Book Read Free


Page 22

by Marilee Brothers

Billy grips my shoulders. His anger still burns but it’s flagging. “What about your future?”

  “I had to get Aida out of there. There was no other way.”

  His grip tightens. “You scare me, Minnie. You dive head first into things without thinking about the consequences.”

  I jerk away from him. “I don’t need a daddy lecture. Yes, I thought about the consequences. Guess what? None of them is good. The Rockwells steal Aida’s baby and sell her for big bucks and Aida is shipped off to Portland, locked up and forced to perform sexual acts for money. I don’t care what you think, I won’t let that happen.”

  Billy’s jaw tightens. “And you didn’t trust me enough to tell me?”

  At that moment it occurs to me Billy is bummed because he didn’t get to be part of the action. I send up a prayer for patience. “We covered that ground, Billy. Kendra and I talked it over. We want you fully present in your counseling and…”

  “I’m not a child who needs to be protected.”

  “Well, you’re acting like one now.”

  We’re both breathing hard, glaring at each other, unwilling to give an inch. Finally, Billy sighs and holds out his arms. “Let’s start over.”

  I should play hard to get, but I’m too damn tired to work up the energy. I step into his embrace, wrap my arms around his waist and snuggle into his chest. It feels like coming home after a long, hard day.

  His lips graze my temple. “What god awful plan is next on your agenda?”

  I stifle my urge to retaliate. “I’ll give the flash drive to Home Land Security and ask them to get Destiny out of the Rockwell’s house.”

  Billy tucks a finger under my chin and tilts my head back until I meet his gaze. “Do you realize that agency is in Portland?’

  “Yes. I’ll call this morning and hope I can convince an agent to come to 3 Peaks. If I have to, I’ll go to Portland with the flash drive.”

  Billy releases me, takes a step back and bows from the waist. “Miss Melanie Sullivan, aka, Minnie Mouse, would you allow your humble servant, William Henry McCarty, to assist you. Pretty please.”

  My lips curve into an involuntary smile. “Maybe. What’s your god awful plan?”

  He grabs my hand and leads me to the kitchen table where we settle into chairs. “We go to the local authorities. I have friends there. They have a direct line to federal agencies whereas you, well, they might think you’re a nut job.”

  I think about Rusty, the big policeman who scares Aida so. “We can’t go there. Remember that guy I told you about? The one they call Rusty. He’s involved in this mess, clear up to his mean little eyeballs.”

  “I have people I trust.”

  Before I can stop the words, I blurt, “Your ex girlfriend Candy?”

  He blinks in surprise and drags a hand through his brush cut. “Oh, yeah, you met Candy. I forgot.”

  “I sure did and she still has the hots for your studly bod.”

  “Aw, come on, Minnie. That’s ridiculous. Candy and I are a done deal.”

  “I don’t think she feels that way.”

  He narrows his eyes at me. “You really want to talk about this now?”



  I take a big breath. Let it out. Hit the delete button. Expunge Candy Talbot from my memory banks. “Okay, it has to be tomorrow. I mean, today. What’s your schedule?”

  “I can get away at noon. I’ll call Candy and make the arrangements.”

  I bite my lip to keep from saying something bitchy. “Okay.”

  Kendra bustles into the kitchen. “Aida is all settled. I’ve got the hide-a-bed in the family room made up for you, Mel. Stay with us tonight. Okay? “

  Before I can answer, Billy says, “I’ll take her home.”

  “Oh, no you won’t. She’s tired and it’s practically morning. You’re welcome to stay here too, but no hanky-panky. My kids get up early.” She blows us kisses and heads for bed.

  “How do you feel about spooning?” Billy says.

  “Love it.”

  Before we crawl into the hide-a-bed, I check on Aida. Clad in one of Kendra’s nightgowns, she’s curled up on the queen-sized bed, sleeping soundly. Paco is sitting on a chair next to the bed, holding her hand.

  I whisper, “Thanks, Unc, for everything. Looks like Aida bonded with you.”

  “Poor kid,” he rumbles. “Damn shitheads want her baby. They’ll have to get past me first.”

  I plop down on his lap and kiss his cheek. “You’re a pretty good guy, for a Mexican gang banger.”

