Book Read Free

Joint Venture

Page 4

by Tey Holden

  “Are you serious? Am I that good?” She raised her eyebrow in her usual sexy way.

  Karen stood up and grinned. “Honey, you have no idea how good you are! I’d like you to know that if I were to die at that very moment, I would die the happiest of women.”

  “Shit, Ker, don’t scare me! I’ll ask Tiffany if such a thing is normal.” Addy tried to straighten the bed up a bit.

  Karen was standing in the middle of the room with the flat sheet wrapped around her, still thinking that Alex could show up. “You’ve got to be kidding, right? You are not going to ask Tiffany such a thing, are you? You can’t be serious!”

  Addy looked at her. “I will not have you die in my arms, even if it’s of happiness.”

  “Oh God!” Karen chuckled sarcastically. “Why do I even speak in this house anymore? Anything I say is made into a huge deal.”

  “I don’t know, but passing out when making love is a huge deal! And it may even be a health issue.” Addy waved her off. “Don’t fuss because I care about your health, you should worry if I didn’t! Go on, get dressed, make the bed and come downstairs.”

  As she left, she pulled Karen’s wrap-around sheet leaving her very naked in the middle of the room. She smiled satisfied with her mischief, and carefully cruised Karen’s nude body. “Remember, you can’t die for a very long time, I’m not done with you yet.” She winked before she left.

  Karen felt her arousal surface and had to sit on the bed to recover. “Maniac!” Karen yelled in jest.

  Addy grinned as she left. “Hurry, we are making Mickey Mouse pancakes.” She yelled from the staircase.

  Addy smirked when she saw Karen’s content look as she came down the stairs and into the kitchen. Alex was already eating her pancakes.

  “I put fresh sheets on the bed, since I had to do the whole thing. I’m doing laundry also.” Karen said.

  “Thanks, babe. Here are your Mickey’s.”

  “Look, Mommy, I ate an ear off already.” Alex had her mouth full.

  “He looks kind of funny with only one ear, doesn’t he?” Karen asked.

  Alex looked at her pancake. “Yez. I’m going to eat the other one now.”

  “Little girl, we don’t talk with our mouth full. Chew and then talk.” Alex nodded.

  Karen then looked at Addy and grinned twisting her mouth. “What?” Addy inquired not knowing what was going through Karen’s mind at the moment.

  “Very funny deed.”

  “Which of many?”

  Karen got up from her stool to get coffee and poured some for Addy as well, as she did she whispered in her ear. “My butt tattoo.”

  Addy grinned and turned to hide her face. She didn’t want Alex asking what she was smiling about. Karen had apparently seen the teeth marks on her rear.

  “You will pay for it tonight, you know?” Karen again whispered in her ear.

  Addy grinned defiantly. “Name your price, I’ll pay it.” She bit her lip and held Karen’s gaze.

  Karen tried to hold her gaze, but couldn’t. She had to look somewhere else to distract herself. Addy smiled still looking at her as she went back and sat on the kitchen stool next to Alex. Karen sat and looked at the Mickey Mouse pancakes, still smiling.

  Alex caught her smiling and thought it was because she liked the pancake. “He lookz funny with no earz, doezn’t he, Mommy?

  “Yes, he does.” She agreed, as she raised her eyes to meet the ones still lovingly looking at her.


  That summer they rented a villa near Disney World, and Laurie and her family joined them. After, that they went to Virgin Gorda for the rest of the summer. Every year, while at the island, they contracted Captain Sanchez to take them out on his sailboat. They had a small catamaran to do close shore sailing, but they didn’t go out far because they weren’t familiar with the water currents or the winds around the island. So, when they wanted to go far, to nearby islands, they contacted the captain who often brought his granddaughter who was just about Alex’s age. Over the years, they became familiar with the water and wind currents and ended up making short sailings on their own. There were plenty of nearby keys to explore and the beaches and the snorkeling was good. The times spent on the island were precious to all and definitely enjoyed thoroughly.

  Upon coming back, the women were talking in the kitchen very animated about the Marshall/Carol/Mary situation when Alex appeared. She had been in the rec room watching television. “M’Addy, do you remember when we rode our bikez?”

