Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony
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feelings that cause the old negative belief momentum to be displaced by new positive belief momentum. Just keep turning your conscious mind to finding the good, to what feels good, to the feelings that put you in a high vibration and you will see your world shift.
To turn away from an unpleasant situation does not mean you do not care or that you are not interested in helping, it just means you are aware of the damage it is doing to engage in low vibrations. It means that you simply want your life to be pleasant, to be engaged in situations and circumstances that feel good. It means that you want to experience love, abundance, prosperity, great relationships and fulfillment. It means you want this planet to be a place of love and abundance for all. In order to turn towards what you want or what feels good, you have to know what you want and what feels good. Now can you see why self identification, purpose and desires are so important? In turning away, if you have no place to put your focus, it will most likely end up back in the low vibration zone. Focus is not good or bad, it just depends on how you use it. Like a fire, it can be used to heat a home or burn it down, it’s not good or bad, it just depends how you use it.
If you have any doubts about your ability to turn away from circumstances and shift your focus, read the book by Victor Frankyl, Man’s Search for Meaning. He faced conditions probably as adverse as anything in the history of the human race when he was placed in a German prison camp in World War 2. You will realize that it is entirely within you to think independent of anything going on around you. If you want something new, like a car, are you going to let the (outside) appearance of your money status dictate your vibration or are you going inside to set it to attract that car. Separating our emotions from what is going on around us is a new concept but one you can master by practicing what you have learned in this program. Learning to master your mind, is really the same as learning to master the playing of a musical instrument, its all about repetitive practice. When learning anything, at first you had to think about what you were doing, stumbling and making mistakes, but as you stuck with it and practiced continuously and consistently for a period, you stopped having to think about it, everything just fell into place, you have created a habit. Through repetition, you train (or wire) your brain to make your body and your responses automatic; you don’t have to think about it anymore. As you practice turning away and shifting your focus to what you want you eventually will do it automatically.
If things are happening in your life that look like you are not attracting your exact desires or it just seems like they are taking for ever to come, this is when you must hold steady to your trust and to your high vibration feelings. You simply do not know all of the ways and means for the universe to deliver what you desire. You do not know exactly how your desires are unfolding and you do not know the exact timing. Look around you; look at the incredible creation of what is on our planet. The water cycle, the food chain, the seasons, the rotation and orbiting of the planets and moons, the human body, the geographical formations, the beautiful creations by humans and the list goes on and on. Does it make sense that a universal intelligence that put this all together, put us together and gave us dreams and desires would seek to defeat us or that we are out here all alone to slug our way to whatever we can get our hands on? Where and how did such crazy notions come to be? The cure for fear is faith and truth and you get those through knowledge, understanding and practice. There is a purpose seeking expression through you, and you have the power to express it and all the resources needed to express it. Keep turning away from those things of a low vibration and you will be in alignment with your true self, this is when you experience health, happiness and harmony.
Exercise 1 of 2 – Tracking your vibration and focus
Mind Mastery Area 3
Setup 3 columns on a sheet of paper.
Column 1, low vibration situation.
Column 2, amount of time to turn it around.
Column 3, strategy to turn it around.
In column 1, briefly state the situation where you indulged in a low vibration, for example a conversation with (fill in the blank), the actions or words of another, or even a self talk conversation. Just describe it very briefly so you can identify it. The main thing we want to accomplish here is to determine if there are specific recurring situations that are drawing you into a low vibration or how often you are going to a low vibration. Column 2 is important because the longer you stew in a low vibration the more you are supporting the attraction of what you don’t want. That is, you are adding to the negative momentum of a belief that will cause it to be active and therefore attractive. Column 3 is where you get to put the tools to work that you have learned in this program by identifying which one you used to help turn your vibration to high. There are many tools that you have been given in the program and it is good to know which ones are most effective for you in a given situation. Some days you may get hit with things that really draw you in and having quick reference to something that helps you quickly turn it around will be a life changer.
As you raise your vibration there will be fewer recurring negative situations to draw you in because you will be attracting more high vibration situations. This exercise can be used to track this change. Also it will help you to identify certain things that may be challenges for you to turn away from and you can put extra work and focus on what you can do to turn away from them. Lastly, it will tell you how quickly you are turning things around, and this will tell you what percent of your day is in the high vibration zone versus low. This is a very important number. Essentially it is telling you how much time and focus you are spending to nurture your seeds of desire versus nurturing the ones that are not your desire. This in turn will give you a very good indication of what you can expect for experiences in your life as your vibration today is what attracts your circumstances in the days to come. To be clear, your present moment vibration is going to come back to you in the present moment as a thought, feeling, idea, opportunity, manifestation, step to or away from your desire depending on the vibration, and it also adds momentum to a belief so it influences your thinking in the days to come and therefore what you are attracting. If you are spending a high percent of your day in the low vibe zone, you are not going to be very satisfied with the content of your days and that includes your health.
