Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony

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Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony Page 12

by Brian Withers

  Because of your expanding awareness of who you are and the laws that you are operating under, you now realize that any situation you have been reacting to is simply the result of your very own vibration. To engage as you always have is to deny this awareness and knowledge and to invite more of the same old results. So instead of the old way, what is the new choice, what is the new response? This may feel like strange new territory and it really is. You are actually thinking effectively maybe for the first time in your life. You are choosing a productive response rather than a sabotaging reaction. This is where you use the tools you have been gathering because when you stop and pause you might draw a blank as to where to take your mind. Go to your tools that you have worked on in the previous weeks and your vision, and use them to help you take your thinking and actions to a new place, a high vibration place. You most likely have to deal with the situation at hand, which may be tempting you into the old reaction, so your tools are vital to calm and soothe yourself and help you shift to a new topic or a new perspective. Once you get settled from the negativity you felt coming on you can then choose thoughts that take you to a positive feeling. Another thing you can do, if the situation involves another, is 1) to determine how you may help them if they are negative. In other words, rather than getting defensive and making it about you, have compassion and find out what is going on for them if that is appropriate. Compassion is a very high vibration. 2) if they are OK but what they are talking about or the way they are expressing themselves is agitating you, then say, “let’s talk about something different”. Just, ignore what was said /done, drop the conversation and go to one that feels better. This will cause a distraction and allow new energy to enter. If reaching out or changing the conversation is not appropriate, remove yourself from the situation as tactfully and peacefully as possible. If it is your self talk engaging you negatively, use the same tools, this will help you to remember who you really are and to be kind to yourself (look for the good).

  Once you are free from the negative feeling thoughts and the situation, you can visit a vision out of your dream book, review an area of your ideal life or focus on something from your feels good list, your success list or from your I am list. You can think about what you didn’t like about this situation and write what you would like it to be and write it 5 times. If a person is involved you can write about their positive aspects, see them as source sees them. The magic is to get through a situation that you don’t like in at least neutral and then impress your subconscious with something that you do want. Put your mind in a completely different place of feeling good. Can you see the difference here, instead of reinforcing the old pattern, habit and belief; you now have completely broken the reaction pattern and are causing something new to be attracted into your life. By repeatedly going to a new place with your mind, you are giving no emotional attention to the old situation and with no attention its vibration goes away and it can no longer be an attractive energy. What will start being attracted to you is what you focus on and what feels good. Now it may not happen overnight but little by little, day by day your circumstances will change if you do this consistently and repeatedly along with the practices in this program. Your life must change according to the vibration change; it is the law of vibration. Remember this, when you relax, you release. When you release, you are at peace. As soon as you make it OK, it will go away. These expressions simply mean that you have stopped paying attention to, and stop noticing that thing you do not like. Essentially when you relax, release and make it OK, you are detaching and that gives you space to fill in with positive energy. So if you are feeling self conscious and tense about something, judging yourself or at odds with another in some way, stop, give yourself space, relax as much as possible (perhaps use a quick visualization that allows you to relax, let off steam visually, count to 10, take some deep breaths), choose at least a neutral response, continue to relax then take your mind to a high vibration place as previously indicated. Of course if you have a dire situation or emergency, do what is needed and get back on track after words. As you increase your vibration you will find you simply have fewer emergency situations.

  As an example, let’s say you come out of a store and someone’s little child, who does not know the difference is hitting your car with a rock and damaging it. Let’s get this, your car is damaged, that is a fact and you are going to have to get it repaired. Now what is better, to pile a negative vibration on top of that or a positive? I am not saying to thank the child’s mother, in fact you may want to even call the police and have her accountable for the repair bill but you can do that in a positive way. What I mean by remaining positive is to paint something in your imagination from your tools or create an affirmation on the fly like “I love that my things are treated with respect”. That may sound absurd but this is the way to master your mind. Make the focus of your mind what you want regardless of what is going on around you. That is the power and purpose of your imagination. Stop seeing ‘what is’ and start seeing what you want to be. If you allow your mind to swim in the negativity of a situation then that is what your life will be about. Master your mind and enjoy your life. Remember the only thing that can grow in your life is what you give focus and attention to and get emotionally involved with in your mind. Without focus and attention on the unwanted, there is no vibration to support it happening in your life. Also remember that for the child to be hitting your car with a rock, something in your vibration attracted that, at a vibration level, you attracted it. That is a hard pill to swallow, but if you do you can change it, if you resist you will be stuck there and more will come.

