Book Read Free

Joint Venture

Page 10

by Tey Holden

  “I once again bow to your many skills, my dear. The matter was masterfully dealt with.”

  “Thank you. I know how to handle my daughter.”

  Alex and Addy got in the car about the same time. Karen closed Addy’s door and beamed as she went around the car to the driver’s seat. She always held the door for Addy.


  Addy was the one who handled the application process. Lord Phillip Tidwell was the reference at the top of the list, and when listing the mother’s name Addy made sure that Karen’s name appeared as Lady Karen McGill Larsen. Since there was no father to list, or an additional line for a second mother, Addy listed herself as legal guardian.

  Years later, Addy reminisced about Karen’s dramatic reaction when she learned that Addy used the Lady title in referencing Alex’s mother, and that she had listed herself as legal guardian instead of mother. These facts were unknown to Karen until Alex was in second grade. She didn’t care so much that Addy had used the Lady title, but she was livid about the fact that she had not listed herself as Alex’s mother.

  “I had to do it, Ker. They wouldn’t have accepted her otherwise. Those people are very traditional and I didn’t want to ruin Alex’s chance.”

  “Well, maybe she shouldn’t have gone there! A school that is not progressive enough to accept that a child may have two mothers is not the school I want our daughter going.”

  “Ker, I don’t know that they think that way. I just didn’t want to risk her chances.”

  They went to bed that night in silence. Addy later woke up in the middle of the night only to find that Karen was not in bed. She got up and went looking for her. She found her sitting on her ‘purging’ spot on the sofa.

  “What’s wrong now?”

  “I’m thinking what I should do.”

  “About what?”

  “About you appearing as Alex’s ‘legal guardian’ at school, and not as her mother. Fuck, Addy! How could you have done that?”

  “Karen, I can’t believe sometimes the things that keep you awake. Leave that alone. It’s not a big deal.”

  “It is to me, Addy. How, can you ask me to accept this? You! The one person to whom she owes her life! That you not appear as her mother? It’s totally unacceptable to me. You are her mother, legally and morally. I can’t accept anything else. Addy, you know that I’m very mellow and that, most of the times, I don’t object to the things that you do, but this is big, this is too important to look the other way. I can’t. I will go to school tomorrow and clear it up, and if they don’t want us there, we’ll go somewhere else, or we’ll buy the school and run it too!”

  “Ker, but Alex is doing so well.”

  “It doesn’t matter, Addy. Things are like they are. We are not closeted, and I don’t think that should change because of Alex. I’ve thought about this, Addy. This is her life. She is the daughter of two lesbian women, and she better get used to it because it is what it is! She has to deal with things as they are. Whether she likes it or not, and whatever it brings to her good or bad, she is our daughter and she will have to learn to live according to who she is and who we are. We cannot teach our child to lie or hide. People have to be accepted for who they are. This is what I want her to learn. You are as much her mother as I am. Maybe more. I only had her physically. You conceived her in mind and soul, and she is the beautiful little person you sold me. She’s yours, Addy in every way and, she has to be yours at school also.”

  “I sold her to you?” Addy smiled inquisitively.

  Karen smiled. “When you talked me into having her, you didn’t just sell her to me, you made a miracle, Addypooh. I still think, to this day, that you don’t realize the magnitude of your deed.” She pulled her close and kissed her. “You are a miracle worker.”

  “Ker, I thought I was doing the right thing when I filled out that application.”

  “I know, Addy. But you forget that you are the heart of our family. I want you and I need you to be in the center of it all. We revolve around you.” Addy didn’t know what to say, so she said nothing and just cuddled to Karen, and Karen squeezed her.


  The Police Scotland investigators came to report their findings and to see if they could offer any more leads into the investigation. “Ms. Larsen, we have determined that the cause of the fire was arson, but we have been unable to identify any suspects. We followed the lead you gave us, but I’m afraid your relatives were at a party that evening and more than twenty people can vouch for him and his wife.”