As you start this process of learning to master your mind, you many find yourself reacting in the same old ways at first but as you become more aware, you will more often stop and think, and start making new choices. When you start to stop and think, you may find you’re in neutral and not immediately sure how to respond, but you know that a negative reaction is going to direct your focus away from what you want. This is why this exercise is important; it can help you to have a high vibration response ready for what ever you come across in your daily life.
Ultimately, once you internalize the law of vibration you will be acutely aware that the only things that make sense to hold in your mind are the things that will attract what you want. If your subconscious mind could talk with you, it would say, you can have anything you want, why are you asking me to give you something that does not feel good, tell me what you really want? Therefore it is imperative that you completely embrace the Truth of Abundance, the Law of Vibration, The Law of Expression, The Law of Increase and the Truth about You. You can find these in the documents called the Missing Pieces and the Truth of Abundance on my website. If you wanted to swim across a lake but didn’t trust yourself to make it, what would you do? You would study, practice and increase your confidence and trust to the point you would do it. Same thing with the laws and truths, study them and practice them. As you see change happening in your life you will trust them, it will build your confidence and you will take charge of your life.
You may be thinking that this seems like a lot of work and you want to get on with living life but you must realize that this is the education you didn’t get and you need to complete “school” in order to get the knowle
dge, awareness and practice to master your mind. By not having been taught this information, it really leaves you at a high risk of digging yourself into a hole, and if you look at the state of affairs on the planet, many have done so. In fact, it’s almost certain that this is the reason you are doing this program; to find a way out of a dissatisfaction in your life. The good news is that no matter how big the hole, you can start any day to conduct your life according to what is in this program and get up out of that hole.
To illustrate this point about getting out of life’s “hole”, consider the movie called Stone. It’s about a man in prison and the process of getting out on parole through a particular parole officer. The movie depicts exactly what happens to us as we change our focus and vibration and nurture the seeds we want to grow. The man in prison is released after he clearly changes his outlook and attitude to something much more positive. This attracts a sequence of events where his whole world and everyone in it changes for the good to reflect his new vibration. Ironically, while this is happening to the fellow in prison, the opposite happens to the parole officer. He allows the outside world to influence his thinking and generates low vibrations which then attract circumstances of the like. If one looked at this movie from a purely situational point of view, most people would think the parole officer had it made. He had a home, a wife, a career that afforded him a fairly free life (one that would be seen as “secure”). The prisoner on the other hand had what you have when you are in prison, very little rights or anything. But these circumstances did not dictate the future; it was the vibrational change, the awareness and the choices that set their respective roads in different directions. Any one of us can set a new direction at any time and travel that road.
Exercise 2 of 2 – It’s a new day
Mind Mastery Area 3
Upon waking up, you have a window of opportunity each day to start positive momentum. No matter what happened yesterday, last week or 20 years ago. This is a new day that can start with completely fresh thoughts that are independent of anything that has gone on, is going on or you think might go on. You can let you mind soar, free of beliefs, issues or anything that can start you in a low vibration. To help train your mind to start fresh and focus on what feels good, put a blank piece of paper where you can easily see it when you wake up. You may want to leave it blank or you may want to write a few things that will trigger your thinking in a good place. You could write any of the following or come up with your own statements to trigger the start of positive momentum.
It’s a new day and I am starting fresh new positive feeling thoughts now.
Time to meditate
In my world (go read your in my world sheet)
Wouldn’t it feel nice to / if …
Remember, once you get the momentum going, the law of attraction will keep sending you equal vibrations first in the form of thoughts, then ideas, answers, hunches and on to manifestations that take you on a wonderful journey to your desires. When you are feeling good, and when good feeling thoughts are in your mind and good feeling circumstances are showing up, you are moving on the path to your desire.
As you practice starting your day with intentional good feeling thoughts and you do what is in exercise 1 of this week which is to be aware of negative feeling thoughts in your day and turn them back to positive, you are really going to see the power of the universe to deliver everything you want in an easy and enjoyable journey. You may well think you are magic or someone is following you around setting up all of these things for you. You may take you a little time to believe life can be that easy.
