This may sound odd but there really is only one relationship in your life that matters and that is the one between your conscious self and your source self. Everyone in your life is simply the reflection of the relationship you have with yourself. If you are not pleased in any way with any of your relationships, you have no further to look than into the state of your self-image and self-worth. The more you are in alignment with your complete self, the more fulfilled and enjoyable your life will be. So regardless of what anyone brings to you, you can be grateful that they are bringing you awareness about your vibration around your self-image. Then instead of taking things personally, you will use the feedback to help you improve the quality of your life by doing the necessary shift in your vibration to get back into alignment with source.
Exercise 5 of 5 – Detaching from taking things personally
Mind Mastery Area 3
To end Module 1, I want to leave you with a few more tools to help you turn away from attracting the things you don’t want and free your mind to live in the place that will attract what you do want.
So many times, because of our conditioning, we take things personally in either the form of reacting or in the form of negative self talk. We have a knee jerk reaction and jump right into the negativity or feel hurt. Below are some responses (not reactions) that will help you to detach from those things and keep your mind in a high vibration and focused on your desires and what feels good. If someone says something or you have self talk where you start to feel negativity coming, like you are being verbally attacked or threatened in some way, use one of these or think of some of your own. You can use these just as effectively to diffuse your self talk as you can if there is another involved. Just remember, those recorded faulty beliefs about who you are have a voice and it is the voice you hear that tells you all of those “bad” things about yourself. Whether the voice comes from another or the voice is in your head, it’s just a voice that really is a manifestation of the recording, nothing more and nothing less. Your constant detachment and rerecording of the truth will put a whole new voice in your head and in your life.
If you are about to take something personally, shift your thinking about it from the perspective of these statements and questions.
Thanks for the information.
Thanks for your opinion.
Thanks for your input.
What makes you feel that way?
How does that make you feel?
What can you do about that?
I didn’t realize that.
I am OK with that.
Are you OK with that?
I don’t know, you may be right.
Is that what you see?
What does that tell you?
Why do you think that?
What else could that mean?
Why do you believe that?
Is there anything I can do to help you with that?
Did you realize that you …
If you are in a funk, ask yourself these questions or statements?
Who am I?
What is good about this?
What is that vibration of the situation telling me about myself?
I could thank them for helping me with insight about my vibration?
This is helping me in some way?
Everything that happens is preparing me for something greater?
What would Jesus, Ghandi, Mother Teresa or Maharishi do (or any spiritual leader that resonates with you)?
What beliefs do I have that are supporting this funk? What is the truth?
Who can I help?
What is my vibration, why is my vibration there, what is this low vibration getting me, what can I do to change that vibration?
It’s OK
It’s alright
I’m getting this
Things always work out for me
If I focus for 17 seconds on something good, things will start changing to good
It really does not matter what is going on, if I want what I want, I just got to find the frequency of it and it will start unfolding.
It’s already done, I just have to allow it in, get in the receiving mode.
It’s not what I do, say and think, its how I feel about what I do, say and think.
Everyone and everything is irrelevant in terms of how I choose to feel, they are very relevant to mirror back experiences that reflect how I am choosing to feel (my story)
1)What causes us to react the way we do and feel towards our self the way we do? What can we do about it?
2)Why are we many times so baffled with what happens to us in our life, we want one thing but get another?
3)If you continue to spend the time of your day in the same way you always have, can you expect anything in your life to change? Why?
4)How do you give your subconscious a clear instruction on what you want to attract?
5)Why is it so important to treat yourself with respect? How does it impact the quality of your life?
6)Why is it so important to have tools and strategies to help you change your focus?
7)Which part of the mind figures out how to make things happen?
8)Do you deserve health, happiness and abundance as much as anyone? Why?
9)What is the value from detaching from taking things personally? How important is it?
Taking Charge of Your Life – Your Vibration
Now that you understand why your life is the way it is, and you understand who you really are, and you have established clarity around what you desire for your life; it is time to gain further knowledge of what it takes to allow these desires to become part of your life experience. Think of it like this, if an airplane is carrying goods you have ordered, it has to land before you can get your hands on them. In order to land, it needs a run way that is clear enough to land on. What allows your desires to land in your life is when you live with a high vibration. The high vibration keeps the run way clear. If we turn to the farmer’s field analogy I have used throughout the program, you can look at how a high vibration helps you to realize your desires from another perspective. A high vibration is to your life, like fertile soil is to a seed. It’s the same principle, whether a runway to land a plane or fertile soil to foster and support the growth of a seed, your desires need a support channel to get to you. A high vibration is that support channel that allows what you are attracting to find you. The exercises in this module are setup to help you achieve maximum time in a high vibration.
