9)How can a seemingly “bad” or “bleak” situation help you? Do they mean the attraction process is not working, explain?
10)In terms of the law of vibration, how can you derail your life?
11)What are the consequences of not expressing your true self and purpose?
12)Explain why we only need to think about what we are going to give, not what we are going to get?
13)Why do you need patience and faith to effectively live in the world of vibration?
14)How does action and attraction work together?
15)What does it take to rise above fear?
16)What are the two faculties of mind mentioned in this weeks material that can really help you in the world of vibration and why?
17)What is meant by inspired action?
18)When things come to you “out of the blue”, is it because of luck or chance? Why or why not and what is it that helps you to be aware of these things that come out of the blue?
19)What is the value of acting as though you are?
20)What is the benefit of being aware that you are in a negative emotional state?
21)What will happen if you simply disengage from negative energy and focus all of your mind space on your dreams and desires and a high vibration?
Week 19
Monitoring the Status of mastering your mind and Taking Charge of Your Life – Taking Care of the Farm Monitoring Your Progress and Mastery
You now have all of the information and know-how needed to take charge of your life. You simply have to use it everyday until it becomes a habit. Once it becomes a habit you will be the master of your mind, your emotions and your life. When you are a master, you attract intentionally, when you are not you attract by default; that is, whatever the dominant vibration within your subconscious mind happens to be (from old faulty beliefs and what you are allowing to influence your thinking and feeling).
In this program we have covered the four areas of mind mastery needed for you to take charge of your life. I call the four areas, The Four Legs of Mind Mastery. You can think of them like the four legs of a chair. When the legs are strong, the chair will hold you up, and when they are weak they will let you down, even if one leg is weak. Once you have mastered each of these legs, you will be the master of your mind and therefore your life; that is, you will be using your mind in a way to attract what you do want rather than what you do not want. Living as a master of your mind versus not is like the difference between sitting in a strong comfortable chair and one that is uncomfortable, shaky, tipping over and collapsing. And just like sitting in a broken down chair leaves you at a lack of ease or dis-ease, lacking mind mastery will create a lack of ease or dis-ease in your life because you will unknowingly cause yourself some degree of dissatisfaction to which you will not effectively understand how to change.
Throughout this program you have gained knowledge and completed exercises that enabled you to master each of the four legs. Below I have identified each leg and outlined the information and tools in this program needed to master it. I have also included in this week’s material a set of monitoring tools that enable you to measure your level of mastery as it pertains to each leg. This format of looking at mind mastery is very powerful as it allows you to immediately pinpoint what you need to work on if you find you are not getting the results you want in your life.
After you read through the following section “The Four Legs of Mind Mastery”, you will see the monitor questionnaire for each leg, and they will help you to know your level of mastery for that leg. It would probably be a good idea to do the questionnaire after reading through this section to see where your level of mastery stands. If you need to improve any area, you can use the Program Exercise Summary by Category at the end of the book. It shows all exercises and other references that pertain to each area so it is easy to find, review and practice an area to increase proficiency. If you organized your exercises by mind mastery area as you went through the program, your mind mastery tool box will be organized for quick access to all exercises that pertain to a specific area of mind mastery. You may want to look at the monitor questionnaires periodically for a while until you are 1) certain that mastery has become your habit or 2) to catch any area that you may be starting to need some attention on (before it causes a negative effect on your vibration and results). The questionnaires will enable you to find out where you need work, and then you can simply do it and restore your mind mastery.
The Four Legs (areas) of Mind Mastery
1)Knowing your true self
2)Knowing and telling your story (your dream or ideal life)
3)Maintaining a high vibration
4)Actions in a universe of vibration
1) Knowing your true self
Embrace that you have a birth right of abundance, success, creativity, well being, fulfillment and a power to attract your desires. You may have been taught this directly or indirectly but if not you will need to understand these following elements about your true self in order to intentionally manifest a satisfying and fulfilled life in all areas:
•the function and power of your conscious and subconscious mind
•the truth of abundance
•the three components of self – source, subconscious and conscious
•energy is limitless, everything is energy, we command energy through vibration
•the language of vibration is feeling (you are in charge of your feelings)
•the law of vibration (like vibrations attract – you are in charge of your vibration)
•the law of expression (nature endowed us with gifts and talents and a purpose to express them for our fulfillment and in the service of others)
•the law of increase (the desire to expand is inherent in all of nature. It is the fundamental movement of the universe. Every living thing has within it the impulse for continuous increase and advancement)
When you completely embrace your true self and the laws of nature that govern cause and effect of life, you absolutely know that there is nothing working against you but instead there is a power that supports you and is working for your success.
