Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony

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Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony Page 22

by Brian Withers

  Think of being off purpose like this. It’s like being born a bear, but getting trained into thinking we are an elephant or maybe worse not knowing what animal we are at all. We try to live the elephant life or blend in with whatever herd we think we will fit. No matter what we do though, it just doesn’t totally work and it does not feel right. We find our self in places that just doesn’t give us that feeling of fulfillment. Maybe it’s the career, where you live, your social life, your fitness and activities and yes maybe even the relationships. It just depends on how far you are out of alignment with your source self. Think about it, if we are really not in tune with our true identity, how much in our world reflects who we really are. The fact is, to the degree that we have taken on a false or distorted identity, the people and things in our world will reflect this. To put it another way, to the degree that we have a distorted self identity, this is going to cause at least some things in our life not to fit and we are going to feel the dissatisfaction of that. When there is a misalignment with our source, many things about our life experience tell us all about it. Take a look at your life, you be the judge, how are things fitting? Sure we have little victories, good days at work, our days off, and our hobbies, etc. but how much time do we spend feeling dissatisfied, at odds with others, off course and out of balance.

  When we live somewhat disconnected from our purpose and source identity it closes the door to all forms of abundance proportionate to how far out of alignment we are. When we are living a life that is, in at least some ways, denying the things we are excited about, our enthusiasm and creativity is going to be decreased. This causes us to feel low vibration emotions such as apathy, hopelessness, frustration etc and abundance is only present at a high vibration frequency. We have to feel the high vibration emotions of happiness, peace, joy and gratitude on the inside to get to the frequency of abundance and experience it on the outside. The abundance channel is a high vibration. Living in a way that does not suit our identity is like shoving a square peg into a round hole. Is it any wonder why we just can’t get our life in balance? No matter how hard we work, how pleasant and kind we are, things just don’t feel good inside and this affects our sense of fulfillment. Really think about this. If you are getting up and spending the majority of the day feeling “bad” in some way about what you do, what you have, where you are, who you spend your time with or how you feel about yourself, that is a tremendous amount of negative emotional energy going into your subconscious. That energy is then returned to you, through the law of vibration, in your life circumstances and your body.

  Essentially the further you move away from living your true identity the more discomfort you will experience, and the closer you get the better your life experience. It’s just like putting your hand near a fire, the closer you get, the more discomfort, and as you pull it away, you feel more comfort. Just as nature instilled your sense of touch to protect your body, it gave you emotions to protect you from straying from who you really are. A negative feeling to the mind is like fire to the hand. In both cases nature is telling you that you need to pay attention and change something. What is important to realize is that where your body will instantly give you feedback when you expose it to something that will damage it, there is a delay between the time of holding negative emotions and that energy manifesting into a dissatisfying life experience or health issue. For this reason we don’t associate how we feel with what we experience or that it relates to our alignment. When we feel negative emotions, rather than understanding what they are telling us in terms of living out of alignment with our source self, we tend to focus on the negative circumstances which cause us to keep attracting them. We do this because there is some type of fear that prevents us from moving to the life we truly want to live and because of our unknowing about how to effectively change our circumstances. Instead of shifting our vibration, we try to figure out the circumstance, that is, why we were treated in a certain way, getting someone else to change, moving to a new location, a new home, changing jobs, changing our hair style, our wardrobe or something in the attempt to “feel” good. We may use substances or behaviors to fill the void of our lack of enjoyment. The simple fact is that we can’t fix the pain (by working with the pain); we can’t change people (by telling them to change) and nothing on the outside will change our vibration, only our thought about what is outside can change our vibration. We can run but we cannot hide from our vibration. The only way to change our life circumstances is to change our vibration and that happens on the inside by living in alignment with who we really are.

  When we look to others or things for our happiness, whether job, relationship, money, we are simply out of alignment and we will definitely experience low vibration emotions and the related circumstances they attract.

  The Heath Effect of Living out of Alignment

  What happens over time as we persist in living our life out of alignment and therefore in a low vibration, is the level of dissatisfaction in our life increases. If we do not recognize this and allow it to continue, that is when our health and wellness start to deteriorate. This is nature’s way of ramping up the message that we are out of alignment. Nature of course will not allow us to stay out of alignment as it needs us to play our part in the symphony of humanity. So, although we don’t realize we are doing things to cause our misalignment and we don’t realize the impact of holding low vibration emotions, never-the-less we cause a ramping up of the discomfort in our health because our low vibrations drive us further out of alignment and attract circumstances of an equally low vibration. This is the damage we cause our self because we do not understand how powerful we are, how to use our power and the functioning of the law of vibration. The ramping up of dissatisfaction and pain in our life will continue until we either start moving towards alignment or our body stops functioning – death of the body. Of course at that moment when you move from physical to non physical, you return to the pure state of your source self. One way or another nature helps you to get back to source alignment, either you will decide to do so in your physical body or you will do so by causing death to your body because of your defiance (intentional) or ignorance (unintentional) to move back towards alignment.

