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Daisy and the Dead (Book 4): Elijah and the New World

Page 8

by Bale, Sarah

  Something tightened in my chest. How could I leave her here if that was true? Even if she didn’t come back to the hospital, maybe I could find a safe place for her.

  Sighing, I said, “Let me think about it.”

  I would need to talk to Daisy, because the decision would be hers. I wasn’t going to make her uncomfortable, even if what Marianne said was true.

  Marianne nodded. “Thank you, Boss.”

  I turned, heading toward my car. Amos leaned against it, arms crossed.


  “Amos. Anything I can do for you?”

  He replied, “I have a few more questions for you.”

  “I’ll do my best to answer.”

  “How are you going to do things differently?”

  I said, “We’re rebuilding now. Making the fences stronger. Adding watchtowers. Rebuilding homes in the house addition.”

  “That’s not what I mean.”

  I replied, “We won’t be making unnecessary runs like we did before. Our goal is to be self-sufficient.”

  Amos rubbed his blonde beard. “That’s not what I mean, either, though I do like what I’m hearing. How are you going to rule differently? Are we expected to bow down to you as we did before? Will you listen to us and give us all fair shots?”

  I exhaled loudly. “I never asked anyone to bow to me before.”

  “But you never put a stop to it, either.” He smiled. “I get it. The power was nice, but obviously it didn’t work.”

  “You’re right. It didn’t work and I almost died because of it,” I said. “I can’t make you trust me. But I can tell you that I will give everyone a fair shot. We’ll work together as a team and thrive together. You’re more than welcome to stop by and see what we’re doing.”

  That was the best I could give him.

  He replied, “Thanks for talking to me. We’ll see.”

  We’ll see. That summed up the entire world these days.

  I said, “I’ve got to be going before it’s too dark to travel.”

  Amos chuckled at this. “Don’t want to spend the night in the same place as Marianne? I understand that.”

  “Can you tell me how the women are treated here?”

  Amos looked around before saying, “Not very well, in my opinion. They’re more of objects that can be traded for other goods. But, this isn’t my place, so I can’t change a thing.” He paused. “I will say this – if I had a woman, we wouldn’t live here.”

  “Thank you for answering.” I paused. “I hope you’ll consider coming back home.”

  Amos nodded his head. I got into my car and left. As I drove my thoughts went to what Marianne said. It wasn’t right for women to be treated that way. Even when I was in charge I never forced a female to do anything she didn’t want to, especially with a man.

  The drive back to the hospital was a quiet one. In the west, the sun began to set, putting on one hell of a show. Clouds to the east made me wonder if we’d get snow overnight. I prayed not. It was too soon and we had too much work to do.

  As I approached the property, I was pleased to see the two main gates were back in working order. Even the bullet holes had been repaired. That made me feel better. If a stranger happened to pass by, they wouldn’t be able to look right in.

  Grey waited for me when I parked my car.

  “Daisy was pissed when she found out you were gone. Been pacing a path in that cafeteria carpet.”

  I replied, “I’m sure it’s not that bad.”

  Grey’s lips twitched. “Your funeral.” As we walked he asked, “So, how did it go?”

  “Good for the most part. I learned something that’s not sitting well with me.”


  I filled him in on what Amos and Marianne had told me as we made our way to the cafeteria.

  He frowned. “If it was just Marianne I would say she was lying, but if Amos is saying it then it must be true. He was always a fair man.”

  “That was my thought.” I sighed. “Marianne asked to come back here.”

  “The fuck she didn’t!” He glanced at me. “Fuck me. You’re actually considering it, aren’t you?”

  “I can’t just leave her there if she’s being mistreated. It’s not right.”

  He huffed. “Neither is selling your leader out, but what do I know.”

  We reached the cafeteria. I was surprised to see so many people still out and about. A few of the tables had fabrics on them.

  Grey said, “Daisy’s been showing everyone how to mend their shirts. And how to make curtains for their rooms.”

  “Well, I guess that’s something they need to know.”

  He snorted. “Or something she did to keep her mind off your whereabouts.”

  Daisy lifted her head at the sound of Grey’s laugh. Her eyes narrowed and she crossed the room with a determined look on her face. Grey gave me a look before walking away. I was about to ask how her day had gone when she punched my arm as hard as she could.

  I rubbed the spot. “What was that for?”

  “You stubborn, frustrating man! When are you going to learn?”

  My eyebrows raised. “I’m guessing Grey told you where I went.”

  “Yes. He did. And do you know what I’ve done for the last few hours? Worried about your stupid ass!”

  Her voice rose louder with each word she said. Norm and Jo glanced up and then they quietly made their way from the room.

  I said, “Maybe we should go to our room to talk. We’ll have more privacy that way.”

  “Privacy?” Her voice rose to the point of screaming. “You want some privacy?”

  The rest of the room cleared out. Coop gave me a wide-eyed expression as he closed the cafeteria doors behind him.

  “Daisy, nothing happened. I’m fine.”

