Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony
Page 13
21)Do you have to choose your thoughts-feelings from what you are experiencing with your five senses? If not, why not?
22)Does the subconscious know where the feeling (vibration) that you choose is coming from or why you choose it? What is the significance of this?
23)What is the most important thing to consider when you make a choice about anything? Why?
Week 5
Review, Reflection and Further Alignment with Your True Self
This week’s material includes a summary review of Module 1. Following that are five exercises for this week.
From the information on my website and in the weekly material we have covered the following:
We are a powerful creative being and our total self consists of pure source energy, a subconscious mind, a conscious mind and a body. These parts all work together to enable us to experience human life.
We are energy, and we can transform energy into form with our vibration.
Energy is unlimited, we have unlimited access to it; therefore, we can have what we want, as much as we want, when we want and for as long as we want.
We have gifts and talents and a purpose to use them for our own fulfillment and in the service of others. We have the full support of nature through the laws of vibration, expression and increase for our success.
That we have not been educated with regard to who we are as a vibrational being, the importance of a high vibration, and the universal laws, and therefore, operate our life without knowing how to use our mental faculties, without knowing the true cause and effect of our life and without knowing about the support that natures provides us through its laws. We also have no idea of the unlimited abundance that we have access to.
We have been so greatly uneducated with respect to the management of our thought-emotions that we are simply ineffective at managing our vibration to keep it high and therefore we are ineffective to be clear about what we want and keep our focus on it.
We are ineffective at finding ways to keep our self feeling good despite what is going on around us because we have been conditioned to react to the appearances of things. To be clear, we unconsciously allow our emotions to swing with everything that goes on around us instead of holding them to a vibration that actually attracts what we want. Therefore, what we attract becomes a cycle of what we see around us. Because of this we can surmise that much of our energy is of the low vibration variety. Finally, we can deduce that it is no surprise that we would, and continue to, encounter many unwanted experiences, and without the knowledge of the law of vibration, have no clue as to why nor how to change it.
We take on faulty beliefs about our self due to our lack of education about who we really are and our relationship to the universe. These beliefs often cause an inaccurate image of our true self and result in our feeling “less than”, “not deserving”, “unworthy”, “not good enough in some way”.
We take on faulty beliefs about life due to our lack of education about what life is really all about, and why we came to this planet. These faulty beliefs cause us to see life from a limitation and scarcity point of view. This causes most of the decisions we make around life to be based in fear, insecurity and uncertainty. We feel vulnerable and largely live in some degree of survival mode.
Beliefs are the vibrations that silently influence our responses and actions and what is attracted into our life. When they are based in faulty information, they cause a great deal of negative thoughts which keep a cycle of attracting what we do not like in our life.
Our thoughts generate feelings that cause a vibration to be deposited into our subconscious mind and that causes the attraction of equal vibrations.
Because of our limitation based beliefs, we tend to give more focus to what we don’t like and therefore attract more of it.
We simply have gone down a road that is not our natural path, and therefore, we are not expressing what we came to express, we are not following our heart and true desires. This has caused us much dissatisfaction and discord in one or more areas of our life. That dissatisfaction causes us to be in a low vibration and that causes us to be in a cycle of attracting many unwanted and unpleasant experiences.
That we can take back our power any time by understanding and trusting who we really are, the laws and truths and putting it into practice. By doing this we identify with our true qualities and faculties and use them effectively. We identify with what we really want and keep our focus on seeing the good in everything, maintaining a high vibration and always caring about and reaching for ways to feel good to allow what we want, what we focus on to come into our life experience.
Thankfully, you now know that there is a very specific cause for what happens in your life and you are in charge of that cause. It’s now just a matter of figuring out how to work with it and practice it as part of your daily life. It will become your natural way the more you practice it. That is what you have begun to do and will continue to do in the upcoming weeks. Throughout the remainder of the program I will continue to give you tools and exercises to help you raise your awareness of being in a negative vibration so you can most quickly turn it around to a positive vibration. This concept of turning from a negative to a positive may be the most challenging part of taking charge of your life; that is, dealing with the matter at hand while remaining emotionally detached. Then in that state of detachment, taking your mind to a place that feels good, this is what causes (or allows) the attraction of what you do want. This process takes commitment, persistence and practice but once you make it a habit you will do it without thinking. Further, once you start attracting more positive results, there will simply be fewer situations where you will need to contend with negative feelings.
From the material you have covered so far you know why your life is the way it is and who you really are. As you strengthen the connection with your true self, it really sets you up to practice the high vibration elements of Module 2 and helps you to be more inspired to clearly define what you want and keep your focus on it. The remainder of this weeks material are exercises to help you identify with and use your powerful creative faculties to attract what you want.