  For this exercise, take the list you did in the previous exercise and write out how you can change the reactions you have written down to positive responses. Write out why that response is more effective, and what supports that response (hint, it will most likely be related to one of the 5 truths or laws that have been covered in this program). You now have a very solid reason that backs your choice for a new response, a reason that you now know will change your life. It may not sink in right away but your awareness will grow each time you get into that situation until one day you will have a new response and your life will change for good.

  By doing this exercise it will also help you to stop redirecting your energy away from the declaration you set in Exercise 1 of this week and making your declaration the main focus of your attention. That is what will attract it to you.

  There is an article and diagram on my website that further explains this circumstance / response or reaction cycle. It is another tool that can really empower you to break the old negative based reactions and keep your focus on a high vibration response. The article is called “The Law of Vibration and Attraction Cycle” To see it, go to http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=1071. You may want to print the diagram as a quick reminder and trigger about breaking that cycle. There is also another diagram to help you to see and understand that how our choices keep us in either a negative or positive cycle of life experiences. It also shows the key point where you can switch from one to another. This diagram is called “The Law of Vibration and Attraction Life Cycle” and is at http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=1079. Further there is an article called “How to use your Emotional Guidance system” on my website at http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=1431. This will give you a step by step method to move out of a negative energy and into a positive.

  One last thought is that when a negative feeling strikes, thank it for alerting you to a faulty thought which came from a faulty belief. You now have an opportunity to identify and replace it. Let the fear, worry and doubt have a voice and then use it to your advantage to root it out. When it sticks its head up it is really saying, I am only here to let you know that your thinking is out of line with your source self and what you really want, I am giving you an opportunity to replace me with a thought based on truth and get back into alignment, then the negative feelings will go away. A negative feeling is really your friend,
isn’t that an odd thought, greeting a negative as your friend and having it help you move to a positive. The fact is, those negative emotions are part of your guidance system. Once you realize this, you will not be shaken by their appearance, but allow them to lead you to questions like, what thoughts led to this feeling and what beliefs led to this thought. Then put that belief up against the truth and you will see it has no basis what so ever. This process will have the effect of strengthening your connection to who you really are, a powerful, abundant creative being.

  Here is a summary of responses to help you turn away from a knee jerk negative reaction and therefore help you to stay in a high vibation.

  Thank you for sharing your opinion or letting me know how you feel and what you like

  Thank you for showing me evidence of my vibration (to yourself)

  Apologize to show no intention to cause negativity of any kind and influence relief

  Wouldn’t it be nice (change perspective on the spot to something that feels good)

  How does that feel (bring awareness to what they are saying and help them make a choice)

  What do you want (get them to focus on the good)

  What do you think my intentions are (help clarify)

  What is your intention (help clarify)

  What don’t you like about that (help clarify to what is wanted)

  Let’s talk about something different (instant shift in thinking / feeling / vibration)

  You can’t get enough of what you don’t like (bring awareness of focus)

  What’s the best I can do in this situation (find the good, find relief)

  Ignore what is being said or going on

  Accept that this moment is what it is, just a manifestation / evidence (find relief, reduce resistance)

  Exercise 4 of 5 - Making Choices

  Mind Mastery Area 3

  When you are faced with choices and options, which you are virtually every day, how do you decide which one is best for you? Which one will get you the best result? Regardless of how big or small the decision is, what do you use as your guide for how you make your decisions? Do you use words like should, must, appropriate, obligated, got to, duty, have to, need to, supposed to, right, wrong? If you do you are almost certainly excluding or ignoring what you want, that would feel good to you, when you make a decision to do or not do something. When you use these types of words it indicates that you are making your decisions based on fitting into the outside world or appeasing conditions in the outside world. What does it mean to fit in or appease, it means factoring in what others think, living up to expectations of others or situations, being accepted, pleasing others, seeking approval of others, making yourself responsible for others or situations.

