If you will look at every experience in your life as a manifested vibration then you will find it much easier to detach from any circumstance and stay in a high vibration. Once you realize that anything in your life is there because it has a frequency that matches a frequency in you, it will allow you to accept it for what it is, and that simply by maintaining a high vibration, you will cause it to start disappearing from your life. You will realize that it is not there to aggravate or annoy you, to take anything away from you or put you down. It is there because it has a vibrational frequency that matches what you are putting out. This is such a critical concept in taking charge of your life that I will repeat it. Rather than seeing a person or a situation as an aggravation for example, see it / them as a vibration that came to you because it matched your vibration. If you will do this, you can get away from looking at it as good or bad but just something that is, and if you don’t like that vibration, then go within yourself and find a way to raise your frequency to a high vibration such as love, happiness, understanding, compassion, peace, joy and what you have learned in Module 2. Once you do, then the vibration of aggravation can no longer be attracted to you and you will be surrounded by more desirable circumstances that represent your higher vibration.
The only reason that anything is ever present in your life is because it is vibrating at the same frequency that you are. To get a different experience you have to change the frequency you are on, and you can’t change the frequency by paying attention to what you don’t like, to what upsets you, by what hurts you, or by engaging in negative self talk from your own thoughts or in relation to what is happening around you, or by getting defensive or taking things personally, it will not change anything; in fact it will invite more of it. Just imagine having a pair of glasses that showed you the vibrational equivalent to what you were physically experiencing. It would have no face or shape at all, it would be a mass of molecules at a specific rate of vibration. You would see if you raised your vibration, low frequencies would disappear and high frequencies would take their place. Then you could take off the glasses and see the physical representation of that high vibration. Perhaps it would be the job you want, the relationship, the trip, the car, what ever represented your desire that you feel good about.
Another way to sustain a state of high vibration is to see your life experiences as a movie. If you were watching a bad movie, what would you do? You would turn it off, walk away, or change the channel. This program has given you many tools to change the channel since turning off life and walking away are not productive options. If you choose to stay engaged in that negative movie, it is keeping your frequency down at a level where what you want cannot find you (because your desires are at a higher frequency). Remember only like frequencies attract. Further, when you are engaged in the low vibration frequencies, you are attracting circumstances that are at the same low frequency level. So if you allow yourself to go to anger, you will attract circumstances of an equal frequency to anger. Don’t be surprised when someone shows up to cut you off in traffic and then shake their fist at you! Knowing that your vibration is responsible for what comes into your life should make you very motivated to use every tool you can to keep your vibration at a high frequency. The circumstances in your life are like the movie on the screen. And just like the movie on the screen comes from a source like a DVD, your circumstances come as a result of your vibration. If you want to change the movie, you must change the DVD, you can’t change the movie on the screen. Same thing with your life, you can’t change your circumstances by working with them, you can’t change people by any means other than to raise your vibration to the level of want you want to experience. If you want love and respect, then vibrate at the level of love and respect. Are you going to let your circumstances set your vibration or are you going let your vibration set your circumstances? What is interesting is when you are loving towards someone, no matter what they are doing, in an odd kind of way you are being selfish because your act of love, your feeling of love is your instruction to the universe to bring that into your life. You can never go wrong by giving good vibration feelings to anyone, no matter what they are doing. It is of course a quality of our source self to be kind and it has the innate effect of causing more of that high vibration to come into our life. To help understand how this movie analogy relates to the choices we make and the workings of our conscious and subconscious minds see the diagram on my website called “Choosing Our Life” at http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=902.
Again, the process of taking charge of your life is so directly connected to your effectiveness in being able to sustain your focus on what you want and on what feels good that I have setup a diagram to help you understand the process of how to turn a negative feeling into a positive. You can view this diagram on my website at http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=1065 “The Law of Vibration and Attraction Cycle”, it illustrates the process of breaking the cycle of negative reactions and creating a new cycle of positive responses. In understanding this diagram, that is, the connection between our thoughts, emotions, beliefs and vibration, it can help you to stop yourself from sliding into negative momentum and turn any situation into a positive feeling, thus sustaining your focus on high vibration feelings.
Here is another little mental picture that may help you to maintain your focus on the good. Let’s say you have planted a little garden with seeds of colorful flowers and you are excited for them to sprout. But as they do you step on them. What happens, they stop growing, this is exactly what happens when you hold low vibration feelings, you are stopping want you want from showing up in your life. Once you understand the high cost of low vibration feelings on your life, it will motivate and inspire you to turn away from them. The simple fact is that we don’t realize the high cost of negative feelings so we allow them as though they were free, but they are far from free. You absolutely must learn to associate your choice of feelings with what is attracted into your life. When you do you will be more careful with your feelings and you will do what it takes to find a way to feel good.