Exercise 1 of 5 – Impressing your desires
Mind Mastery Area 2
Sit down once a day in a quite peaceful state. Read the declaration statements that you made in Week 4, let them fill your mind as you read them, and then read them again. Then close your eyes for 5 minutes and feel them as though you were in them and were experiencing them. If your mind floats off to something else, that is OK, just gently bring your mind back to your statement and related vision. See the sights, smell the smells, tastes the tastes, hear the sounds and feel the touch. This gives your subconscious mind an opportunity to associate with your dreams and desires without all of the mind chatter. It helps plant those images which makes them easier to recall in the most challenging situations.
A quick word on meditation
Anything that get’s you to a state of mind that is peaceful, tranquil, and free from low vibration thoughts and feelings is meditation. Meditation is all about reducing resistance so all that you desire can flow into your physical life experience. Being in a meditative state is where you are free from negative thoughts and unencumbered by the circumstances of the day or of life in general. It is a place where creative ideas come to you, they freely flow, a place where you receive inner guidance (intuition), a place that rejuvenates your energy. There are many ways to get to this state from chanting, to music, to using a mantra, paying attention to your breathing, staring at a candle, and more. The method is not important except as a catalyst to get you to the relaxed state of mind. We are all different so you just need to feel for which one works best for you. Once you are there, thoughts will usually come from time to time but whatever technique you use, use it to allow those thoughts to float by like clouds softly passing in t
he sky. This will keep you anchored in your state of serenity, a place where your vibration will naturally increase. This then helps to light up your path as things will spontaneous show up in your day to move you to your desires and just make life experiences pleasant, easily and effortlessly. It’s like a place you get to talk to your source self and it gets to talk back to you.
Clearly we cannot sit in meditation for long periods of the day every day, and nor does it make sense to. We are human beings who are on this planet to experience it with our 5 senses. That being said, just like we sit down to eat and must eat to keep our body functioning and just like we must take time to exercise our body to keep it functioning in good order we must take time to be in silence to feed our total self-alignment. Periods of meditation also train us to be able to carry that peaceful and relaxed state throughout our day and be able to take a moment at any time and go to that place. Ultimately we want to strike that balance of being in the world and enjoying the experience of life through our five senses but at the same time using our emotions and our intuitive senses to guide us and help us stay on course. To stay connected with our guidance we must be able to invoke the silence and calmness of mind. The law of expression tells us that there is a purpose seeking expression through us and by maintaining a solid connection with our source self we can be in harmony with this expression and enjoy what our 5 senses experience. We must master our ability to consciously detach from circumstances at any moment and go to this place of calmness. This is what keeps us moving forward and enjoying life.
Exercise 2 of 5 – You are special and unique
Mind Mastery Area 1
Do one thing special for yourself each day that you would not normally do. It does not mean having to spend much money or time; perhaps it is simply sitting in the sun or listening to music that puts you in a high vibration. Just putting some focus on you because you are worth it and deserve it, we all do. The more kindness and care you show to yourself, the more kindness and care will come to you from others. The more kind and loving the image you hold of yourself, the more you will experience others treating you to match this image and the better you will find your overall health and wellness. In fact you can never receive anything greater than the image you have of yourself in your subconscious mind, so this is a critical piece in attracting your dreams and desires. Realize you are a unique gem; you are Royalty and it is your birthright to treat yourself with this in mind.
Each day record what you did that showed kindness towards yourself and / or some special thing you did for yourself. Record if you had self-acceptance of it or you felt resistance. If you have resistance, that tells you that you are not completely in tune with your true source self. As you continue to be kind and treat yourself special this will bring you back in harmony with source.
This notion of seeing yourself as a unique, special, beautiful and a deserving being is mandatory to get to the level of satisfaction you want in all areas of your life. Therefore, any time you find yourself feeling unworthy, less than or not good enough it would be useful to review the articles “Truth of Abundance” and “The Missing Pieces” and “Why Everything is OK”. In fact until you are sure that you have restored your natural self-image I would recommend reviewing at least pieces of them each day. Also at those moments of feeling down, that would be a good time to do something special for yourself. You are worth it and the reality is that once you start treating yourself special so will everyone else. It has to start with you because the people in your world are simply an attraction of your vibration. It is critical to changing your life that you identify with your source self, and that you leave all of the faulty beliefs about yourself and life behind and focus on the truth. Why is this so critical? Your subconscious mind will never allow you to experience anything greater than what you have accepted as your worth. Nobody will ever treat you better than what you accept as your worth. Your self-worth, if damaged, can be like an invisible ball and chain, leaving you constantly wondering why people treat you as they do, why you have negative self talk and why things in life are unsatisfactory and don’t work out despite your efforts, kindness and good intentions. Once you restore your true identity, then life will reflect it back to you, and since your true identity is one of natural abundance, expression, increase and love, the law of vibration says that you will attract health, happiness and harmony.
