Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony
Page 17
To make this exercise even more powerful, you can add the things you find that are right to a list and call it the “What’s right list”. This will be another tool you can use when you have a challenge and may be looking for help to mentally turn it around in the moment. You can consult the list and it will be like a lifeline to pull you up out of any negative energy you may be in.
Exercise 3 of 3 – Why every thing is OK as it is
Mind Mastery Area 3
It is all fine and dandy to say that everything is OK as it is and that everything is as it should be, but why? There will be times when you just don’t feel that everything is OK and really question how your situation ‘is as it should be’ when it does not feel very good. This exercise is vital to help you connect with the real reason that these statements are true. It is in your understanding of why they are true that you will get peace, you can relax, and you know that every thing is OK no matter what is going on.
Over the next 7 days, using what you have covered in the program so far, list as many bullet points or descriptions that you can think of that make everything in any moment OK no matter what is going on. Keep this list as another tool to help you connect with who you are when you are tempted to think otherwise. This will help you keep your mind in a high vibration state and motivate you to do your best. When you know that what you are doing, adds to your life or the life of another, you will want to do your best.
If you need help with this exercise, view my article on my website called “Why everything is OK” at http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=1368.
1)What is more important, the job you are doing, or the way you are doing it? Why?
2)How is it that we keep ourselves imprisoned in a life that we don’t like or want?
3)What will inspire you to do your best?
4)What is the value in the daily tracking of what choices you are making?
5)How does it help you when you focus on what is right about your life?
6)Generally speaking, why is every thing OK?
Week 9
Fertilizing the soil – The High Vibration of Giving, Compassion and Understanding
Think about how nice it feels when you have a thought to give something to someone and you follow through and do it. A high vibration occurs with giving. It doesn’t matter how big or small we give. We sometimes think it has to be a big thing that we give in order to matter, but that is not true. You might be surprised how much you can make someone’s heart sing by the seemingly the smallest of giving. Give something to everyone you come into contact with, even if it’s a smile, a warm thought, a nice compliment. The giving we are talking about here is the sheer joy of giving for no other reason than to recognize, honor or add to another. If you give with the intention that you will get something in return, win favour or something other than the pure unconditional sense of giving you will nullify the high vibration. That type of giving is one of lack and thus produces a low vibration.
In addition to the high vibration that giving generates; it does something else, it sets your vibration at the level of having. Remember what was said about the feeling of having; it is a feeling of gratitude, and gratitude invites more for you to be grateful for. When you give, you may not realize it, but you are in a frame of mind of having. For example, you can’t give a smile if you are feeling sadness. To give a (genuine) smile you have to be “feeling” happy. If you are feeling happy, that means you ARE happy and that vibration goes into your subconscious. Sometimes people “pretend” to be happy and although they can muster a smile, it is not coming from a true place of giving but covering up some other emotion or intent. In this case, the hidden emotion being felt is the one that impresses on the subconscious mind. I will digress here for a moment on an important point. You probably realize that you may be able to hide feelings from others, but you can never hide them from your subconscious. Your subconscious receives the vibration of the feeling you are holding and then goes to work to attract according to that vibration. This is why we really are open books, every aspect about our life tells the whole world about the contents of our subconscious mind. If we are wise, we will look at our circumstances and use them as feedback for the level of our vibration. If we would like different circumstances then we know we must shift our vibration. You can always know what someone is putting, or has put into their subconscious mind, by observing their life story. Look at the people in their life, notice their state of health, their satisfaction in different areas of life, and what they experience. They are not telling you about the world, they are telling you about themselves, their vibrational world. They are telling you about what they believe about life and about themselves. This could also be said in reverse. Look at what is going on in a person’s life and it will tell you about the feelings (vibration) they are choosing.
This concept of giving supports the phrase “Give the thing you want”. If you want love, show love to someone. If you want more respect, give respect. The reason you receive what you give is because in order to show love you must be feeling love and to feel love is to have the vibration of love, and in that vibration you invite love. If you find the word ‘love’ a little abstract, try using the word kindness in its place. Kindness can really help you connect with the feeling of love.
Although what you give to others impacts what returns to you, you must be acutely aware that what you give to YOURSELF also returns to you. If you are disrespectful and / or unkind to yourself, do not be surprised when people show up to return this vibration. If you do not accept yourself, do not be surprised when others show up to let you know this. Also do not be surprised when that voice of self criticism shows up in your head. The vibration you generate from your thought-emotions about yourself can nullify the goodness you put out to others. This can close the door of love, respect, appreciation etc., which you want to receive from others. You will find that the kinder, gentler, more supportive and understanding you are of your self, the more you will have it to give to others and the more you will receive it from others. By now you should realize 1) why it is natural for you to be kind to yourself and 2) why you are not and 3) how to change it. That was all covered in Module 1, so if you are finding you still have the negative voice in your head it would be very beneficial for you to revisit that material as often as needed until you have the kind voice of your source self consuming your mind.
