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I Gave My Heart To A Jersey Killa

Page 12

by Tina J

  “I shouldn’t have put my hands on her. My mother taught me better than that.” I had my head in my hands thinking about the way I held Elaina in the air. Yes, she deserved it but I’ve never laid hands on her.

  “It was a reaction from her attacking you with a baseball.” The captain said and showed me a video Pastor Burns must’ve sent him. He had cameras everywhere and I’m glad he did.

  “Ok. You are getting out on your own recognizance and a court date will be sent in the mail. On the way out, grab the restraining order I had put in place.” I went to speak and he stopped me.

  “Its to protect you because she’s gonna run with this and since she’s not on the deed, there’s no need for her to return to the house.” I nodded and stood.

  “This is crazy.” I was more upset with myself for allowing Elaina to take me there.

  “Its all going to work out in your favor; especially when the judge sees the video. Don’t worry Christian.” The lawyer said and patted my shoulder on the way out the door.

  I walked in the lobby and there was Stormy, my parents, her parents, my cousins, uncles and my son. My grams had him today while I went to church, since I stayed the night with Stormy.

  All of them hugged me and my father had the evilest look on his face. He gave me a hug and whispered her days were numbered in my ear. I could fight it and ask them not to bother her but what for? They’re gonna do what they want anyway.

  “Tha fuck happened!” We all turned around and Haven was standing there with Ariel. All of us gave him a weird stare.

  “WHAT?” He barked.

  “Did you and Ariel come together?” Armonie asked the question we were waiting to hear the answer to.

  “Hell no. She was outside when I got here.” He said in a serious tone.

  “Hmmm.” Armonie had her index finger under her chin.

  “That’s weird because I didn’t get a chance to call her, so how would she know?” Again, all of us waited for him to answer.

  “How the fuck am I supposed to know?” He walked over to me and everyone started talking again.

  “What happened and Armonie mind your business.” He said quietly which let me know they definitely messing around.

  Haven is private and after the mess with Juicy, he and I spoke and he was hurt. He also promised himself to never make any other chick his girl. If he is messing with Ariel, he doesn’t want anyone to know because if it don’t work out, he won’t hear the end of it.

  “OOOOOOOH BITCH!” She grabbed Ariel’s hand and pushed her out the door.

  “She so got damn nosy.” He said and I started laughing.

  “Ariel’s a good girl bro.” He let a small grin creep across his face.

  “Tell me what happened and who I’m about to send the Reaper after?” Colby Jr. and Jax walked over and listened to me tell the story.

  “That bitch brought it to the church? She bold as fuck.” Colby Jr. said and all three of them gave each other eye contact. I knew too well what it meant.

  “Just scare her and her mother. Nothing can happen to her right now.”

  “A’ight but when the dust settles its lights out.” I nodded and all of us headed out the door.

  “You ok babe?” Stormy asked when everyone walked out.

  “I’m good. Thanks for coming.” She wrapped her arms around my neck.

  “I’ll go anywhere to make sure you’re safe.” I smiled and kissed her cheek.

  “Let’s go do some things together.”

  “You ain’t said nothing but a word.” She and I stepped out the police station and saw Armonie pointing back and forth to Haven and Ariel. I hope he treats her well because Ariel is not going to allow him to do the things Juicy did.


  “You walking funny.” Colby Jr. said. We were walking to our cars. I tried to get the scoop outta Ariel, but she told me not until we got home. I don’t know why she was holding it in when I figured it out.

  “Nigga don’t talk about the way my daughter walks.” My father was very protective of me and so were my two uncles. If you read their story you know why.

  “Pops, I’d never refer to the limp. Look at her walk. Somethings different.” They all focused their attention on me and I stopped at my car door.

  “You got something to tell us?” Colby Jr. asked again with a smirk on his face.

  “No and stay out my business.” I became very defensive and started my car. I could hear them speaking about me because my window was down.

