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Dangerously Scrooged

Page 3

by T. J. Finn

  The worry lines seemed to disappear but she still looked worried so Max took yet another deep breath before he spoke. “You’re my mate, Willow. I’ve known for a very long time that you were. But you left and got married and I thought all hope was gone of claiming you. But you came back and I fell in love with you all over again.”



  Mate? She was his mate? Willow couldn’t say a word. All logical thought left her as she stared at him. It was a very rare occurrence that someone could make her speechless but Max had done it. Finally, she took a breath as she spoke, having to clear her throat once before any words would come out.

  “How can I be your mate, Max? You’re a wolf and I’m human with no extraordinary gifts except that I can twist a cherry stem using just my tongue.”

  Max laughed at that and her cheeks heated before she laughed with him. “No seriously, Max. How is that possible?”

  “Who knows how Fate works, Willow but I’ve known you were my mate since you were 18. But you were just starting your life and you were Ash’s sister. I watched you grow up. But when you found us after the graduation ceremony carrying your diploma, “I knew.”

  “Max, I…”

  He put a finger over her lips. “There’s nothing for you to say, Willow. I just needed you to know how I felt. I thought I’d lost you forever when you got married but when you divorced and came here to take care of your parents, I knew I had another chance.”

  Willow just looked at him trying to understand and take in everything he was saying. She had loved him her entire life but, like he had said, he had seen her grow up and he was her brother's best friend. There could never be anything between them. So she went on with her life. She went to college, got her degree in mechanical engineering and met her ex husband. She knew now that she had never loved Darwyn. Their relationship had been based on nothing more than two young adults starting out and mistaking lust and desire for love.

  “Look, Willow, just forget what I said. I’m hoping that we can be friends, get to know each other again and maybe, just maybe…”

  “I love you too, Max.” The words rushed out of her before she even thought about saying them. Max had stopped talking, his mouth opened a moment before he closed it. “I have all my life. Being here with you like this is something I’ve dreamed about forever.”

  His arm tightened around her and he crushed his lips to hers, her arms moving slowly up his chest to wrap around his neck. This kiss was different from the ones they had shared tonight. This one was deep, sensual and held promises that she wasn’t sure she was even worthy of getting. This kiss held more than just love. It held commitment and desire and everything she’d ever wanted from life, from him.

  When Max finally lifted his head, her lips were swollen and tingled. She wanted more from him, so much more but she had questions that seemed to get in the way of any other feelings she had. “I have questions, Max. A lot of questions but I can’t think while I'm in your arms like this.”

  The wolfish smile he gave her sent a jolt of awareness through her and whatever coherent thought she had left her brain in a rush of air. Her heart stumbled before finding its rhythm again and her breath caught in her throat. God this man was sexy and he knew it. The most unbelievable part was that he loved her. She decided that she didn’t need to ask her questions right now. She just needed to be where she was right now.

  Max leaned down to kiss her but stopped when she yawned. “Tired?” He swept her hair off her forehead as she nodded.

  Heat creeped across her face as she realized her body was at war with itself. She wanted, no needed Max again. Her body ached to feel him inside her again. It ached to have his mouth and hands on her. But it was suddenly tired. All the tension she had felt all week left her limp and exhausted. She yawned again.

  “I’m so sorry I yawned like that. It's been a busy week with little to no sleep just trying to get ready for my trip.” She glanced up at the snow covered windows. “A trip I’m not going to make.”

  “I’m sorry.” She looked at him and caressed his cheek giving him a soft smile, appreciating the sentiment.

  “I’m not. I’d honestly rather stay like this. Of course, being like this on a beach in the Bahamas would be perfect.”

  Max chuckled. “Yes it would. Maybe in the Spring I’ll take you to someplace like that just so I can rub suntan lotion on that beautiful body.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that.”

  Willow yawned again and Max kissed her again then had her turn on her other side before he draped his arm over her waist and pulled her close. “Get some sleep. We have some things to talk about but you need your rest. Close your eyes and relax. I’ve got you. I’ll keep you safe and warm.”



  Willow shivered in her sleep and Max pulled her closer so him so he could keep her warm. They lay together, both on their sides, Willow's back to his chest, allowing him to keep her warm. The fact that his cock rested nicely in the curve of her magnificent ass and her head rested on his arm. It was starting to get really cold in the room they slept in. He could hear the wind howling outside, blowing the snow to blizzard-like conditions. But he knew they couldn't stay here until someone saw his Explorer, which was covered in snow. How long would that take?

  Max heard Willow's soft voice mumbling something in her sleep and he smiled, kissing her bare shoulder, then nuzzled the area where the neck and shoulder met. This is where he would place his mark if they mated. No, when they mated. He would do anything he had to do to get Willow to fall in love with him and want to be his mate. Anything.

  She shivered again and Max silently cursed the weather. He had to do something, although laying here with Willow snuggled in his arms was going to make it hard to get up. But he had to get up. He had to find a way to get them dug out.

  Slowly he pulled his arm out from under her head, gently laying her back down on the blankets they were using as a pillow. Tucking the blankets around her, he made sure she was warm and not shivering. Standing, Max looked down at her and smiled. Yeah, he would do whatever he needed to do in order to keep her by his side.

