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United Dragons

Page 17

by Calista Lambrechts

  Luckily for me she was in an unordinary cheery mood that morning… probably because she dreamt of murdering me…

  We set off not long after and made for Krea. The path wasn’t short, but we could manage. We travelled hour after hour, keen on reaching Krea as soon as possible.

  At least there was a good side to this long journey… I had a tiger. The others did not.




  “I THINK WE BETTER settle down for the night. This should be a good spot,” Terrowin suggested meagrely as he came to a stop, the weight of the equipment resting heavily upon his shoulders. It took him no sooner to throw it all to the ground, watching the vanishing cloud of dust.

  “Why now?” I asked with broadened eyes, my mind drowning in thought and the eagerness of succeeding, “Krea is just in our midst. We can make it!”

  “Carlaylin, look around you. Everyone’s dead tired. Unless you want to go alone in the woods and be consumed by werelizards and straying tigers, I suggest you stay here. Otherwise be my guest.”

  I gave no immediate reply. Instead, I took a look out in front of me, noticing the creeping darkness and deadly forest-silence and forest-gloom. I shouldn’t let pride get the best of me. I shouldn’t forget the creatures crawling in the dark…

  “Fine,” I said with a miserable sigh and sagged.

  About half an hour later we found ourselves sitting around yet another campfire, giving it all we had to enjoy the warming touch of dancing flames.

  “Why’s it so cold tonight?” Justin asked, rubbing his arms and warming his hands by the fire.

  “We’re closing in on Krea,” I said as I went to sit down, “This is ocean breeze. Besides, the winter cold is usually brought in from the western oceans.”

  “So, let me get this straight,” Nemtris started with that same I’m-too-good-for-you-people look planted firmly upon her expression, self-centeredness hidden within those eyebrows, “We spend the night here and continue on to Krea where, yet again, you will leave us to hike to some… what? Old abandoned lighthouse? And meet Skinny here at the ball while I’m stuck babysitting once again.”

  “Don’t call me Skinny!” Terrowin scolded after it appeared his heart had skipped a beat.

  “And I’m not a baby!” Justin shouted.

  Nemtris shot them a glance of carelessness as she went ahead and folded her arms.

  “Oh you two would so wish to believe that, wouldn’t you?”

  That was somewhat the last straw. Justin was reawakened to his inner insecurities and Terrowin seemed rather downcast, reacquainted with the realization of his current state. Poor guy couldn’t help it and now Nemtris had finally gone too far… using his illness against him.

  “Nemtris, that’s enough,” I said sternly.

  “Look,” I said after a while with another sigh, “This will be over quick. I’m only going to visit Marinius and attend the king’s ball (which I’m strongly against) with Terrowin and return back to come fetch you at Fargo’s. Nothing more, nothing less.”

  The ball was a new edition to our plans. Turns out Terrowin received an invitation a few days ago by the courier begging him to attend to the king’s ball since he was the commander’s son. Terrowin begged me to go. I had no desire in attending, but I couldn’t say no to those puppy eyes either. Terrowin never pulls that face, but when he does… he’s dead serious.

  “Please remind me again who Fargo is, my dear?”

  “Like I said before: Fargo is my uncle. Cassius’ brother. I sent word to him via e-pigeon, delivered through Wifly. You’ll be staying with him for the time being.”

  “And how, might I ask, do you know him? He has never been mentioned by any or your relatives as far as I’m concerned.”

  I looked her in the eyes.

  “I Gargoyled him on Mirrorbook. Well, after granddad Nick told me about him.”

  “Okay…” Nemtris seemed, oh, how can I put this? Somewhat stirred – freaked out – by my strange methods of communication. It was a onetime shot. Mirrorbook would never become famous. Or perhaps when it by some luck does… we face the zombie apocalypse for more than one logical reason I fail to recollect momentarily.

  “I think it’s about time we settled down for the night. We continue at first light,” Terrowin advised.

