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Mind Kill- Rise of the Marauder

Page 17

by Peter Casilio

  As Mitchelli turned to port, the adults looked at Buffalo--the small city’s skyline looked impressively majestic from the Lake. It was not Manhattan, but a beautiful sight that sunny June morning. The city posed an unlikely backdrop to the baffling crimes that had taken place just off her shores. Mitchelli pointed out the break wall, Ghetto Beach, and the grain elevator beyond. Blue open lake water lay ahead. Once they had passed the surveillance points, he moved the throttles to full and the waste gate for the engine’s turbo chargers whistled away. No one but Mitchelli noticed the boat was traveling thirty-nine miles an hour. Mitchelli was in his boating element. When he was satisfied with his boat’s performance he pulled the throttles back, twenty-eight miles an hour would be their cruising speed. The boat traveled past the Buffalo inner harbor by the giant remains of Bethlehem Steel, to Sunset Beach.

  Mitchelli anchored the boat. The forecast was seventy degrees and sunny. The water temperature was still cold for June, sixty-three degrees. The kids were in their swimsuits, except for Lisa. They were afraid to go in the cold water. Kaitlin begged her dad to go in first. She loved to play king of the tube and fight with her dad, pushing him into the water. Feeling he was very overweight, he did not want to go swimming and have to take his shirt off. However, Mitchelli could not refuse his daughter, not on the boat. He wore large blue swim shorts with yellow tropical flowers. He came running up from below deck and across the cockpit to the stern when his feet slipped on the wet swim platform. Both feet went in the air above his head; he fell flat on his butt. His momentum slid his butt off the swim platform and into the water, the splash rocked the large boat. Everyone started laughing, including MacJames and Coarseni. The kids followed him into the water. Soon they were imitating him, reenacting his slip and fall on the tube floating behind the boat. Lisa eventually went into the water along with her father and MacJames.

  It was not long before Kaitlin gravitated to MacJames and was hanging on to her because she could not touch bottom. Eventually they were hugging each other, talking like girlfriends at the beach. Kaitlin missed her mother, and it helped that MacJames was close to her mother’s age. MacJames was an only child. She had no nieces or nephews to pamper. She was unable to have children, a major factor that had ended her third marriage, Kaitlin’s mother was gone. She was stuck on MacJames. MacJames was enjoying every moment she had with Kaitlin. Eventually they swam to shore and buried their feet in the sand.

  Mitchelli and Peter Jakob put on their fins and goggles to explore the bottom of Time Bandit. Whenever they surfaced, Mitchelli would explain the different parts of the boat. They swam around the hull, rubbing the scum line off the hull with their hands, talking to each other as they rubbed. Coarseni and his daughters wrestled on the tube. They soon found themselves on the beach playing in the sand. Coarseni looked at the female scenery on the beach. His daughters teased him as he gawked.

  “What? What the hell! I can’t look?” he asked defensively. “I’m an FBI agent, not a priest; cut me some slack. If I didn’t look you two wouldn’t be around burying my butt in the sand.”

  After several hours, they all swam back to the boat to eat lunch. Light sandwiches and fruit salads were on the menu. While the others finished eating, Mitchelli went to his favorite lounging spot on the boat, the sun pad on the bow. MacJames told him to relax and try to get some sleep. As he lay on the pad, he could not help but remember Ann. They had loved lounging on the boat. The rhythmic rocking and the sound of the water lapping on the hull released all their tension. The sun would warm their bodies; their skin bronzing under the summer sun. They always listened to alternative music that played on the Canadian radio stations. As if boating an hour away from Buffalo had transported them to the Caribbean, the beaches on the lake seemed to be light years away from the family business and the ring of a telephone. Mitchelli took his shirt off to get some sun and quickly fell asleep.