  He wraps his free arm around me and squeezes. “Get some sleep, little girl. You did a damn good job tonight. I’m proud of you.”

  I press my cheek against his chest and listen to the strong beat of his heart. I must have dozed off because the next thing I remember is Billy lifting me in his arms and carrying me to the hide-a-bed.

  Spooning is good.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  It’s twelve twenty-two p.m. and Billy and I are in an interview room with his cop buddy, the comely Candace Talbot. When we arrived, I checked out her tiny cubicle of an office, one of many partitioned off by tri-fold room dividers and shook my head. No way was I going to spill my guts in the midst of a bunch of people I didn’t know or trust. Hence, our re-location to the interview room.

  Candy is looking sleek in tapered black trousers and a silky pale blue blouse clinging to her bodacious boobs like a second skin. Not that I’m jealous. Not much.

  Billy does most of the talking since I’m too busy not being jealous. We agreed ahead of time, not to mention last night’s little misadventure regarding Aida. The word kidnapping will remain unspoken in this building.

  Candy tears her fascinated gaze from Billy and flicks a glance my way. “So, did you bring the flash drive?”


  I’m so not going to give it to her.

  “Can I see it?”

  “I’m going to hang onto it for now.”

  Candy makes an exasperated sound. “If I’m going to contact Homeland Security, I’ll need that flash drive.”

  I shake my head. “Like Billy said, it’s a list of the people the babies were sold to, and the amount they paid for them. I know that for a fact because I made some phone calls.”

  Candy turns to Billy and lifts her hands in a helpless gesture. “Not sure what I can do if she won’t give me the flash drive. I need proof.”

  Billy places a hand on her arm and flashes his thousand-watt smile. “Just do what you can. Please. Make the call. Try to convince an agent this is for real. We’ll hang on to the flash drive for now. Would you do that for us, Candy?”

  The famed Billy the Kid charm is working today. She reluctantly agrees. “I’ll be in touch.”

  I stand and push back my chair. “Thanks, Candy. I hope you can make it happen soon. I’m extremely worried about Destiny. She isn’t safe in the Rockwell house.”

  “How do you know that?” Her voice is sharp.

  Now what, Mel? Do you tell her you’ve looked into Nina Rockwell’s soul? “I, um, well…”

  Billy stands and places a hand on my shoulder. “You need to trust her, Candy. She has good instincts about people.”

  Candy looks skeptical, but nods.

  We turn to leave. The door to the interview room opens. The big cop, Rusty, steps through. My heart leaps into my throat as his hooded gaze lingers on me a little too long. Billy shoots me a warning glance.

  “Hi, boss,” Candy says. “Remember Billy the Kid?”

  “Sure do.” He shakes hands with Billy. “I hear you’ll be joining us soon.”

  Billy nods. “Hope so.”

  His gaze swings over to me. “Who’s this pretty lady?”

  Billy makes the introductions. I find I’m in the presence of Captain Rick (Rusty) McGowan.

  He clasps my hand in both of his. “Nice to meet you, Miss Sullivan. Is there anything I can help you with?”

  I pull my hand away, but not before I lo
ok into his soul. His eyes are gray. So is his soul, but with a few reddish purple streaks. I’ve been studying Steve’s notes, so I know a soul that particular shade of gray indicates a withdrawal from societal norms as well as secretiveness. Many sociopaths have flat gray souls. The reddish purple streaks make it truly scary. That combination of colors tells me he has a nasty temper and is prone to aggression and violence.

  I force a smile. “No, Candy took care of us. Nice to meet you too.”

  I can’t wait to get out of this man’s presence, but he’s blocking the door.

  Candy says, “I’ll fill you in later, Captain.”

  Oh, hell no!

  I turn toward Candy and extend my hand to her. My back is now turned to McGowan. Candy looks puzzled, but takes my hand. I shake it vigorously and say, “Thanks for your help.” She tries to pull her hand away but I cling to it like a barnacle on the side of a tugboat. I see Billy watching me as I mouth the words, “No, don’t tell him. He’s in on it.”

  Her eyes widen a bit. She squeezes my hand and smiles. “You’re welcome, Mel. I’ll be in touch about the incident in your room.”

  Whew. Message received.