  “Nic! Nic nic nic?”

  “Yes, I think Nick is right,” I admitted, “We need someone to stand watch over the camp whilst the others sleep.”

  “You speak Nic?” Terrowin asked.

  “I hope so!” I said with pouted lips and widened eyes. I really did hope…

  “Who will be the first to take watch?” Terrowin asked.

  “I will. I’m not tired,” I proposed.

  “Very well, but you must remember that tomorrow will be quite the day for you. In two hours’ time Justin will take your place, then I, Nemtris third and if you really want you can finish it off with last watch.”

  “Nic?” Nicolas asked, looking somewhat put down. He looked like he really did want to help, but I saw against it.

  “Better not Nick. For specific reasons, I mean.”

  “Why should I go second?” Justin asked, complaining, for we all knew Justin was too precious to do anything at night.

  “Justin!” Terrowin ordered with his all inherited commando voice, a serious glint hidden within his eyes. I knew his commando switch was instinctive, but I wasn’t complaining. I really, and I mean really, didn’t have a problem with it… Good to have someone to take some control over the chaos. And this commando’s rather cute, so I seriously couldn’t see any problem with this.

  “Yes, sir! I will, sir!” Justin said, hairs standing on end. I looked away, choking back a laugh.




  I STEPPED OUT OF the tent we had hastily put together the night before. I blinked at the sudden shine of morning’s light that filled the sky. The last bits of cumulous clouds, of which shone with orange edges, were pulling away into what seemed to be a beautiful clear sky. It was dawn and the sun had already risen quite the way, past the towering trees. Its light fell through the numerous bustling trees in spears, caressing the forest floor and lighting up the world all around us.

  I yawned.

  Justin was trying to make some breakfast out of what he had gathered earlier in the nearby woods. He was kneeling down beside the coals of the remaining campfire still from last night. The smoke rose up into the air in a thin line. Nemtris was busily packing the supplies and finishing up untying the other tent. I knew we were going to leave the tents here, but knowing Carlaylin, the plan was probably to fold them up and hide them somewhere in the bushes.

  Carlaylin stood with her back leaned against an ancient stone pillar at the foot of our campsite. Old ruins – trademarked signs that we were approaching the coastline.

  With folded arms she kept looking out into the horizon, though the majority she could see was only forest.

  I stepped out into the light of day, greeted by the trifling warmth of the morning sun.

  “I see you’re finally awake,” Nemtris said, thoughts still mostly focused on packing and getting our supplies and equipment ready.

  Justin looked to his side to finally meet my eyes, but he seemed to choke back a laugh. I shot him a frown.


  Nemtris laughed, shaking her head.

  “What?” I raised my tone. I was utterly confused and had absolutely no idea about what they were laughing at. Justin gestured by pointing at his own upper lip. My frown deepened as I touched the area above my lip. Withdrawing it I noticed a faint smudge of what seemed like black ink.

  “What the…?”

  “Nice moustache, Casanova,” Nemtris taunted.

  Only then did I realize the true horrific meaning of this moment… Someone had drawn a moustache on my lip when I was asleep. I yanked out my dagger and looked at my reflection. There I stood,
with a small freaking moustache upon my upper lip.

  “What the hell? Who did this?” I enquired in complete and utter disbelief. At the heat of the moment I felt my cheeks begin to blush. I wasn’t all too happy about this.

  “What? It was a long night,” Carlaylin said with her back still turned, “Besides; it really compliments your little beard.”

  Only then did she turn around to walk deeper into the campsite with a giggling smile on her lips. Everyone laughed at me as I stood angrily on the spot, but it took me less than a minute to soften and break, joining in on the chorus of laughter as I tried to wipe it off.


  After another three or four hours after we left, we finally arrived at the coastal regions of Krea. The air hung thick with the scent of brine and rang to the cries of seagulls as well as the endless shouts of those who resided within this town and calling out to business.