  “Yes, sweetie. We haven’t done it in a long time. Have we?” Alex was referring to the times when both women rode their bicycles in the evenings, and Alex rode in the baby seat attached to Karen’s bike. Sometimes they made it as far as the town to buy ice cream, or cookies. Alex loved the adventures and in addition she loved the wildlife found along the trail. She’d call the animals her ‘pets.’ There were always bunnies, deer, or baby birds.

  “M’Addy can I have a bike for me? And can we ride and look for pets?” Alex was already old enough to handle a bicycle. Karen immediately looked to Addy, as she always did whenever she didn’t have an answer or knew how to handle a situation with Alex.

  Addy smiled. “Sure pumpkin pie. We’ll get you one with training wheels and when you know how to ride it well, we’ll all go and ride on the path. How’s that?”

  Alex jumped up and down in pure excitement. “When are we getting it?”

  With the excitement, neither Alex nor Addy had seen Karen’s stricken expression. Alex was the first one to see it. Addy noticed Alex’s sudden disappointment and followed her eyes to Karen’s troubled face. Karen had not said a word, but she did when Addy looked at her. “Bicycles can be dangerous.”

  Alex and Addy looked at each other with the same unbelieving face. Alex rolled her eyes and thumped her foot. “Mommy!” Her disappointment was evident. She knew that for anything to happen at home, the moms had to agree. That’s how things always worked. She was about to speak her mind when Addy stopped her.

  “Alex why don’t you go to the rec room to play and let me talk to Mommy Karen?” She winked. Alex smiled immediately understanding that Mommy Addy would plead her case. Having Addy on her side almost guaranteed a win. This had happened often enough for Alex to already know the routine.

  “Okay.” Alex obediently left, hoping that Addy would work a miracle once again. The minute that Alex was out of the room, Karen went to the other side of the kitchen island and stood close to Addy.

  “Are you out of your mind? What are you thinking? She can fall! She can hurt herself! Or worst yet, she can break something! I don’t want to see myself in that hospital again. Have you forgotten when she broke her arm? My heart nearly stopped that day when they called me from school. I was a nervous wreck. I still remember my hands shaking. I cannot take anything like that again. A bicycle is not a good idea.” Karen’s tone was in worrisome upset whispers. She didn’t want Alex to hear her. Addy folded her hands and gazed down allowing Karen the time to speak her mind. The routine was always the same.

  When Karen finished with her ranting, Addy asked her usual question. “Are you done?”

  Karen pursed her lips. She was familiar with the question. As always, she remained quiet. Her silence prompted Addy’s response. “So, are you proposing that we lock her in her room, and never let her come out, so that we can keep her safe?”

  “Addy, you are not being fair! You know that’s not what I mean.”

  “Ker, this is going to be the same as when she snorkels or kayaks with us.”

  “But when she does all those things, she is with us, in a controlled environment and that only happens when we are on vacation, and we can both be with her all the time.”

  “And it will be the same with the bicycle. Or what are you thinking? That she’s going to be riding the bike to town on her own? She’s five, for God’s sake! She will be riding with us in the evenings. She’s not going to be allowed to be on her own. Ker, she learned to swim. Now we don’
t have to worry that she will drown if she falls in a pool. There are things that children have to learn to do, and they have to do it as part of growing up. It’s part of being a child. It’s called having a childhood.”

  Karen pursed her lips and listened knowing that Addy was right. “Look baby, she’s ours to enjoy and protect, but we are making a person here. We are raising her for the world, Ker, not just for us. We need to prepare her to be her own self. One day she will be a woman, and we need to know that she can handle herself in the world.”

  “I know, Addy. It’s just that—.”

  “I know, baby, I have fears too. But we cannot let our fears deprive us from living, or from allowing others to have a life. The more she learns, the better prepared she will be to face life and the world. Plus, a bit of biking in the evenings will also do us well.” She tapped her belly.

  Addy bent her head and smiled a bit. Karen looked at the sweet, loving, smiling face in front of her. “How come you always convince me?”

  Addy grinned and gasped. “Have you forgotten?”


  “That I have you wrapped around my finger?”

