Book Read Free

Joint Venture

Page 27

by Tey Holden

  “I would like to be Prime Minister one day, Lord Fannon.” Alex’s reply was immediate.

  Lord Fannon nearly imploded before he burst out laughing so hard that the whole room looked his way. He nearly choked laughing. The lack of hesitation in Alex’s reply, obviously stroke another chord with Lord Fannon. He was beginning to wonder if Alex could perhaps one day really come to be Prime Minister. After that moment, a larger crowd gathered around the very animated group. Alex thrived on the attention, as if she didn’t already have enough.

  “Well, dear child, this country could only be so lucky to have such a beautiful and bright Prime Minister as you. I think we would be the envy of the world.” Lord Fannon was pensive for a moment. “Come child, let’s talk about horses. There’s an upcoming race I’m very interested in. I have a horse entered, you know?”

  “Yes sir, Tornado.”

  Lord Fannon chuckled. Nothing escaped Alex. But then he became serious when he spoke about the horse. “Yes, but he is not the favorite.”

  “No sir, he is not. I’m sorry. The favorite is ‘Hot Tomato’ but he is not going to win.”

  “Well, it seems like the odds are pretty much in his favor, or so I hear. Who do you think will win?”


  “Hum! He is good, but he does not win consistently.”

  “That is true, but he will win today.” Alex, again, replied without hesitation.

  “Hum. You seem very certain. May I ask what information do you possess to have such certainty?”

  Alex smiled. “Just facts, Lord Fannon. I do my school homework and my horse homework.”

  Lord Fannon laughed. “Why do I think this is going to be most enlightening?” Alex smiled, pleased with herself. “Go on, child.”

  “You see. Lord Fannon, Captain comes from a dry part of the country. He wins when he runs on a dry track. He loses on wet because he’s not trained to run on a wet track. He will win today because we are not supposed to have any rain and the track is dry. His main competitors don’t have great statistics. All things being equal, it will be his day to win.”

  “Hum! It makes perfect sense. I’m afraid I will have to bet against my own horse. I wish I had people like you on my staff, young Alexandra. People who do their homework and analyze the data. How do you think Tornado will do?”

  “He will come in about sixth place, sir. Sorry.”

  “Sixth! I shall have to put him to work in the fields, if he turns out to be such a lame horse.” Alex remained quiet thinking that, although Tornado’s statistics were not the best, perhaps there could be other uses for him on the racetrack rather than the fields. She then thought that maybe Lord Fannon might also be clueless as to thoroughbreds.

  As Alex and Lord Fannon spoke, Addy noticed Karen’s poker face. As content and at home as Alex was in that environment, Karen was very uneasy. She was counting the minutes until they could get out of there. When she looked at Addy, her face said it all, there was no need for words. Addy knew that Karen needed to get out and decompress. After rejecting her nobility all her life, all of a sudden, she found herself thrown into the middle of it all, driven by the two women in her life.

  Addy turned to talk to Mel. “Mel, can you and Vic keep an eye on Alex until we come back?”


  “Ker, let’s go get some food.” When they were by the food table, Karen whispered in Addy’s ear. “I’m going to kill that daughter of yours, introducing me as Lady McGill!”

  Addy chuckled and then replied. “Well, for whatever it’s worth your reaction introducing me to Lord Fannon as your wife was just as bad.”

  “I introduced you as who you are. Is that a problem?”

  “Not with me.” She almost said that Alex had also introduced her as who she was, but thought not to rub it in. “But why look for trouble with the old guy when Alex seems to be so fond of him?”

  “Because I want to get out of here! And I thought that if he gave me the response I expected, it would give me a quick excuse to leave, that’s why!”

  “You are being a big baby and you know it.”

  “Maybe I am, but you know I don’t like any of this crap, and I don’t feel comfortable. And these shoes are killing me. I didn’t think we were going to be standing for so long. Addy, I want to get out of here. Oh! Great this keeps getting better. Look who just walked in?” Susan had just made her entrance. “I want to go. I’m not putting up with her shit tonight. If she gives you one of her fucking looks, I’m going to have a go at her right here in front of all the noble company. So, please, let’s just leave!”