  Merchants were quite busy at the dockside, making it their place of work. Crewmembers shouted to one another whilst loading cargo on ships with masts that rocked slightly in the breeze.

  We stood upon the highest end of the forest slope that led down to this harbour town with wooden houses and nautical themes. The entire town seemed to be constructed of wood. The houses stood upon platforms that stood on wooden pillars sunk into the ocean.

  The town of Krea was connected to the land of Ysellian.

  The wooden ramparts and platforms began at the foot of the slope where it led the town into the water of where upon it stood. Water constantly intertwined between the houses in the form of canals. From some of the houses, ramps descended into the waters of the briny blue ocean, some of which there was no more than a fisherman’s boat, sometimes a dinghy, waiting, drifting aimlessly on the restless waters as it was tied to the posts or pillars by its mooring lines.

  Since we were rather high on the slope, the sounds seemed distant, almost as though there was no one. Well, despite the fact that the harbour wasn’t all that busy anyways, even if it was late morning, possibly turning into noon. Carlaylin took the lead and we followed her down to where the coastal town of Krea began. It wasn’t until we set foot on the wooden platforms that when she said, “Krea… I think I might actually like this place!”

  There appeared to be a permanent smile plastered on her lips.

  “Come on! Quick!” She ushered us on.

  “What does your uncle do… exactly?” Nemtris enquired.

  “Fisherman and hunter, I believe. Good at it too!”

  Carlaylin answered with a hip at her skip, as excited as anyone who just reached a brand new destination. Besides, there was a good chance that she might be all too happy to meet her new uncle. I guess him to be near the age of her father. They might even get along very well.

  Past various houses we treaded until finally approaching another, another slightly closer to the dockside area. As we approached I noticed a crossbow to be aimed outside one of the lower windows of the house. I was too late to warn the others when the arrow shot. It missed Justin by only inches.

  “AH!” He leapt into my arms with a yelp, putting a strain on my back. The arrow had pierced itself into the wooden platform only inches away from Justin’s feet.

  “We are not your enemy!” I called boldly before another arrow could shoot. It might have been heroic with the pose and everything, were it not for Justin still in my arms. He was getting heavy, but his arms still wouldn’t let go of my neck. Our eyes met.

  “Get off of me,” I murmured irately. Justin’s eyes widened at the realization that he was still in my arms and quickly apologized with a shy grin as he let go.

  “Yo, Fargo! It’s me Carlaylin! Remember? We’re only here to take refuge for the night.”

  At the sound of her voice, the wooden door opened, revealing Fargo’s person as he still remained frozen on the spot at the doorframe, hands still holding the crossbow at a ready. Even though Carlaylin made it clear who we were, Fargo still seemed rather alert.

  “Ah, I received the e-pigeon. No need for explanations, I am informed. Apologies. I have yet not seen your faces.”

  Fargo seemed the type that took his profession very seriously. He wore a hunter’s hat and looked the part. He had a slight beard of stubble, too.

  “C-Could you please…” Justin asked, stuttering, gesturing at the loaded crossbow still held at a ready, ready to fire at any minute. The first shot had already sent Justin on a panic.

  “Yes. Yes, indeed,” Fargo said, realizing that the crossbow was still at hand. With that he sheathed his weapon for the better good. “Come in, please, and make yourselves at home. Tie the tiger to the post and come in. You’ll find Krea has this certain serenity. Feel free to explore. I hold no leashes.”

  His eyes scanned our group until he met the sight of Carlaylin. A smile grew on his lips.

  “And it’s so good to finally meet my niece! Come here!”

  Like some big loving uncle, Fargo gave Carlaylin a great bear hug, engulfing her in his arms. Can’t say she didn’t enjoy it. She returned the embrace.

  “It’s great to finally see you too!” she exclaimed. “But please do excuse me, I have some duties to attend to. I presume my strange friends will be safe here in your hands?”