  Karen pursed her lips in fury. “Inspector, you don’t think he did it himself, do you? He’s the kind of person who would hire someone to do his dirty work because he doesn’t have the ba—.”

  Addy quickly cut in to stop what she knew would come out of Karen’s mouth. “Thank you for your time, inspector. Please, continue to look into the matter. And make sure to continue to keep us apprised of any developments.”

  The inspector looked at a very disgruntled Karen and not knowing what to say to her, he addressed Addy. “Yes, ma’am. This continues to be an open investigation. I just wanted to give you a status report.”

  “Thank you. We appreciate your thoughtfulness.” Addy opened the door for him to leave, and when she turned immediately looked for Karen. She found her in the kitchen looking out the window. She came back behind her, put her arms around her waist, leaned her chin on Karen’s shoulder blade, and kissed her under the ear. “They’ll catch him. He must have done something wrong. There’s got to be a loose end somewhere. He’s not that smart. Come on, let me give you a back rub.” Addy massaged Karen’s shoulder as she spoke.

  “Okay, but give me a minute. I’m going to call the PI.”

  Karen called the security company and doubled the security on all their properties. She requested that they patrol and monitor, through cameras, all properties day and night.

  “I just had another thought. I’m going to call him tomorrow again and double his pay to give him more incentive.” Karen said still deep in thought.

  “Karen, come on, give it a rest. You are making yourself mad. This will be resolved somehow.”

  “Addy, I can’t enjoy anything.” She turned to face Addy. “I feel threatened. You and Alex are at the heart of the matter here. If he stabbed me directly, it wouldn’t be as painful as what I feel now. This uncertainty in which we live, this fear is killing me.”

  “Don’t you think I know it?”

  Karen closed her eyes and leaned her head on Addy’s.

  “Come on, let’s go upstairs.”

  “It’s like a nightmare, damn man!”

  “I know, babe, but we need to be patient and take one thing at a time. Up to now, nothing points to Charles. Maybe it’s not him.”

  “I wish I had your optimism, Addy. But I’m convinced he’s behind it all. He’s the worst kind. I know him, and I’ve never liked him.”

  When they reached the top landing, Karen locked the door on the staircase and peeked inside Alex’s room to check on her. Seeing their daughter sound asleep, snuggled with her stuffed toys melted her heart. With a soft, anguished smile, she walked into their room. She was going to close the door when Addy stopped her.

  “Leave the door open, Ker.”

  “We need our privacy, Addy.”

  “It’s temporary, baby. You need to get some rest.”

  Karen left the door open and followed Addy’s instructions and lay down. Addy dimmed the lights and began to rub her back.

  “I can understand now why some people kill others.” Karen lay belly down on the bed.

  “Ker, that’s no way to talk, and you know it.”

  “I’d kill him with my bare hands, if he ever tried to hurt Alex or you. I swear, Addy, I would. God forgive me!” Karen tensed.

  Addy worried. “Relax. You are too tense. Nothing like that is going to happen. You’ll see. Relax.” Addy stopped her massage and instead placed her leg over Karen’s and began to gently caress her back first in circular motion,
and later up and down. She kissed Karen’s neck and gently combed back her hair and placed small, tender kisses around her ear, cheek and neck. “It’s okay, baby. It’s going to be okay. Sleep, I’ll keep an eye out tonight. You are exhausted.” Karen nestled herself on Addy’s chest and slowly drifted to sleep, finally finding some peace in Addy’s arms.


  The PI had more than enough reasons to deliver, and he did. He had arranged surveillance 24/7 in front of Charles’ house, and place of work. The constant watch paid off. Charles was tracked one evening when he left work to visit his attorney. It was the same one who handled the custody case against Karen and Addy. His name was Henry Tobias, and he was the typical ambulance chaser. He could be found walking the halls of the courthouse looking for people in distress to acquire their business and squeeze money out of them, or whomever he could squeeze money from. Karen had given the PI the name of the attorney and when Charles contacted him, the PI made inquiries, and Tobias instantaneously became a person of interest. The PI immediately began to trail Tobias.