  Max walked out into the gym and shivered himself. Fuck it was cold. He walked over to the door that led outside, using all his strength to open the door to the storm. The wind blew hard making the snow swirl around him as he stood there barefoot and naked. Fuck it was more than cold. It was bitter freezing and he had to go out in that. Shaking his head, he shifted from man to wolf, the wolf shaking its fur much like the man shook his head. Looking back at the door, the wolf whimpered. His mate lay just beyond that steel door and the wolf wanted back inside to protect and warm her. But he couldn't. He had to provide for his mate and that meant going into the blizzard and finding help.

  The wolf dug through the snow drift in front of the door until he finally cleared it. Dropping his head because of the blowing, the wolf walked past the Explorer and to the road. He looked up and down the street and didn't see anyone moving around. The road was unplowed, the snow nearly covering some of the smaller cars that could be seen. He took off running toward the police station. Hopefully at least one of his deputies were there trying to coordinate the emergency services to get this town up and running again.

  Moving through the snow wasn't easy, but he finally made it to the police station. He nudged open one of the doors then slipped inside the warm police station. He heard voices and moved toward the sound. His three deputies, all wolf shifters from his pack, were sitting at their desks using what they could to get help and check on people. When he padded inside the room all activity stopped.

  "Thank god. We've been looking for you." One of his deputies stood quickly and hurried into his office to bring out a blanket. Slipping over the wolf, Max shifted back into a man and wrapped the blanket around him.

  "Hey boys. Lovely weather we're having today." The all laughed as Max went into his office where he kept at least one change of clothes. Changing clothes quick
ly he stepped back out into the main room.

  One of his deputies and his beta wolf, Jack, looked at him. asked. "We were seriously going to send out a search party for you.”

  "I appreciate the thought. Keep putting together a team to get the town up and running. Willow McAfferty is stranded in the Christian Church. We went in there to look at the platform for the Christmas program and the weather came in blocking us in. She still needs to be dug out."

  All three deputies went back to work while Max went into office to help make calls to bring in some emergency services to dig Grady out from this blizzard. Jack stuck his head in the door to let him know they'd pulled a team together at the church within the hour. Max nodded, relieved that he'd be able to get Willow home where she could be warm and safe from the weather.

  An hour later, Max and his deputies were armed with shovels while two trucks with snow blades were plowing the parking lot. It didn’t take long to clear a path from the Explorer to the blocked church door. When he opened it, Willow stood there smiling, dressed and bundled up.

  “You guys were making so much noise I couldn’t stay asleep.” She yawned then looked at Max and smiled.

  Max suddenly couldn’t breathe and his heart actually skipped a beat. He returned her smile and held out his hand. Willow took it and let him lead her to the Explorer. After helping her in, he rushed around the other side to start it. He thanked everyone then slowly drove her home.

  “I’ll get someone over to shovel your driveway. Hopefully, now that the snow and wind has stopped, ComEd can restore power.” Willow sat in the passenger seat looking at her house then looked at him.

  “In the meantime I have my fireplace and a gas stove. I’ll be fine. Thanks, Max. Thanks for getting me, well us, dug out.”

  Max looked at her a moment then took his seatbelt off. He leaned over to unbuckle hers and hauled her onto his lap. She laughed until he cupped the back of her neck and kissed her. Once again, having her in his arms made everything inside him shift into place. This was right. This was his mate.

  Lifting his head he grinned and set her back in her seat. Getting out, he carefully made his way to her door and opened it to help her out. He carried her through the deep snow to her front door. Her laughter ringing through the crisp morning air. Setting her down on her feet, he stood there while she unlocked her door and stepped in, turning to look at him.

  Leaning against the door, she looked at him and he smiled. “I can’t believe I’m going to say this but I had a good time, Max. I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather be snowed in with than you.”

  Max chuckled. “I have to take care of everything but, if it's okay with you, I’ll come by when I’m done?”

  “I’d like that, Max. I can probably pull something together for dinner.”

  “You got it, sweetheart.” He leaned down and brushed his lips over hers one more time, the left, a smile still tugging at his lips.



  Willow closed the door and looked around, wrapping her arms around herself. First things first, she thought. Hurrying her back door, she carried in wood for the fireplace and started a fire, then went about candles, power banks for her phone, and blankets.

  She boiled some water and carried it and a flashlight into the bathroom so she could clean up then changed into some warm sweatpants and a sweatshirt that was at least 2 sizes too big on her. Pulling her hair back in a ponytail, she walked back into the living room with a couple of books and dropped down on the sofa.

  The fire had managed to warm up the living room and between that and the quilts she covered up in, it didn’t take long for Willow to fall asleep. She dreamed of her and Max on a beach, making love in the warm waters off some tropical retreat. He couldn’t keep his hands, or his lips, off of her and she didn’t mind. A knocking started in the dream then, as she slowly woke up, realized it was at the front door. Was Max here already?

  Willow kicked the blankets off and almost ran to answer the door. She opened it with a smile on her face until she saw that it wasn’t Max. The smile disappeared and all she could do was stare.