  “She fucking.” My uncle Wolf said, and my dad threw his keys at him. My mother stared over at me and I put my head down.

  “Nigga she ain’t gonna be pure forever.”

  “Fuck you!” Those two went at it for a few minutes.

  “We’ll talk later.” My mom said and told me to call her when I got home.

  Instead of going to my house, I went back to the hotel room. I left VJ there and told him I’d return afterwards. I have to admit, the more sex we had, the more comfortable I became with it. He was always gentle and the one time I asked for it rough, I regretted it. I didn’t complain because I asked for it but I won’t again unless I’m drunk. It took me two days be ok to walk.

  He was supposed to leave yesterday but stayed and he took Mecca back to Virginia weeks ago. The same day, he was here and haven’t left except to see his parents, check on the businesses down in VA, or search for a place here with Brayden.

  His cousin picked some spots for him and VJ approved but he wanted more than one for options or some shit he said. It didn’t make sense, but he told me he had a few houses in Virginia. I thought it was crazy but then again, I share a condo with Ariel and have a whole apartment in the hotel I own. I didn’t plan on getting my own house until I had a family. I didn’t need all that space right now.

  “You staying here now?” I turned and saw Freddy sitting in the lobby. I didn’t go through the back because I wanted to speak with the manager. I wish I had though.

  “What are you doing here Freddy? I told you we were over.” I finally mustered up enough courage to leave him alone. I sent him a message and blocked him from everything.

  “I thought we discussed us never being over.” The manager looked at me and I told her it was ok for now. I took a seat in the lobby next to Freddy. He was not going in the office to abuse me.

  “Freddy we’re no good for one another. You have a hand problem and I’m tired of it.” He moved closer and grabbed my hand.

  “I’m sorry Armonie. I’ve been going to counseling to work on my anger. You’re correct about me not loving you right.” I moved his hand off mine.

  “Freddy its too late.”

  “WHAT?” And just like that, he snapped. I nodded my head at the manager to give her the cue.

  She’s the only one who knew VJ had been staying there with me and how abusive Freddy has been. Its no doubt she’s going to get him; especially after he threatened her if she ever forgot to mention this man bothered me. VJ was super overprotective of me now. I don’t know if its because of the abuse or me reminding him of his mom.

  “You better not be fucking nobody.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Is that all you’re worried about? If I gave my virginity away?”

  “Hell fucking yea. You made me wait all this time, so its only right I get it.” I couldn’t believe he admitted it.

  “Too late nigga, I got it and ain’t nobody else ever touching her.” VJ stood behind him in a t-shirt and basketball shorts. Freddy looked from VJ to me.

  “Don’t you have a girl and aren’t you fucking my sister?” Now it was my turn to stare at him.

  “Yea, that’s’ right. You’re the nigga I saw dipping out the house last week.” VJ didn’t say a word.

  “Armonie don’t want you here, so I’m giving you a chance to bounce by yourself or with my help.”

  “Nigga you don’t scare me.” Freddy was talking tough until VJ snatched him up, took his ass out the back and damn near killed him. VJ beat Freddy s
o bad he was almost unrecognizable.

  I called the cops and had them take Freddy away after filing a complaint about him stalking and trying to assault me. After they left, I went to my room with VJ and the manager in tow.

  “Can you give us a minute?” She shook her head and left us alone.

  “The only person I’m sleeping with is you and its gonna stay that way.” I recited the words he said to me at the party Freddy’s mother had.

  “Monie, its not the way he’s making it seem.” He tried to explain but I was so hurt, nothing he was saying made sense.

  “Were you at his sister’s house with Latifa?”

  “Yes but with…” I held my hand up.

  “I know the rules of a man who has a side chick so I can’t question the things you do. Its not my place and I need to play my position and stay quiet.”

  “Monie, you and I both know you’re more than a side chick to me.” I tossed my head back laughing.

  “Did you break up with Mecca? Huh?” He remained quiet.

