Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony
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To put this week’s material into perspective, what you did in Week 1 was to get in your car, start it, put your hands on the wheel and press the accelerator to drive towards what you want in your life. But wait, the car is not moving, why? The emergency brake is on. The emergency brake is to the car like your beliefs are to your life. When your beliefs are not in harmony with your desires, they will prevent you from moving to your desires because they are diverting your focus and intention to what you don’t want. You need to release that emergency brake, and the way to do that is to displace faulty, limiting and fear based beliefs with the truth about you, about abundance and about the laws of vibration, expression and increase. If you were to believe that there is enough time, enough money and enough love for everybody, and that abundance, health, happiness, creativity and success are built into each and every person, would that not radically change the way you approach life? These are the kinds of beliefs you need to replace the old faulty ones with in order for you to experience the life of fulfillment that you came here for.
Exercise 1 of 2 – Converting your beliefs to the truth
Mind Mastery Area 1
This week, answer the questions below; they will help you to identify your beliefs. Once you do this, anywhere you find one that is not supporting you; write a new belief to replace it, one that supports what you wrote in week 1. For example, if, when you were growing up, you believed that money was hard to come by (and that meant you didn’t get something you wanted); change this to something like; money is everywhere and it comes to me easily and effortlessly to support all of my dreams and desires. I can have whatever I want, whenever I want. Now I know that is not going to instantly change your subconscious belief or your circumstances, but over time as your subconscious mind accepts this, you will start to see your experience about money change. As your conscious mind holds this vibrational truth repeatedly and consistently, it will be accepted in your subconscious mind as the new belief pattern, becoming more dominant over the existing limited belief. This is how that limited belief got there in the first place, through repetition. As a child, you simply were not aware of what was happening, but as you heard people talk about it and you accepted it and seen people “act as thou it were true”, repeatedly, your subconscious accepted it as true, as a belief pattern. You can now do the same process only create a truth based belief, one the supports the manifestation of what you want.
When answering the questions below, if you feel that you have a strong and healthy belief in any area then there is no need to explore that, we are simply looking for beliefs that may be sabotaging or holding back one or more parts of your life, like that emergency brake.
You can keep your answers short, just enough to know where changes are needed and to restate the belief in a way that will support what you want. I have posed a number of questions with each belief topic. You do not necessarily need to answer them directly; they are more of a guide to help bring awareness to what you believe in these areas.
1) What do you believe about yourself? How do you see yourself? Who are you?
Do you have a peaceful relationship with yourself, a high level of self-worth, self-image, self-respect, self-love, self-acceptance, and self-esteem? If so, go to the next topic; otherwise identify possible beliefs that may be the underlying reason for the way you see yourself.
How did the people in your life talk with and treat you in your early years? Was it respectful, appreciative, loving, kind? Did it highlight your uniqueness, your abilities, and your talents? What were the behaviors, expressions, attitudes, beliefs and experiences you were exposed to when you were young that left an impression about who you are? How have people talked with you and treated you throughout your life? How did you feel about your intelligence, your body, your looks, where is your comfort level with sexuality? How has your life resembled any of the beliefs you had about yourself when you were very young?
2) What do you believe about money?
Do you have a peaceful relationship with money? Is there any fear? Are you satisfied with your financial life? If so, go to the next topic; otherwise identify possible beliefs that may be the underlying reason for your experience with money.
What did you hear about money when you were young, how did you see it used, how did people talk about it? What is your interpretation of what money is and is not? What is your experience with money now? Not so much about how much you have but are you at peace with it or in fear of it (losing it, not enough, wasting it)?
Keep in mind, your self-image will also affect your experience with money.
3) What do you believe about relationships?
Do you have, and have you had throughout your life, flourishing, “feel good” and healthy relationships across the board? If so, go to the next topic; otherwise identify possible beliefs that may be the underlying reason for your experiences.
What did you notice about the relationships between married (living together) people when you were growing up? Was what you seen pleasant? Did people treat each other well? Was there respect and appreciation? Was conflict and differences dealt with kindly and effectively? In communication, was there listening and understanding or was it fight or flight?
How about relationships in general, what did you see at school, in the home of others, in the community, with friends? What did these things teach you about interacting with others? How have these things influenced or recreated themselves in your life?
Keep in mind, your self-image will also attract the quality of relationships you experience.
4) What do you believe about health?
Are you feeling satisfied with your level of mental, emotional and physical health, wellness and fitness? If you continue to do what you are doing will your health remain satisfactory and enable you to fully enjoy life? If so, go to the next topic otherwise; identify possible beliefs that may be the underlying reason for your health experience.
