Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony

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Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony Page 21

by Brian Withers

  As you continue to learn about and practice high vibration thinking, you must always be aware that your old beliefs can interfere with the new positive momentum you are practicing. It will be vital to your progress to keep turning away from any negativity that flares up and you can be sure that from time to time there will be triggers, stimulus that will call on those old faulty beliefs. The more momentum you give to your new thought>feelings (creating new beliefs), the less you will find the old ones flaring up because your lack of attention to them will cause them to lose power. Over time your new high vibration thinking will become dominant and when it does it will become the vibration that causes what is attracted into your life.

  After you complete the program what you will realize is that you have learned a new way of using your mind – one that will attract more of what you do want and less of what you do not want. That being said, like anything new you learn, the more you practice the better you get at it and the easier it is. For this reason, in Week 19 I am giving you a virtual instrument panel to monitor your effectiveness in using your mind. It is similar to an instrument panel in a car where the gauges and lights let you know how effectively you are operating your vehicle and how well your vehicle is operating. By using this monitor system in Week 19, you can see how effective you are in each area of mind mastery and make adjustments when needed before you cause yourself to attract what you don’t want. To help you increase your proficiency in any area of mind mastery, there is a summary at the back of the book that groups all exercises throughout the program into their area of mind mastery. You can use this to help you get focused practice on any area of mind mastery. Further, as you have seen throughout the program, each exercise is identified with the mind mastery area it pertains to. So if you grouped your exercises as recommended you will have a very easy to access mind mastery tool box.

  Essentially, this book is your life time guide to maintaining mind mastery, high vibration and therefore taking charge of your life. If your life is going along exactly as you like, then you must be using your mind effectively, however, if something is not quite as you like, you can use the monitors and exercise groupings to tune up your level of mastery and return to intentionally manifesting the life you desire.


  1)What are the two pieces of knowledge that will give you confidence that you are the creator of your reality?

  2)What is the biggest reason that causes us to attract things into our life that we do not want?

  3)If you plant seeds of any kind in the ground and then forget about them, what can happen? How does this concept lend itself to attracting your desires?

  4)What can you do that allows your desires to manifest most easily?

  5)What is the biggest reason that we do not get out of life what we want?

  6)How is baking a cake similar to attracting your desires into your life?

  7)Why is it important to understand the concept of momentum with respect to what you attract into your life?


  Week 14

  Waking up to Your Purpose and the life you desire – Identifying the type of farm you are running

  This week’s topic is so foundational, in terms of you taking charge of your life, that it has more material than the other weeks. Module 1 started connecting you to the truth about yourself and this week will firm up the foundation of who you really are. As you know, any structure will only be as good as its foundation. A thorough understanding of your foundation will help you to know that if you keep doing the work in this program, keep training the faculties of your mind, you will get the results in your life that you want. Think of your mental faculties as muscles that have not been used in a long time. It takes time to get them back up to speed and then through regular use they will be there to support you.

  As you have read in this program, given our education, it’s virtually impossible for us to really know the truth and totality of who we are as a human being, why we are here on this planet, and the truth about the way life is really supposed to be lived? In Module 1, we started to peal off the layers of faulty beliefs that have caused us to have an erroneous view about who we really are and what human life really is. We also started to open the connection and understanding of who we really are and our relationship with the universe. This week we are really going to focus on completely connecting with the totality of who we are and getting the parts of our total self back into alignment. This means getting our physical self, our conscious and subconscious self in alignment with our source self. Source is the root of our being and being in alignment with source is what will allow you to live the life of health, happiness and harmony that you came here for. The remaining weeks of the program will build on what you have learned so far, giving you the complete know-how in terms of using your innate power to live the life you desire. In other words, you will have all of the knowledge and means to master your mind and therefore take charge of every aspect of your life once and for all. The degree of success that you experience with this program will be directly proportional to the degree that you practice what you are learning.

  The Natural Unfolding of Life – Self Alignment

  If you look at the natural world, you will notice that every living thing innately has the urge to express, evolve, and to seek more life. But this urge is not without order or in isolation; everything must work together for harmony like a well rehearsed symphony orchestra. In order for this to happen, every “thing” must express its uniqueness; humans, being one of those “things”. Think about the symphony orchestra; in order for it to deliver its beautiful music, each person must sit in their seat, with their instrument and play their piece of music; so it is with nature. Each person must use their natural gifts and talents, express their natural urges and passions, and continually allow their creativity to flow in order for there to be harmony in the symphony of humanity. When expressing what we feel great desire to express, we naturally feel good and therefore live in a high vibration. This perpetuates a rewarding and fulfilling life in all ways. When we live a life of expressing what really gets us excited and enthusiastic, it will also cause us to live our greatest purpose, and that is to live in the service of others such that we are all feeding into the growth and joyful experiences of each other. When we all do this, it creates fulfillment and harmony for all – a beautiful symphony of humanity.