  She inhaled and then counted to ten. Out loud. It would be comical if she wasn’t scaring the shit out of me.

  When she was done, she said, “That. Is. Not. The. Point.”


  “It’s my turn to talk, Elijah. You put yourself in a dangerous situation. We don’t know Bobby and what he’s capable of. Just because he gave us our home without a fight doesn’t mean he’s a good person. What would you have done if something went wrong today?”

  I didn’t have an answer for her. Not one that she would like at least.

  “We’re a team. You should have talked it over with me and then we could’ve come up with a solution. Together.” She went on, “Knowing you, you wanted to talk to the people who lived here before. Am I right?”

  I nodded. “I wanted them to know that things are going to be different.”

  “I get it. I really do. But what you did today was fucking stupid.”

  “Daisy, I had to go. Those people used to be under my protection. I needed them to know they could return here if they wanted.”

  She said, “And I support that. I don’t support how you handled the situation, though.”

  “If it makes you feel better none of them came back with me.”

  “No. That doesn’t make me feel better.” She paused. “Do you think any of them will come?”

  “I hope so.”

  Marianne’s face crossed my mind and I cringed.

  “What’s that look for?”

  I sighed. “You’re not going to like it.”

  “Then you should definitely tell me.”

  “Marianne wants to come back.” Daisy’s mouth dropped open so I rushed on, “Things are bad for women there. I told her I would talk to you about it and let her know.”

  “What in the fuck, Elijah?” Her voice bounced off the walls. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  Well, that could have gone better…



  Elijah stared at me, not speaking. Surely I heard him wrong?

  “You’re seriously considering letting her come back? After everything she did?”

  He nodded. “The women are traded like objects there.”

/>   “Oh, did she tell you that?”

  If so, that was awfully convenient.

  “Amos did, too, which confirmed everything she said.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “Daisy, I can’t leave anyone there that wants to come home. It’s not right.”

  I couldn’t believe he was saying this.

  I closed the distance between us, taking his hand. “I know you feel like you owe something to the ones who lived here before. But Marianne betrayed you, Elijah, and that has to count for something, too.”

  “I was thinking that if we don’t let her come back here that we can find somewhere for her to go. Maybe let her live in a house until then?”

  Why couldn’t he see that once she came back she wouldn’t leave? This place was a gold mine in a world gone to shit. And I didn’t trust her, even if she was being mistreated. I decided to voice my thought.

  “You were the only reason she stayed here before. When you moved on with me, she got angry and that’s when she turned on you. How in the heck do you think she’s going to act when she has to see me every day?”

  He rubbed my arms, but I pulled away.

  “She won’t be here, in the same building as us.”

  I took another step away from him. “You’ve already made up your mind, haven’t you?”

  I could tell that he had.

  “Daisy, I wouldn’t do anything to put you in danger. I swear it.”

  “I know. But sometimes you forget that I’m your partner and that we’re in this together.” An idea crossed my mind. “Take off your pants.”

  His eyes widened. “What?”

  “Take. Off. Your. Pants.”

  He watched me for a moment.

  “Don’t make me count, Elijah.”

  His lips twitched at that, but he did as I said. He kicked his boots off and tugged the dark jeans down his muscular thighs.

  “Kick them to me.”

  He pushed them across the floor with his foot. I pulled his belt from the loops.

  His eyes widened. “What are you doing?”

  “Ah, so you’re a giver and not a receiver?” I grinned. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to spank you, even though you deserve it.”

  Crossing the room, I used his belt to lock the door, looping it through the handles. When it was secure, I went back to him, tugging his head down for a kiss. I slowly explored his mouth, tasting and licking until he moaned. As I kissed him, I moved my hand under his shirt, feeling his firm muscles. His arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer.

  When I moved my hand lower, over the flat planes of his stomach he groaned.

  “Do you like that?” I asked against his lips.

  “I do. Very much.”

  I pulled back and said, “Take your shirt off.”

  He pulled it over his head, tossing it to the ground, and then tugged my shirt off as well. With one hand he unclasped my bra. I rubbed my nipples against the hair on his chest until we both made sounds of pleasure. He caught my lips in a kiss again. I cupped his cock with my fist and pumped him at the same pace we kissed.

  “Daisy, I want to fuck you.”

  “Do you?”

  He moved his hands to the buttons of my jeans, but I stopped him by pulling away. His cock was hard and ready to go. My mouth watered just looking at it. But now it was time to teach him a lesson. I picked my clothes up from the floor as Elijah’s forehead crinkled in confusion.


  Pulling my shirt over my head, I said, “Maybe next time you’ll think about me before you run off without back-up.”

  I went to the door, removing his belt. “And maybe next time you’ll talk to me before doing something that affects us all.”

  His mouth hung open as I left the cafeteria.

  I walked as fast as I could back to our room. Knowing him, he would be right on my heels. Grabbing a blanket and pillow, I tossed them onto the floor. I then kicked my boots and pants off got into the bed. He came into the room a moment later, his cock tenting his pants.

  “Want to tell me what in the fuck that was?”