  “In my hands, always. I assure.” Carlaylin gave her uncle a grateful and trustworthy smile before turning off into the opposite direction.

  “Wait! Where are you going?” Nemtris stopped.

  “Lighthouse, my dear arrogant Nemtris. Terrowin, I’ll see you at the ball then. Nemtris, Justin, Nick, Ramses… I’ll come and get you when the ball’s concluded.”

  “But-I-err-” Nemtris staggered, but by that time Carlaylin was already halfway gone. Carlaylin seemed eager to reach the lighthouse as quick as possible. Time was restricted, so I can’t say I blamed her.

  “Follow me,” Fargo said after his eyes redirected back to us from watching Carlaylin storm off. He gave way and like a true gentleman, he stood near the door, allowing us to pass into his humble abode. Nemtris was the first to enter. I let Justin go in after her as I firstly took up the responsibility to tie Ramses to the post, and, frankly, it wasn’t too far from the fish lines. I just hoped the big guy wouldn’t get hungry. We’ve had enough trouble as it is.

  Afterwards, I tried to help Nicolas find the door and watched as he passed by, Fargo solemnly greeting with, “Father.”

  Fargo didn’t seem to mind, even though Nicolas didn’t seem to notice or perhaps not paying much attention to it. He was back to his animal state after all. Either way, Fargo didn’t seem much exited to see his father. Perhaps he had long known about his father’s hermit state. And if anything, he gave a sigh and rolled his eyes the moment Nicolas passed through.

  I was the last and entered, but first of all I thanked Fargo for his hospitality. It was good to know that not all people here in Ysellian were unreasonable.

  “Do excuse the mess. My occupation holds no bounds,” Fargo said as he closed the door behind him. The living room was rather cluttered with hunting equipment and prizes such as pelts and mounted animal heads. A warm fireplace burned against the wall. Despite the clutter, anyone could get used to Fargo’s home. A set of stairs led upwards, no doubt to the rooms up above, but I had an idea that we were going to sleep down here in the living room. It was roomy enough, and frankly, not all that cluttered as he let on to be.

  “Clearly,” Nemtris said in reply to Fargo.

  “It’s hard to imagine you as more than a regular hunter as your brother is one of the most prized soldiers of the royal guard,” she continued.

  “We each have, or had, our own interests… Besides, I have neither a place in honour nor do I wish it.”

  “What do you think of your new old niece?”

  “Bright spirit, enthusiastic, somewhat insane… Yes, I admire her, though we know so little about each other. A part of me wishes that she hadn’t gone off so soon… but another shows no melancholy to the fact. I have work to do. You may keep yourselves bu
sy and do whatever your sort does.”

  “Us sort?” Nemtris retorted in somewhat of an outrage, “What do you mean by that?!”

  Like Carlaylin, Fargo was already halfway up the stairs, intended on dealing with his own business.

  To be honest, I was rather relieved at the fact that I could take a few hours to rest before setting up and head for the castle that resided further up another cliff, a bit further away from Krea. It was a cliff that began at the foot of Krea and lead upwards.

  Nemtris turned to me with pursed lips, looking quite fed up as she said, “These Matthews get on my nerves.”

  I said nothing. Instead, I replied with a chuckle and a cool grin. She wasn’t wrong. Carlaylin’s family did tend to be out of the ordinary, no matter which side. No matter the case, I found it fascinating.




  A STRONG WIND FORCED against me as I stared up at the large stone lighthouse towering up in front of me. It was tall enough to stretch into the clouds. The sky remained blue and the slight heat of midday finally caught up to me. As I stood silently, staring upwards, I could hear the waves of the deep briny blue crashing onto shore down below the cliff face. The lighthouse stood upon a rocky cliff’s edge and allowed a view of the ocean that stretched far into the horizon. As I treaded towards the drop, I couldn’t help but look down. I could see the smooth beach down under. I was too high up and too far away to see Krea’s docks from here.


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