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Alliance of Equals

Page 37

by Sharon Lee

  Hartensis Catering and Receptions—a catering service on Langlastport.

  Healers—Liaden psychic healers who deal with both mental and physical injuries. For the most part they are low- to mid-grade dramliza trained in medical arts.

  Laster Cooperative—on Andiree, a trade group.

  Lyre Institute for Exceptional Children, aka the institute—this universe’s iteration of Tanjalyre Institute.

  Pilots Guild—an interstellar organization involved in pilot training, certification, and welfare. Historically Clan Korval has been a major if behind-the-scenes contingent.

  Terran Trade Commission, aka TerraTrade—Shan has petitioned them to raise Surebleak Port’s rating from Local to Regional.


  Andulsin frog, three-nosed—an ugly somebody.

  Catalinc Project—a sooper sekrit project of the Uncle’s. Its security was recently breached in Dragon Ship. Uncle’s employee Andreth was on-site and captured two intruders— one is alive; the other has been “downloaded.”

  Complex Logic Laws—the group of galactic laws that makes it illegal to be a sentient, self-aware, independent artificial intelligence.

  Festevalya—the trade show put on by the Carresens.

  Flutterbee—a cross between a bumblebee and a moth.

  Free Gene and Manumitted Human Act—A generally recognized Terran law, usually supported by Liadens, forbidding the cloning or manufacturing of humans.

  Guild Quick Guide—a service of the Pilots Guild; rates the relative safety and sophistication of various ports.

  milaster—not a fruit, but a nut, the kernel of the laster fruit. Andiree likes the fruit; the kernel, not so much.

  ’mite (from vegamite)—a high-energy yeast drink; an acquired taste for spacers.

  nerligig—a device that enhances or alters moods. Some iterations are entertainment, others are more insidious and so Not Exactly Legal.

  oonlah—a drink local to Langlast, possibly an inebriant, which is commonly drunk by the locals, but has no place among an offering of Langlast’s “finest” food and drink.

  Plan B—Korval’s plan for survival, should someone or something threaten the Clan Entire.

  Rainbow—a mental calming exercise; the first of many that are taught to pilots and to scouts; often called the Rainbow.

  red game counter, chipped on the edges and showing naked wood—something Shan picked up in Weapons Hall during Plan B. It occasionally appears (apparently under its own volition) and he does sleight-of-hand with it. When not in use, it resides in his right front trouser pocket.

  Sort, Soothe, Sharpen—three things that Healers can do for someone.

  Thrilling Space Adventures—pulp sci-fi, available as talking books.

  Visrathan—a sort of carpet. Done right, a very fine sort of carpet.

  Weapons Lore—a book Shan accepted in Weapons Hall, at Lute’s suggestion.

  World Book—from the guild, details manners, and social mores.

  Ships & AIs

  Admiral Bunter—a composite AI, made up of seven semiderelict ships (with thirteen old and cramped computers between them) out of the junkyard at Jemiatha’s Jumble Stop. Admiral Bunter is Theo’s Fault.

  Ahab-Esais—out of Waymart piloted by First Class Pilot Inkirani Yo.

  Bechimo—Theo Waitley’s ship; very old, sentient.

  Dutiful Passage—Korval’s premier trade ship.

  Elzin Vok—an administrative AI discovered by the Scouts in an extreme state of disrepair, and probable madness. Tolly’s services as a mentor were engaged to move Elzin to a more stable environment.

  loop or looper ships—tradeships that have a set route and regular ports of call.

  Pale Wing—Another of Korval’s A-list trade ships. Padi served part of her apprenticeship on her.

  Tarigan—Tocohl, Tolly, Haz are on this ship.

  Vivulonj Prosperu—the Uncle’s ship.

  Weird Words

  cha’dramliz—the Healers as a group.


  cunningman—a man of magical power; a magician.

  daibri’at—the so-called Small Dance; think yoga or tai chi.

  delm—head of a clan.

  dramliza—a Liaden wizard/witch.

  dramliz—more than one dramliza.

  kojagun—(Yxtrang) not-soldier; civilian.

  melant’i—the description of the hat one is wearing while performing certain actions.

  menfri’at, aka the dance—the main martial art taught to pilots and other spacefaring folk.

  Redcap caste—High Society on Andiree.

  thodelm—head of a single line within a clan.

  Prior works in the Liaden Universe® referenced in the writing of Alliance of Equals include:

  Conflict of Honors

  Crystal Dragon

  Crystal Soldier

  Dragon in Exile

  Dragon Ship


  Ghost Ship

  I Dare

  “Lord of the Dance”

  Local Custom

  Mouse and Dragon

  Necessity’s Child

  Plan B


  Scout’s Progress

  Trade Secret




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