  By now you know that every one has the ability to be the intentional creator of their own reality, manifest what they want, and that everyone is unique and on their own unique journey and therefore responsible for the quality of their life. So your job is to determine which option feels the best to you for you. Even if there is not one option that right now is your ideal option, you can pick the one that is easiest to feel good about now, the one that produces the least resistance (negative feelings). When you do this you are setting yourself up to match the vibration of what you want, you are closing the gap between the vibration of your desire and the vibration of your present moment. Of course as you close the gap “things” start to happen to bring that desire into your experience. To be completely frank, when you make a choice, the options themselves have nothing to do with your success; there is no right or wrong choice. Just pick one and line up with it, that means identify what is good about it and keep your focus on what feels good about that choice. When you are feeling good, you are at the vibration level of everything you want and again, you will find that “things” happen and people show up that enable you to realize the things you want. All of the details that connect you with your desires are taken care of, you just have to maintain a high vibration so that you can connect with these details. This is the law of attraction and vibration at work. This is why it is so important to do the exercises and organize your mind mastery tool box as you go through the program. By doing this you will have many ways and strategies to hold yourself steady at the vibration that allows everything you want to flow into your life.

  For the next 7 days, at the end of each day or during the day, track how many times you used the words, need to, should etc. This will help you raise your awareness that you are making choices to resolve to conditions outside of yourself rather than honoring how you feel within yourself. This of course alerts you to how much time you are spending in a low vibration; making decisions where you are not finding the feel good means you will be in a low vibration. That being said, this exercise will help you to more consciously make choices that are the easiest to line up with and therefore have the least resistance. This is critical to helping you maintain a high vibration.

  As you catch yourself using these conditional words, switch to the statement, I choose to … (fill in the blank) because … (fill in the blank). At first you may still allow your beliefs and the outside world conditions to influence your choices but at least you know you are taking the choice with the least resistance. It’s a conscious and deliberate choice to give yourself the best opportunity to find feel good and therefore maintain a high vibration. As you practice more and more what you learn in this program you will find you are freer to make choices that you really want to make with little resistance from considering conditions or what others think, and therefore more dominantly hold a high vibration.

  Additionally, sometimes there are many things going in in life and can make it seem complicated to find the choices that will help you reduce resistance. If this is the case then list all of the conditions going on in your life where there is some resistance or a combination of feel good and resistance. Make a column to the right and score each item on a scale of 1 to 10 as to how much resistance that item is causing. Once you identify the highest resistance items, look at what other choices you could make that would reduce that number. Each bit of resistance you reduce brings your vibration up and gets you closer to things you want to manifest.

  This exercise will also help you with the next exercise where you really want to choose exclusively what feels good to you regardless of current conditions that you don’t like.

  Exercise 5 of 5 - Choosing what you want to see (In my world)

  Mind Mastery Area 3

  The life you live will be directly related to what you choose to see (in your minds eye). If you see a world of lack, limitation, not enoughness, loneliness, tough times, greed, miserable people, etc that is what you will observe and experience because you will attract it. A great feature about our self though is that we don’t have to “see” what we observe, we can “see” (in our imagination) what we want, and then what we observe will change to what we “see” (in our imagination). We must see it first; feel it first then it will “be” our observable life experience.

  Take a piece of paper or Bristol board and write in the middle of it, “IN MY WORLD”. And every time you think of something you want in your world, something you can see in your world, write it on the paper. And you can use what happens in your current world that you don’t like to identify and add something you do. You could add people treat me with respect, I get great service, everything works out of me, I always get the breaks, my job is so fun and exciting. What do you want your experience in this world to be?


  1)How often is it necessary to read about the Truth of Abundance and the universal laws?

  2)Why is focus so important?

  3)Why is it OK, and in fact necessary to taking charge of you life, that you let go of the unpleasant experiences of the past?

  4)Who teaches us the truth about our self and the universal laws?

  5)When you set a directio
n for your life, what is important in forming it? And what kind of an effect does it need to have on you?

  6)Once you set a crystal clear image of what you want, what happens with it?

  7)What is a great way to gain awareness?

  8)What is the one single point where you can shift your vibration and therefore change your life?

  9)Why are negative emotions sometimes a challenge to detect?

  10)What is the cause of negative emotions?

  11)Who is responsible when you feel a negative emotion? Why?

  12)Why do negative reactions keep our dreams and desires away from us?

  13)Once we go through a period of feeling negative and then into feeling more positive, what is the impact of the negative feeling period?

  14)What are the 2 indicators of our level of inner happiness and fulfillment?

  15)What is more important, positive thinking or positive feeling? Why?

  16)What is the first step in learning to stop a negative reaction?

  17)What are you breaking when you stop a negative reaction?

  18)When you react, what are you really reacting to, in terms of the world of vibration?

  19)Once you stop a negative reaction, where do you take your mind? Why?

  20)What happens when you continue to stop a negative reaction and replacing it with a vision or affirmation of what you want?


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