To know your true self is to know completely and absolutely (with every fibre of your being) that you have the power to attract what you desire, and you do it every moment either intentionally or unintentionally. In having complete trust, belief, confidence and faith in who you are, it will allow you to feel expectancy, anticipation, and excitement for your true desires (just like the way you felt the day before the second date when starting a new romance). These feelings are essential to attracting what you desire. To see an illustration of your true and complete self, see the diagram on my website at http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=1417 called “Self Alignment”. To get a full description of your true self and your relationship to the universe you can review my article called “The Missing Pieces”.
2) Knowing and telling your story (your dream or ideal life)
Identify the experiences that make you feel good. Identify what you are passionate about, interested in and desire in all areas of your life. Be able to experience these things in your imagination; feeling the emotions of them, add the sense of touch, taste, smell, sight and sound. Talk about them like a really great and cherished memory or as though you are being interviewed about having experienced these desires.
To do this you will need:
•to be able to articulate what you don’t like for the purpose to clarify what you do
•to use your imagination intentionally
•to use your mental will to focus your attention, intention and hold the image
•sustain the feeling of your desire
•a purpose for this desire (why do you want it)
3) Maintaining a high vibration
By sustaining a high vibration, we are maintaining our frequency at the level of our desire and that will cause it to show up in our life, easily and effortlessly. Essentially, when in a high vibration state, there is no resistance to our desires flowing into our life. It is only when we give our attention to what we don’t want and what does not feel good that causes our frequency to be low and therefore unmatched to the frequency of our desires. When there is no match, the law of vibration will not put us together with our desires. That is the resistance; a low vibration energetically holds us away from what we want. Think of it like driving a car, if your emergency brake is off and your tires are inflated, the drive goes along much more easily than if the brake is on and the tires are flat. When we are in a low vibration, it is like putting on the emergency brake and driving with flat tires.
It is in the living of our passions and purpose that we maintain a high vibration and therefore match the frequency of our desires. When this happens they flow easily into our life. That is our birthright. If we choose low vibrations such as worry, fear and doubt, and other low emotions around our image and worth, it is like having the flat tires and emergency brake on. When we choose low emotions, we are causing our self to be matched up with circumstances and life experiences that are at that frequency, and consequently we do not get the life satisfaction we want. That is a high price for denying our passions and choosing negative feelings.
Practice the following as part of your daily life to maintain a high vibration:
Gratitude, abundance mentality, giving, compassion, empathy, understanding, doing your best, finding the good, living in the present moment, surround yourself with high vibration people, live a high vibration life style including thinking about and doing things that cause you to be in the feeling of high vibration. As long as your dreams and desires take you to a place that feels good, then think about them, talk about them and take actions that are related to them, but if they take you to a place of absence or not feeling good in some way then simply re connect with who you are and use other topics or subjects to get into a better feeling place. If something you don’t like is very present in your current life, find a different perspective or be more general in your thoughts about it so you reduce the resistance.
If tempted to a low vibration consult your tools:
What I do want list, and why (this is your world, your story), gratitude list, abundance list, success list, good qualities list, feels good list, I am list, victory list, declaration statement, I wonder statement, What would it take statement, What if statement, how does it feel statement, it’s OK statement, it’s alright statement. Ask questions (and listen for the answer in your intuition – you need to be calm and relaxed). See your vision (go to your happy place of peace and serenity in your mind). Use your mental movie projector to move one image out and another in. Think of your desires as having been ordered and now out for delivery. Visit your vision board or your dream book that shows your ideal life. Be aware to practice detachment, acceptance, defenselessness, non-judgment, just see everything as an attraction of your vibration, take a meditation break, or do something that feels good. Use the law of vibration cycle diagram to find and root out faulty beliefs; consult the 50 + ways list to stay in a high vibration, check content on my website. Review the articles on my website, The Missing Pieces, The Truth of Abundance, Fear vs Faith, Patience – The Road to your Dreams. The Road to Your Dreams (with diagram). Your Emotional Guidance System, Why Everything is OK, and Training Your Vibration. Use the thankful statement for fear, worry and doubt. Read a book, listen to an audio, video that connects you to your source energy. Use your mind not your mouth, just feel thankful that the situation is making you aware of a vibration you are offering, apologize, empathize, validate the others feelings or ask a question from a detached point of view. Find humor and don’t take yourself so seriously.
If tempted to talk about people, talk about them as becoming, in the process of self discovery and self identification. Talk about them as your vibrational feedback, as helping you or needing your help from a vibrational perspective versus a circumstantial perspective.