  “I take it that smile wasn’t for me?” Willow tried to speak but could only stare at the man standing on her porch. “Willow? It’s cold can I come in?”

  “Darwyn what are you doing here? Why aren’t you in Florida with your family for Christmas?” Willow knew that her tone was sharper than it should be but, at the moment, she didn’t care. The one person she never wanted to see again was now standing on her doorstep shivering from the cold. She’d wanted to slam the door in her ex-husband’s face and go back to sleep but knew that, if she did, her dear sweet mother would come down from Heaven and smack her on the back of the head.

  Turning away from the door, she went back to the couch where she’d be sleeping, leaving the door open for Darwyn to come inside by himself. The air was thick with tension as he closed the door, stomping the snow from his shoes and taking his coat off.

  “What’s happening around here? I could barely get into town. In fact, I followed a huge snow plow to your house.”

  “Yeah, we were expecting snow with some accumulation but nothing like this and nothing was said about blizzard conditions. The power is out and there are a lot of people stranded. In fact, you’re lucky to find me home. I had a trip planned to the Bahamas for Christmas and there’s no way I can make it to Chicago to catch my plane.”

  She watched her ex sit down on her dad’s recliner and look around. “Is that why there’s no decorations up? I remember how you went all out decorating.”

  Willow gave him a hard stare, raising an eyebrow. “Well that was until last year.”

  An uncomfortable silence filled the air around them, Darwyn shifting uncomfortably in the recliner. “Um...yeah...about that. “

  “If you’ve come all this way to rehash the past I’m afraid you wasted a trip. I have no desire to hear the litany of reasons why you left me on Christmas Eve.” She watched as red creeped along his neck. Good. She thought. He should feel like an ass.

  They both jumped when the radio blared suddenly. She’d turned it on right before she had sat down to read in case the electricity came on. Shutting off, she went to the thermostat turning the heat up and grinned when the furnace turned on. “Thank god.”

  Willow dropped back down on the sofa and looked at Darwyn. “So…” She let the one word draw out, trying to figure out why he’d come.

  “Oh yes, why I came.” He moved to the edge of the recliner and pressed his fingers together as if he were about to pray. Looking up at her, he reached into his back pocket to pull out some folded papers. “I miss you, Willow. I was stupid. I should never have left you. Can we...can we try it again?”

  “On Christmas Eve.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You should never have left me on Christmas Eve. You remember that don’t you, Darwyn? Almost 10:00 pm on Christmas Eve and out of the blue you told me you didn’t love me and you left?”

  Darwyn winced at her words but Willow’s expression never changed. “Is that why you came? To ask me to come back to you?” She left out a very unladylike snort. “You’ve wasted a trip and I’m going to have to ask you to leave. I actually have plans later.” She stood, ready to go to the door when he stood with her and held out the papers he had been holding.

  “We’re not divorced, Willow. I didn’t sign the papers you had served to me.”

  Willow snatched the papers out of his hands, her chest tightening. “Why, Darwyn? Why haven’t you signed these? I thought all this time that we were divorced.” Oh god, she thought. She had committed adultery with Max.

  “Because I needed time to think, Willow.” He moved closer and wrapped his arms around her. “I lied when I said I didn’t love you. I love you and I want to start over. We’re still married. We can just pick up where we left off.”

  It barely registered to Willow that someone had just come through her front door. She hadn’t pushed Darwyn away because she c
ouldn’t believe what he was saying. and was standing there staring at him in disbelief. Someone cleared their throat and she turned to see Max standing at her door wearing a clean uniform shirt and jeans staring at the two of them. Looking at her ex she stepped out his arms and turned to face Max. “I didn’t mean to interrupt anything.”

  Willow started to protest when she noticed the boxes of ornaments in his arms and tree leaning against the door. “Max.”

  Darwyn stepped away from her and walked over to Max, holding out his hand. “Hi Sheriff. I’m Darwyn Jacobs. Willow’s husband. Everything ok?”

  Max’s eyes never left Willows, his look dark and his stance almost menacing. Then, he broke her gaze and turned to Darwyn, his mouth set in a firm line. “Mr. Jacobs. No nothing wrong. Just checking up on Willow. Her brother is my best friend and he asked that I check in on her with this storm.”

  Willow couldn’t move. Her insides shook as her heart beat wildly in her chest, almost taking her breath away. The room seemed to be closing in on her making her dizzy. Finally she was able to move and took a step toward Max but he backed away and turned to leave.

  “Good to see you’re in good hands, Willow. Goodnight.” With that, he turned, putting the tree further into the house, then stepped outside, pulling the door firmly behind him. Darwyn didn’t seem to notice, but Willow noticed and in her heart she knew that when Max closed that door, he closed off any chance for them.



  Max stormed into the police station and to his office, slamming the door behind him. His wolf paced and growled, wanting to go back to Willow’s and tear her ex-husband apart. Did he say he was her husband? His thoughts started spinning as he tried to grasp what the man had said. Willow had told him that she was divorced when she came back to town and he had no reason to doubt her. Had she been lying to him? The thunderous beat of his heart seemed to be roaring in his ears. Had she?


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