Exercise 2 of 2 – Monitoring the attraction process
Mind Mastery Area 3
At the end of each day, for 7 days, write down what percent of the time you were in a high vibration and / or focused on your dreams and desires. You will want that number as close as you can get it to 100%. To increase it, you will want to use what you are learning in this section, Module 1 and Module 2 and be more aware to make your focus on high vibration thoughts and feelings a greater part of your day.
Further support for planting the seeds of your desires.
To really hit home about the power of focus in attracting your desires consider a magnifying glass. When you focus it, you get a very definite result; however, if you keep moving the bead, it never stays long enough to have an effect. This is the same thing with your conscious mind. If you let it wonder among a myriad of disconnected thoughts, there is no clear message to your subconscious, and just as your mind jumps around, you will find your life jumps around. If you have vague images that are just here today and gone tomorrow and / or you lack emotional involvement you won’t get to the frequency that you need to be at to attract those things you desire. The job of your conscious mind is to give focus to the desire to generate the vibration associated with that desire. Once your vibration matches the vibration of the desire then attraction happens. But be aware, if you focus on what you don’t want, you will attract that just as readily as what you do want.
During your sleep, did you ever have a dream that was so real that when you woke up you checked on a few things to actually prove it was not? Did you ever wake up sweating or your heart beating because you were falling, or did you ever find yourself smiling from a memory of a happy event? This is how to use imagined reality, so focused, so real that the emotions well up and inspire a fluttering of joy in your heart, a smile on your face, peace and satisfaction of the image you hold. You will find items of the day competing for your mind space. You have the power to cast those thoughts aside, you have the power to cast aside the results you see in your life and the things you are surrounded with and stick to the images of life you want. You have the power to look at anything with a perspective that puts you in a high vibration.
Did you ever have the experience of cooking with all kinds of activity going on around you? Did you ever use an axe to chop wood or be in charge of heavy machinery where every decision was critical? How about driving your car through a very busy road system with cars seemingly coming from all directions and it may be night and raining with the glare of lights and other distractions. What do you do, you focus on exactly what you need to do to keep your self safe as you are engaged in those situations. You put all other things out of your mind because if you do not the consequences of being unfocused, in some cases, could be fatal. This is much like life, it may not be fatal in the moment but we pay very dearly for allowing our mind to wonder and giving attention and energy to the negative. If only we were aware that how we use our mind impacts the way we experience life, with this program you now are.
All day long we have things coming at us, news, people, situations and they can tempt us to pay attention and invest energy of a low vibration. This is where it is so important to remain detached from those things. Accept them as something that is, something that manifested from your vibration. If you want to change it, use your power to set your vibration to attract something different. You always must go inside to change the vibration; you can not change it on the outside. Putting attention and focus on those things you don’t like only keeps them alive. If you take things personally or feel the need to defend yourself, or find yourself judging then you are entangling yourself with negative energy and are simply giving attention and focus to those things that you do not like. This will keep them in your vibration and in your world in one way or another.
Know that to have a desire statement, vision board, image or any other representation of your desire, it is not for vain access or repetition. If it is not an image that really makes you sing and ring, it is going no where. It has to be emotionally charged. It has to be something that has presence in your mind, not something you go to a book and say “Oh I need to check the book to see what I am supposed to be repeating to myself”, or “what was that thing I wanted anyway”. Would a person need to be reminded to show up at their wedding ceremony, if they do, it’s probably something they may want to rethink, otherwise that day is tattooed in their mind like a picture etched in wood, think of the anticipation. That’s the spirit of imagining and feeling that attracts what you want.
There was a statement I read once that said your life is about the things you love, fear and steadily expect. I think it’s quite true and agrees with everything here. In terms of fear, it is a very strong emotion and therefore can be a very attractive energy. That being said you now know there is no sound basis for fear. Fear only has power if you give focus to the thing feared. In an abundant universe where you can attract what you want, no one can take anything from you, you don’t have to be without anything. You are a powerful creative being with the support of the entire universe, what could there possibly be to fear. It could only exist in the absence of the truth about who you really are. You know now that you can simply change your focus and attract what you want, you know how it works. You know based on the truths and laws of the universe that what you attract is simply what you choose to focus on with intention and feeling. You also know it is your birthright to expect your desires; that you have the power to attract them, so stick with your images and use your tools to keep your mind focused on what you want.
1)Is this program teaching you to use the law of vibration, or to use the law of vibration effectively, explain?
2)What has to happen for your desires to start manifesting?
3)Does it take much mental will to hold a purpose driven desire in your mind, why or why not, explain?
4)By using the space in your home more efficiently, you can get more out of the space. How can you apply this concept to using the space in your mind?