  Coarseni fell asleep on the horseshoe bench seat just beyond the shade of the roof. The children swam, and began a contest of jumping off the bow, which was nine feet above the water’s surface, swimming back to the swim platform, then racing to the bow for another dive. MacJames enjoyed watching the kids play while she read a book. After several hours she noticed the kids were quiet. Curious, she put her book down to look for the kids and found them on the bow by Mitchelli. Kaitlin had manipulated her sleeping father’s finger so it was touching his nipples. The three older children watched as Kaitlin posed her father in a queer poses with his fingers on his nipples. Peter Jakob began taking his pictures with his father’s cell phone. When MacJames got to the bow she laughed hysterically along with the kids until she realized Mitchelli had no sunscreen on, and ordered the children to tend to their fathers with sunscreen. Tina and Lisa went aft to spread lotion on their dad; while MacJames, Kaitlin, and Peter Jakob worked on Mitchelli, their task much larger.

  Peter Jakob did his father’s legs while Kaitlin and MacJames did his face, arms and torso. MacJames carefully ran her fingers over Mitchelli’s face studying the changes she had noticed since their first meeting. His face was more slender, and his eyes, though sleeping, were tense in deep thought, possibly having a serious dream. As she rubbed his large shoulders, she could feel the tension, like a steel beam held them in place. MacJames showed Kaitlin how to message her father’s neck, arms, and fingers. Kaitlin was eager to learn from MacJames.

  “Kaitlin, do you feel his arms? See how they’re relaxing as we message them?”

  She took Kaitlin’s hands and placed them on her dad’s shoulder, telling her to gently squeeze his muscles. They were rock hard when they started but eventually the tensioned eased. Mitchelli began to wake up.

  He groaned, “I must be in Heaven on a female pirate ship. Please don’t stop. I’ll pay you.”

  Kaitlin giggled. “Oh yeah, Dad. You always say that when I scratch your back, don’t believe him, Ms. MacJims, he never pays up.”

  The two girls both lied down by Mitchelli, resting their heads on his large biceps. Peter was lying closer to the bow, just above the anchor. The crew of the Time Bandit took a well-deserved nap.


  When the crew reactivated onboard, they all went for a mile-long stroll along the beach. MacJames and the Coarsenis took pictures of everyone with Time Bandit in the background. At six o’clock, they pulled anchor and ran an hour north to the inner harbor. They dropped anchor just outside the break wall, about three quarters of a mile north of the grain elevator. They grilled chicken; microwaved vegetables, and ate dinner as the sun set. Coarseni went below with the kids to watch a movie on the satellite TV. Peter Jakob had ten times the channels on the boat than he did at home and the surround sound system was much better. They microwaved popcorn, found a comfortable spot to lie on the couch, and watched movies.

  MacJames and Mitchelli stayed topside in the cockpit. Each had a glass of single malt scotch on the rocks. Their faces lit from the soft green hue of the radar screen in front of them. They sat next to each other at the helm, the instruments dimmed as much as possible to gain the best visibility outside the boat. They were watching the old grain elevator on the radar screen for anything suspicious. It was a calm, warm Saturday night. They were relaxed after a leisurely day at the beach.

  MacJames casually said, “Peter, I can cover for you on surveillance two or three nights a week.”

  Mitchelli was agitated. “What are you talking about? You’d go crazy if you had to spend one night with Sal’s cigars and coffee breath.”

  “I think you need the rest; you have been pushing yourself too hard. One of us can cover for you. The schedule, our expectations were unrealistic. It’s not fair to you.”

  “Fair! When was any of this expected to be fair! Did Freed put you up to this? We’ve only been watching the inner harbor for a couple of weeks, was he expecting something to happen sooner? What the hell did he do in two years?”

  “Freed had nothing to do with this,” she insisted. “Why would you think Freed put me up
to this? You look like you’ve aged five years in two weeks. In a month, you’ll look like death warmed over.” She looked him in the eye and grabbed his hand. She took a sip of her scotch and braced herself for an awkward reaction.

  Mitchelli presumed her comment concerning his physical appearance was a sign she was not interested in seeing him, “I never did understand what you saw in me…Are you having second thoughts about us starting a relationship?”

  MacJames quickly shot back, “What the hell are you talking about? Where did that come from?”