  Since Tobias was trailed around the clock, anyone having any contact with him was checked thoroughly. All leads and contacts were followed, and soon a name surfaced. Gregory Sullivan, an ex-con with a long list of crimes to his name. Coincidentally, Gregory had been seen in Altee the day of the fire, and furthermore, he had been seen with a woman recently hired in the distillery.

  The entire matter was reported with full details to Police Scotland. The woman from the distillery was interviewed. She told the police that she met Gregory in the pub. He bought her a few drinks and dinner. She said he seemed interested in knowing about the area because allegedly he might move there. She also said that he asked about the distillery and the stables. Other than that, she didn’t know any much more about him.

  Police Scotland picked up Gregory for questioning as a person of interest. Of course, he would not talk, so they had to let him go until his alibi could be confirmed. The alibi didn’t hold and he was picked up again. This time Stephanie made sure that the best investigators conducted the interrogation.

  When the investigators mentioned Tobias’ name, Gregory’s demeanor changed. The investigators pressed on and told him that Tobias was going to talk in exchange for immunity. He still wouldn’t say anything and was allowed to leave again. His mistake was that he panicked knowing that Police Scotland had made the connection between him and Tobias, and he ran straight to Tobias’ office. Police Scotland also asked Charles if he knew a Gregory Sullivan, he denied it, but panicked and ran to see Tobias as well. Charles was the first to arrive to Tobias’ office.

  “What are you doing here? You idiot! They probably followed you here.” Charles yelled at Gregory.

  “No they didn’t, I made sure. They could have followed you just as well.”

  Charles was furious. Tobias echoed Charles’ concern. “You better keep your mouth shut. The best thing for you to do is to get out of town.”

  “I can’t. I have no money. You have to help me get out of here.”

  “I can’t give you any more money. I don’t have any more,” Tobias replied.

  Gregory was not fooled and thought this was a good opportunity to get more money from the pair. “In that case I’m going to go straight to the police and tell them the whole story.”

  “You wouldn’t, you scumbag!” Tobias threatened him with his fist while grabbing him by the collar of his shirt with his other hand.

  “Why wouldn’t I? What have I got to lose? Fuck! They already found me. All I have to do is hand the two of you over. They’ll make me a deal.”

  Tobias was enraged and grabbed him by the neck and they started a scuffle. In the heat of the moment, Gregory pulled out a gun from under his shirt. Charles saw the gun and was terrified. Tobias tried to grab it, but in reaching for it, the gun went off and Gregory was shot. He fell to the ground.

  “Bloody idiot. You’ve killed him!” Charles yelled.

  Tobias felt for a pulse. “He’s dead.” Tobias looked terrified. “We need to dump him somewhere! We need to get rid of him and the gun.”

  Charles was dismayed. “We? What do you mean by we? I can’t.”

  “What do you mean you can’t? Your hands are as dirty as mine. We are in this bloody shit together whether you like it or not. Help me wrap him up in a blanket and let’s dump him in the river.”

  Charles had no alternative but to help, Tobias was right, his hands were very dirty. Between the two, they carried Gregory out and dumped him in the river. In retrospect he thought that it was better that this idiot was out of the way. With him gone, no one would tie either of them to the fire.

  In the meantime, Police Scotland was looking for Gregory for further questioning. He was their only lead and they were looking for him everywhere. While looking for him, Police Scotland received a report that someone spotted what appeared to be a person floating in the river. The body was picked up and was identified as Gregory Sullivan. Police Scotland immediately went looking for Tobias to question him on Gregory’s disappearance and death. Tobias was not in his office, nor anywhere to be found. After establishing probable cause, they procured and obtained a search warrant to search Tobias’ office.

  The investigating team found fresh, recently cleaned blood stains on the carpet in Tobias’ office. Within two days, the forensic report established that the blood found was a match for Gregory Sullivan. A search began for Tobias and he was picked up within the next few hours. He immediately talked and in hoping to cut a deal, gave up Charles, and a search for Charles began immediately.