1)What is the result of your focus being directed to what you don’t want or like?
2)What is the effect of sustained focus versus casual focus?
3)What allows you to take charge of your life?
4)If you don’t like a movie you are watching, can you change it by saying and thinking negative things about it? How is this similar to life? How are the consequences even higher when you do this in life?
5)Why are you able to change your circumstances?
6)What is it that causes people to behave towards us the way they do?
7)How do we change our vibration?
8)Would you get upset at a waiter for bringing the food you ordered? If not why do we choose a negative reaction to the behaviour that others bring to us? What choice would be of more value to us?
9)What must you do to change the shape of a shadow? How is this similar to our life?
10)If you are having a down moment, is it necessary for you to switch to thinking about and visualizing your desires in order to move back to a high vibration?
11)How great does your trust in the laws and truths that govern everything in the universe have to be before you will use it to your benefit? What does it take to get to this level?
12)When you are in the middle of something that you don’t like or is not to your liking what can you do right on the spot to change your life going forward?
13)What must you realize when you experience and feel resistance to moving forward towards what you want? (resistance can be self talk or the circumstances around you)
14)What are four concepts that can really help you turn away from the negative? Explain what makes them so valuable?
15)What is it about a magnifying glass that makes it so comparable to how our mind works?
16)What is a habit, can it be changed?
17)Why is it an unsupportable claim to be afraid of failure or afraid of anything?
18)What is valuable about being aware of issues that draw you into a low vibration?
19)If you wanted to swim further and faster, what would you do and how is this like taking charge of your life?
20)What does it take to master your mind and therefore be a master of your life and take charge of it?
Week 18
Taking Action to Receive Your Desires – Harvesting the Crop
Before getting into what it means to take action in the context of the law of vibration, let’s look at what we have been taught about taking action in our life. I believe when you see the difference it will highly motivate you to operate your life from a vibrational point of view.
To give you an idea of the difference, compare splitting 10 cords of wood with an axe versus using a hydraulic wood splitter? The splitter is very much faster and requires much less expenditure of personal energy. Given knowledge and access to both, why would anyone choose the axe? When you act in accordance with the principles of vibration, you will find it has much the same advantage over living life the way we have accepted. Typically, we “force” things to happen or find ways to “make” them happen rather than leveraging the power of our conscious and subconscious minds which “cause” things to happen and “allows” things to happen. Using our conscious mind to do all the work is like using the ax. Using our conscious mind to instruct the subconscious mind is like pressing the button on the hydraulic wood splitter; once we do, it does all of the splitting work and all we need to do is pick up the end product.
Typically, we grow up thinking that anything we want to accomplish is all about what we do with our hands and / or figuring things out with our thinking mind (conscious mind). We buy into concepts like, the harder I work the more I will get or perhaps the more approval or recognition I will receive, and that will bring me more benefits. Whether it is your career or anything else, you probably have the line of thinking that if you want more, it has to do with your efforts in the outside world; that is, where you are asserting your physical and mental efforts and perhaps who you are attempting to influence, impress or please.
To show the difference between this world of forcing and making things happen, and the world of vibration and attraction, there is a phrase by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi that I really believe captures it. For the longest
time I simply did not understand this phrase, because to understand it you would have to understand the world of vibration. So as I came to understand the world of vibration, what he was saying became clear. Essentially, he was saying that when we switch from using force (physical) to using power (vibration) our life flows much easier. The phrase goes like this. The more you do the less you get, the less you do the more you get and when you learn to do nothing you get everything. As I indicated, when I first read that statement it was so far out of my paradigm that it did not register with me and my beliefs. I may as well have read something in Russian which I have never studied. I had no identification with that phrase what so ever. I was thinking that if anything was going to happen in my life it was because of my physical efforts and my conscious mind thinking to figure things out. I was so wrong; I had to be wrong because I wasn’t even aware of how my subconscious mind played a role in what happened in my life. I was barely aware that I even had a subconscious mind. I was totally missing the information about nature’s powerful endowments to us and how to use them to live our life. While I was thinking, with my conscious mind, about how I could get the things I wanted, what I didn’t realize is that I was actually preventing myself from getting them, or at the very least I was really slowing myself down; like driving a car with the emergency brake on. I was causing myself resistance to the things I wanted by trying to figure out how to get them. I didn’t realize that my conscious mind was supposed to be giving instructions to my subconscious mind and that my subconscious would figure it out and bring it to me in some way. I was using my conscious mind and my physical actions to do the whole job with no regard for my subconscious mind.