To be clear, if you have negative things going on in your life now, or things that are taking your focus to a low vibration; I am not saying to walk out on your life as it is, I am saying go inside to your mind and choose high vibration feelings using all that you have learned in this program. As your vibration rises and you sustain a high frequency, the circumstances in your outside world will also rise to match that frequency. It is your vibration that changes your life, it is the only way to effectively do so. Sometimes we may think a change in our outer life will bring us what we desire but the old expression “you can run but you cannot hide” is true. You cannot hide from your vibration. The faces and places may change, but unless you rewrite the vibrational script, the movie and what all of the characters bring to you remains the same. The only way to live the life you desire is to put your effort into sustaining your focus on high vibration feelings. You do this with your faculty of mental will to hold yourself in a high vibration, not by running away or running around in the outside world to organize the life you want. Your subconscious mind will take care of all of the details of getting your desires to you, you just got to send a clear instruction and hold yourself to the frequency of that desire.
Ask yourself right now, am I confronted with recurring circumstances and behaviors in my life that I don’t like? If the answer is yes then you are choosing to focus on the circumstances that you don’t like. The cure is this. Look at what you don’t like and setup an image that you would like instead, make a statement that captures what you do want, then sustain the feeling of it, and it will be the new dominant vibration passed to your subconscious. If you repeatedly interrupt what does not feel good, or a negative reaction and replace it over time with what does feel good or a positive response, your circumstances will change. For example, if you are experiencing a job related situation that is unpleasant, find a positive in it to focus on like “I am so grateful a
nd thankful that this job is providing me with the means to get the one I really love” or “It feels nice to have great coworkers” or use your imagination and say / picture “It feels nice to think about a fun and rewarding job doing …” In a relationship that may have unwanted experiences, say, “I am so happy and thankful for the mutual love, respect and appreciation I have with my partner”. I can hear you now saying, “but that’s not true”. To be a master of your mind and therefore your life, you must learn to stop telling it like it is and start telling it like you want it to be – and in the present moment. That is not deceiving yourself, it is using your natural faculties to attract the life experience you want. If you believe that using your imagination and mental will is an act of deceiving yourself, then know this, you have bought into a faulty belief and it is severely impacting your life in a negative way. In any situation where someone is giving you grief you might say “I am so grateful and thankful that people help me to be aware of my vibration”. Right on the spot, see what you don’t like, and replace it with what you do and impress it on your subconscious mind by making it the focus of you attention. If you do that repeatedly, it will become your new physical reality. It has to, it is a law. Whatever you dominantly focus on in your conscious mind, with feeling, expectancy and repetition, it will impress on your subconscious mind, and as it becomes the dominant vibration, the law of vibration says you will attract it because like frequencies attract.
There are four concepts that will really help you with this need to turn away from getting engaged in low vibration anything. They are acceptance, detachment, non-judgement, and defencelessness. These are incredibly powerful tools that allow you to turn away from what you do not want and be free to put your focus on what you do. Think about these concepts. If you just accept and detach from what is, if you don’t judge it or take it personally and just emotionally leave it alone, you are not giving the unwanted any emotional attention or focus. Therefore it can no longer generate a vibration, and without a vibration it can no longer be attracted into your life. If you just turn away from an argument, turn away from frustration, turn away from annoyance, turn away from rudeness, turn away from criticism, turn away from what seems unfair, turn away from hurt – then you will stop reacting to what is and allow yourself to focus on the way you want it to be. You will stop attracting things that are frustrating, argumentative, annoying, rude, critical, unfair and hurtful and instead attract fun, easy going, helpful, cooperative, supportive situations. It’s only your focus on what you don’t like that keeps it alive and coming back. If you want to attract your desires and be happy; then you must hold your focus to only those things?
In terms of repeatedly turning your focus to what you want and holding it until you cause its manifestation, it makes me think of some of the video games I see kids play. They have to beat the “boss” to get to the next level. It usually takes quite a few attempts before the “boss” succumbs and they can move on. This is the same with displacing old faulty beliefs and making new beliefs your dominant vibration for attraction. I can almost guarantee you that you will have days when you think this is not working, that turning to the vibration of your desires in your mind is not changing your life, but you have to know it is. Each shot you take at the “boss”, that old belief (by holding a new positive thought>feeling), weakens it and as you keep doing it, one day the new vibration becomes the “boss” and when it does, it will be the one that causes your life circumstances, the ones that you want. Some “bosses” (old beliefs) have a lot of momentum and they seemingly take over your mind, making you think of things that are not joyful. It’s as though they hypnotize you into staying in their company but realize it is just momentum and like throwing buckets of water on a fire, sometimes it takes many to put it out. In life, your buckets of water are the feelings of joy, so go to thoughts of joy, go to places that give you joy, find people that give you joy, do things that give you joy, listen to what gives you joy and you will find that old momentum goes away as it gives way to the momentum of joy.
