Now you have the awareness to decide what means more to you, basking in a negative feeling like irritation (attracting more of it) or depositing higher vibrations, fertilizing your soil and opening the door to your desires. If a pipe breaks in your house, are you going to freak out or deal with it and be grateful you have a house? Freaking out will attract more house repairs or car repairs or something that represents that freak out energy, whereas being grateful for your house will open the door for good to be returned to you. Deal with the plumbing; just don’t allow it to put you in a low vibration. The breaking of that pipe was no accident. You have to accept that you attracted it, so get the message, shift your vibration and cause a smoother ride in your life. Remember every thought-feeling you choose goes into your subconscious which then starts the attraction process. High frequency or low frequency energy (emotions), the choice is yours, and therefore, so is the result. So how are you going to deal with the business deal that falls through, the insult that was just thrown at you, the interest rates going up, the ending of a relationship, the job that just came to an end, the team that no longer wants you, the speech that just flopped, the plane that just got canceled taking you on your long awaited trip, you name it? What are you going to do in your inner world? Are you going to select energy that will feed the recurrence of those things or start a new trend, a trend where those things are replaced with what you would have wanted to happen?
Planting the seeds of your desires, as you will see in the upcoming exercises is really quite easy. It’s keeping the soil in great shape for growing (high vibration) that tends to be more of the challenge given the beliefs and related habitual thinking patterns we all have been unknowingly taught. Our faulty beliefs can cause our mental muscles of gratitude and thankfulness to become a bit weak, and therefore, we are not using them to their full capacity. Like any muscle that has not been used much, it simply takes time to get it back in shape. This is a good way to look at the process you are doing here. Day by day, little by little, as you do the work it will change what you deposit into your subconscious mind and that has to change your experience; it is a law of nature. Be patient and know that any program that is going to help you will take some time to build the foundation and get long term results. It took time to build your faulty beliefs to get you where you are today. Learning the truth of abundance and practicing gratitude are key high vibration foundational pieces for long term changes and taking charge of your life. Without having these muscles in top shape, it will affect your ability to use the law of vibration for your good. Living a life of gratitude is much more than a casual thank you here and there as has been pointed out in this section. True gratitude and thankfulness requires you to really look around you and within you and extend good thoughts to others and yourself at all times. It requires you to think about what you think about. This can be the most challenging work you will ever do but it gets easier over time as it becomes a habit. Like many things we learn, as we do it over and over we don’t have to think about it after a while, it becomes a habit, a natural response.
The following four exercises will help strengthen your muscle of gratitude and thankfulness.
Exercise 1 of 4 – Acknowledging what you have to be grateful for
Mind Mastery Area 3
For the next 7 days, document every day, on paper or in a journal, the following:
Identify at least 3 things that you have to be grateful and thankful for. It does not have to be big and flashy. If you ever had something and then lost the use of it for a while … do you remember how happy you were to have it back, how thankful? Something as simple as your sink not working, wasn’t it great to have it back, didn’t you appreciate it? How about your toothbrush, how great a thing is a toothbrush. Be thankful for what seem like the small things. That vibration of gratitude is the same no matter if it is because of a new house or new pair of socks. You could also start a thankful bank and deposit one item a day on a small piece of paper.
Exercise 2 of 4 – Turning the unwanted into the wanted.
Mind Mastery Area 3
Identify at least 1 person in your life that has some behaviour that you find unpleasant in some way; something that you wish would go away. Each day think about what is in your vibration that is attracting that behaviour. What does their behaviour represent to you? Look for the good and how they are helping you. Remember to detach from getting negatively involved. Also think about what may be going on for them. Can you reach out and help? Maybe they are not open or ready for that which is OK but the feeling in you of compassion is much higher than irritation or anger. Choose a winning vibration
Identify at least 1 situation in your life that has some aspect that you find unpleasant in some way; something that you wish would go away. Each day think about what is in your vibration that is attracting that situation. Look for the good and how that situation is helping you. Also, there may be something going on that if you looked from a different perspective you could be helpful. Regardless, the feeling in you of understanding and helpfulness is much higher than irritation or anger. Choose a winning vibration.
Remember what you focus on expands and attracts / repeats – if you get emotionally involved in the downside, you get more of it, if you focus on the upside you get more of that. This is where you can use your work from Module 1, go to your “Feels Good” list, your “Success List”, your “Good Qualities List”, your affirmations, the things that you do want and the things you decided upon. They will get you refocused quickly on a high vibration.
