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Against All Odds

Page 55

by Marian L. Jasper

  The colonel was frowning and looked mystified. “No, you’re right; he should not be left in those conditions.” He yelled for Ben who appeared in seconds. “Who ordered Lieutenant Kendal to be kept out of uniform and unkempt?”

  “I assumed you did, sir,” said Ben.

  Liza felt that she should cover her ears at the explosion that, although aimed towards Ben, was really towards whoever had kept Mark in those conditions. “Go and sort it, Lieutenant and take his uniform to him, stay with him whilst he shaves and makes himself presentable for Liza when she visits him in a little while. Then you find out who wanted to shame him in such a way and make sure they are punished for it.”

  Ben left at break neck speed barking orders at some men to get water and shaving equipment and presumably he went to find Mark’s uniform.

  The colonel and Liza sat facing one another for a while saying nothing. Then Liza said, “So you’re sending him away permanently; he thinks that it’s because you don’t think he’s good enough for Felicity. It isn’t, though, is it? Neither of us can tell him the real reason and he wouldn’t believe it if we could.”

  “No, you’re right. You know I’m really trying to protect him. I just hope that absence won’t make his heart grow fonder. I wonder if it would be better to let him stay and see exactly what Felicity is like. She’s good at covering her true character to an extent but eventually her real personality comes to the fore. Young Mark would ruin his career in that time; he’s all but done that already. At least at Clarkson he will be able to get back into some form of army discipline and perhaps see the error of his ways.”

  “Of course you know he came to see me yesterday. He wanted me to persuade you to stop his transfer to Clarkson. I told him I had no power over military matters. Then he thought he would only be away on a short transfer, now he knows it’s permanent. Is there any part of Felicity that likes him?” asked Liza.

  “Unfortunately she thinks that he’s the best of a bad bunch. I didn’t know that he’d been to see you Liza; I thought he was trying to see Felicity, or perhaps had seen her. Anyway, he was confined to quarters and shouldn’t have left to see anybody. Oh Liza my daughter has a great deal to answer for. She’s hurt Edward and all his family, she’s hurt you and your boys, she’s hurt her mother and now she wants to hurt Lieutenant Kendal,” said the colonel.

  “And, Colonel, she’s hurt you very much also. I don’t suppose there’s any chance that you could keep Lieutenant Kendal here and send Felicity away?” said Liza with a smile.

  “That would be a lovely solution, but just not practical,” said the colonel.

  “I thought not. Is there any possibility that you could confine Lieutenant Kendal to quarters again; even by putting someone on a discreet watch to make sure he stays there, rather than locking him up in prison because he doesn’t really deserve that. His misdemeanour really was leaving his quarters and coming to see me yesterday.”

  “When Lieutenant Webber returns he’ll take you to see Lieutenant Kendal and I’ll think about where he can be held,” said the colonel. “On another subject, how are the boys and young Meg?”

  “The boys are well, thank you. Meg wasn’t too well this morning. I took her to the doctor and she seemed to get over it, I’m pleased to say,” said Liza.

  They talked for a little while longer until Ben came and escorted Liza back to the prison. Mark smiled at her and complimented her on her powers of persuasion and she complimented him on how handsome he now looked. She looked at Ben and said that surely there was no need to keep the door locked.

  “That’s not my decision, Liza,” said Ben and he left her to talk with Mark privately.

  “Your powers of persuasion didn’t extend to letting me stay here, I suppose?” asked Mark.

  “Sorry Mark, I told you there was a limit to what I would be able to do,” said Liza. “Are you feeling a bit better now? You’re looking more yourself.”

  “I do feel more human now thank you. Perhaps Felicity will come and visit me now that I look better,” said Mark.

  “Did she know you looked worse then?” asked Liza.

  “She was probably told,” he said and Liza felt like slapping him and trying to get him to have a little sense but she knew that it would be useless.

  Ben came back with the private who had been the jailer and pushed him towards the locked door. “Unlock it,” he shouted, “and then you had better make yourself scarce for your own good.”

  Liza smiled, so the colonel had thought about it and was letting Mark go.