Growing up, what idea did you accept about health, that is, do you believe you are independently able to maintain health versus “it runs in the family”, or it’s just random or the Dr. will fix me? Was there sickness around you as a child and how was it handled? Was there a focus on fitness? How was health and wellness talked about? What was your expectation for your health as you grew up? Do you believe it is “normal” for people to get sick as they grow older? What do think causes health? What is the state of your overall health now and how does it relate to what you accepted about health when you were young?
Keep in mind, your self-image will also affect your physical, mental and emotional health.
5) What do you believe about a career?
Do you feel that your career, job, business is the right one for you? Does it fill you up with excitement? Is it psychologically and emotionally satisfying? Does it allow for your expression and creativity? Does it allow you to live in the service of others in a way that you feel fulfilled? If so, go to the next topic otherwise; identify possible beliefs that may be the underlying reason for your career experience.
What did you come to believe about how you would grow up and get into a career? What was the attitude of the people around you in terms of working? Was it working at something you enjoyed or more about working for money and security? Was it something you were lucky to get or something in your hands to make happen? Did you have an interest for a career when you were growing up? Were you encouraged to follow that interest? What was the motivator for the career you chose, why did you want to do it?
Keep in mind, your self-image will also affect the quality of your career experience.
6) What do you believe about moving through life?
Are you feeling satisfied with how you are moving through life, if so, skip this following paragraph?
How did you see life coming together in terms of school, job, getting a partner, a home etc? What would life look like as you grew older? Were you excited or s
cared or lost? Did you feel prepared and supported? Did you feel supported in your interests or were you influenced to do what would be considered “successful” (in the eyes of society or others)? Does your work life and home life look like what you expected it to? What was your image of what a “good” life is? Did you believe you determined your life situation or that other powers outside of you determined it?
Keep in mind, your self-image will also affect the experiences you have as you move through life?
If you can understand these six areas, they probably contain the beliefs that will be the underlying drivers for any other areas in your life.
The value of this exercise is to dissect what you have stored as beliefs so you can see what beliefs you need to change to come back into alignment. Once you see your beliefs on paper it may hit home exactly how much impact they are having on your life by diverting your focus and feelings to attract what you don’t want. Energy is always flowing, its just a matter of where we are directing it with our attention and intention. You can think of it like a train on a track going through a switching station, the setting of the switch determines the direction that the train will follow.
Did you find that your beliefs lined up with your wants from Week 1 or did they need to be restated to get that alignment? To repeat, what is important to understand here is that your beliefs always win over your wants. To say that another way, your beliefs will keep you away from your wants if your beliefs influence you to a low vibration. When you are dominantly choosing a low vibration then you are not a match to what you want which is always a high vibration. For example, if you want a loving relationship, but you have a belief that relationships cause pain, your subconscious will cause you to sabotage any attempt to be in a loving relationship and or it will attract a relationship that causes pain (equal to the vibration you are offering). That being said, keep this in mind, beliefs can cause compound issues as well. To continue the example, if you have a belief around a fear of being alone (like, why would anyone want to love me), you may settle for a relationship that you are not really, in your heart, completely satisfied with, but yet it is less pain then being alone. The relationship itself may not be painful but the underlying dissatisfaction could cause a low vibration which is most likely to cause discord in the relationship. The best way to live life is by the laws and in alignment with your true self and your desires. Set your target and experience what you want by making your beliefs line up with your wants. This way there is no drama, no dissatisfaction, no low vibration, just happiness and enjoyment of life. Once you re-establish a belief that relationships are loving, supportive partnerships or perhaps that you are worthy of a loving relationship, then that is what you will experience. This exercise shows you which of your beliefs need to be changed in order to match them up with what you want. To say this in another way, you need to keep your thought>feelings acutely focused on something that keeps you in the vibration that is equal to what you want.
To further help you identify faulty and self-defeating beliefs, consider the following: If you want to do something or have something but somewhere in your mind are the words ‘I can’t’, you most likely have a faulty believe because you have access to the field of all possibilities so I can’t is not possible. When you say you can’t, what you are really saying is you won’t. The reason you won’t is related to some faulty belief. Further, if you are waiting for something before you carry on to a goal, it is another sign of a faulty belief at work. If you are waiting for things to line up, “I will do it when …” you are most likely holding yourself back due to a faulty belief around some type of fear or simply a belief that causes you to be disconnected with your power to manifest.