  When Charles heard that Tobias was picked up, he panicked. He thought to leave the country and hide, but he had no money. Then he thought of Karen. “That bitch! She’s loaded, and here I am scrambling!” He was thoughtful for a moment and then reacted. “I’ll show her!”

  He went upstairs to get the gun he kept in his closet. He then got in his car and left for Altee. He didn’t want anyone to see the car, so he parked a considerable distance from the Manor house and proceeded to walk towards the property. The driveway was gated, but since he was on foot, he managed to get through the gate and inside the property. He found Karen and Alex playing outside the cottage.

  When Karen saw him, she ran towards Alex and stood in front of her. He was too close already to get away from him.

  “I need money. I need you to give me money!” He yelled in a demanding tone.

  “Are you crazy? What right have you to show up at my door asking for money? Get out right now before I call the constable!” Karen said in a menacing tone. She took Alex’s hand and pulled her away towards the house. But before they could even get near the door, he reached and grabbed Karen by the arm.

  “You are not calling anyone, bitch! I’ll show you!”

  “Alex run inside and close the door!” When Alex saw the man grab her mom, instead of going inside the house, she froze. Karen tried to wrestle with him to free herself, but he gave her blow that took the air out of her lungs and made her bend over, then he pushed her violently throwing her to the ground. She hit her head on a rock and was bleeding partially lying on the ground. Alex then began to scream at the top of her lungs. “Mommy! M’Addy, M’Addy! Help! M’Addy!”

  “Shut up, you squirt! Shut up!” Alex ran to him to pull him away from her mom, but he then grabbed Alex, who was still screaming.

  Peanut Crunchy was barking like a mad dog and going around Charles in circles. When Addy heard the screams, she ran to the window and saw what was happening. Charles had Alex under his arm and Karen was on the ground trying to get up leaning on the flowerbed wall. Addy did not hesitate. She grabbed Karen’s gun and ran downstairs.

  “Put her down, or I’ll shoot!” Addy pointed the gun at him.

  When Karen saw the scene developing in front of her she panicked. This was the last thing she’d ever thought she’d see in her lifetime. It was surreal. So much planning and security and they were in the situation that she had been
precisely trying to prevent by all means. Even hurt, she tried to go for him again. Charles saw her coming and kicked her again. “Stay there, bitch, or I’ll shoot her!” He pointed the gun at Alex, who was now very quiet. “Go in the house and give me all the money you have, if you want to keep the brat alive,” he told Addy while pointing the gun at Alex.

  “Addy, do what he says.” Karen yelled from her precarious position.

  Alex had been yelling until she saw Addy with the gun, then her beautiful green eyes became huge, and she became silent. She remained quiet staring at Addy. Karen was doing the same. They both knew that Addy was fearsome when her family was on the line, and they both knew that Addy was very capable of anything at the moment.

  “Charles, put her down, or I’ll shoot you.” Addy repeated her threat. In truth the only reason she had not shot him already was because he was holding Alex.

  Alex looked at Charles “She’ll shoot, you. She will. I know her.”

  “Shut up, squirt!” Peanut Crunchy continued to bark. “And tell your dog to shut up, or I’ll shoot him too!”

  Charles was distracted trying to quiet Alex and the dog when Karen threw a huge rock at him to dislodge the gun from his hand. The rock hit his hand and he dropped the gun. Alex was squirming in his arm trying to get loose. Charles tried to get the gun from the ground when all of a sudden, Alex in a very calculated manner, put her two little fingers together and poked him in the eye. Feeling the pain, he dropped Alex, and she hit the ground running.

  “Run, Alex!” Both Karen and Addy yelled. Peanut Crunchy ran after her. Alex ran towards Karen to help her. But Karen gave her firm instructions. “Go in the house, and stay there!”

  “But Mommy, you are hurt!”

  “Inside! Now!” Alex opened her huge eyes and nervously ran inside followed by Peanut Crunchy. Once inside, she took the cell phone on the table and called the constable while still watching from the window. She was afraid, but she couldn’t take her eyes from her moms, especially Addy who was still pointing the gun at Charles.


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