  “Right, Mark,” said Ben, “you are confined to quarters, so please, please don’t try leaving the fort again. If you do, you’ll be letting Liza down as she’s the one who suggested this to the colonel.”

  “Liza’s one person who I would never let down, so yes I won’t try to leave the fort, or my quarters,” said Mark. Liza could see that he was thinking that Felicity could now come and visit him.

  Liza said goodbye to Mark and told him that she would see him again soon, and wished him well on his journey. She said that she would write to him and let him know how the boys and Meg were doing and hoped that when he had some extended time off he’d make the trip there. He kissed her and thanked her for all her help and then Ben escorted him back to his quarters.

  It was with sadness that Liza walked back to the colonel’s office to ask if it would be all right to call on Ada. He said that he believed that Felicity was with her so Liza said to tell Ada that she asked after her and that she would see her on another day and that really she should get back to little Meg as she hadn’t been well that morning.

  Liza felt like crying as she drove out of the fort and towards home. Everything had been so good in Benson before Felicity arrived back and now because of her they had lost a very good friend and one who had been an asset to the army.

  The next day Mark rode out of Fort Benson with the two wagons heading towards Fort Clarkson. He was allowed to ride his own horse and Patrick reported that he looked quite striking in his lieutenant’s uniform. The boys were upset that he had left but they had previously heard that he would be back in a little while so they said that they would look forward to that.

  “We’ve got another lieutenant joining us tomorrow; he has come from Clarkson, although he has only been there for about a month. We miss Mark’s smiling face around the fort, although he wasn’t smiling as much latterly. I’m glad the colonel let him keep his dignity but I don’t think it made much difference to Felicity, I don’t believe she visited him,” said Patrick.

  “Do you know the new lieutenant?” asked Liza.

  “No, his name’s Stephen Crown, I believe,” said Patrick, “but no doubt you’ll meet him tomorrow. You’re visiting Ada and Bea, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, just for an hour or so. That is if Meg is all right, of course,” said Liza.

  Meg was well the next morning and Liza debated whether to take her on her visit to Ada and Bea but decided against it as she was so calm and Zelma had nothing specific to do that morning and Liza only planned to be gone around an hour. So she set off on her way to the fort hoping that she didn’t bump into Felicity whilst she was there.

  She was very pleased to see Ada; it had been very difficult recently to see her as she tried not to be around when Felicity was there. Bea had Judith with her who was thriving so well under her care and Bea laughed at how Rachel was now part of a foursome with Matthew, John and Simon. She was becoming quite a tomboy now.

  “It’s strange how when I came here there were no children in town. There were a few from the outskirts but then came Matthew and now we have Gabriel’s Simon, Brigeta’s daughter, your two, Bea, the doctor’s twins and Ellen, Mrs Henshaw’s grandson as well as John and now little Meg. We’re quite a young town now,” said Liza.

  Nobody mentioned either Mark or Felicity and their discussions turned towards whether they could organise a function at the fort as it had been a while since they had any large gathering.

suppose we could just have a get together for the sake of it,” said Liza. “It’ll be your birthday in a couple of months Bea, when’s yours, Ada?” asked Liza.

  “I like to forget mine now, Liza. Shall we think about it and come up with something clever. When’s Harvest Festival?” asked Ada.

  “Don’t know, but I suppose we could make it whenever we wanted, if there’s enough food around,” said Bea.

  “Maybe; shall we think about it, but it seems one idea,” said Liza.

  “The colonel would like to see you before you leave, Liza; I think he wants to assure you of something. Have you seen the new lieutenant yet?” asked Ada.

  “No, I didn’t know he had arrived yet. Patrick said that he was coming today. I suppose he’s good looking. All lieutenants seem to be,” said Liza.

  “He seems a little familiar with the ladies already and he’s only been here three hours,” said Bea. This was vastly different to the way she had spoken about Mark when he had first arrived.

  “I’ll walk you over there when you’re ready. I wouldn’t want you to meet the new lieutenant without somebody with you. I’m sure he’s harmless, but he does have an eye for the ladies and he hasn’t yet learned who’s who and he needs to learn quickly for his own sake,” said Ada.