Exercise 3 of 4 – Changing negative reactions into positive responses
Mind Mastery Area 3
Identify the situations / people that hook you into a negative reaction or a negative / low feeling. Along with recording the situation and reaction, also record what other choices were available in that moment and identify one that would get you more of what you do want, one that would put you in a higher emotional state. You do not need to dwell on these situations that you identify or make them long and elaborate, just enough to know what it is. Remember awareness is the starting point of change. This exercise is especially helpful to make you are aware of recurring reactions. Once you are aware of a recurring reaction to a situation, then you can choose to focus on a new higher vibration response. This will cause a change in the vibration sent to your subconscious and that situation you don’t like can no longer be attracted to you. As you go through this program you will learn to change reactions to “stop and think” responses. Then you will graduate to “pause and respond” and this will turn into a habit of responding positively. Once you achieve that, you are well on your way to mastering your mind and attracting the life you dream of.
Exercise 4 of 4 – Tracking your effectiveness to turn from a negative feeling to a positive
Mind Mastery Area 3
At the end of each day; rate your satisfaction level in general from 1 to 10 on choosing positive responses rather than a negative reaction. 10 means you always picked positive and 1 means you always allowed yourself to be hooked into negative. I recommend that you have a satisfaction level of 8 or more out of 10 for 7 consecutive days before you consider this exercise complete. Your success in achieving this is necessary for you to attract your desires. The reason is, that to have low satisfaction in this exercise means your vibration is low and that causes resistance to attract what you want. To put it in the context of growing crops, low satisfaction in this exercise means that your soil is not in good shape for growing seeds and they will not grow as desired. Once you get high result in his exercise for 7 consecutive days, that will tell you that you are getting good nutrients into that soil and your seeds of desire are ready for growing.
Although I have indicated to carry these exercises on for 7 days, you will want to carry on with them for as long as it takes to make them a high vibration habit. Until it becomes a habit you are always at risk of the old habit t
aking over. Once you make it a habit it will take no mental energy but until you do it could take focused mental energy on any given day.
1)What is the feeling that gratitude and thankfulness inspires and why is that important?
2)When you are feeling lack of gratitude, what are 3 things you can do to get it back?
3)If you can’t find something good in a situation, why is it important to turn away from thinking about it at all?
4)If you are feeling “bad” or without because of what others have, or making little of what others have, who does this affect and how?
5)When you choose feelings like irritation, annoyance, frustration, despair, what is really happening from a vibrational point of view and how does that affect you?
6)Is there a connection between what you experience and why you experience it? What is that connection?
7)When you start making the new higher vibration choice of gratitude, does your life experiences instantly and completely change to reflect that new attitude? Why?
8)Does it take a great deal of money, material wealth and time to express gratitude? Why?
9)If you find yourself slipping into a state of negativity and lacking gratitude, what can you do?
10)What is the value of tracking the choices you make throughout your day?
11)How many days need you practice the attitude of gratitude?
Week 8
Fertilizing the soil – The High Vibration of Doing Your Best
Do all you can and do the best you can in your present circumstances. If your job is to sweep a floor, be the best possible floor sweeper you can; being happy, grateful and appreciative for the broom, the floors to sweep and anything else. You can always find something to be grateful for, it is simply a matter of awareness, perspective and choice.
Doing the best you can is another way to raise your vibration. Even if the job seems menial, you will “feel” better if you do it completely and to the best of your ability. That can leave you with a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment which are both high vibrations. If you rush through it or cut corners, you will not feel satisfied with the result and likely feel you have wasted your time. All of that is a low vibration. Further, in many cases, what you are doing is almost certainly serving someone else in some direct or indirect way. To know that you are contributing to the quality of an experience to others is definitely a high vibration. To realize that not doing your best takes away from the quality of an experience for others and could cause you a low vibration. Remember, “feeling” is a vibration. It is the language of instruction from your conscious mind to your subconscious mind. This should motivate you to make sure the instruction you send is going to support the attraction or allowance of what you desire. Doing your best is an opportunity to do just that.