Exercise 2 of 2 – Converting your fears to faith
Mind Mastery Area 1
This exercise will help you to further identify faulty beliefs by listing your fears: things that you think about that bring on fear of some sort. A fear will be based on a faulty belief which has its roots in faulty information or a “bad” experience. Beliefs that cause fear can really keep you from achieving your goals and dreams and keep you stuck in places you don’t want to be. They can also have you working overtime and feeling stress to hold on to something you want because of a fear of losing it. It would be very helpful for you to print and read the article Fear versus Faith on my website at http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=462. The reason to print it is to highlight any parts that really resonate with you and can help you move away from fear and into faith (trust and confidence in yourself). Having quick reference to something that can move you from fear to faith is going to be very helpful in shifting your vibration. Also use the article to write how you can overcome the fears that you list in this exercise.
Fear and its associates, worry and doubt, at times, concerning your job, relationships, financial situations, and your performance can really grab your mind and hang on. It’s like being in a storm at sea where wave after wave is pounding you as you try to catch your breath. They can have you setting up scenarios, conversations and images in your head that you constantly replay like a CD player on repeat. To take charge of your life, it is essential that you release and detach from this negative energy, otherwise it will cause like energy to be attracted to you. But how? It seems so forceful and strong to dominate our mind. Here is a little trick for your toolbox. What you want to do is make them your friend and use them to your advantage. Every time they show up say something like this “Thank you worry, fear and doubt, you just reminded me of who I am, what I want, why I want it and what I have to be thankful for”. You can affirm all of those things and it will lessen the intensity of that fear. As you keep doing this, the fear will disappear, being replaced by trust and confidence. If you repeatedly turn to truthful affirmations you will retrain your brain for a positive response to virtually anything because the new belief will support a positive response. Later in the program, gratitude and purpose will be covered but for now reminding yourself of who you are, what you want and why, is something you really need to connect with daily until it becomes your natural truth and vision. Further, it will help you to turn away from the negative. The more time your mind spends on the wanted, the less time it has for the unwanted, and therefore the more wanted you will attract to you. To help you connect with the truth about who you really are you can see my website article called “Why Everything is OK” at http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=1368.
Now that you have setup beliefs that are in alignment with the laws, and therefore, will support your wants, your job is to be consistent and repeatedly turn away from negative feelings by getting emotionally involved with these new beliefs. It’s great to identify the beliefs that will serve your desires but unless you do the work to activate them in your subconscious mind, you will not see the change in your life, the old beliefs will continue to be the point of attraction. It’s all well and good to dream, but if you have no foundation as to why you should expect those dreams to come true, you will not get very invested in them. Once you know you have the power in you and the support of the universe behind you, you will be far more motivated to put the time and work into changing your beliefs.
1)What is the reason we don’t have what we want in our life?
2)What is the reason we have things in our life that we do not want?
3)What is a belief?
4)How do you change a belief?
5)How quickly can you displace a belief?
6)How do you cause your wants to be attracted to you?
7)Why can we get stuck in a cycle of negative feelings and the related attractions?
8)Where, in the cycle, is the critical point to interrupt and change what we attract?
9)Why do we base so much of our thinking and choices on appearances? What are the consequences of doing this? What other option do we have?
10)Why is it self sabotaging to blame, cr
iticize, judge or accuse others?
11)Why are beliefs like an emergency brake on a car?
12)In terms of beliefs, what is the one that affects everything in your life?
13)When you say you can’t, what does that really mean?
14)Why is a belief that is rooted in fear, faulty?
15)How can you turn fear into your friend?
16)What gives you the confidence to know that you can attract your desires?
Week 4
A New Declaration, Setting the Direction for Your Life
This week is about getting your mind to focus in the direction you want your life to go. To do so you will also learn how to identify and release negative thought patterns and habits that are redirecting your focus to the things that you don’t want. Before we get into this week’s material, here is a quick summary of what we have done so far to clear the way for you to start getting more of what you want out of life.
Having completed the exercises in the previous 3 weeks you now have identified:
1)What your life has been about that didn’t / doesn’t feel good and what does
2)What area or areas of your life are the most important to increase your satisfaction
3)What beliefs you have that are not serving you, causing you to attract what you do not want
4)What new beliefs that will support you in getting what you do want.
5)Who you truly are as a human being
6)What helps you to move to a high vibration
You also now know from reading my article on my website called The Missing Pieces, that there are specific truths and laws that govern the universe and our interaction with it. You may not totally believe in them yet, but in time as you go through this program and stick with them every day, you will become very comfortable with them and see that they are indeed in operation at all times. This will cause you to have greater trust, belief and faith in your power to take charge of your life. It will also cause you to trust that the universe is supporting you. This knowledge and understanding will bring you to a place where fear cannot live. In other words, your trust, confidence and faith in yourself and in your relationship with the universe will simply make you realize that there is nothing to fear. You will then be free to pursue the life of fulfillment that you came here for.