Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony

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Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony Page 15

by Brian Withers

  Let’s get started.


  1)How are high vibrations like fertile soil?

  2)What most effectively causes a change in your life, is it how you conduct yourself on the outside or on the inside? Why?

  3)Are you using the law of vibration now? How do you know?

  4)What are the natural functions of the conscious and subconscious minds in terms of the law of vibration? What is the effect of misusing them?

  5)How is the growing of seeds like attracting your desires?


  Week 6

  Fertilizing the Soil – The High Vibration of Abundance

  Although we all come to this planet with a birth right to abundance, most are quickly ushered into the false beliefs of limited supply and scarcity. For this reason, we do not need to create a new belief of abundance; we simply need to get reacquainted with the truth of abundance. Abundance may be the cornerstone that allows you to move into all of the other higher vibrating states of mind that follow in this Module of the program. If you know there is an infinite supply that you have unrestricted access to, how much does that allow you to open up new perspectives, beliefs, and behaviours? It is crucial to this process that you engage in material, on a daily basis, that acquaints you with this truth. I have several references on my website including the articles on the “Truth of Abundance” and “The Missing Pieces”. This type of material will keep you firmly planted in an abundance mentality. Even if you read just a bit everyday, keep yourself connected to it, then it will start to become your way of thinking. It will put you back in alignment with your source self and this is what allows abundance to flow into your life. While you are increasing your identification with abundance, do as much as you can to cut out any source that promotes limited supply or at least reduce it as much as possible. You need to have more of the truth going into your mind on a daily basis to counteract the years of practiced beliefs around limitation and scarcity or your thinking will mostly remain the same and you will continue to attract the same limited results.

  People tend to see abundance as having money, a big house and material things in general but abundance is simply experiencing what feels good in all areas of life. It could be things, people, places, career, health etc. Abundance is about acknowledging what you have, what is around you, and what others have as well. It’s simply the feeling of having. There are so many examples of abundance in nature and in our daily life. When you operate from a feeling of abundance, it is so much easier to see abundance, share it and cheer on others. You feel free and inspired to help others because you don’t have that feeling of “running” out of anything. You never fear that you may not have enough for yourself. You can allow your heart to be completely open.

  Our hands are for receiving the abundance we attract, however, when we live with beliefs of lack and limitation we tend to use our hands to grab and to get because we believe that resources are scarce. What you will find is that the more you grab for what you want the more you will come up empty handed, or you will always be wanting for more, or you will simply be chasing what you want which either eludes you or is a lot of work to hold on to. If you try to open the door of abundance with your hand you may succeed in inching it open a bit by force but as soon as you let go, it closes again. If you spend your energy to “get” things, you will find they tend to run away from you because getting is a mentality of lacking and the vibration of lacking closes the door of abundance. To open the doors of abundance, you must acknowledge that there is abundance and connect with the abundance within you. You are an extension of the unbounded field of energy and you have the power to bring it into any form you desire with your vibration. Knowing this will keep you in a state of high vibration because you will be at peace that there is always enough or more than enough.

  See the abundance in your life even if it’s seeing the rocks on the beach, the stars in the sky, the air you breathe, the water you use; anything that you experience with your five senses that represents abundance. Abundance is all around us, acknowledge it, feel it, and love it. Love what you have, love what others have and love them for having it, unconditionally. What you deny others, even in your mind (envy or jealousy for example), you close the door of abundance in your life, not theirs. Where you judge others you are really denying and judging yourself and closing the doors of abundance in your life. The reason is that a judgment in your conscious mind registers as an impression of lack on your subconscious mind. You are denying yourself when you judge others (or judge yourself). Whether you are judging something in the moment, or you are having a conversation with yourself in your imagination, they have the same effect – they deposit a vibration in your subconscious mind. Every thought-emotion you choose is a vibration impression on your subconscious mind; whether it is about you or someone else does not matter. So, no matter what another is doing or how they are doing it, find some way to create a positive feeling about it and if you won’t, then take your mind off of it altogether and put it somewhere that will take you to a feeling of abundance. This goes for self-talk as well.

  It is critical for you to realize that whatever impression you give to your subconscious mind, it takes it as being about you, no matter where it comes from or why. You could say that your neighbour does not deserve such a nice house; however, when you make that choice, what is really happening is this; your subconscious records the vibration that you do not deserve a nice house. This has the effect of setting you up with a circumstance that resembles that judgment in some way. It keeps abundance away from you. It keeps you from attracting what you want because you are directing your attention to what you don’t want (as far as the subconscious mind in concerned). You could be envious about a loving relationship that your friend has. If you do, you are essentially telling the universe that you do not want one. The reason is that the vibration of envy is low and it represents ‘I do not have’. When you vibrate at ‘I do not have’, ‘you do not attract’ what you want, you attract more of what you are lacking.

