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Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony

Page 31

by Brian Withers

  To further emphasize this process of incubation, that is, trusting and having patience for the process of attraction, consider the following: Let’s say you take a trip in your car and you are closing in on your destination. But then, despite being on the right road and going in the right direction according to instructions, you proclaim, this is taking to long, I must be on the wrong road and you turn on to a different road. What is happening now because of that choice is that you are getting further from your destination. You may end up going in circles until you give up. This is very similar to what happens in life, we don’t trust the process is working so we either give up acting on our dreams, give up thinking about our dreams or both. We may be almost at the target and then go back to old ways, not trusting the process and therefore drifting away from our dreams. We may get motivated to go after our dreams again at a later time when dissatisfaction increases; doing all of the right things to move toward our dreams and causing them to move toward us, but again give up before we get there. This drawing in and drifting away pattern for many continues throughout life. We get excited and use what is in this program and draw within a kilometer, then 3/4 of a kilometer, then 1/2, then 1/4 of a kilometer, and then we let fear, doubt and worry creep in and hijack our focus which causes us to recede back to 1/2 kilometer, then 3/4 of a kilometer etc. There is an image on my website that illustrates this point. It can be viewed at and is called “What would happen if we did not give up”. This is a really important point for you to grasp because there will be days when you think you are not getting any closer, wonder if it is working and think about giving up, but you must stick with the program, keep using what you are learning until you make it a habit. It is the only way you will arrive. You can’t keep the benefits of a high vibration life if you go back to a low vibration. You get the old low vibration life back. What you are learning here is a new way to use your mind on a daily basis and this will be the new way that you use your mind naturally going forward.

  There is one last point to make here with regard to two of our faculties of mind and acting in the world of vibration. I mentioned in the program about imagination and how early in our life we get it put in a box, meaning that when we had dreams and visions and expressed our ideas, many times someone, somewhere came along and let the air out of them by thinking they either couldn’t happen, they weren’t practical or “realistic” and we needed to conform to the “norm”. The fact is that our positive creative ideas got put in the box but our imagination in general continued to run full speed. Unfortunately we unknowingly trained it to work with negative emotions such as fear, worry and doubt and so we regularly use it against our self. It is equally as powerful regardless of whether we use it with positive imagery or negative. This is another huge reason that you must learn, accept and trust the workings of your conscious and subconscious mind. The other faculty I want to mention here is intuition. It tends to get totally ignored in those growing up years but like imagination it is a very powerful and important aspect of who we are as a human being. Earlier in the program you learned about meditation, quieting the conscious mind, setting it to specific imagery and impressing that imagery to your subconscious mind. You also learned that to be void of negativity means you are reducing resistance for your desires to arrive. There is one more item that happens when you quiet the mind and that is you can get “a knowing”. What is a knowing, it is just an idea that pops into your conscious mind, an answer, guidance, an insight. This is your intuition and it is part of your guidance system that you will want to get in touch with. This knowing happens when you hold an intention to receive an answer while your mind is at ease, relaxed and peaceful. Meditation can help train you to be aware of it, but you can literally get that knowing at any time. When you do you will want to act on it because it is guiding you along your journey.

  To help with understanding how attraction and action work together see the article on my website called “Action and Attraction” at

  Exercise 1 of 8 – Writing out your list of priorities

  Mind Mastery Area 3

  For the next 7 days, write out the priorities for your day as follows to start a habit of practicing the vibration that will attract your desires.

  Writing out your priorities is a way to make sure that what you are physically doing is in alignment with the sustained focus you learned about in Week 17, that is, acting in a way that is congruent with your high vibration thinking. When you do this you are supporting yourself to be at the vibrational level required to attract your desires. In other words, you not only want to think about what makes you feel good and think about your specific desires, you want to act on them as well. If the thought of walking makes you feel good, then go for a walk. If the thought of riding a horse makes you feel good, then ride a horse. If taking photos makes you feel good, then take photo’s. You also want to do things that are connected with your desires as long as they feel good. To be clear, when you think of your desires you want the feelings of eagerness, joy, fun, excitement, expectation, enthusiasm and presence. If you engage in thoughts and actions related to your desires that put you in a feeling of their absence, that is a low vibration and you must use other ways of feeling good. Always move away from low vibration feelings as quick as you can. If you can feel good about your desires, consider the following actions for example. If you want to take a trip, check out information about where you want to go, get excited to talk with people about it, do things that make you feel like you are on the trip. If you want a new car, test drive one. If you want a new piece of clothing, try it on. This will boost the enthusiasm for your visualizations and imaginations. By setting a priority list you are helping yourself to make sure you spend your time doing the things that will put your vibration at the level that will allow your desires to show up in your life. We all know that life can get busy and “siphon” your time away. If you allow that then your actions are not supporting your desires and you will be less effective in attracting what you want into your life.