Getting the Field Ready to Grow Your Seeds of Desire
People are busy doing things, even doing things “right” but many times not getting the results they really want in one or more areas of their life. What you will come to understand is that it’s not about doing things. It’s about doing things in a new and specific way. In this new way, you can expect the results you want to experience rather than wondering what will be around the corner. As you now know, this new way is about how you conduct yourself, not on the outside, but on the inside.
As you progress through this program, remember, you are not starting to use the law of vibration, you are using it now. What you will be learning is how to use it intentionally for your benefit and satisfaction in all areas of your life. To reiterate, it is not a matter of starting to use the law of vibration, you have been using it since you were born, just unknowingly. This program is showing you how to use it intentionally.
As we move into the exercises of maintaining a high vibration to take charge of your life, it is essential that you understand the correct function of your conscious and subconscious mind. Let me share an analogy with you to help grasp these mind functions. Think of your conscious mind as the captain on a ship, your subconscious mind as the engine room and the ship as your body. P
art of the captain’s job is to give instruction to the engine room in terms of how fast for the ship to go and in which direction. The job of the engine room is to do as the captain instructs. The ship then simply moves accordingly. When the captain (your conscious mind) gives an instruction to the engine room (your subconscious mind), the engine room does not ask questions, it simply follows the instructions. So if the captain wants to travel at 10 knots due east, the engine room sets the equipment to produce this result. The engine room has no idea that there is an island on these coordinates and so the ship is propelled into the island. The engine room did not propel the ship into the island; the engine room simply followed the instructions of the captain. It is critically important that you distinguish between the responsibility of the captain and that of the engine room; that is, the proper function of your conscious versus your subconscious mind. If you do not, your life will end up shipwrecked just like the ship that just crashed into the island. If you want to avoid shipwrecks in your life and get to the destination of your desire, you must grasp that your conscious mind is only to give the instruction and then allow the subconscious mind to carry out those instructions. In other words, the conscious mind comes up with what you want, then the job of your subconscious mind is to figure out how it is going to happen. Further you must be very aware of what instructions your conscious mind is giving because your subconscious mind will not ask why. If you allow a circumstance or condition to be the reason to you send a low vibration feeling to your subconscious mind it won’t ask why, it will just make sure you get back a vibration that is equal to it.
This analogy is very comparable to what happens in our life. We are constantly giving instructions (with our conscious mind) that have the (subconscious mind) sending us into ship wreck. There are two reasons we send our self into shipwreck 1) we give unclear or unfocused instructions of what we want but quite clear and focused instructions as to what we don’t want 2) we don’t associate our feelings with a vibration that literally is the instruction to our subconscious mind on what to attract to us. Therefore, we are often surprised to experience things we do not want, wondering why the heck they showed up. It makes us think someone is pulling the strings but it is just our unawareness of the kind of instructions we are sending down to the engine room. If you have a shipwreck of any sort going on in your life, it just means you need to start sending the instructions that will change course and take you to where you really want to go.
So how does this analogy relate to real life? Let’s say someone says something to you and you hear it as rude or disrespectful and you give it right back to them, you know, get even, get the last say, and put them in their place. Or, you choose to take it personally and feel hurt. Let’s say you were dissatisfied with how you acted, performed in a certain situation and in your mind judged yourself as (fill in the blank). What you must realize is that whether you are talking to yourself or projecting your thought-feeling at another, what your subconscious registers is only the thought-feeling you choose, not why you chose it. Although you think you just had a “normal” reaction to a situation, what you really did was send an instruction to your subconscious mind through the vibration of the thought-feeling. You just set yourself up for a shipwreck. The subconscious mind does not ask why nor do any evaluation whatsoever; it just accepts the instruction. So if you judge yourself or another as rude for example, the vibration associated with that thought-feeling is absorbed by your subconscious which then goes to work to find a matching vibration and bring it to you. It is a simple law but one that if we do not understand, we can continually sabotage our dreams and lead our self to shipwreck.