  You see when you are unaware of how these laws of nature work; you are going to be unaware of why you attract lack into your life. And when lack shows up, you simply feel “bad” about it or strike out in some negative way. Either way, those choices simply attract more of it and you stay stuck in lack, never understanding why. When a situation comes your way and you choose a judgment vibration like, “it’s unfair”, “this has nothing to do with me” or “I don’t deserve this”, the truth is, it has everything to do with you. It is so very important to understand this law of cause and effect because if you only buy into the effect without consideration for the vibrational cause, you just set yourself up for more of those effects. So know that the universe is infinite abundance, and that no matter how many people have or do a thing, you to can have or do that thing, but only if you use the conscious mind to impress abundance on the subconscious mind no matter what is going on around you. When you do this, you align your conscious and subconscious with your source self and abundance flows. Also remember, there is not one pie with only so many pieces. There are endless pies with endless pieces. We live in an unlimited universe of energy.

  One key to remaining in a high vibration is simply acknowledging the abundance that you are and the abundance that surrounds you and then get into the feeling of it. This, along with the other elements of a high vibration in this Module, is what will support your seeds of desire to manifest. To put it another way, you are opening the doors to your desires.

  See the article “The Truth of Abundance” on my website, read it often until this truth becomes your truth.

  Exercise 1 of 3 – Acknowledging the abundance in your life

  Mind Mastery Area 1

  For the next 7 days, each day, list 3 or more things that represent abundance in your life.

  Exercise 2 of 3 – Understanding how you are closing the doors of abundance.

Mind Mastery Area 3

  For the next 7 days, each day, record how many times that you shut the door of abundance by thinking one or more of the following:

  1)If I don’t get (fill in the blank) someone else will get it.

  2)They don’t deserve that (judging)

  3)Feeling envious or jealous of what another has

  4)I got to get it before someone else gets it.

  5)If I don’t get it now I will never get it (time is running out)

  6)How am I going to pay for this or where is the money going to come from

  7)I could never do that for myself

  Or if there is another question that comes to your mind write it down.

  What you are aiming for in this exercise, is to continually decrease the amount of times you are closing the doors to abundance until you simply stop doing it. Changing your vibration has to do with becoming more aware of what you are thinking and how you are thinking about it. Greater awareness will give you insight to make new choices. That is the root of what is necessary for you to start attracting more of what you want.

  Awareness is everything. Once you take notice that you are engaging in lack based thinking, you can change to different thoughts that support abundance versus self sabotaging thoughts. This, over time, will form a new belief that is based in truth and therefore in alignment with your source self. When this happens the doors of abundance will open.

  Exercise 3 of 3 - Keeping the doors of abundance open

  Mind Mastery Area 3

  For each thought that you come up with in exercise 2, write a new statement or question that supports your connection with the abundance in your life and your attraction of it.


  Current thought - I better get this before it’s all gone

  New thought - I have access to an unlimited supply and can get what I want when I want

  Let’s take care of our business “in here” and leave the business of others and the unwanted affairs of the world alone. Minding other people’s business and unwanted affairs is almost certainly going to shut your doors to abundance and that is not the result you are looking for. The consequences for putting your focus on what is going on “out there” are significant. Keep your focus on abundant thoughts within; that is the only way to open your doors to abundance.

  Although I mention 7 days for these exercises, you will want to carry on with them, on a daily basis, until you make them a habit. Be consistent; remember repetition is the key to forming a new pattern of thinking. Until you form the new habit, the old habit will remain in effect. Once you make the new thought a habit it will take no mental energy, but until you do, it could take considerable focused mental energy on any given day, and you will find, as your life starts to change, it is well worth the effort.


  1)Is abundance something you need to achieve or earn or is it a right you are born with? Why?

  2)What do you need to do each day to realize that abundance is the truth of life?

  3)What are the consequences of not realizing abundance is the truth of life?

  4)How do we open the door to our abundant nature?

  5)How do we close the door to our abundant nature?

  6)What are some ways that nature shows us how abundant we are?

  7)What are some example behaviors that close the doors of abundance?

  8)If you are talking negatively about another, whether outwardly with words or in a conversation in your head, what is the message that your subconscious mind receives and why is that important to know?

  9)What is the price we pay for minding other peoples business or getting emotionally entangled with the negative affairs of the world?

  10)How many consecutive days is it necessary for you to carry on connecting with the truth of abundance and your right to abundance?


  Week 7

  Fertilizing the Soil - The High Vibration of Gratitude and Thankfulness

  To be grateful and thankful is a thought-feeling of “having” NOW. The feeling of NOW deposits an immediate impression in your subconscious mind. This sets the attraction process in motion to bring what you are grateful and thankful for. Today, be unconditionally thankful and grateful for everything you have (no matter what size), for every desire that you hold in your mind, and for everything that others have. In each case of being thankful you are really impressing on your subconscious mind that you have it. Remember the subconscious mind does not know if what you are impressing on it is the result of what you are holding in your hand, what your neighbour is holding in their hand or what you are holding in your imagination. It just registers the thought-feeling as a vibration.