  “I know I’ve let myself get rundown. I’m a mess and you’re a handsome woman…I didn’t mean it that way, you’re sexy…Look you’re…beautiful that’s what we agreed to on the pier. You’re a beautiful woman. You can back off if you want. Hell, you felt sorry for me in Baltimore, you were sympathetic.”

  MacJames leaned forward and kissed Mitchelli firmly, romantically. She slowly ran her lips along his cheeks, kissing them softly. She moved her lips towards the middle of his neck and then to his ear. He grabbed her waist.

  She whispered in his ear, “Peter, please listen to me carefully. If I was having second thoughts about wanting to be with you, you would know it loud and clear. For the first time in my professional career, I am worried about someone other than myself. I’m responsible for getting you mixed up in this. I don’t want to see you hurt, or run down.” She kissed his neck; he pulled her away from his neck, kissing her on the lips and turning her across his body. Their arms wrapped around each other.

  The circumstances were overwhelming; fatigue and stress had worn him down. The day had been perfect. The stress was drained away and he finally felt relaxed. They had spent a wonderful family day boating, playing on the beach, lying in the sun, and now locked in a passionate embrace. Mitchelli stopped; he had to look at her. He touched her face with his fingers, convincing himself she was real. Why does she want to be with me? She’s so beautiful. The green hue of the radar screen accented her green eyes; as he looked into her eyes, he hoped he could trust her. For a brief moment his guilt was gone, distracted by those eyes. He had first noticed them in Quantico; again in the conference room, and on the pier later that same night. Her green eyes were a temporary distraction from his self-inflicted suicidal mind job.

  “God you’re beautiful,” he murmured as he studied her face. My God, what is happening? It’s been so long. It had been twenty years since he had last dated. Remembering his wife, he had no confidence with another woman. He was far from a ladies man. Get your hand off her chest, stop thinking you’re going to make love. The surround sound system subwoofer boomed below in the cabin. My kids, Coarseni, his kids! What the hell am I thinking!

  Staring into her deep green eyes, he saw the reflection from the radar screen make contact with another boat, a radar blip, a boat very small but enough for him to notice. He suddenly remembered the reason why they were there. He quickly checked his watch. It was twelve forty. He threw MacJames back into her seat and sat up.

  “Peter what is it?” MacJames, caught up in the moment, had forgotten why they anchored outside the inner harbor.

  “There’s a boat heading south in the inner harbor; it’s moving away from us and towards the end of the break wall by Bethlehem Steel.” He pointed to the radar display and plotter, “Look, we’re here outside the break wall; there is the location of the grain elevators, a mile east of us. The quickest way for the boat to get into the lake is north at this cut in the wall, but he’s moving too fast. His wake would rock the boats in the marina where it would be seen, it’s heading away from the marina in one hell of a hurry. Look at this faint echo behind the boat, mirroring its position; I have never seen a weak contact like that before.”

  “Is it a smaller boat?”

  “No; the blip would have a smaller boat shape and show up as a solid image, not faded. Go below and get my shotgun in the forward compartment!”

  The dot on the radar moved quickly, faster than the five mile an hour speed limit within the break wall to the southern exit. It passed through the opening at the end of wall and headed west, away from the city into open water towards Canada. The radar echo mirrored the moves of the solid radar contact. The images soon moved outside the three-mile range of Time Bandit’s radar system. While MacJames called Freed who was on shore surveillance by the grain elevator to see if he had seen the boat, Mitchelli started the engines and engaged the windlass that remotely retrieved the anchor. Freed thought he had heard boat engines but they were too far away to see any boats from their position on the road. MacJames watched Mitchelli race to prepare the boat to get underway. He quickly drew a large black pistol from under his shirt. He pulled the slide back, and reassured a round was chambered, he holstered the pistol.

  “Peter, we’re not pursuing.” On the water, they had no backup; the federal boats had cut back their patrols, for fear their agents would be added to those missing.

  “The hell we’re not, get my shotgun!”

  As MacJames pushed her way between Mitchelli and the council, she noticed his eyes had darkened, they were almost black. “The children are on board,” she said. Trying to stay calm, she gently put her hand on his face. Their eyes locked and her body stiffened. His pupils were fully dilated; his eyes completely black, he stared through her as though she wasn’t there. He engaged the propellers. Her trembling hands reached for the controls and disengaged the engines.