  Exercise 2 of 8 – tracking your effectiveness in feeling good

  Mind Mastery Area 3

  For 7 days, each day, keep track of how effective you were to act in ways that brought out the feel good. You can score yourself by checking off the items on your priority list (from Exercise 1) at the end of the day. Did you do what you planned to do? If not, what did you do and how much of your day was spent doing things that put you in a low vibration?

  I will also add that if you are in a place that you don’t want to be, a job for example, that is when you use what you learned in Module 2 to act in a way that will keep your vibration up no matter what is going on around you. Keeping your vibration up is the only way you can attract a different situation, one that you do like. For example, if you have a relationship with a coworker at your job that is negative in nature, what can you do that you have learned in this program to sooth that relationship or your perspective of it. What can you do to keep your self in a high vibration when interacting with that person. This would probably be a good time to revisit the article on my website called Patience – The Road to Your Dreams at

  Exercise 3 of 8 - Acting through fear

  Mind Mastery Area 4

  Set a goal to do something that you have been holding yourself back from because of some type of fear. This could be the fear of failure, the fear of losing someones approval, the fear of risking your security, the fear of being judged and so on. You can simply set a small action in place and keep taking whatever size steps feel good to move through that fear. Be careful not to create too much stress or you will give up, but enough of a reach to move you a little forward. If you will reach out of your comfort zone in the smallest of ways it will move you to a place of empowerment, realizing there is nothing to fear. Remember to use your tools to attract what is needed to help you r
ealize this goal. This exercise will show you that you have the independent power to be, to do or have anything within the realm of what is in your heart felt desires. If your action feels good, then you are tuning to the frequency of your desire and not only are you moving to it, but the law of attraction will cause it to move you. As you build your confidence in this process you will reach further and gain certainty of your power and that you are truely in the driver seat of your life. If needed revisit my article called Fear vs Faith on my website at Also the article “Truth of Abundance” on my website at will connect you with who you really are, a powerful, creative being, born for success, happiness, health and abundance.

  Exercise 4 of 8 – Acting in harmony with what you want to attract

  Mind Mastery Area 4

  As you have seen throughout this program, we often (unconsciously) use our conscious mind erroneously and ineffectively. We either have it jumping around from topic to topic with no real focus or we focus it on something (past, present or future) related to a negative feeling thought such as a thought that brings on fear. This of course keeps it busy in an unproductive way and significantly causes resistance in terms of attracting what we do want, and while giving us more of what we don’t. In this program you have learned many ways to focus your conscious mind and use it effectively and as intended. In this exercise we will add to that.

  Another function of your conscious mind, in conjunction with your 5 senses, is to objectively observe what is happening around you. It is only through observation and awareness that you will be able to identify and act on those things that are dropping in “out of the blue”, or are actually in your every day life but you have not identified the value of them. Of course to really be effective at observation, you need to practice the discipline of detachment that you have been made aware of in this program. Emotional detachment enables you to remain objective. Emotional attachment causes you to loose objective observation. Detaching allows you to slow your mind down and that is necessary for effective observation. When your mind is busy you simply miss those things that are leading you to the realization of your attraction.

  For the next 7 days practice detaching, observing and being aware of what is really going on around you. What gold nuggets, what clues, what guidance is coming into your life. What is showing up “out of blue”; unexpected things, things that come in unexpected ways. What things are in your life every day that are there to move you forward but you have not been allowing yourself to connect with them and their message. The universe is working in ways we cannot fathom with a level of resources we cannot fathom. Leave the universe to its work and you do your part which is to capture the opportunities and anything related to helping you realize your dreams, visions and desires; and act on them. Keep a journal of what you find and what your action was.

  This most likely is a new discipline and you may forget to engage observation throughout the day in amongst the busy-ness of the day, if so, at the end of the day just do a quick scan over your day. When you look over your day, see what you can pick out that was something you could have benefited from in terms of what you are attracting. Remember, these things can come in all shapes, sizes, and colors and what may initially look like something of little value, a nuisance, or annoyance could actually be a real gold nugget if you observed it a little more closely. Further when things come easy we tend to dismiss them as not of value because we have a belief that says life is hard and we have to work hard to get things.