Similar to the act of giving where we think we have to give something big for it to matter, we sometimes think it is only the big, so called important things that we must do well. This is not true. All things, whatever size, if done with care, gratitude and to our greatest effort, will yield a high vibration. I am not saying to aspire to sweeping floors for the rest of your life unless you truly want to, but you can only grow to your greater dreams by finding the high vibration in your current circumstances, through acceptance, finding the good and being grateful for what is. In this spirit you will be inspired to do your best, knowing it is contributing to what is needed for you to move to your desire. If you are critical of the things you do, of the things you have and use, of the people that you work with and spend time with, then you have just closed the door to abundance and your desires, and you have put the lock on it. You will stay stuck in that space you are criticizing and are not accepting because your vibration is essentially telling your subconscious mind that you want more of it. Keeping your attention on what you don’t like and what is not working is sure to get you more of it. Use your current situation to springboard yourself into your desires. Some way, some how what is going on in your life right now can be used to get you to where you want to be. Acceptance of what is and doing your best where you are now is a key to move to your vision.
The place you are in right now, in any aspect of your life, is because it is a vibrational match to you. If you want to move one or more parts of your life to a place you desire, you will have to shift your vibration to the frequency of the thing desired first. Once you shift your frequency, “things” will happen to put you into a new situation that reflects your new vibration. So doing your best is a very effective way to “vibrationally” outgrow your current circumstances and get into the vibration that will attract what you want. If you use force, look to others to change, wait for good timing or anything in the outer world, you may experience change but it will come at a cost. You can use force in the physical world, which will most likely cause you struggle and strain and not really getting what you want or hard to hold on to if you do, or you can use your power in the vibration world and cause the law of vibration to bring it to you. The choice is yours.
Exercise 1 of 3 – Doing your best monitor
Mind Mastery Area 3
For 7 consecutive days, record on a scale of 1 to 10, how you would rank your day in terms of doing the best you could as defined in this section. Remember, some days you may not have your “A” game and that is OK. If today is a “B” day and that is the best you can do and you feel good about it, that is great. It’s your feeling that is ultimately important, as that is what sets your vibration. If you miss a day, start again; consistency builds the habit.
Remember to use what you have learned about abundance, gratitude and thankfulness; that is, to look beyond appearances so you can find the good and see the bigger picture. This will inspire you to do your best. Generating a vibration that is higher than your current circumstances is the only way to grow out of them. To allow yourself to be drawn into the negativity of things or people who may be around you, or to engage or be tempted by these things such that you choose a low vibration, is to keep you imprisoned in those circumstances. Find the good in everything you do, and do it to the absolute best of your ability. Be grateful for what it is and it will multiply. Again you will want to consistently have an 8 or more out of 10 on the scale to make sure your soil is ready with high vibrations to grow your seeds of desire.
Monitoring your daily choices is invaluable to let you know where you stand with your vibration. Day by day you have the instant feedback that shows you where you stand vibrationally and this will help you to know what to expect for results in your life. Regardless of how things turn out in your life, you should never be surprised because they are simply the manifestation of your chosen vibrations. You are in charge of your life whether you know it or not. What you are learning here is to take charge of your life intentionally. This tracking exercise is as important to your life as is your instrument panel is to driving your car. Imagine the catastrophe of driving a car with no instrument panel. If you are not monitoring your daily choices and vibration you can be creating havoc in your life and not even realize it. Without monitoring, you miss the opportunity and insight to see how your choices are affecting your life. Without that insight, you can never be sure what you need to change in your thinking to get the results you want. Just like you cannot claim to be unaware of how fast you were driving (because you have an instrument panel), you cannot claim to not know why things are happening in your life when you monitor your vibration. With this monitoring exercise and the awareness of how the law of vibration works, you can no longer say you didn’t know you were sabotaging your life. I would highly recommend you use the Daily Vibration Monitor on my website to track your vibration level. It is located at I would also recommend reviewing the article on my website called “Patience – The Road to Your Dreams” in the inspiration section.
Exercise 2 of 3 –
Focusing on what is right, the “What’s Right” list
Mind Mastery Area 3
For the next 7 days, when you get up in the morning or if you find a time of day where things seem to be going wrong and you start focusing on troubles, list three things that are “right” with your life (that are working) and focus on them. This will train your mind to see the good. If you choose to see the good, the bad will vanish. It must because without attention, the vibration that supports the “bad” ceases to exist. Without that vibration of “bad”, there can be no manifestation of it. It’s like you changed the channel, you’re on a different frequency, the “good” channel, and now the only experience you can have is the one equal to that frequency on that channel.
You may be quite surprised with how much is right about your life when you shift your mind to look for it. Once you find it, it will help motivate you to do your best no matter what is going on around you because you know that shifting your thinking to what is right with your life and doing your best are high vibrations and are the very things that will change what you do not want into what you do.
Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony Page 16