  “He sounds rather uncouth, I suppose he’ll soon get knocked into shape,” smiled Liza.

  Ada and Liza eventually walked over to see the colonel. The new lieutenant caught sight of Liza and mistakenly thought she was the colonel’s daughter and at Clarkson he had heard rumours about the lax behaviour of Felicity Fuller and he certainly liked the look of her.

  The colonel wanted to assure Liza that he had not allowed Mark to leave Benson looking like a reprobate. Ada had seen that there were a number of people in the parade ground including Patrick, so she left Liza to talk to the colonel alone, she also knew that the colonel did confide in Liza which sometimes gave him a new perspective on a difficult subject.

  “I know you helped Mark as much as you could,” said Liza. “Does Felicity feel nothing about his leaving?”

  “Apparently not, she’s talking about taking rooms in town; I believe her friend has space in her house. She says staying here is too demeaning for her as well as being too restricting. Do you know her friend at all?”

  “Not really Colonel, but I suppose she’s talking about Laurie Cuzins. You know, Corporal Shaw’s lady friend. Did Mark know she was thinking about moving?”

  “I know that you know that he used to meet Felicity at her house. I admire your discretion Liza. I have no idea if he knew what she had in mind. He thought that we stopped her from seeing him before he left, but we had no power to stop her doing anything. She just didn’t seem to remember him. Have you heard from Edward yet?”

  “No, I told you that she should hear before I do,” said Liza. “You’re very worried, aren’t you? I wish there was something I could do to help but I have to admit that I do avoid her like the plague. Ada didn’t mention her at all, but I can see that she’s very upset.”

  “How are all your family Liza? The boys seemed very well when I saw them the other week. There seems to be quite a clan of children now. I heard about the twins and the gardens, I have to say that it cheered me up no end, even if it didn’t do much for the gardens around you,” said the colonel.

  “The boys are fine; little Meg is as well as can be expected, which reminds me, I must make my way home to her. Zelma’s very good and she keeps her calm as well as I do, but I enjoy having her around and holding her,” said Liza and the colonel got up and walked Liza out to the parade ground.

  Lieutenant Stephen Crown was standing across from the colonel’s office with Sean and Patrick was making his way towards them.

  “Wow, that’s some body. No wonder the boys at Clarkson talk about her. I’m gonna get some of that. Who’s going to introduce me?” said the lieutenant.

  “I don’t think…” Sean started to say.

  “Come on, she’s up for it so I’ve heard. She opens her legs for anyone, so I’m going to get my share,” laughed Lieutenant Crown.

  By this time Patrick had joined them and Sean thought it best to step between him and Lieutenant Crown.

  “Have you had her too, Patrick?” asked the lieutenant. “If you haven’t, you’ll be about the only one who hasn’t.”

  Liza was making her way towards Patrick having left the colonel and she saw Patrick move towards the new lieutenant as if he was going to hit him with Sean stepping between them and she frowned as she slowly carried on walking.

  The colonel was watching closely and saw that Patrick had nearly lost his temper with the new lieutenant. Obviously something detrimental had been said about Liza and he hoped that there was not going to be another Frank Wyley situation. He had a bad feeling about the new lieutenant.

  “I think the lieutenant has mistaken your wife for someone else, Patrick,” said Sean trying to diffuse the situation.

  “If the lieutenant has mistaken my wife for some tramp, then I take that as a personal insult,” said Patrick.

  By this time Liza had joined them and looked from Patrick to Sean and then on to Lieutenant Crown and realised that she had to do something to calm the situation.

  “I gather you are Lieutenant Crown,” said Liza. “I’m Patrick’s wife. How do you do?” and she put out her hand and shook his. “I hear you’ve just come from Fort Clarkson; were you there long?”

  He had the unnerving feeling that her green eyes saw right through him and she knew exactly what he had been saying about her.

  “I’m pleased to meet you, Mrs Kelly. I thought you were the colonel’s daughter as I saw you with him. My mistake; my apologies. No, I was only at Clarkson a short while.”