  McGowan steps aside, allowing us to leave the room. I wonder if he’s picked up on my body language and is about to grill Candy Talbot for information. For the first time, I feel empathy for her. We’ve just dumped a boatload of trouble on her doorstep.

  Billy takes my hand and we exit the building. Neither of us speaks until we approach the Harley. Before we climb on, Billy loops an arm around my shoulders and gives me a squeeze. “Quick thinking in there. Good job.”

  My legs are still shaking. “Damn, that was scary. Do you trust her? Maybe Candy’s part of the problem.”

  Billy cups my face in his hands and drops a kiss on my forehead. “There’s no way she’d be involved.”

  I pull away. “Maybe it’s hard for you to be objective since you two have a history.”

  He heaves a sigh. “Look, I know Candy can be a bitch, but she’s a good cop.”

  “Kendra doesn’t like her. She says Candy won’t rest until she gets you back.”

  Billy shakes his head in disgust. “I thought we were talking about Candy’s integrity, not our past relationship. Here’s a thought. Maybe Kendra’s being a bitch too. Can we please put this to rest? Trust me, Minnie. It’s over.”

  I want to believe him. I do, but I can’t help it. I take a little peek into his soul to see if he’s telling the truth. He is. I feel a flush rise in my cheeks. When did I turn into the classic needy girlfriend? I’m acutely ashamed.

  I place a hand on his arm. “Sorry. I guess I’m acting like a bitch too.”

  Billy’s grin lights up my world. “No worries. Obviously, I’m attracted to bitches.”

  Back at Number Ten, I dig the flash drive out of my pocket and hand it to him. “If word gets out I have the flash drive, it will be safer with you.”

  He nods and tucks it inside his jacket. After a warm, lingering kiss that leaves me weak in the knees and breathing hard, Billy says, “We finish early tonight. I’ll be back.”


  He nuzzles my neck. “I’d be crazy not to.”

  My cell phone buzzes as he pulls away. Paco.

  He says, “Sorry I was sleeping when you left. How did the thing go with the cops?”

  I fill him in, including my introduction to Captain McGowan.


  He stays quiet for a while, thinking things over. “I’ll be there soon. You be careful, ya hear?”

  I assure him I’m fine. “How’s Aida doing?”

  “Still worried about the kid.”

  “Maybe you should stay with her a while.”

  He chuckles. “That Kendra chick is something else. She’s yakking a mile a minute and has Aida shoveling goopy stuff into the baby’s mouth. I’ll stick around for a bit. See how it goes.”

  I flop down on the bed, exhausted, but too tense to sleep. Whatever happens next is now up to Candy Talbot. Billy trusts her. I want to trust her too. Should I have given her the flash drive? My weary mind flits from one dilemma to another. What about Destiny? I’m swamped with guilt about leaving her in the Rockwell house. I try to put her out of my mind. Unsuccessfully.

  I spring off the bed and change into my running clothes. Maybe working up a sweat will relieve my anxiety. After a long run and quick shower, I feel almost human when I report for work. Paco comes in around dinnertime.

  I seat him in my section. “How’s Aida?”

  “Still confused and worried about the kid she left behind. She cried when I left.”

  I slip into the booth across from him. “Listen, Paco, Billy’s coming by later. I’ll be perfectly safe. After you eat, head back to Kendra’s house. Obviously, Aida needs you.”

  His eyes brighten. “You sure?”


  I deliver his food. He wolfs it down, leaves me a twenty-dollar tip and splits.

  Billy calls at eleven-fifteen. I hear male voices in the background. “Can’t make it tonight, Minnie. I’m involved in a bit of a crisis.”

  Alarmed, I say, “What kind of a crisis?”

  “Not me. It’s a guy in our group. He was freaking out, so a bunch of us are at his place, trying to talk him down.”

  I remember Paco’s words. “Does he have the heebie jeebies?”

  “Yeah, he does.”

  I’m disappointed of course. But I played the whiny girlfriend card earlier today. What kind of an asshole would ask her boyfriend to desert a buddy in crisis in order to make her happy? Not me.

  “No problem. Maybe tomorrow.”

  “I hope so.”