  Pain in your body is like what happens when you hit the wake up bumps on the side of highways. If you fall asleep while driving your car and start to veer off of the road, the wake up bumps give you instant feedback to wake you up so you get back on the road instead of crashing. This is the same thing your body is doing for you to help you get back to your true identify and purpose before your life crashes. Your body does not need to be fixed, it needs you to fix your alignment with your source self.

  Because of our faulty beliefs, when our body does give us pain or discomfort, instead of looking at what we need to do to get back into alignment, we use things like surgery and drugs to suppress what the body is telling us. How totally absurd it is to “fix” the body. It’s like cutting the wires to the smoke detector alarm as a solution to stopping it rather than finding the reason that set the alarm off in the first place, and fixing it. Any man made solution does not work unless it, in some way, inspires a change in the way we see life or our self that in turn causes us to shift our vibration. Sometimes we need to engage short term outside remedies to help us but they should always be viewed as such while we change the cause. In fact each prescription drug container should say “for temporary use until you shift your vibration”.

  If anyone is serious about correcting a health issue they really need to work at it from the perspective of vibration and alignment. Once we know and trust who we really are, it inspires us to make choices about how we will spend our days in a way that will give us high vibration thoughts and feelings. This moves us back into alignment, and a natural consequence of being in alignment is health because at source we are healthy. It is only the choice of denying our self the expression of our purpose that takes us to a low vibration that in turn interferes with our health. If you think
about your body pain and discomfort as an alarm system, once you feel good the alarm no longer needs to sound. It only sounds when you are thinking thoughts that cause you to feel low vibration emotions, and the only reason you have those low vibration emotions is because you are denying yourself the thoughts that are in alignment with your source self, the thoughts that will produce the feelings that will attract to you, the life you came here to live.

  Returning to the Natural Unfolding of Life – Self Alignment

  All the while we are living this “man made”, “not sure where I fit”, “who I really am” life, our source self continues to call us back to our natural path and expression through little pockets of excitement, day dreams, wishing for something better. Depending on how far off path we are and how many faulty beliefs we are buried under, we may or may not be aware of these callings. Another way to tune into your source calling you is to take stock of yourself. You will find you have strengths, talents, urges and desires that all point to this calling. The statement “follow your heart” is really a statement that describes the urges you feel as a result of your source wanting to express a purpose through your physical life. Having the faith and trust to flow with these natural “callings” is when we really start to experience the fullness of life. However, if we do not have faith and trust to flow with what is calling us, we will experience low vibration emotions. This is due to the dissatisfaction of living a life we don’t feel at peace with, and this causes an increasing attraction of what we don’t want and what does not feel good.

  Once you do start living your purpose, that is, using your gifts and talents to express your passions, you are going to have a natural feeling of joy (alignment) but until you do, you are going to feel some level of dissatisfaction, stress and lack of balance. You must realize that you can never work hard enough or long enough at anything to compensate for living out of alignment and the unhealthy feelings that come about because of it. Uneasy feelings are your signal that you are out of alignment and the only thing you really need to know is that it is time to get back into alignment. To do so, you simply need to fan that flame of passion within you by identifying what it is and then, no matter where you are in life, find a way to feel good and move towards it. In feeling good you will raise your vibration to the frequency of what excites you and you will find “things” happening to move you towards it. Module 2 helped you with several ways to feel good, in this module we will continue to work on that. We will also be working on fanning that flame within you.