  “Okay, okay. And watch your language, remember that you are a Lady!” Addy winked at her, and got the usual look. “Let me see if I can get Alex to go. I’m ready to leave also.”

  Susan St. James was definitely working her way through all the social circles. One of the things that was most appealing to her about Karen was not just that Karen was a beautiful, classy woman, but the fact that she also came with a nobility title. A fact that had already been made public thanks to Alex’s conversations with Lord Fannon.

  Susan did not come near Karen even though she had obviously seen her. She mingled and walked about the room making her appearance noticeable and maybe looking for her next prey.

  Melanie, now aware that Vic, apparently, had some history with Susan, also disliked her. She kept an eye on her while listening to Alex talk with Lord Fannon.

  “Vic, the devil is here. Stay close to Karen. She might need protection,” Addy joked. Karen shook her head, and everyone chuckled.

  Victoria was a bit husky, but she was only 5’4 and definitely, the shortest of them all. “In this type of situation, it is not size but training that matters. Remember that I’m trained to deal with beasts.” They laughed.

  Alex continued her conversation with Lord Fannon. She was now talking politics with him. “Now, may I presume, you will defend my honor when you meet those who say that I fail to listen to the people?

  “Yes, I will, sir. I will tell them that they are wrong and that you do listen to people.”

  “Very well young lady I thank you for your expert horse racing information and for your fine political advice. I remain in your debt. Please call on me when you visit Parliament. I will be honored to give you a personal tour.”

  “Thank you, Lord Fannon. I will.” With that she bid him farewell and joined Karen, Mel and Vic.

  Addy was called away by some folks who wanted to congratulate her. On her way back, Susan stopped her to congratulate her also. “That is a magnificent horse you have.”

  “Yes, we are pretty fond of him.” Addy replied. She was not happy talking to her, but Addy was very cordial and diplomatic and knew when to put on a happy face.

  “I suppose you are entering him in the subsequent races.”

  “We take things one day at a time. No decisions have been made yet.”

  “I see, well you should. He runs well, and his odds are good.”

  Karen had been sidetracked with Victoria and Melanie, listening to Alex, when she realized that Addy was not in their group. She immediately began to scan the room for her. She felt a sudden rush of anxiety not knowing her whereabouts. She had always said that Addy was her sun and she needed to know her position so she could align herself in a way that the sun always shone on her. When she saw her talking to Susan she immediately became apprehensive. God only knew what that woman was telling her. Karen felt like she needed to protect her territory and immediately walked towards them. Victoria saw her and stopped her. “Let me handle this.”

  “Hurry, then. I don’t want her near Addy.”

  Victoria hurried towards Addy’s direction. As Victoria approached, Susan recognized her. “It’s you.” Susan said in disgust.

  Victoria smiled. “Yes, have you changed your mind about the quickie?”

  Addy was speechless, not knowing how to handle the situation. Karen saw Addy’s expression and was not sure that Addy would be able to take the o
nslaught that would take place if Victoria unleashed her wrath and quickly walked over to rescue her. Victoria didn’t know Addy that well and she held back her assault when she saw Addy’s face.

  “I cannot believe that you’re friends with this person!” Susan remarked, before she turned and left.

  “Addy, I’m sorry, if I made you uncomfortable.” Victoria immediately apologized.

  “It’s okay. I know it was just a performance, but it’s just that I don’t like confrontations, and it made me nervous.”

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t think.”

  “It’s okay, Vic. She’ll be fine. Come on, Addy.” Karen took her by the hand and they headed in Alex’s direction. Karen looked at Alex and made a gesture with her head and Alex immediately understood that it was time to leave.

  By the time they arrived at the hotel, Alex was very tired and fell asleep immediately. Addy changed and was sitting on the sofa waiting to talk to Karen. Karen knew Addy was still shaken by the act they had put on for Susan. She sat next to her on the sofa. “Addy, are you okay?”

  “Ker, I would like to stop the charade with Susan.”

  “I’ll talk to Vic.”