5)What kinds of thoughts can seem to easily and quickly hijack your mind? Why is it important to be aware of these?
6)What can your faculty of “mental will” help you with?
7)When we are not receiving what we want to attract, is something blocking us, what is happening?
8)How is displacing red tinted water in a glass like retraining our mind to move from unfocused and low vibration to focused and high vibration?
9)Why is it so important to strengthen your mental muscles of will and imagination?
10)Explain this phrase “act as though you are”. Why is it important?
11)At what point does the manifestation of your desire begin?
12)What are two acid tests to tell you that your desires are purpose driven?
13)What is happening when you start your meditation? Why is that important?
14)How do you most effectively communicate to your subconscious, what are the ingredients?
15)How much power does your subconscious mind have?
16)What is the value of just being in the silence of your mind with no particular thoughts?
17)What is the essential ingredient to transmit to your subconscious mind so it manifests the path to your desire
18)What must you be careful about when using the imagination?
19)When are very good times to impress the subconscious mind with our desires and / or generally feel good thoughts of appreciation, why?
20)How is using your mind like a magnifying glass?
21)Besides full meditation, what is another way to impress your subconscious with what you want?
22)What must you realize in terms of the timing of your desire to manifest?
23)How is making an impression on your subconscious mind with what you want like using a camera?
24)What are three negative emotions that pull energy away from what you want and redirect it to what you don’t want? Why would you allow these emotions?
25)What will give you the confidence, faith and belief to live by the laws and truths of the universe?
26)What are the two things that happen when we get engaged with a negative emotional state?
27)What are common choices people make that keep them engaged in negative energy?
Week 17
Nurturing Your Desires – Nurturing the Seeds of Desire
The Importance of sustained positive focus
This week we will carry on with the next step in how to use the law of vibration intentionally and deliberately to attract what you want into your life. Before getting into this weeks material, here is a short summary of what has been covered so far in Module 3. In Week 14 you identified with the unique and natural gifts, talents, interests and passions that radiate from within the core of your being, the ones that you came to this planet to express. This is the fire within you that causes you to know what your true purpose driven desires are. You identified these desires in Week 15. In Week 16 we covered strategies that enable you to focus your conscious mind in a way that vibrationally impresses the vibration of these desires on your subconscious mind, as well as vibrationally impressing high vibration feelings in general so that you can achieve the frequency of the desire. This is what causes your desire to be attracted into your experience. That being said, to really cause a full manifestation of your desire into your life, you must sustain a high vibration focus. When you sustain that focus, you are causing your vibration to match the vibration of your desire. When that happens, the law of vibration says it must show up in your life experience because like energies attract. For this reason, the art of sustaining focus is what we will cover in this weeks material.
By this point in the program you should have reached an understanding that it is not what you do on the outside alone that causes what happens in your life. It is more about what you are doing on the inside with your vibration. In other words, it is more about the thought>feeling choices you make in each moment that sets your vibration. Taking this one step further, since you have the power of choice, you must now realize that you are indeed the master of your mind and therefore the master of your life, and that you do indeed have the power to take charge of your life and make it anything you like. This weeks material will also continue to develop your power of choice to turn away from low vibration thought>feelings and instead turn towards sustaining high vibration thought>feelings.
One thing to keep in mind as you go through this week is that you can have different frequency levels related to different areas of your life. That is why you may be successful in one area but not in another. For this reason it is important for you to keep your focus pointed, at all times, to the vibration that equals what you want in each area of your life. When you do this you are sustaining the vibration level of what you desire; and this is mandatory to experience it.
As a reminder, mastering the use of your conscious mind may be the most challenging work you ever do. This is true because while you are learning to sustain your focus on what you want, your daily life is filled with circumstances of “what is” that can tempt you into the same old reactions and have you emotionally buying into appearances. If you give into the reaction and the appearance of things, it draws your attention away from the vibration that is equal to what you want and puts your focus (vibration) on “what is” that you do not want. This causes you to stay in the cycle of attracting, and reacting to, what you don’t want. You have to be sharply aware and very vigilant to stop yourself from reacting to the situations in your day and instead choose a new high vibration response. This is the only way to break the cycle and create a new cycle that will attract what you want. Depending on the amount of momentum old beliefs have, it can take a great deal of perseverance to establish new beliefs and habits of thinking that will attract the life you want. As you stick with it, you will find that you start automatically choosing high vibration responses and this will perpetuate the good in your life.