  It’s quitting time. After helping Helen and Nick clean up, I scurry across the parking lot to Number Ten. I step through the door, cursing myself for not leaving a light on. But, I did. Didn’t I? I close the door and reach for the light switch. Before I can flick it on, a rough hand covers my mouth and I’m locked in a steely embrace. I feel a prick on the back of my neck and darkness swallows me up.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  I awaken slowly in the dark. My stomach is queasy and churning. My head hurts. Something—it feels like a hard metal object—is directly beneath it. I moan and try to shift my position. I squirm and wriggle, unable to move my arms and legs. Why? Oh, God, my wrists are bound and my ankles tied together. I’m trussed up like a turkey ready for the oven. Sick with fear, I try to summon my sluggish wits. Where the hell am I?

  One by one, my senses return. I attempt to cry out, but a rag smelling of rancid motor oil is tied across my mouth. I roll my head from side to side and see nothing but blackness. The floor beneath me vibrates with the sound of an engine shifting gears. I lift my head and hear men’s voices, but can’t make out the words because of the music. Country music. Sounds like Johnny Cash; A Boy Named Sue.

  Well, crap. I’m in the trunk of a car. A big car. Like Myron’s Impala.

  Do not panic, Mel. Try to remember what you’re supposed to do when locked in a trunk. Surely Sandra covered that subject in one of her cautionary tales. Kick out the taillights? Find something sharp to rub against the ties binding my ankles and wrists? Make noise to attract attention when the car stops at a red light? Yes, all of the above.

  I maneuver my body around and lash out with my feet, hoping I’m in the general vicinity of the taillights. I’m rewarded with a loud thumping sound, which is good, because the gag muffles my screams. I keep it up while squirming around and feeling for something to grasp with my hands. My stomach gurgles ominously. Bitter bile rises in my throat. My fingers close around the metal object that had been beneath my head. A tire iron? It feels good in my hands even though there’s no way I can use it with my wrists tied together. Nevertheless, I cling to it.

  The car stops. A red light? I double my kicking efforts and cry out against the stinky rag binding my mouth. The engine dies with a clunk. The music stops. I hear doors slam and the sound of footsteps. The tr
unk flies open. Myron and Mick stare down at me like I’m a caged animal. Actually, I guess I am.

  Myron drawls, “Well, looky here. Our little birdie is wide-awake. Let’s get her inside.” He snatches the tire iron from my hand. “Nice try, sweetheart.”

  Mick grabs me around the waist and flings me over his shoulder.

  I’m borne across an asphalt parking lot. It looks familiar. I twist my head around and peek under Mick’s arm to see where we’re heading. Dr. Breen’s fertility clinic. My worst nightmare. Momentary panic makes me struggle against Mick’s steely grip. He whacks me across the butt. “Settle down.”

  We get to the back door and Myron presses a buzzer. My belly, pressed against Mick’s shoulder, makes a formidable rumbling sound. I squirm and grunt, trying not to heave up my dinner. Mick pulls me off his shoulder and slams me against the side of the building. I go, “Mmmph, mummph.” I roll my eyes like a panicked horse and tilt my chin toward my tummy.

  In a thick Russian accent, Mick says, “She’s trying to say something.”

  Myron chuckles again. “Yeah, like ‘Ooo, let me go please, please.’”

  He’s wrong. I wouldn’t utter the word please to him. Ever.

  I make retching sounds. Mick removes the gag and takes a step back, like he knows what’s about to happen. Maybe he does. I turn toward Myron and vomit spews out of my mouth like a volcanic eruption. It’s a direct hit.

  Splattered with the contents of my stomach, he jumps back, a few seconds too late. “Jesus Christ,” he mutters, swiping at the mess.

  I smile at him, determined to enjoy the moment. “Looks good on you, Myron, you asshole. I just have one question. Why did you run over my bike?”

  He shakes his head in disbelief. “You’re helpless, about to die and you want to know about your bike?”

  “Yeah, I do. I think it was a simple act of meanness. Am I right?”

  Before he can answer, the door opens and Jared Breen peeks out. “Take her to number four. I’ve got a baby on the way.”

  He pauses, sniffs and checks out Myron. “You’re not coming in here smelling like puke.”

  Myron turns and shuffles away. “Got a change of clothes in the car.”


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