If you ever believe that you are “getting” someone when you think of or treat them ill in any way, the only person you can “get” is yourself. The law of vibration is a beautiful law of the universe, and it sets the stage for a world of respect and love. The reason is, to choose kindness and understanding towards yourself and others is to be in a high vibration and that attracts more of what you want. To choose annoyance, frustration, hurt, anger or other low vibration emotions attracts what you don’t want. It does not matter why you choose them; they simply become the attractive energy. Therefore the law of vibration actually gives you good reason to treat yourself and everyone with kindness, understanding, respect and so on. An old expression comes to mind “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”. I might adapt that a bit to say, “if you won’t feel a high vibration about what you are thinking about then take your mind to a place that you will”. It’s very good advice and very helpful in the world of vibration where every thought-feeling you have either affects you positively or negatively. You will want only to engage the positive. Nature, using the law of vibration, really is insistent that you live your life in a high vibration so choose your thought-emotions wisely. Remember that your self talk is also very powerful to send a vibration into your subconscious, so if you put yourself down in anyway, that does nothing to help you; it just sets a vibration that keeps you down. It’s time to start using these laws to our benefit.
Here is another example of how the ship story relates to life. Let’s say you are in a hurry and you need to drop into the store to pick up a few items. There is a long line up, you need to get going but you really need the items so you wait in line. What are you saying to yourself while in that line, probably nothing very positive? The bottom line is that you don’t like being in that line up so you’re self-talk, or conversation you are having with someone else in the line is probably about how terrible it is, how much it is interrupting your day and the like. Those thoughts are like the captain’s instructions to the engine room and your subconscious mind is getting them loud and clear. In accordance with the law of vibration, you can bet that you will find yourself caught up in more lines or in some situation that holds you up. It’s what you are telling your subconscious you want, but you are probably not aware that is what you are doing. Now you are aware, so once again, be very careful with your choices.
Every thought-emotion you choose is an instruction to the subconscious mind. Your most repeated and dominant thoughts (which are your beliefs) are the ones you give most attention to so end up being the ones that you will find your life is about. One thing that you really want to do in any unwanted situation is find something to be grateful and thankful for, find something good that will keep your vibration high. Then affirm to yourself what you want. In the previous example of the line up, you could say, “I always flow quickly and easily through the store with my purchases”. I know this may sound odd, but one thing you will learn in this program about mastering your mind is to set your attention on what you “want” not what you observe that you don’t want. If you keep allowing your emotions to be controlled by what you observe that you don’t like, then you will keep getting more of what you don’t like. This will be covered thoroughly in the exercises to come; I just wanted to get you acquainted with this concept of choosing what you want from within versus allowing what is going on around you to emotionally capture you. By independently originating thought-emotions from within, rather then basing them on what is coming in through your senses, you will be deliberately causing your life to move to where you want it to be. You must grasp the concept that your subconscious mind seeks to attract based on your vibration, not who or what the vibration is related to. So again, going back to the example of being in a line up, you know that you are physically in a line up and that you are in a hurry and the waiting is messing up your schedule. Be that as it may, you don’t have to convey that to the subconscious. If you do, you get more of it, but if you repeatedly give it a vibration from an imagined experience, one that you really want as I suggested in the affirmation, it will start arranging that for you. The dominant vibration is the one that causes the attraction. This basic concept applies to everything in your life.
Now is the time to become an aware captain of your own ship, to be aware of what instructions you are giving and w
hat they are resulting in versus having your life going in places you don’t want it to and wondering why. It is time to give instructions that will have your ship sailing to the ports you want, when you want and for as long as you want.
In this module and the next, all of the sessions will be related to the phases of growing a farm crop. I find that the process of growing crops is very akin to the process of attracting what you want into your life. For example, if you want to grow tomatoes, you plant seeds that will produce a tomato plant, you do not plant corn seeds, nor potato or anything else, you plant tomato seeds. So with the proper seed you set yourself up for the desired result. That being said, if you keep digging up the seed, it will not grow. If it does not get water, it will not grow. If it does not get sun or the soil is rocky and without nutrients, it will not grow. If it does grow under these conditions you will be sadly disappointed with the result. Those seeds need all of these nurturing factors if it is to really come to fruition. So if you turn this concept to your life, what seeds have you been planting and how well have you been nurturing the seeds? Look at your results, they will tell you. I propose that what we have been doing is putting very weak seeds into the ground and nurturing in a very haphazard way. I would further propose that we have been doing this because of what you became aware of in your work from Module 1. So we just did it the way we were taught, but now it is time to learn the way nature has made available to us, the way that will allow us to live a life of health, happiness and harmony.
In this module there are 7 weeks which have to do with fertilizing the soil; that is, understanding what has to happen for you to be in a high vibration. The 7 areas are Abundance, Gratitude, Doing Your Best, Giving, Compassion and Understanding, Living in the Present Moment, High Vibration People, and High Vibration Inputs
Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony Page 14