  “I believe, as you are here longer, you will find that the colonel’s daughter and I are very different people. Nice to meet you, Lieutenant, I hope you settle in well. Patrick, are you going to walk me to my buggy? Goodbye, Sean,” said Liza.

  As they walked away, Liza said; “Stop fuming Patrick. What was it that he said about me thinking that I was Felicity? Something overtly sexual, I dare say.”

  The frown went from Patrick’s face and suddenly he laughed, “Amongst some very unseemly things that he had heard about the colonel’s daughter, he asked if I’d also had you and if not, I was the only one who hadn’t. Little does he know that I can have you whenever you and I like.”

  “Yes, whenever we want,” Liza laughed. “Does he really think that Felicity is that wayward? Where has he heard that?”

  “It would seem that her reputation has spread to Clarkson. I wonder what Mark will do when he hears it there?” said Patrick.

  “He won’t believe it. He’s very blinkered where Felicity is concerned,” said Liza as Patrick helped her into the buggy.

  Whilst Patrick and Liza were walking towards the stable, Sean turned to Lieutenant Crown and said, “My advice to you is that you never pass a comment about Liza, and especially not within the hearing of Patrick or the colonel, or in fact anyone around here or in town.”

  “I didn’t realise that she was Patrick’s wife or I would have kept my thoughts to myself. She seems very pally with the colonel; she’s not his ‘friend’, is she, if you know what I mean,” and he winked at Sean who then punched him full in the mouth.

  Nobody but the colonel had seen what had happened and he closed his eyes and said to himself, “Oh Lord, we do have another Frank Wyley on our hands.” He turned and walked back into his office, preferring not to take any action on Lieutenant Crown’s first day and certainly not involving Lieutenant Byrne, who was normally known not to be confrontational.

  Lieutenant Crown picked himself up and said, “You’re very touchy where she’s concerned, she’s not…”

  “Don’t even think it Crown. I’ve told you what my advice to you is. You’d be wise to take it, and if you’re thinking of making a play for the colonel’s daughter, it would be in your best interests to leave that alone. The reason y
ou’re here is because a better man than you got caught by her and he’s now licking his wounds in Clarkson, so just get on with your job and keep your nasty thoughts to yourself,” said Sean as he marched off to his quarters leaving Lieutenant Crown standing by himself in the middle of the parade ground.

  As Patrick returned from seeing Liza off, he saw Lieutenant Crown standing on the parade ground and he was nursing a split lip. “You’re not in trouble already,” said Patrick none too kindly.

  “No, just a slight accident, nothing to worry about. Do you know where my quarters are?” he asked.

  “I’ll get someone to show you,” and he saw Corporal Shaw in the distance and called to him to show the lieutenant to his quarters. He didn’t like him, so he moved off and once again the lieutenant was left standing in the middle of the parade ground while Corporal Shaw established where the quarters were.

  Patrick found Sean in his quarters nursing a sore hand and he was surprised as he knew that Sean always held his temper in check unless he found it absolutely necessary to lash out. “What was it he said Sean? Was it about Liza?”

  “Forget it Patrick, I’ve dealt with it and it wasn’t just about Liza it was about others as well,” Sean wasn’t lying, but he was not going to elaborate on exactly what had been said. “I think we have another Frank Wyley in our midst, I’m afraid.”

  “I’ll warn Liza, although I think she already suspects that it’s the case. I gather he feels that he’s entitled to make a play for the colonel’s daughter. Well, while he’s doing that, he’s not going to be bothering Liza,” said Patrick.

  “I told him to steer clear of that too and that a better man than he has ended up in deep trouble, but he’ll probably do exactly what he wants,” said Sean. “I hope he’s reliable in the field, I don’t fancy going out on patrol with someone whose mind is elsewhere.”


  When Liza got home, little Meg was having difficulty breathing, she had been crying a little but Zelma had fed her and changed her and she really had nothing to cry about. Liza took her from Zelma who had been cuddling her, and held her closely. She seemed to settle a little and Liza decided not to contact the doctor. She knew that there were going to be many episodes like this one and she was going to have to learn how to cope with them.


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