  Karen sat on the kitchen stool and pulled her between her legs. “You do realize that most people wouldn’t take that statement as a compliment, right?” Karen was serious when she spoke.

  Addy spoke softly looking into the depth of the green eyes she adored. “Yes, but you are not like most people. And for that, I more than love you. I adore you, and you me.” Addy brought her face to Karen’s and kissed her under the ear then she leaned her forehead against Karen’s, and pressed her body to hers.

  “Addy.” Karen paused, and kissed her on the cheek. Then she repeated her name in a lower tone, and ran her lips down Addy’s face to end with a kiss under her chin. Addy leaned her head sideways and Karen proceeded with her kisses down her neck. Then she leaned her head forward into Karen, as Karen continued to kiss her. “Addy.” With every mention of her name Karen’s voice became deeper and deeper until it was barely audible and it became almost a gasp.

  Their faces brushed against each other’s. Addy looked for the bewitching green eyes that fed her heart. Karen’s eyelids were barely open. Addy loved to see Karen’s vulnerability and how she went to that special place where only she could take her. She loved Karen’s sensual elegance exposed and the exquisite beauty of her eyes when she came back from her erotic trance to devour her with her love. She loved her. She loved her to the core.

  Karen really meant it when she’d say that she was a woman possessed. She really thought Addy drew from her the essence of her soul and exposed all her vulnerabilities. Addy’s words and touch filled all of her. She rubbed her face to Addy’s chest and neck taking in her scent with every breath, and placing what seemed like a million tiny kisses along the way until she finally reached the soft lips eagerly waiting for her. Moments like those were intense and precious. When they pulled apart from the kiss, Addy ran her fingers through Karen’s hair. “Gorgeous, I want you like this later.”

  Karen gasped and smiled. “I want you now. Let’s go upstairs.”

  “We can’t. We have a daughter, remember? And she’s in the next room.”

  Karen leaned her forehead on Addy’s shoulder. She had even forgotten about her own daughter! “I knew it would come to this!”

  “We’ve had postponements before. It’s never had an impact on the outcome. In fact, I think that has made it even more—.”

  It was then that Karen’s phone rang and interrupted the moment. Addy chuckled and looked at it. “It’s JP. You better take it. Let’s make a date for later. I’m going to go see our little Viking.” Alex’s hair was still the same light blonde as when she was born. Addy was convinced that Alex did have Viking ancestry because the sperm donor was from Sweden and also because Karen’s side of the family on her father’s side had northern ancestry, which also explained Karen’s blonde hair.

  “I always wonder how we can maintain a relationship with so many distractions and interruptions!” Karen shook her head and kissed her one more time before she took the call and Addy left smiling. “Hi, JP. What’s with you?”

  Addy went to the rec room to meet Alex. Another pair of green eyes fixed on her with great expectation from the other side of the couch. “Did she zay yez? Addy didn’t need to speak, her smile was sufficient for Alex. Alex, who was sitting on the sofa, jumped and hung herself from Addy’s neck. “Thank you, M’Addy, thank you, thank you, thank you! I love you M’Addy!” A million kisses followed.

  Karen was on the phone with JP, and smiled when she heard and saw the scene playing out in the rec room. It was one she had seen many times before in other similar circumstances, and one that would be repeated many times through their lives. She loved to see them together.

  “Did you have to kizz her?” Alex asked. Karen was astonished when she overheard the question and stopped paying attention to JP on the phone to listen to the conversation in the rec room.

  “Yes, many times.”

  Alex smiled, and rolled her eyes. Addy smiled also. The power of love! Live and learn little girl!

  “She lovez you a lot.”

  “Yes, Little Bit, and I adore her.”

  Distracted by Alex and Addy’s talk, Karen lost track of the conversation with JP.

  “Karen? Are you there?”

  “Yes, yes, JP. Sorry, what were you saying?”

  That night in bed, after they made love, Addy thought to tie up a loose end concerning their earlier conversation. “Do I need to go into details on why we are able to maintain a relationship even with so many distractions and interruptions?”

  Karen chuckled. “Addypooh, I talk a lot of shit, but you know better.”

  “Good, because I would rather show than tell.”

  “Dear God!” Karen exclaimed one last time before she felt the weight of Addy’s body on hers again.