  “I know Susan is a bitch, and I hate her as much as you do, but I don’t think we need to lower ourselves to her level to convey a message. We are not that kind of people, Ker. Today I felt low and I didn’t like it. I’m not unscrupulous like her, and I can’t take or give that kind of treatment.” She paused. “I, more than anyone else, have the biggest reason to hate her. She wants you. I think that the best thing to do under these circumstances is to simply tell her to leave us alone. I will have a talk with her and put an end to all of this. I will handle her with decorum. There is no need for insults.”

  Karen felt awful about allowing Victoria to trash Susan. Nothing else was said. Addy got up, and went into the bathroom. Karen went to check on Alex. The suite had two comfortable bedrooms. Alex was in the smaller bedroom. Both bedrooms opened to a common sitting area where there was a small kitchenette on the side. Having the small kitchen was convenient because it facilitated keeping snacks and quick meals, in case anyone was hungry.

  When Karen came into the bedroom it was dark and when her eyes adjusted, she saw Addy in bed already. She walked to the bathroom with her T-shirt in hand and a somber look. She could sense something was wrong. It was not like Addy to go to sleep and not even say good night or kiss her. When she came out of the bathroom, she got in bed and feeling restless, she lay on her side facing Addy’s back. “I’m sorry, Addy.”

  Addy turned to face her but said nothing. “I feel terrible. I feel like I’ve offended you by allowing Vic to do my dirty work. I should have been the one dealing with Susan. This started as a joke and it got out of hand. You are right. It’s not like us to behave like this. I will put an end to it. I’ll talk to Vic and also to Susan. I want her out of our lives. I’m sorry for what happened tonight and for how you felt and feel. Please, don’t be mad. You know I can’t take it.”

  “I’m not mad. It’s just that this drives me crazy. You don’t like the way she looks at me, but I also don’t like that fact that she only does it to get to you. I also don’t like the way she looks at you. She gives me the creeps. Still, we are not going to go down to her level. It’s pretty clear that Vic has something against her also. It’s like she has a reason to hate her as well. Did you ever ask Vic?”

  “No, I haven’t had the opportunity, but I wonder if Susan had anything to do with what happened with her ex.”

  “It would be too much of a coincidence, but it would explain her willingness to trash her.” Addy added.

  “I agree. When we first came across Susan, Vic reacted in a way that gave me the impression that there was some history there, but I found odd that Susan never gave any indication of knowing her.”

  “Maybe they never met. Still, if she was the other woman, Vic might have known who she was. Let’s forget about this and get some sleep. I’m tired.”

  “Do I have your okay to talk to them?”

  “Yes,” Addy replied.

  “Should I call her up or should I leave it to chance.”

  “Leave it to chance with Susan, but ask Vic what’s the deal between her and Susan.”

  “Okay. I still want to leave tomorrow.”

  “Yes, me too. We get up, and we go.”


  The next morning, they got up and had a quick breakfast of cereal and yogurt from the kitchenette. Alex was watching cartoons and eating when Karen gave the order. “Alexandra.” Alex looked immediately. The moms almost never used her full name.

  “Yes, Mom?”

  “When you finish eating, pack it up. We are leaving.”

  “Oh man! Why?”

  “Because we are done here and it is time to go home.”

  “But I was going to go to the stables and talk to the jockeys today.”

  Addy looked at her in surprise. “And just when were you planning to do this? And with whose permission?”

  “I was going to tell you when we went to the stables.”

  “Well, it’s not going to happen. We are leaving, and next time you have any such plans make sure to share them with us in advance, so that we can plan ahead.” Karen spoke firmly.

  “Anyway, I don’t want you alone talking to the jockeys. You are a young lady and there are all sorts of men out there.” Addy added.

  Alex rolled her eyes. “Hey, start packing and watch it when you roll those eyes! That’s your mom there!” Karen scolded her.

  Addy waved her off. “She’s mad. Let her be.”


  On the way out of the hotel, they came across Victoria and Melanie.

  “Are you guys leaving already?” Melanie asked surprised.

  “Yes,” Karen replied.

