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Kiss Me at Midnight

Page 2

by Gwen Martin

  Blake’s free hand grazes along Aiden’s arm, and up to his neck, his thumb brushing the corner of his mouth. His hair is damp with sweat, eyes hooded, and pooling with obvious desire. Aiden drags his tongue over his bottom lip, his dick delighting in the way Blake watches him intently.

  Blake’s mouth is hot against Aiden’s ear when speaking to him over the DJ announcement about the New Years countdown happening in one minute. “You know, the hardest part with coming to events like this is finding someone to kiss in the new year with.”

  Aiden’s face heats up, and he tells himself it’s from the sweaty bodies, and the little bit of booze he’s had in his system. He closes his eyes and pulls Blake closer, and says, “Well if you’re looking for options...I volunteer.”

  The countdown has already begun, everyone screaming each second as the new year draws closer. Blake brushes his lips along Aiden’s chin, a flick of the tongue touching Aiden’s already hot skin. Aiden’s eyes flutter closed, and he bites his lower lip to stave off the moan that’s threatening to spill out from his mouth.

  Their lips slot together just as everyone screams, “Auld Lang Syne” blasting from the speakers. Aiden is pretty sure confetti has spilled from the rafters, but the thought goes out the window when Blake’s hand curls over the nape of Aiden’s neck, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss. Blake’s slow and careful, but he does it with ease, not any nervousness, and that sends a thrill trembling through Aiden’s body, straight to his dick.

  They continue kissing, even as the music starts up again. Aiden really doesn’t want this to stop. He could get lost in this moment forever, the way that Blake’s tongue grazes over his, the way Blake’s hand is a hot brand on his skin.

  He can feel rather than hear Blake groan against his neck as he starts nipping at the sensitive skin there with his teeth. Aiden gasps in surprise, doesn’t bother to suppress the moan then, tilting his hips up for more friction.

  Blake wraps his arms around Aiden’s waist, licking against the wet skin he’s just been biting at. When he pulls back, his hair is wild and his eyes are heated.

  “Wanna get out of here?”

  “I was just about to ask you the same thing.”

  This time Blake isn’t as careful about who he bumps into, desperation evident in the pace of his gait, the way he squeezes onto Aiden’s hand. When they make it outside, Aiden hisses at the shock of the chill, reaching for his phone to figure out how to get an Uber.

  “It’s going to be a nightmare to get out of here,” he mutters, mostly to himself. Then it dawns on him that they’ve not discussed where they’ll be going. His apartment is admittedly a mess, and while his roommate is hardly ever home, who the fuck knows what is going to be there. He doesn’t want to sound like a loser who asks the other person to go to their place but—

  “The hotel I’m staying at isn’t far from here and it provided transportation,” Blake says, tilting his head towards a line of queuing limos.

  Aiden holds back a sigh of relief.

  It doesn’t occur to Aiden that they’re actually taking a limo to a hotel until they’re actually in the stretched-out back, a privacy window sliding up with a bored driver waiting for instructions. Blake rattles off the name of a hotel, an Aiden does a mental check to figure out if it’s what he thinks it is.

  Which is a super swanky hotel, is what.

  “What the hell do you—ah, yes—do?” Aiden asks. He’s a bit breathless, because after the window clicked shut, Blake was on him immediately, pushing him down onto the leather seat, grinding his hips into Aiden, and driving him fucking wild.

  “I work with high-end entertainment clients,” Blake replies, his tone too smooth for someone literally dry humping another person. Aiden can feel his hard-on, and every time he does a swivel with his hips it makes Aiden light the fuck up. “It’s really a thankless job. Shall we keep talking shop, or can I kiss you now?”

  “Kiss,” Aiden demands, ragged and needy. He lifts his head up to meet Blake halfway, their mouths smashing together in desperation. It’s sloppy and searing, and Aiden wants to chase that taste that sends him shivering all over, that makes him nearly come in his pants like a teenager.