  As humans, when we are in tune with our natural urges and we express them in our physical life, this is alignment. To put it another way, when our conscious and subconscious self are in agreement with the qualities and perspective of our source self we are in alignment. You can view a diagram on my website called Self Alignment at http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=1417. This will give you a pictorial insight as to our total self and what it means to be in alignment.

  Having natural urges, passions and desires does not mean that we have a very specific line to follow through life in every aspect; it is simply a direction that allows us the greatest expression of our natural creativity, talents and skills. Our internal driven, heart felt desires, interests and urges are our source self letting our conscious self know what expression will feel most satisfying and pleasant to us. You do of course have free will to work with these dreams and desires in a way that is of benefit to you and every one that you are involved with. Although we do have free will, it is important for us to use it in a way that keeps us connected with our purpose, those things we feel great passion for. This will make sure we keep our vibration high, and this is important, not only for our life, but it also affects everyone through the collective vibration. So this notion of living in alignment with our source self is quite important to the quality of our life and life for all on this planet.

  If you think about the “spirit of life” you are born with, you were ready to start expressing, exploring and discovering right away. You quite quickly learned to crawl, then you learned to walk and wanted to
explore even more, you wanted to experience everything you could get your hands on. Were you told to do this? No, this is the natural course of growing, expanding and expressing the qualities of your source self. This is the very beginning of expressing ones true self and feeling for what interests us, how we will use our gifts and talents that excites us. As we continue to grow, there are “things” that we naturally are interested in, have an aptitude for, have a tendency to and catch our interest. We have a desire to explore and experience these things. This discovery process is the natural way for us to continue throughout life as it allows us to continually express our self and unfold along our natural path, experiencing increasing levels of satisfaction while giving more to others.

  Nature gives us a good example of how easily and effortlessly that life is meant to unfold. If you watch a flower grow and bloom, it simply unfolds without stress or strain, worry or fear, it simply flows to its natural expression. We too can experience this same unfolding, all we have to do is stay in alignment by following our heart.

  The Unnatural Unfolding of Life – Self Misalignment

  Unfortunately, due to the missing pieces of life knowledge as you have read in my article “The Missing Pieces”, we have taken on erroneous, limited and faulty information from the many influences in our life. This faulty information, virtually starting from the day we are born, has taken us away from who we are as a total human being, our innate faculties to direct our life, the laws of the universe that support our success and our reason for being here on this planet. For that reason, we have no concept of what living in alignment means in general, but also what it directly means to the quality of our life.

  In addition to our preschool influences, our school systems also do not teach this life knowledge so unless we seek it we are left to figure out and live life using only a very small part of our total intelligence and abilities. To further compound the damage of the missing and faulty information, our desires to explore the things of interest and excitement are often ignored, minimized or just plain shut down in exchange for what we “should” do or “must” do. Our spirit starts to get put in a box at a very early age of life before we have the knowledge of what is happening. By the time we are old enough to do something about it, for many, the conditioning has such a grip on us that fear keeps us from connecting with who we really are and therefore keeps us away from our true self and our true power to live the life of fulfillment we came here for. It is a paradox of major proportions.

  By age 10 we are well on the way through a one size fits all school system, rigorously taught to conform to our cultures of home, community and country, and relentlessly subjected to the beliefs and behaviors of others that are usually far from helping us identify with who we are. They are simply missing the life knowledge and therefore tend to lead us down a path that is not in alignment with our true nature. This has the effect of causing us misalignment, to some degree, with our source self and purpose, and it loads us up with faulty beliefs about who we are and how life is intended to be lived. By age 18, having all but lost touch with source and emotions as our guidance system, we have virtually lost our inner compass to navigate life. We are not really sure what direction to go and try to figure out the “right” way which is based on all of the faulty beliefs. We surge ahead making decisions and doing things on the basis of what someone else wants us to do, or what we think we should do (based on some outside world influence such as money, the economy, or something that will guarantee our security or at least something that will pay the bills until we figure it out).

  By the time we are a young adult, for so many, every decision we make is more or less influenced by some sort of fear from the faulty beliefs we unknowingly recorded. We tend to look at life with a scarcity mentality and this leads to feelings of insecurity, vulnerability and uncertainty. On this basis, we look at the world around us to see how we can secure our life and money tends to be a major driver for our decisions or at least some level of influence. Choice of education and career are more motivated by how it can provide for us rather than how it will fulfill us emotionally and psychologically. We think that working is the way to get money and the better the job or the more hours we spend, the more we will get, the more secure we will be, and the better life we will have. We do this without recognizing the cost it imposes on our alignment and therefore the quality of our overall life.