  I replied, “I believe it’s called a cock tease.”


  I smiled sweetly. “It’s where you arouse someone with no intention of following through.”

  “I know what it is, Daisy.” He looked down. “Why is my pillow on the floor?”

  “Your blanket is there, too.”


  I replied, “Because that’s where you’re sleeping, silly.” I turned the lamp off before pulling the covers up to my chin. Yawning, I said, “Good night.”

  Even though the room was dark, I could see the outline of his body standing by the bed. He cursed and then laid on the floor. I smiled to myself. Maybe I’d get a point through his stubborn head.

  “How long is this punishment going to last?”

  I replied, “Until you see the errors of your way.”

  He muttered something about blue balls, but didn’t say anything else.

  Teasing him had been hard on me, too. I slid my hand between my legs. Air hissed through my lips as I touched myself. I was so wet from our little encounter earlier. Leaning back, I spread my legs and continued to touch myself.

  Elijah let out a groan. “Are you trying to kill me?”

  I increased my pace, flicking my clit. My breaths came out in short pants and I realized his breathing was off, too.

  “Don’t stop,” he pleaded.

  The sounds of him jerking off aroused me even more. Raising my shirt, I tweaked my nipple, which made me moan.

  “How wet are you?”

  I ran a finger through my folds. “So wet.”

  “I can smell your scent. It’s driving me crazy.”

  I licked my finger, tasting myself. I said, “I taste so good.”

  “Daisy.” He let out a long, audible breath.

  Closing my eyes, I touched myself but imagined it was Elijah. My stomach tightened and I knew I was close.

  “I’m about to come.”

  He made a sound in the back of this throat and increased his pace to match mine.

  “Come for me, dirty girl.”

  My body shattered, my pussy pulsing around my fingers. He cried out as he came, too, and I ached for him. But this was a lesson he needed to learn. I laid still until my heartbeat returned to normal.

  “You okay down there?”

  His deep chuckle sent shivers down my spine. “I’m good. You?”

  “Feeling good up here.”

  “You sure know how to punish a man.”

  I grinned and replied, “You didn’t sound like you were in pain to me.”

  “I would have much rather come inside of you.”

  I wanted that, too. Instead, I said, “Maybe you’ll remember that in the future, then.”

  He was silent for a moment. Finally, he said, “I will.”

  “Good night, Elijah. I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Daisy.”

  I snuggled deep into the blankets, letting myself give into sleep.

  The next morning I awoke before Elijah. He looked uncomfortable on the floor and I felt bad for a moment. Quietly, I went to the bathroom and dressed. With any luck the well would be finished today and we’d have running water inside. For now, I could only wipe down with a wet rag.

  I slipped from the room and went to the cafeteria. Cooper was serving more apples and waved as I came over.

  I took a scoop and said, “Too bad we don’t have eggs and bacon to go with this.”

  He moaned. “Don’t say the E word to me. I can’t even think about it right now.”

  Grinning, I said, “We’ll find you some eggs eventually.”

  Jo joined us and asked, “Are you almost ready to go?”

  I finished my food and nodded. “Let’s go.”

  We went out the back doors of the hospital. Everything was covered in a hard frost that glistened in the sunlight. Elijah stood next to the old tractor talking to Grey. He gave me
a pleading look as I passed, but I simply waved at him. When we’d gotten a safe distance from the building, Coop turned to me.

  “What was that all about?”

  I grinned. “Just teaching him a lesson.”

  Jo said, “You might be my hero.”

  “He just needs to learn that I’m his partner and, even if I don’t like something he’s about to do, he still needs to talk to me about it.”

  Jo nodded. “Norm needs to learn that lesson, too.”

  “Just make him sleep on the floor. Oh, and withhold sex.”

  Coop whistled. “Damn, girl. You are really sticking it to him, aren’t you?”

  We all laughed as we made our way past the fields. It was strange to see them empty, but, after the frost we’d gotten last night, there was no way we could plant wheat. That would sadly have to wait until the spring. With any luck the tractor would be up and running by then.

  Cooper pointed ahead. “The apples were this way.”

  I said, “Hopefully the berries didn’t freeze.”

  “The thought crossed my mind, but I bet we can save enough to at least make jam.”

  Coop led the way through some trees. I glanced up, hoping we’d find a pecan tree or two. It was late in the season, but the trees would still have the hulls of the shells hanging from the branches, which would help us find the nuts on the ground. I froze.

  “Oh my gosh!”

  Jo pulled out her knife. “What is it?”


  I pointed to one of the trees where a chicken perched.

  Cooper put his hand to his chest. “Do you think there’s more?”

  “Only one way to find out,” I replied with a grin.

  We made our way toward the tree with the chicken. A stream gurgled nearby. And then I heard the distinct sound of chickens clucking.

  Jo’s eyes widened. “That sounds like a lot of them!”

  We made our way down the ravine and my mouth dropped open. There had to be at least fifty chickens walking around, pecking at insects in the tall grass. And, more importantly, there were roosters, too!


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