  The true test that you are living in alignment is not only that you are fulfilled, but that you are serving others. This is the design of nature to support balance, harmony and increase for all such that there is evolution. That may not be obvious given the way we have treated each other over time but on the other hand, the fact that we have not completely destroyed our selves, and the quality of life is slowly increasing over time supports this notion. With this in mind, others need you to live your purpose so they can be served in the ways they want and need. You need others to live their purpose so you can be served in the ways you want and need. In a world where we live in alignment, everyone is feeling fulfilled, serving one another, living with a high vibration and enjoying abundance in all of its forms. This is nature’s formula, and it has the law of vibration in place to support it and to ensure a continuous state of growth in the universe. In other words, construction is natural; destruction is a choice that humans make in the absence of life knowledge. This formula makes sense when you think of it in terms of the symphony orchestra; if a player started playing a different instrument or sat in a different place or played an out of tune instrument or played a different piece of music, imbalance in the symphony would result in an unpleasant sound. Imbalance in human life means turmoil in terms of dis-ease, wars, conflicts, economic issues, various dissatisfactions etc. This is counter to the natural impulse of the universe for expression and expansion of life and so the law of vibration motivates us to continuously be aware of our level of alignment through our feelings about what is going on in our life. We feel pleasure when in alignment and pain when out. The pain motivates us to return to alignment and one way or another we will. As indicated previously, we will correct it in our physical presence or we will return to non physical to correct it.

  Can you see how learning the truth about who you really are, the truth about the laws of nature changes your view about how life is to be lived? Can you see how it enables you to stay in alignment with your source self and in alignment with your dreams and desires. Can you see how it enables you to choose the vibration that connects you with all that you want instead of letting the conditions of the outer world set your vibration and give you more of what you do not want. Not knowing the truth about who you are comes at a high price. For example, without the knowledge, we have come to live in a world of competition, feeling the need to “get” things before they run out or someone else “gets” them. It also causes us to compare our self to others, to be better, faster, and stronger but this is all erroneous thinking and nothing to do with nature. Once we have the knowledge, we can know that competition and all that it brings is completely unnecessary. We can live from a creative mode knowing that there is unlimited abundance for all, that everyone is unique and that everyone has a birthright to a fulfilled, peaceful, enjoyable life. All that we really need to be concerned with is knowing what excites us and then, using our gifts and talents, express it.

  It is really vital for you to grasp the truth of who you are because this will diffuse fear; fear cannot exist where there is truth. Fear is a major reason that keeps us from regaining alignment. This is such an important point because so much of our life decisions come out of fear and fear is such a low and therefore damaging vibration. There is no greater certainty than the life that you will experience when you live life in alignment with source and in accordance with the laws of vibration, expression, and increase. Nature supports us infinitely better than any bank, business or anything else. Understanding the laws gives us the trust, faith and confidence in believing in things that we cannot yet see in our physical world. This enables us to forgo the constant effort to make sure we have enough, to secure our position, to lock down our assets. Why would this be necessary in a universe when you can attract what you want, when you want?

  This week we want to take off that costume we have probably been wearing for a long time and emerge as who we really are, get back to our true identity and understand our purpose. We want to get a crystal clear picture that really resonates, I was going to say “with us”, but really it’s the picture that resonates “in us”. What would we be experiencing that would really make our heart sing. What picture do we see our self in? Not one that we really need to be reminded of, or one that someone else thinks we should be in, or one that we are in because of a fear but one that captivates us in the mere thought of it. If you close your eyes and clear your mind of everything and just think, what would my dream world look like and why, who am I, what am I doing and why, who is in my life and why? The why is a self check that you are really feeling this from the inside and not allowing the outside world to lure you into a short term desirable image or one based on a distorted sense of self? What you really want your life to be about can be captured by an image that brings out an all consuming feeling like that of falling in love. Are you in love with your life? What would it take for you to be in love with your life? Your true self and purpose is your treasure, it is your light that you came here to shine and when you do not let it shine, it will affect the quality of your life in various ways and the lives of others as well. It is your first and foremost job to find this treasure, without it, any number of areas of your life will not work, with it, everything can work.

  You can now see how vitally important it is for you to understand the totality of who you are as a human being and your relationship to the universe; the quality of your health, your relationships of all kinds, your family life, you
r career and everything else depends on it. That’s pretty important so let’s get started with this weeks exercise.

  Exercise 1 of 1 – Finding your true identity and purpose

  Mind Mastery Area 1

  Over the next week you will be clearly identifying your purpose and true self. Write down your strengths and talents, and what you can see yourself doing to enjoy using these strengths and talents. Also, how could you use them to serve others. To help with this, write down your values and interests and anything that anyone has ever told you that you are good at or you felt that you are good at. Also anything that others indicated or you felt that you are well suited for, any recurring themes in your life that seem to be a message and a fit for you. If you can remember feeling deflated over something you were excited about or interested in, that could be a sign that something was important to you and emerging (at any age). That could be a sign of something to do with purpose, with expressing your gifts and talents. Use it to your advantage and write that thing down.


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