Your experience in life really is about the conversations that go on inside of your own mind. Those conversations are highly influenced by your level of self love, self acceptance, self worth and self image; your belief in who you are. The reality is, your subconscious only registers the thought-emotions you hold in your mind, it does not evaluate why or who was involved, therefore, the only person that your subconscious mind knows exists is you. This is a very good reason to think good things about yourself and every one else, it really is for your own benefit in terms of the quality of life you attract.
Here is another example of how giving helps you. If you want money, spend some. Spending only a very small amount can fill you with the vibration that you have, and in the having you open the door to receiving. Again, be aware that when you spend, you must have that feeling of having. If you spend with an uneasy feeling that you shouldn’t be for some reason (guilty or undeserving) then you nullify your vibration of spending (giving money) and close the door for it to flow to you. When you authentically give the thing you want, you are in the vibration of having it and that produces the attraction of that thing you want. You never have to think about getting when living the law of vibration. The law inherently takes care of it. In fact if you focus on getting, you will be chasing things for a very long time. If you apply enough force you may get them, but to hold on to them will be a challenge. Why? If you focus on getting, what are you really feeling? Since the underlying thought is “I DON’T HAV
E”, you are feeling lack, not enough. In transmitting that vibration to your subconscious, the doors to abundance close. Essentially, the universe captures the vibration of getting as “you don’t want it”, at least not at this moment.
To be very clear about why we do not have to concern our self with getting, know this, reality is in the mind. The images you embrace in the mind are reality; their manifestation is simply the physical representation of it just like the movie on a screen is the representation of the contents of the DVD. Although you experience the movie on the screen, its existence is really on the DVD in a format that you can’t physically experience. It has to manifest in order to be experienced. Same thing with the contents in the subconscious mind. It is where the vibrational encoding of your life is; to experience this vibrational encoding it manifests as our life experience. Since in the world of mind, you have access to an unlimited supply of universal energy, you can ‘see’ any form you like. You can take ownership of anything in a moment, and when you do, that’s when you have it. To take ownership is to be grateful, excited and at peace with the knowing that it is yours. When you hold it now with emotion, you are giving your request to the universe, you are on a vibrational match with it and the manifestation of it is in process. This is why it is so important to know what you want, be in touch with your true desires and trust the process. It’s easy to hold a desire with emotion, in your mind, when it naturally appeals to you, when you are naturally excited and enthusiastic about it, it takes no concentration. When you combine this with trust in the law of vibration (the process of attraction) then you experience the manifestation of it. To trust the process is to know that by holding the desire with emotion and expectancy, it is yours now, and to know it is yours now is to be grateful, excited and at peace. When you realize this, it is then easy to accept the physical world as it is because you know that by giving your attention to your desires, you can change anything. Conversely, if you do not accept what is, you are giving what you don’t accept attention and it is the thing that manifests over and over. To take this concept one step further, let’s say you have a car, do you think about getting a car, no, you are simply grateful and appreciative that you have a car. That is the level of gratitude that allows your desire to come into your experience; the feeling is that you already have it, an all out knowing, this avoids any feelings of not having it (which will keep it away).
In terms of giving, remember, it’s what YOU feel, that determines the vibration deposited into your subconscious mind. So, if you give a smile to another, it does not matter if they frown back. I think you will find most times it turns a frown into a smile, but no matter, it is your choice to feel the positive and to send it out. At the very least you are fertilizing your soil and you are sending out a positive vibe to the collective consciousness for all to benefit from. If ever a negative energy comes back when you send out a positive, side step it and hold your high vibration.
Giving is very tightly entwined with living your purpose. You will find that giving comes much more easily and naturally when you are following your heart. Purpose will be covered in the upcoming weeks and you will notice the relationship it has with giving. In fact all that you are learning is very interconnected to really living a high vibration life and attracting what you want, so take notice week by week how all of these elements work together. Any one of them alone could help you out but you really need to embrace all of them to reach that high level of satisfaction and balance in your life.
I do want to bring acute attention to the fact that your subconscious will never allow you to receive more than you feel you are worth so if you find you are giving and not receiving, self worth is definitely a place to pay special attention to. It is paramount that you see yourself as a child of the universe, deserving of all the best of life. You have seen in the program in several places where this is talked about and this theme will continue in the remainder of the program. I can not stress enough how vital this is to your success in life. Really internalizing the documents “The Truth of Abundance”, “Why Everything is OK” and “The Missing Pieces” on my website is what you will want to do if you find your self image needs to be brought back in alignment with who you really are.