  After we secure our money flow we then move on to other assets and life experiences that are supported by that money flow. Our life unfortunately becomes like a house of cards, because our foundation is not rooted in alignment with our true self but in a false sense of security we get from outer world conditions. But fame, nor fortune, education or any other outer world status can cause us to be in alignment, alignment must come first, and then the things we experience are sitting on a solid foundation.

  As life goes along we simply get to the point where our decisions are made without consideration of our true power, our natural gifts and talents, our passions, and the laws that govern us. That has to tell you that no matter what road we take it’s virtually impossible that it’s the one in harmony with our true spirit. That in turn tells you that we are going to be holding on to some low vibration emotions because of a lack of fulfillment. This then leads to the attraction of low vibration experiences. Those experiences come in the form of career dissatisfaction, broken relationships of all kinds, financial issues, health matters and more. They may not come right away but sooner or later, a perpetual low vibration is going to draw unsatisfactory conditions into your life and if the low vibration persists, the conditions will worsen. At that point we start looking for a solution, but what we find is that many of the systems that are supposed to “fix” peoples lives don’t work. They don’t work because they attempt to fix the dissatisfying circumstance rather than the cause for the dissatisfying circumstance, and that cause is that we are in a state of misalignment with our true self. You could also say that we allow ‘what is’ that we don’t like to be the center of our focus and dictate our thoughts and feelings and therefore our vibration.

  To the degree that our physical life is out of alignment with our source self, it tends to affect various parts of our life. Unfortunately we don’t make the connection between what is not working in our life and our degree of misalignment. Again, as we attempt to “fix” these areas of dissatisfaction on the outside we have little success because they are the result of our own misalignment. The only way we can “fix” our unsatisfactory life circumstances is through returning to alignment. Working with circumstances to fix them will only ever be short term, frustrating and disempowering. The unwanted circumstance is simply the manifestation of the low vibration we feel from living out of alignment. Once we realize this then we realize that there is only one place we can go to improve the quality of our life.

  What we absolutely need to realize is that what stops us from following our heart is the fear generated from the faulty beliefs. For example, if you wanted to open a business, notice how that voice in your head can come up with so many reasons why it is a bad idea, why it won’t work, what if … fill in the blank. If you really have a passionate desire for a business you want to open there is no good reason you cannot attract everything you need easily and effortlessly. If you live by the natural laws that you have read about in this book and apply your innate faculties that you have learned about and how to use in this book, then you attract accordingly and your life is simply a natural unfolding of everything you desire. There are no mysterious forces going to destroy your plans. The only thing that can destroy your dreams is your faulty beliefs which lead to fears of all kinds. When we allow fears to be the dominant focus; then of course we attract the very thing we fear, but it was just a choice, albeit one because of a lack of knowledge and truth. When you do allow fears to interfere with your dreams and desires you may even get people that show up to “rain on your parade”. They of course are not really raining on your
parade; they are only a manifestation of the fear in your vibration. Yes, they are vibrationally telling you what you are telling yourself and it can be annoying and unnerving if you don’t see it from a vibrational point of view. If you do however, look at everything as vibrational feedback, you can simply detach from any situation with the understanding of what it is and actually be grateful for that insight to your vibration.

  In Week 3, you listed what you believed about certain aspects of life. Now you can see why it is so important that you rephrased them to support you rather than continue to allow them to redirect your feelings to what you don’t like and sabotage your life, which they do so effectively. Remember, the rephrasing of a belief alone will not displace that belief; you need to do the daily practice of new thinking and feeling until they create that new dominant belief. When that happens, the new dominant belief supports the vibration that causes what is attracted into your life.

  To illustrate what happens when you do not live in alignment with your source self and purpose, picture yourself shining a flashlight against a wall in the dark; you see a beam of light on the wall. Now take a piece of glass 6 inches square and place it so that the light from the flashlight shines through it and hits the wall. What do you see on the wall? It will be the same light image as you seen before you put the glass in place. Now without completely shattering the glass, imagine just putting cracks in it such that the surface is distorted; it is no longer flat and true. What does the light look like on the wall now when you shine it through the glass? What you will notice is that the light, as it passes through the fractured glass, becomes a distorted and fragmented image of the original light. This is exactly what happens with our life when we do not live our true identity and purpose. The energy flowing through us to express our unique purpose passes through our lost identity and false beliefs just like that shattered glass. This causes our life experience to be distorted with dissatisfaction and / or pain in one or more areas just like the light beam gets distorted.


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