growing lump on his temple.

  “Jessie and I have been discussing Project Liberty. I want you to relay to the other men that they have new orders. You are to protect their group with your lives first and foremost. Do not make the mistake of thinking you are babysitting civilians. You have all seen what they are capable of. Show them the respect that is due. Watch their backs and they will watch yours. Second, you will now take orders from Lt. General Sparks. If she s
ays to jump, you ask how high. Understood?” The soldier nodded that he did. “That is all Seth.”

  At the door Aurora shouldered her assault rifle. She held out her hand as Blackwell approached.

  “I’m Aurora. I apologize for knocking you out and tying you up. I was under the impression this was a hostage situation involving my niece. I may have taken it a little personal.”

  Seth glanced her over for a moment before shaking hands. “I hope no offense is taken for following orders. I have a couple nieces myself. That was quite an unexpected roundhouse you surprised me with. Would love to spar with you sometime.”

  Aurora smiled leaving the room with Seth. General Ortiz was staring in my direction.

  “Never thought I would see the day you settled down Jess. She the only kiddo you have?”

  “The one and only. People change their perspective on life when confronted with an apocalyptic world. I never thought I would see the day the undead were walking around like in some horror movie either, yet here we are.”

  “Point made. I take it that you have seen to training her.”

  “She has had some training. I let her choose what she wants to learn. School has taken up a lot of her time. We do our best in Alpine to let kids somewhat be kids. At the same time we want them prepared for the outside world as it is.”

  “I’ll be finished with school this year. My plan is to become a runner like my Aunt Aurora.”

  “What is a runner?” The General seemed at a loss for community lingo.

  “It means she would be doing the most dangerous job the community has. She would be going outside the walls to look for supplies, running various missions that were assigned, and basically an ambassador with the other communities. ”

  “Sounds exactly like something you would have done at her age given the circumstances were the same. Hopefully we can start using the dispersal bombs within the year. It would make being a runner a much less dangerous job. There is one small issue though.”


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