To really give a sharp perspective on the value of focus in the context of this weeks material, it is this; the reason to focus on anything is to get you to a positive feeling. It is the feeling that sets the vibration for what you attract. With this in mind, any thought, word, imagination, behavior, surrounding or stimulant is really just an excuse to get to a feeling. Rituals of all sorts do the same thing, we just want to do anything we can to get to a good feeling place then the law of vibration takes over to keep it coming. If two people are wanting to get to an emotional state of happiness, it is very likely that they will use completely different words, thoughts, imaginations and / or stimulants to achieve it. There is no right or wrong way, there is only the way that works for you (as long there is not intention for harm to another). If someone tells you that you must do a thing in a certain way to get to happiness or any high vibration for that matter, just realize that what they are telling you is what they believe about how to get there. The reality is, it is one of an infinite number of ways to get there. Anything that will move you to a place of feeling good (without damaging yourself or harming others) will cause you to be in a vibration that attracts what you want. So your biggest job, the thing that you need to give the most chronic care to, no matter what is going on in your physical life, is to reach for and focus on anything that moves you to a high vibration feeling. When you do this, you will cause what you want to start showing up in your life, easily and effortlessly.
When you allow your mind to focus on what you don’t like it keeps you away from the frequency of your desire. Essentially you are holding yourself away from what you want. For example, when you think of buying a car there is a feeling of happiness. This means that to manifest the car into your life you must maintain a frequency of happiness. If during the day you are feeling negative emotions about things going on in your life or with interactions with others, then you are not at a sustained level of happiness and therefore not at the frequency of the desire for that car. As you sustain a higher and higher frequency level, you will find “things” related to that frequency show up in your life. It does not matter how much money you have, how many friends or anything else. Whatever is on the same frequency that you are on will find a way to get to you. This is illustrated on my website at http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=1016 “Living in the Light” and http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=1170 “Life Change with Vibration” and http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=1441 “What frequency are you on”.
Mastering the mind is like mastering the skills of any vocation or profession, you must practice. It can sound a bit odd to say practice being happy or joyful or at peace because we have accepted to a large degree that these feelings simply and spontaneously rise up in us because of what is going on around us. This of course is false, feelings are a choice because they stem from thoughts which are a choice. For this reason, we need to learn how to choose our feelings, and to do this we must practice aware and effective choice making in all of the various scenarios in our life. This is the training, practicing choosing the feelings that support what we want to attract. We want to stop having feelings as a default reaction to what is going on around us. We do not have to take our emotions from what is happening in our life at all, we can take them from our imagination, something most are very unpracticed in. To master your mind is to keep your mind continuously focused on the good feelings related to what you want or any high vibration feelings that match your desires. The more you practice holding and turning to high vibration emotions, the more easily it will be to sustain them no matter what is going on. What does it mean to practice high vibration emotions, it just means that you practice turning away from negativity, finding the good in anything and everything and making it the focus of your attention. It means using any situation to your advantage to generate feeling
s of happiness, joy, peace, appreciation, etc., rather than allowing it to be the reason you go to a low vibration. Once you practice this over and over again, it will be easy and automatic and once that happens you will be sustaining a high vibration and easily bringing your desires into your physical reality.
Strategies to help you sustain a high vibration focus
To really sustain your focus on the good feelings related to what you desire and high vibration feelings in general, you simply must be constantly aware of what you are thinking and feeling. In fact, you could think of your feelings like a radar system that helps you feel your way through your day. When they are negative you reset to positive and keep going, if you hit another negative reset to positive and keep going. Your feelings are your emotional guidance system and if you use them accordingly they will help you navigate the best route through your day like a GPS will help you navigate your trip. This idea of monitoring your feelings may sound like a lot of work but with practice it becomes a habit. If it was not for the faulty beliefs we took on, we wouldn’t have much resistance to living in a high vibration all the time, but because we did, those beliefs are attracting things we don’t like and want into our life and we have to deal with them. The challenge is, a faulty belief influences our response to a circumstance so we need to be very aware not to be lured into an automatic negative reaction (choice of thought) that affects our behavior, reinforces the belief and keeps us stuck in the cycle of attracting more of what we don’t like. So the real task at hand here is to be aware of your self going to a negative feeling, stopping it and turning it around to a positive response. Once you continuously do this, it will become a habit and you won’t have to think much, but in the beginning it may be somewhat mechanical as you stop the negative feeling and reach for a way to turn it around to positive. Because this ability to stop yourself from getting engaged in negative feelings is so critical to sustaining your focus on high vibration feelings, and therefore the quality of your life, below are some different ways of looking at the circumstances of your daily life. Looking at things in a different way can often give you new insight that enables you to make new choices and new responses. This can help to keep you away from being lured into negative feelings and therefore have mind space to sustain your focus on high vibration feelings.
Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony Page 27