You really only have two things to do as a human being to live a fulfilling life 1) know what you really want and make that your focus and what drives your decisions 2) know what makes you feel good and spend your time in those things. Feeling good simply allows the law of vibration to deliver your desires to you because your frequency will match the frequency of your desires. As you act with inspiration towards your desires, they are finding their way to you. It sounds simple and if it were not for all of the faulty beliefs it would be. So that is really the job ahead of you, to completely identify with who you are, what power you have and all of the support behind you for your success. Then to use this knowledge to live your best life.
Exercise 3 of 5 – Setup an “I am” list
Mind Mastery Area 1
Start a list and call it the “I am” list. Just add to it as you think of things. You may have a few to start off with and will think of others during the day, record them when you think about them. A really powerful time to add them is when either someone else or your self-talk indicates that you are less than or not worthy in some way. When that happens it is simply your faulty belief about yourself surfacing, and in doing so it is giving you an opportunity to replace it with a belief that is based on truth. This is the perfect time to affirm the truth about yourself and establish that belief in your subconscious mind. As you do this repeatedly, you will succeed in making this new positive belief dominant, and then the belief in your subconscious mind will be in alignment with your source self. This is when what you desire really starts to flow into your life. In fact the process of repeatedly doing the same thing until you get the result you want reminds me of many video games where the character needs to over come the “bad” boss. The player of the video game has to wear down the “boss” until he is victorious. This is exactly what you need to do with implanting the new belief and making it dominant. Each time you affirm the new belief, you weaken the old one by giving it no attention. As I have indicated in the beginning of this program, repetition and patience will be two of your best friends in taking charge of your life. The patience and repetition will train your mind to be in a high vibration all of the time and then you will only attract the good things you desire. However, being human, we are subject to attract unwanted things so when we do, in that moment, it is essential to detach and turn it around so it does not take root, grow and become a cycle of attracting what you don’t want. In terms of who you are, if you find yourself in a moment where you need to identify with your true self here are some examples you could use:
I am fit and healthy
I am attractive
I am treated with respect
I am worth the finest (fill in the blank)
I am a success
I am a magnet for positive people
I am in big demand for my (fill in the blank)
I am confident
I am abundant and have everything I need
I am happy with who I am
I am helpful to others to be positive
I am in charge of my vibration
I am the creator of my reality
I am at peace knowing the universe is guiding and supporting me
I am energy and I command energy into form through my vibration
I am unlimited abundance because energy is unlimited
Remember, your subconscious mind responds only to what you tell it through your feelings. No matter what is going on in your life, just send the subconscious what you want and it will make it so. Then hold the vibration of what you want in your pres
ent moment thinking and that will allow what you want show up in your life.
Exercise 4 of 5 – Identification with your true self (source)
Mind Mastery Area 1
Put a picture of yourself where you can see it each day. If you have a baby picture, put that beside it. The baby picture represents that pure uninhibited love and energy that wants to grow, learn, express, share, and experience the wonderfulness of life. A mind that knows no limits, only possibilities, a mind that wants to flow with the energy of life; not to settle for second best or let fears rule the day. That baby spirit is always inside of you wanting to express life and live to the fullest.
If you have any resistance to your picture, write it down, what do you see? Then adjacent from your resistance write what you now know to be the truth. Why it is true and right for you to love, accept and admire your self? Why can you stand up in front of the whole world and know that you are as deserving and beautiful as anyone else? Why would you be comfortable with your picture on the front of any paper or magazine? Why are you a piece of gold and deserving of the finest like all others? You need to get to the point where what you see is total self-love, self-acceptance, and admiration. Complete identification with yourself as a child of the universe. To know that you are unique and special with gifts and talents that others both want and need. That it is OK to make a mistake, you are not bad or wrong, you are constantly learning. In fact to really understand the value of mistakes, and that they are a healthy and natural part of growing and expressing life, see my article on my website at http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=1122, called “The Road to Your Dreams”. There is a diagram at the bottom to help illustrate what can happen to us if we use mistakes to make our self feel badly versus lovingly accepting them for our growth. This distinction is critical to the quality of your life.
Pick one or more of your “I am” statements and write them 5 times each day until you completely embrace this truth about yourself. The reality is that this truth about yourself is the most fundamental piece needed for everything else in this program, and in your life, to work. Without complete identification with your true self, you will have an erroneous image in your subconscious and that will sabotage your life in various ways and in virtually any area from health, to career, to finances, to relationships etc.