  “I thought you guys were staying until tomorrow. We were just heading to the stables. Vic wants to check Alejandro,” Melanie explained.

  “Well, we’ll stop by briefly to see him before we head out. We’ll meet you there.” Addy suspected that Karen wanted to talk to Vic.

  At the stables they also found Marshall and Carol. When Victoria and Melanie arrived, Victoria went immediately to check Alejandro. Karen went into the stall to talk to her while everyone else remained outside talking.

  “Hey, Vic, I wanted to talk to you about Susan St. James.”

  Victoria looked up. “What about her?” There was some apprehension in her voice.

  “Well, she’s got a racing horse and we will most likely encounter her again. And, umm, Addy and I talked and, umm —.”

  “Addy didn’t like how I treated her. I know. I don’t like to treat people like that Karen. I’ll apologize to Addy.” Victoria gave no explanation for her behavior.

  Karen nodded and thought to explain about the fragility of Addy’s sensitive nature, but she didn’t want to expose a side of Addy that was privy to her. She understood that sensitivity, loved it, and nurtured it. It was a part of Addy she adored and didn’t want to share.

  In many ways, Addy was a simple person, but in many other ways she was highly complex. Addy had never dealt with certain types of people. She had always lived in environments where people treated each other with utmost respect, and it was in her nature to treat others with great dignity. It was not like her to go off on people, or curse, insult, ridicule, or demean anyone. There was something about the way she treated people that brought out the best in others. And if Addy ever chose not to deal with someone, it was because she found that the person lacked that trait of character from which she could draw a relationship. She was friendly in nature, but highly selective of the people whom she called friends.

  Karen was more aware of the negative aspects of human nature, having dealt with all sorts of people in her life. That was probably why she adored Addy’s view of the world. Karen often wished she could have that pure, healthy outlook of people and life, but her background didn’t allow it. Karen thought that Addy’s outlook of life made
her easy prey for ‘evil’ people, and she was always on constant guard to protect her from the dangers lurking around her. Karen thought that Vic had to understand that the fact that she was having this conversation with her should be enough to let her know that she should be more careful with what she said and how she acted when Addy was around.

  Victoria looked flustered. “After I spoke to Susan, I looked at Addy and I realized that she was in shock. I didn’t think that Addy would react the way she did. I mean, you thought it was funny. I didn’t think. I just didn’t fucking think! I’m sorry, Karen. I tried to apologize to Addy, but I think it was too late. I’m sure she has a very low opinion of me now.”

  Addy walked in. “I really don’t. But, I’m puzzled, and you have to clear this up for me, once and for all. Why did you take this approach with her? What is it between you and her, Vic?” Karen smiled. She had intended to ask Vic the same question, but didn’t know how to bring it up. But here was her Addy, as usual, direct and to the point.

  Victoria was clearly having trouble answering. “She doesn’t know me, but I know her, Addy. She’s the woman Pam left me for.”

  The silence that followed was broken by Addy’s words. “I suspected as much. And it explains a lot. I’m sorry.”

  “I’m sorry, Vic. I didn’t—.” Karen also apologized.

  “It’s okay, Karen. Sometimes you hold things back and then one day, the opportunity presents itself to do something about it and you do it without thinking, without realizing that life has already changed. Then you wonder why you did it, and if it really changed anything. It didn’t. It didn’t change a thing. Nothing is or will ever be the same. As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t want it to be the same. It was just a stupid thing. It was just a way to have the satisfaction to cause pain to a person who caused me a lot of pain once, I suppose.”

  Melanie was standing by the door and heard the entire conversation. “Was Pam any of those women we’ve seen her with?” Melanie asked.

  Victoria froze when she heard Melanie. Her voice trembled a bit when she answered her. “No, Pam didn’t last long with her.” Victoria looked pretty shaken, but relaxed some when Melanie stood by her and massaged her back. Victoria took a deep breath and continued to speak. “Pam came to see me three months after she left. Apparently, the St. James woman dumped her. She must have realized Pam was just a simple, country girl with aspirations of grandeur and not the sophisticated, glamorous person she pretended to be. She wanted to come back to me.”


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