To support this concept of sustained focus and the many other concepts presented in this program, you will find many recordings of the teachings of Abraham Hicks on the internet. Some language used in these recordings and other material I reference will vary but the basic premise is consistent; that is, there is one universal field of intelligent energy and we have the power and ability to manifest that energy into the form of our desires. Essentially, if we can imagine a thing, and we hold our self in a high vibration, we can manifest it. We are in fact manifesting what is going on in our life every minute, so the matter at hand is not how to start using it but start using it intentionally.
Understanding the effect of focus
It is very clear that we do not realize that we choose our circumstances by what we focus on because we so often balk at what we attract. Isn’t that strange, we balk at the very thing we attract into our life. Through our vibration, that is, our choice of feelings, we are literally instructing the universe to bring us an experience that is equal to the vibration of that feeling, and when it comes we often get upset. We then try to change it on the outside, not realizing that it is our focus and attention on the inside that is responsible for its presence. It’s like trying to change a shadow by grabbing it, it’s futile! Think about it, through our vibration, we tell people how to treat us and then when they do, we get hurt, angry, depressed etc. It’s like ordering food in a restaurant and then when it comes, getting upset at the waiter for what they brought you? Further, when we balk at the waiter, in accordance with the law of vibration, we are asking him to bring more of what he just brought us that we are balking at. How confusing and chaotic does this make life? When we balk, we don’t realize that causes what we don’t like to keep showing up. We don’t realize the balking produces the frequency of the thing we don’t like, and so we stay on the frequency that keeps bringing it back. It is vital to the quality of your life to understand that your negative reactions to circumstances will keep inviting those circumstances back. The reason for this is because your negative reaction is the very frequency that is attracting the circumstance. Can you see how engaging in negative reactions and low vibration feelings directs your focus from what you do want to what you don’t? It’s like wanting to grow a tomato plant but planting the seed of a thorn bush! When you choose to indulge in low vibration emotions, you are planting the seeds that will grow into a thorn bush. Even if you allow your emotions to come from the actions and behaviors of another or what is going on around you, it’s still your bush, it does not grow in the life of others, it grows in yours.
It is important to note that when you sustain your focus on what you want, the time it takes for that thing to manifest will be impacted by the amount of negative momentum already in place and active. In other words, if you have strong negative beliefs with a lot of momentum it may take longer to manifest what you want than if you have no negative belief around the thing you want to manifest. This is not good or bad, just something to be aware of to help you have patience and persistence and trust that the work you are doing is paying off. See the diagram on my website at http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=1170 to illustrate this point. It is titled Life Change with Vibration Change.
There are many ways to turn away from negativity and keep your focus on things that cause you to be in a state of high vibration feelings. Refer to my article’s on my website at www.highervibrationsnow.com called “50 Plus Ways to Maintain a High Vibration when everything around you is not”, “Your Emotional Guidance System” and “Retraining Your Vibration”.
Your willingness to turn away from the negative and sustain your focus on high vibration feelings is directly related to your trust in who you are as a total human being and in the laws that govern the universe. The degree of trust that you have will dictate that level of conviction you will engage to hold yourself in a state of high vibration. The lower the trust, the greater the risk of fear, worry an
d doubt taking over your focus and interfering with the physical realization of your desires. To give you some perspective of the trust that you need, consider dropping an object from a 4th floor balcony. Would you wonder if it would fall to the ground when you let it go, no, why, because you trust the law of gravity. When your trust in the other laws and truths of nature become as strong as your trust and belief in gravity, you will also use them to your benefit. To further help you with the idea of stopping your self on the spot and turning to a new empowering thought-feeling-image see the diagram on my website at http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=1065. It is entitled “The Law of Vibration and Attraction Cycle”.
As you use your mental will to constantly turn your focus to high vibration feelings about your desires or other things that feel good, you may experience self defeating and sabotaging self talk and fears. The old limiting beliefs with momentum are those voices in your head and the reason for what people and circumstances bring to you. As long as you know this, you can have perseverance to keep yourself in a high vibration, knowing nothing or no one can do anything to you that you do not allow through your vibration. If you find you are second guessing yourself in your faith to manifest your desires and want to seek retreat back into the comfort zone, play it safe, stay with the crowd, not want to stand out or take a risk or be vulnerable, just know all of that has to do with the faulty beliefs. If you encounter people who seem like they are pulling you down, mistreating you, trying to derail you, or that you shouldn’t disappoint anyone or that you should conform to what they think, just know all of that has to do with your faulty beliefs and the influence they have on the vibration you are offering. If you attach your ability to get what you want to your job, your education, your financial situation, your spouse or your sheer worthiness to possess an item or be in a certain place in life, just know that has to do with the faulty beliefs. Just realize that all of these behaviors are the result of old faulty beliefs. It is these beliefs that you are in the process of displacing by sustaining your focus on the vibration that is equal to what you want. You just have to be patient to hold your focus on thought>
Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony Page 28