  “Do we go out in public and show our relationship off? Have either of us mentioned the other to our parents?” He put his head down.

  “I’m afraid you have it wrong then VJ. You may not wanna call it what it is, but the fact remains, I am your side chick.”

  “Ok, I’m your side nigga.”

  “Again, in the beginning maybe but you watched me send him a message breaking up with him. You saw me block him from everything. I never answered the phone for unknown numbers which most likely was him. So you became my man even though we never made it official.”

  “This is bullshit Monie. We were doing fine and he comes spitting bullshit and you won’t even let me explain.”

  “No, its exactly what was supposed to happen. He did what any man would do for a woman he wants. He let me know you were doing you in the process, and how can I be with you and not him?” I started picking his things up and placing them in his duffle bag.

  “I don’t know why I even agreed to be a side chick knowing you lived states away and you’d be sleeping with other women.” He swung my body around.

  “Look at me.” He had my chin in his hand and used his thumb to wipe away the tears falling.

  “Things are fucked up right now but Armonie Banks you are the only woman I’ve been with.”

  “He says different and you admitted to being there so it’s not much left for us to say.” His phone started to ring and both of us looked at it.

  “I’m asking you again. Freddy knows about us, have you told her.” I folded my arms.

  “Exactly! Go home to your woman VJ.”

  “Fuck her Monie.”

  “Yea its fuck her because she’s not here but y’all have history. You live down there with her and lets not forget you been having sex with her even after you broke my virginity. And before you say it, no man has touched me and you know it. Its the reason Freddy is mad.” The ringing stopped and started again.

  “Thank you for these amazing three and half months, I’ll never forget it.” He’s been here longer but him and I have been together intimately for these last few months.

  I left him standing there and ran down the hall. I hid in one of the maintenance closets and heard him yelling my name. I can’t even tell you how long I was in there. All I know is I ended up falling asleep.


  “Are you ok Ms. Banks?” The janitor asked when he saw me on the floor.

  When I ran in here, I cried until I couldn’t cry any more. I was in love with VJ and its probably because he was my first. We spent a lotta time together, I enjoyed his company and I really thought we were going to be together. Why in the hell I thought that is beyond me? I know what he did to her, he’d do to me.

  I guess when you’re missing attention at home, you’ll welcome it from anywhere. Even if its with another woman’s man. This is my karma because I had no business being a side chick.

  “I’m ok. I just needed a break. Is anyone in the hallway?” I asked and he turned and told me no.

  “Ok. Do me a favor and don’t mention to anyone about finding me in there.” He smiled and told me never. I walked to my room and the door was slightly opened. I pushed it and saw Ariel sitting on the couch.


  “Don’t hey me. Why my cousin call asking to find you because he don’t know where you went?” I shrugged my shoulders.

  “Mmm hmm. Anyway, this was on the table.” She handed me an envelope. I opened it and started tearing up.

  Armonie, I don’t know where you went but I get it. You were right about me allowing you to accept being my side chick. It wasn’t fair to you or Mecca and I feel like shit. I’ve never cheated on her but somehow you coming into my life, had me doing just that. The crazy thing is I didn’t look at it as cheating because I wanted it and you. I no longer wanted Mecca and planned on breaking up with her in person. It should’ve been done before she left Jersey and I apologize for it.

  What I won’t do is admit to sleeping with Latifa because its not true. Yes, I was there but only because Mycah fucked her. She got tired of hearing me say no and moved on to him. I tried to explain it to you but the tears running down your face and the anger in your voice, told me its best if I leave. I’m leaving from here and I wish you nothing but the best. I will always be your protector if you need me but you have a huge family that can too. I can’t reach you in Virginia if he tries something. I’m begging you to tell them. It’s the only way I know you’ll be safe.