  Did you ever think of getting a red car and then you started to notice all of the red cars in your day. That is not by accident, that is attraction. This law applies to every thing you give focus to, the focus will invite that which you give attention to (when you have a sense of excitement and expectancy and an absence of resistance). If you need more help with your confidence to prove that you are an energy being able to attract “things” to yourself, the book E Squared by Pam Grout is an excellent resource.

  If you stand back and look at this process of action and attraction, it’s really very easy. You establish what you want to attract and plant it in your subconscious mind. And remember you may do this consciously or unconsciously as was covered earlier in the book, that is, you may have a strong desire, or simply by experiencing what you don’t like, this causes you do ask for what you do want. After that, you simply go about your business in a calm, relaxed and peaceful manner knowing that everything is being take care of. You find a high vibration perspective about everything in your day. You reduce resistance by turning away from negativity and engaging your mind and actions in topics that feel good and put you at the frequency level of your desire. It is then simply a matter for you to take inspired action for the delivery, or on the steps to get you to the delivery of your desire. It is like that book you order on-line. You put in your order, trust and let the process work, a few days later you pick it up. To illustrate this process of action and attraction see the diagram on my website at called “Action and Attraction”. The moment you start trying to make it happen rather than simply choosing to act on what comes to you, you are causing your vibration to lower. This causes resistance to what you do want but opens the door for you to attract what you do not want. The focus and attention of making something happen is full of thoughts that you don’t have it, that is, its absence, and that causes it to remain absent.

  Exercise 5 of 8 - Acting on the good

  Mind Mastery Area 4

  For the next 7 days, increase your awareness to look for the good in people and situations and how something can be helpful or turned into a benefit. Act appropriately on whatever good you find or what good you can bring out. Keep a journal of what you find and what your action was or at the very least, if you don’t find the good in an unwanted situation, what did you do to stay in a high vibration (because the good will sooner or later reveal itself to you).

  Exercise 6 of 8 – Act as though you are

  Mind Mastery Area 4

  For the next 7 days, at the end of each day, rate your effectiveness on a scale of 1 to 10 with regard to “acting as though you are …” in situations where you are not. For example, if you feel emotionally down, act as though you are happy, as though something good was happening. In other words, fake it until you make it or pretend. Your subconscious mind does not know the difference and you will cause the attraction of positive circumstances which is what you are after. This is your world; you are ultimately the only one that can turn your life around to the direction you want. So, if you want to be a giver, just don’t think about giving, act like a giver, do things of a giving nature. If you want to claim your abundance, just don’t think about it, spend some money, it does not matter how much, the act of spending is a vibration of having and therefore more will be returned. As long as you feel good about what you are thinking and doing it will cause an abundance of your desires to open up in your life.

  Exercise 7 of 8 – Acting on your intuition

  Mind Mastery Area 4

  For the next 7 days, during your meditation or really any time of the day (you will need a relaxed mind), make note of any insights, answers, ideas etc that pop into your mind. Make note of these things and act on them as applicable to your desires or being engaged in feeling good activity. If nothing is apparent in terms of acting on anything, keep that note handy as something may reveal itself in time.

  Further when you are looking for answers or awareness during the day. Quiet your mind, ask your question and remain calm, relaxed and peaceful. You don’t need to dwell on it, just roll it around in your mind, release it and go about what you are doing. Note anything that comes to mind with regard to your question. Use your intuition even if you are simply looking for your misplaced keys. But remember if you are anxious, tense, or up tight in any way, you will not connect with the knowing from your intuiti

  Exercise 8 of 8 – Acting with all of your heart and soul

  Mind Mastery Area 4

  For the next 7 days, each day, on a scale of 1-10, make note of how productive you were during the day; that is, did you put all of your power and focus into the task at hand with a positive attitude; did you produce the best quality work that you could with each act? Did you leave others with a sense of increase, that is, that you are moving forward and they could to? Would they have felt that being around you would enhance their life? Could they feel your passion for your vision, dreams and desires? Could they feel you were bringing the best out of yourself and them, enhancing their life in some way? Ask yourself, was I a bright light today? Did I influence people to be positive, see the good?


  1)How is the advantage of using our conscious and subconscious minds effectively like the advantage of using a hydraulic wood splitter to split wood rather than an axe?

  2)Is it true that the only way to get more is to work harder? Why or why not?

  3)What is the difference between force and power?

  4)What happens when we attempt to use the conscious mind exclusive of the subconscious mind?

  5)When we live strictly by force to get what we want, what are some of the things it causes?

  6)When we live in the world of power, what are our actions?

  7)What does it mean to be larger than your place? How does this help you experience the life you want?

  8)How does having a closed mind or being very set in your beliefs interfere with living in the world of vibration?


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