In every situation possible, you want to leave people feeling great about themselves and feeling great because they spent time with you and being in your presence. Leave them with the feeling that they are glad to have been in your company, which you, in someway enhanced their day through your positive energy. It does not mean that everyone will receive your intention but the important thing for you is that no matter what goes on in the world around you, you keep your mind busy with high vibration thought-emotions, and look to influence your world through your vibration. Remember, the subconscious is constantly picking up your vibration and matching you to circumstances that equal it.
Compassion and Understanding
Generally speaking, we do not live our life in isolation. Through our education, family, friends, work, community etc, we spend a great amount of time interacting with others. In these interactions, much of the time we measure and interpret what we hear from others against our own beliefs about life. For the most part we tend to think that what we believe is the way things are and therefore often discount, ignore, dismiss or challenge others on what they say. When people have common beliefs about a topic, the conversation tends to go very cordially but when beliefs differ about a topic it often results in some degree of one person attempting to convince the other that their information is correct. In other words, there is a great deal of attention given to what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is bad, why one thing is better than or worse than another. This of course leads to arguments and disagreements of all sorts, to fight or flight reactions, to damaged and broken relationships, quitting jobs, hurt feelings, and generally, taking things personally, especially when one person casts judgments on another or lays blame on them because of what was said or because of a behavior.
These types of interactions occur, because at an early age, we tend to develop beliefs about how life is to be lived and how we are to conduct our self. After having accepted these beliefs, we tend to close our mind to any other perspective about how life can be lived and how we can conduct our self. This essentially places us in a “reality bubble” that we live inside of for the remainder of our life. The reason we stay stuck in that bubble is because our beliefs are what cause the circumstances in our life to be attracted to us. When we attract the circumstances, we take them as proof that our beliefs are correct and that reinforces those beliefs which then attracts the same circumstances all over again. You can see the self reinforcing cycle that happens. We don’t realize our life is a self fulfilling prophesy.
The beliefs we take on of course are without the knowledge and understanding of the truths and laws that govern all of the universe. For this reason the beliefs we have about our self and life have to be faulty at least to some degree. The faulty beliefs are almost always based in scarcity, limitation and not enoughness. This is what essentially positions us with this one dimensional perspective on life and closes our mind to it. This is what then has us fighting for and defending our point of view – even at our own peril and the peril of others.
It is these faulty beliefs that lead us to very low vibration interactions with others where the emotional fall out from disagreements and differences in beliefs can be anywhere from mild to severely damaging. In fact, these disagreements can and have often throughout history escalated all the way to wars.
You now know that low vibration anything will not get you where you want your life to be, so these faulty belief based interactions that breed a right / wrong, good / bad approach to communication and life in general needs to shift. But where do we go to make this shift, how do we make this shift. What if instead of measuring things as right or wrong and good or bad that we measure things in terms of how we feel? What if we could accept that others could th
ink differently from us and do things differently than us but yet in their way find happiness, joy and peace? Do we need them to agree with us? Do we need to be right? Can we be OK for them to live joy in the ways that work for them? I propose that this is possible and to achieve this we need only look to compassion, empathy and understanding.
If we understand that there is more than one perspective on any given topic, it will open our mind to be more accepting of the perspective of others, knowing that as our perspective can work for us, that theirs can work for them. That there is not only one road that represents happiness; there are infinite roads that represent happiness. Further, what if instead of taking things personally we paused and looked to understand the other? Even when they come at us with a seemingly unpleasant attitude and words. What if we first look to understand what is behind their attitude and words? What if we duck and let the unwanted go by? What if our first response was one of compassion or empathy? What difference would that make? In the end, even if they are not willing to move from their position of a low vibration or accept your offer to help them up to a high vibration, you have the option of remaining in a high vibration. You always have that option. You do not need to prove your point, put people down, judge them and basically throw gas on the fire. In fact, when you do this, you are only choosing to reduce your own vibration and cause yourself to attract things you don’t want. You are diverting your attention to low vibration thinking.
In order to take on this attitude of compassion, understanding and empathy, you really need to understand who you truly are. When you have the mindset of unlimited abundance and the knowledge and know how to transform energy into any form you desire, then you are free to extend these qualities. But when you are operating from scarcity, lack and limitation it can be a challenge to extend yourself when you think that giving to another may leave you without. It can be a challenge to have an open mind when you think to do so means you could be wrong or bad or less than. It can be demoralizing to think that someone is smarter or better or faster than you. The thinking may be that if that is the case then you are replaceable by that person or simply again, not good enough. The truth is that we are all unique and every one of us has a unique purpose and reason for being here. And we all have access to an infinite supply. No one can take what you desire to be, to do or to have. Your ability to achieve your desires and what you want to be, to do or to have has nothing to do with anyone else, it only has to do with your willingness to learn about who you are as a human being and use your innate abilities to achieve those desires.