  Love always VJ

  I ripped the letter up and threw it in the trash. I didn’t want anything from him and since he’s gone, why keep it? He’s on his way back to her so I may as well forget about everything we did. It was fun but I have to get back to my life and it starts by me finally telling my family. VJ was right about one thing and that’s, that if Freddy comes after me again, he won’t be here to save me. If I tell my family, they’ll keep me more protected.


  “The new place is ready. You wanna come see it with me?” Armonie wiped her eyes and shook her head yes.

  “Awww bookie come here.” I hugged her and she broke down crying harder.

  “What’s wrong?” She moved away and ran in the bathroom to grab tissue.

  “Besides me falling in love with someone else’s man, not much.”

  “Huh? Please don’t tell me it’s my cousin.” I had my fingers on the bridge of my nose.

  “Ok. I won’t. Let’s go.” She grabbed her things and left me standing there looking crazy. I glanced down at my phone and saw Haven calling me.

  “Yea.” I closed the door and walked out slowly. I didn’t want Armonie hearing us speak.

  We haven’t gotten the chance to discuss how me and Haven got together. Everyone knew we were messing around now because of her shouting it at the station but no one knew we damn near stayed together.

  “You coming over tonight or am I coming to you?” He asked in the phone causing me to smile.

  “Let me call you back later.”

  “Ariel it’s either me and you tonight or I can go to the top four on my list.”

  “Haven, I don’t have time to be dealing with your mother because I stabbed you.” He busted out laughing.

  “Something happened with Armonie. I’m trying to find out.”

  “What’s wrong with her.”

  “Boy calm down. She’s in love with someone else and it ain’t Freddy.”

  “About damn time. I hope the dude thorough.” I wanted to tell him my cousin is thorough, and he knows first hand but until Armonie confirmed her and VJ, I wasn’t gonna make assumptions.

  “I’m sure he is. I’ll call you back.”

  “A’ight.” He hung up and I laughed.

  We’ve been sleeping together for the last few months and the feelings have developed for me but I don’t want to tell him. He’s not tryna be in a relationship and as far as I know, I’m the only chick he’s been with. He’s waiting on me af
ter work and makes me stay with him when I’m off.

  When he leaves the house, he’s usually back within an hour or two and we fucking. If there is someone else, she ain’t getting what I am and that’s attention, his time and the keys to his place.

  I felt a little uncomfortable at first accepting the key because his ex used to be here a lot. Then I remembered we’ve been around one another for years. I did make him get a new bedroom set because I wasn’t sleeping in no other woman’s bed. He gave me a hard time but then handed me the money and made me get it.

  He is definitely spoiled when it comes to sex with me. Both of us are addicted to the other and to be honest, he’s the best I’ve ever had. If you go by his name, you’d assume he was shitty in bed but it’s far from the truth.

  “How you in love with VJ when y’all barely around one another?” I asked and started my car. I had to pry.

  “It’s a long story and right now I just wanna lay down. Can you pull over?” I did and she vomited on the ground.

  “What the hell did you eat?”

  “I think it’s because I’m so upset. You know how I get.” I nodded because growing up if Monie stressed herself out too much, she’d throw up. The doctor said she has acid reflux when she worked herself up or some shit.

  “VJ is a good guy Monie but he’s taken and so are you.”

  “Not anymore. I broke up with Freddy but you’re right. He’s taken and I never should’ve gotten caught up.” I handed her a napkin and pulled off.

  “Caught up?” I wanted to ask if they had sex because I know like she did, Freddy would flip if he knew someone else took what he’s been waiting years for.

  “Yea. We’ll talk later. I’m getting a headache.”

  “Ok.” I left it alone and drove to the new house I got us. My dad had some being built and let me pick one. He said I needed a home and not a condo.

  “Where are we?”

  “At our new house.” She stared at me.

  “House? Ariel you know we were only staying in the condo until we got married. We made a pact to purchase a house when we had a family.” She’s right. Neither of us wanted to live in a house with no one to share it with. She has money and could purchase her own, but I enjoy having her as my roommate.


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