  “Listen to me,” she said, her hands holding his face. “I’m in charge.” His eyes squinted at her authoritative tone. “We’re going back to the marina now!” Mitchelli firmly grabbed her arms, pulling them away from his face, and she could feel his grip painfully tighten around her forearms. “Peter Jakob and Kaitlin are on board!” MacJames knew how to bring him back, his eyes opened. He studied the radar as the mysterious boat moved further away from Time Bandit. MacJames yelled, “Peter do you read me, STAND DOWN!” He slowly released her arms and silently nodded in agreement.

  Mitchelli realized even with the automatic anchor system the Time Bandit would not have been able to catch the mysterious boat. The mystery boat’s crew would have observed Time Bandit on his radar screen. Surely, the boat would change direction and increase its speed if they had actually pursued. The boat’s trail had gone cold.

  He set a new course for his marina while MacJames slid open the cabin door and peered below. The TV flickered in the dark cabin exposing Coarseni sleeping on the couch, with his daughters laying over him. MacJames nervously went below when she could not see Peter Jakob or Kaitlin. She found them sleeping in their room, the TV in front of Peter Jakob still on. She shut both TVs off and rejoined Mitchelli at the helm, keeping a close eye on him. Nervous, her hands trembled remembering what the terrified instructors had told Freed, his eyes were the obis of hell…She thought, who is Peter Mitchelli?


  Sunday morning, MacJames met the Mitchellis at a Catholic church in North Tonawanda. Most of the church’s parishioners were of Polish descent. Although raised a Catholic, MacJames had been divorced three times and technically could not receive Holy Communion. If she received the Eucharist, she worried Mitchelli might perceive it as a lack of respect for his religious beliefs, however, not accepting Eucharist would emphasize her failed marriages. How can I be a good parent to his children when I cannot attend church with them? I never failed at anything accept marriage. He’ll never accept me into his family. Her mind raced. Maybe I could stay in the pew with Kaitlin; she’s not old enough to receive communion. Her emotions ran amok; she worried if he judged her over her failed marriages, the relationship would be doomed for failure.

  The Mitchelli family’s dark olive skin and generous cash offering distinguished them from the fair skinned Polish families. MacJames witnessed for herself the Mitchelli mystique as mothers abruptly pushed their eligible daughters toward Peter Mitchelli. The daughters were much younger than MacJames, in their twenties and thirties, with fair skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes. One mother asked
if MacJames was Mitchelli’s aunt. The female competition angered MacJames for a moment as she forgot her Eucharist wows.

  They sat in a pew just rear of the middle of the church; Mitchelli at the end, then Kaitlin, MacJames, and Peter Jakob. In the parking lot, Mitchelli had explained to MacJames they had to keep Kaitlin close to them because she would fidget and annoy Peter Jakob. This morning Kaitlin was on her best behavior for her new friend Ms. MacJames. The mass moved quickly, parishioners diligently entered the aisle to receive communion as MacJames’s nervousness flared into anxiety. The young eligible women surrounded Mitchelli’s pew, eagerly studying him and his family. She struggled to stay calm and held Kaitlin’s hand in an effort to steady her nerves. Kaitlin loved the attention.

  Mitchelli stood up from his kneeling position and moved in the isle. MacJames sat back in her seat to let Peter Jakob get by her with the other parishioners in the pew. She had decided not to go to communion, respecting the rules of the church. Dear God, he’s not going to the altar; he let the parishioners out of the pew.

  Mitchelli kneeled to MacJames and prayed silently. Holy Father, protect my children. Forgive my indiscretions, my sins, those who I have… guide me away from… my mind is confused, my thoughts are evil. Don’t let me hurt those closest to me, my faith is weak, the sins of my past are great. I will accept the path you choose for me…Peter you must end your torture! At that moment, MacJames kneeled by Mitchelli and wrapped her arm around his shoulders as he prayed. She rested her cheek against his, quietly thanking him for staying with her during communion.


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