If tempted to take something personal and go to a negative feeling, realize that the other is revealing a vibration pattern in you. They are showing up to help you to identify and release a low vibration pattern. Be thankful for this, it is a gift that will help you to improve your life experience. Ask yourself, what is this telling me? How did I get into this low vibration? Use the law of vibration cycle diagram to help you trace the feeling back to the thoughts and back to the belief, then use the laws to see how it is faulty, diffuse it and replace it with the truth. Have a feeling of gratitude for the opportunity to raise your vibration. Also think about compassion; that is a great way to turn the situation into a high vibration. What are they feeling, how can you be helpful.
If you are not negatively affected by a situation where someone is exposing you to some unpleasant behaviour, then you are effectively practicing detachment. When you do this you are providing them with an opportunity to identify what they are thinking and feeling that has them in a low vibration and therefore what needs to change in their thinking and feeling to shift to a high vibration. Remember the way people treat you is their Karma, how you react is yours.
If you are tempted to talk negatively to yourself about yourself, realize that is only a distorted belief about who you are in your subconscious mind. When these beliefs have momentum they can be triggered very easily by what is going on around you and thus you hear that voice. To displace that voice you must identify with the truth about who you are. Look at your “I am list” and pick one, write it 5 times. Look at your other lists. Review the articles I mentioned earlier in this section to identify with who you really are. Particularly the article “Your Emotional Guidance System”. Use affirmations and visualizations to connect with your desires and see yourself enjoying these things, feel them. As you connect with your true self more and more, your self talk will turn kinder, more gentle, compassionate and full of love, understanding and ideas.
If tempted to be fearful, realize that fear can only exist where there is a lack of the truth of who you really are, how powerful you are and the laws that you have learned about in this program. Study, understand and apply what you have learned and fear must disappear, in its place will be faith, trust, belief and confidence. Fear is based on lack, limitation and scarcity and those things are false and therefore fear is false. What is true is abundance, your power to attract and the support of nature for your success. With this truth, what is there to be afraid of. There is enough for everyone and everyone can attract to themselves what they desire. Practice the truth until it becomes your truth.
Ask yourself in any given moment, what am I thinking about, right here, right now, is it what I want or what I am experiencing that I don’t like or a negative voice. Take charge of your thinking to “see” what you want to see in every moment. Engage your story, your world. In my world … Whatever thoughts>feelings you pick in the present moment IS YOUR FUTURE. Your future is not controlled by anything else except what you choose in the present moment. In fact, rather than saying what are you thinking about, I could say what thoughts are you practicing. If you think of thoughts as something to practice and that practicing high vibration thoughts will give you the life you want, you are much more motivated to practice high vibration thoughts.
4) Actions in a universe of vibration
Act in accordance with your high vibration practices as stated in the previous mind mastery area 3), for example, if you are thinking something nice about someone, tell them. Reach out and help someone, do something for yourself, treat yourself like royalty etc.
Act as though you are the person you envision and experiencing the life you envision. Rehearse a speech or an interview, sit by the side of a pool, take a car out for a test drive, try on an article of clothing, or research a topic of interest.
Set dail
y goals related to your desires. They can be whatever size you are willing to commit to. Then do them, this will build confidence and confidence will build self image. Increased self image will increase your vibration and allow the manifestation of your desires. When you are engaged in an activity, ask yourself how it is helping you to realize the life you want.
Prioritize your goals, activities and do what is most important to move you in the direction of your desires. What moves you to your desires is always the things that feel the best so make those the highest priorities. That may be something directly related to the desire or simply something that feels good and puts you on a high frequency.
Do things that challenge your fears and risk disapproval. Not in a reckless way but in relation to something you have a heart felt desire for but feel inhibited to act on it. Again, do this in small ways so as not to cause too much stress but enough to help you break through the comfort zone and fear barrier that is holding you back. When you do act in this way it will almost certainly cause you to feel fear, but the more you trust in the laws and the more you know your true self, your confidence to act will be greater than your fear and you will act in spite of the fear. You don’t have to completely remove fear before acting; you just need your confidence to be greater. As your confidence about who you really are increases, you will have a knowing that things will work out when you live by the laws. Also, when fear arises you can dissect it, it has a root (belief) and you can “root that belief out” by creating a new belief and giving it all of the attention. When you do this it becomes the new dominant vibration that causes what is attracted into your life. This new belief will support you in experiencing your desires. Learn to look at fear and other negatives as your friend, thank them for showing up and use them to help you build new beliefs based on truth.
Instead of running around and forcing things to happen because there is a feeling of insecurity and uncertainty, of worry, fear or doubt, simply do what you are doing but do it with a high vibration attitude. Once you sustain a high vibration, you will attract those things that reside at that high frequency. Once you sustain the high frequency, things will start showing up that reflect that high frequency and all you need to do be is present, aware and willing to act on your feelings of inspiration in order to receive what you attract. If you are feeling strongly compelled to act on something, it is your sign that it is what you attracted, if not then keep working on sustaining a high vibration.
Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony Page 32