  Did you realize that gratitude and thankfulness have so much to do with the good that flows or does not flow into your life? I can hear you now, “how can I be authentically thankful for something that I do not have”. If that is the way you think, you must absolutely get to a point where you trust the law of vibration, and that is believing before seeing. It means understanding that whatever you set your vibration to will cause the manifestation of that vibration in your life. The only way to do that is through study and understanding of this program and all references. You must get to an understanding that everything is energy and like energies attract. Remember to visit my article on my website called “The Missing Pieces” any time you are wavering on natures law of cause and effect. In addition to this basic understanding, you will also want to practice the following three points to maintain a high vibration. These points have the effect of incubating your desire until it manifests in your life.

  •You must find something good about a situation (knowing that there always is). It may mean you have to look at it differently but you can always find something good. By default everything is good because at the very least it is giving you feedback about YOUR vibration. When you see it like this, then you are thankful for the insight and opportunity to change your vibration to one that will attract what you want.

  •You must be able to deal with that situation without getting negatively emotionally involved

  •You must shift your mind to a thought>feeling>image that feels good, essentially ignoring appearances. This will either reinforce the attraction of the desires you have or reduce resistance so they can show up in your life.

  These three things will help you stay in a place of peace and gratitude for all that is and all that you know is coming.

  For example, if you want a better car don’t criticize the one you have. If you do, you are depositing a low vibration into your subconscious which essentially says “I want to have this kind of car I already have (but don’t like)”. You simply attract what you focus on. If I say “don’t think about a pink elephant”, what picture is now in your mind? The point here is that instead of talking about what you don’t like, find something that you can say about your car or anything else that demonstrates gratitude. For example you could say, “I love the comfortable seats or it gives a smooth ride or I like the color”. Maybe something general like, “it has been a good car or I appreciate having a car”. You have to know that you can always find something that makes you feel good. In addition to finding something to feel good about ‘what is’, hold the image of the car you want or the thing you want, I mean really want. Then get the feeling of gratitude as though you are using it NOW. In the example of the car, get right down to the detail of looking out over the hood as you drive down the street. We will get more into setting up the image later but for now, that state of gratitude is going to help open the doors so you can take delivery. It’s also equally important that you view what others have in a grateful way. The more you feel the gratitude for what they have, despite anything else about them; the more it opens the doors for you. If you can’t find it in yourself to have that gratitude for what others have, t
hen by all means stay away from thinking about them at all. Otherwise if you choose a low thought-emotion, it affects your life, not theirs. It closes the doors for any of your desires to be delivered to you.

  When you think about it, what a beautiful law nature has setup. The law of vibration allows us to reward ourselves simply for feeling the gratitude for all things in our world. It inspires us to feel good about the good things that everyone has and does. Of course it works both ways. If we are feeling a lack of gratitude, we cause ourselves to do without. It’s really amazing; we have been given innate inspiration and motivation to be kind to our self and our fellow humans. If only we knew about this in our early education!

  So whether it’s your job, relationship, your health situation or any other situation, find something to be grateful for. It is part of the formula for moving you to a place that you would enjoy more. See the inspiration on my website at http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=403 called “Patience – The Road to Your Dreams” for further understanding of the impact that being grateful has for wherever you are in life.

  Let’s take another example. If someone behaves in a certain way that you don’t like and you choose a thought that produces a feeling of irritation, what you are really choosing is to have more of that type of energy in your life. This is the critical point for you to find something that you can be thankful for in the situation and avoid the low vibration emotion. The thought-feeling frequency of irritation that you feel in the moment goes into your subconscious mind which starts attracting a situation that equals that vibration, thus more irritation. Such a situation can pop up from anywhere, and you can be sure it will come. Of course, without this knowledge, you won’t see the connection between what you are depositing into your subconscious mind and what you are experiencing in your life. With this knowledge, you can now turn away, stand back from the situation and see it for what it is, an attraction from the vibration in YOUR subconscious mind. If nothing else you can find thanks for getting a message about what you are attracting. With this awareness, you can make a new choice to stop the negative reaction cycle and respond with a vibration (feeling) that will attract more of what you want. I want to be clear, if someone has unacceptable behaviour, you don’t have to be their door mat, you just don’t need to get emotionally involved. Stay in neutral and deal with it on the outside while you set a vibration of gratitude on the inside. If you continue to set the high vibration, you will find those low vibration irritation situations will fade away. Remember, how people treat you is their Karma, how you respond is yours!


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