  On Friday afternoon, they drove to Edinburgh to buy new bicycle for Alex, and all the necessary gear. When they came back from the store, it was too late to ride, but that didn’t stop Alex from sitting on her bike the rest of the evening pretending to ride it as they watched television. Addy loved to see Alex so happy sitting on her bike. Karen rolled her eyes and shook her head when she came into the rec room and saw Alex. “Crazy kid!” Both Alex and Addy smiled.

  The lessons on bike riding began the next morning out on the driveway. Alex’s bike had training wheels, and Alex had her helmet on. Karen suggested that she wear long pants and a long sleeve shirt so that if she fell she would not hurt herself. Alex was so eager to get out and ride her bike that she didn’t object to her wardrobe, even though it was pretty warm outside.

  Karen also bought knee and elbow pads for her. Addy smiled and watched as Karen suited up Alex for the ride. As with any five-year old, Alex was anxious to start riding, however Karen seemed to be taking her time to make sure all was right. While Karen made sure that all her gear was correctly placed, Alex kept looking at Addy who was giving her all sorts of reassuring looks. Alex thought that since Addy was looking at all that was going on, she must have thought that all of it was necessary. While Karen checked the tire pressure and whether the training wheels were properly installed, Alex walked over to Addy and excitedly hugged her.

  Addy crouched to receive her hug. “Are you okay, Little Bit? You look a little flushed.” Addy checked her helmet, as Alex nodded. Then she kissed her daughter, and Alex took off towards the bicycle and Karen.

  “There you go, baby girl! You are all set now.” Karen proclaimed satisfied with all the details of Alex’s safe ride.

  “Mommy, do I have to wear all thiz stuff?” She pointed to the knee and elbow pads. “I’ve seen kids riding their bikez, and they only wear their helmets.”

  “Protection, Alex. If you fall, you won’t hurt yourself. We need to be safe. Come on, let’s go.”

  Alex started pedaling and Karen walked next to her. Karen did not take her eyes off the li
ttle one. Addy chuckled at the sight. They were incredibly cute. Every now and then the pair would stop and Karen would crouch to adjust the pads or the helmet. They stopped several times. Actually, they stopped many times. On the way back, Addy watched in amazement as Alex got off the bicycle, took off her helmet, knee and elbow pads, threw everything on the ground, and stormed up the driveway towards Addy in a fury and with a very anguished face.

  As Addy watched from the distance, she crossed her hands and brought them up under her chin as if in prayer, knowing that there had been a fall out between mother and daughter. In the distance she could see and hear Karen yelling and picking up Alex’s gear from the ground. “And if you don’t wear them you are not riding, and that’s that young lady!”

  “I don’t want to ride my bike ever again!” Alex made all sorts of gestures with her hands. She was drenched in sweat.

  “Why what’s wrong?”

  “It’z too hot! And I don’t want to wear all that ztuff! It’z hot, and I can’t move, and I’m going to fall because I can’t move! It’z too uncomfortable! Pleeeease, M’Addy can you kiss her some more, and tell Mommy I don’t want to wear that ztuff?”

  Addy pursed her lips and gave her a sympathetic smile. Alex was fuming and sweating, and her cheeks were flushed. Then she pouted and started to cry. She hugged Addy who had crouched to hug her. “Aaww, baby, don’t cry. Come here let me take that shirt off. Let’s go to the house and get you freshened up.”

  Karen arrived at that precise moment. She was fuming also. Addy looked at her expecting the discharge. “She doesn’t want to wear protective gear, and she’s not riding unless she does!” Karen continued towards the house pulling the bike and carrying all the gear.

  Addy pursed her lips, but said nothing. Then she took Alex inside and upstairs. Mother and daughter were much alike when it came to stubbornness.

  “Why? Why, can’t I be like all the other kidz and juzt wear a helmet? Why, M’Addy, why? I don’t want to wear that other zruff!” She was mad and still crying.

  “Baby, don’t cry. Let me talk to Mommy Karen. Let me see what I can do, okay? But you have to understand Mommy Karen also. She loves you and doesn’t want you getting hurt. She still hasn’t forgotten when you broke your arm.”


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