  The limo stops, braking harder than it probably should, sending Aiden and Blake rolling onto the carpet. Aiden tucks his face into Blake’s neck, shaking with laughter when someone opens the door at the hotel to greet them.

  Blake shifts above him, and greets the valet, a laugh on the precipice of his tongue.

  The hotel is beautiful, but Aiden barely gets a chance to soak in any of the design, bright lights, and gorgeous chandeliers, because Blake is pulling on his arm and shoving him into the elevator so that he can continue the kiss that started in the car. Aiden starts unbuttoning more of Blake’s shirt, desperate to touch his skin, to be able to taste and bite at that collarbone. He’s hungry for it, and he wants it now.

  “Oh fuck yes,” Blake hisses, when Aiden begins palming his dick, tilting his hips into Aiden’s fist. He grips at Aiden’s hair, tugging on it a little and when Aiden lets out a moan that’s borderline embarrassing, he gets a glimpse of the savage grin that tilts onto Blake’s lips.

  “Oh you like that, don’t you?”

  “There’s very little I don’t like, and if I am not into it,” Aiden begins sucking on Blake’s collarbone, earning a happy sigh. “I’m definitely not afraid to let you know.”

  The elevator dings, doors opening to a long empty hall. Blake curls a hand around Aiden’s wrist and tilts his head in the direction of his room. His shirt is wrinkled, and Aiden catches the bruise he sucked onto Blake’s collarbone, and internally he loves it. He didn’t mean to leave a mark, but it looks good on Blake, with his messy hair and his eyes hazy with lust.

  Blake searches in his pocket for the key card, sliding it into the door. He glances over his shoulder and raises his eyebrows, that familiar flirtatious smile curling on his mouth.

  The hotel room isn’t just a room, it’s a goddamn suite. Huge and luxurious, adorned in expensive furniture, equipped with a large flat screen TV on the opposite wall. The balcony stretches the length of the seating area, large windows that reach from floor to ceiling. Everything glitters, like it’s made from gold.

  “Holy shit,” Aiden breathes, feeling an uncomfortable swoop in his stomach. Did he just end up signing up for a fling with a billionaire?

  A low chuckle pulls Aiden out of his astonishment. “Trust me,” Blake says, coming up behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist and mouthing along his neck. “I am not loaded. This is the company trying to show off.”

  Aiden tilts his neck to allow Blake more access, reaching behind and carding a hand through his hair. “That’s too bad. I was hoping for a personal helicopter flight.”

  Blake’s hands press firm into the front of Aiden’s hips, pulling him back so that he can rut against his ass. Aiden groans at the sensation, squeezing his eyes shut.

  “What do you like?” Blake asks, his voice silky, and ragged. It makes Aiden’s heart rattle in his chest, and he sighs a shaky breath when Blake begins to palm the front of his dress pants. He wants the damn things off already, tired of the constriction from his erection.

  “Pretty much anything,” Aiden whispers, his hip jerking up as Blake removes his dress shirt and places a palm right on his stomach. “Uh, you?”

  “Same,” Blake says, spinning Aiden around for another knee-weakening kiss. It’s slow and scorching, and needy all at the same time. Aiden doesn’t know how Blake does it, but he’s willing to sell everything he’s got as long as Blake is willing to keep giving it up.

  They fumble into the bedroom, shucking off clothes and leaving a trail in it’s wake, their mouths hungry. Blake’s skin tastes even better without clothes, the long expanse of smooth stomach warm under Aiden’s fingertips.

  When Aiden gets a chance to circle the tip of his tongue over Blake’s nipple, he smiles at the noise it elicits.

  Aiden doesn’t know how he ends up
pushed against the floor to ceiling window of the bedroom. The curtains are drawn open, and he yelps at the cold glass against his back.

  “Cold?” Blake asks, tugging at Aiden’s belt aggressively.

  Aiden arches away to help give his back a little reprieve. “A little, yeah.”

  Blake chuckles, dropping to his knees and pulling down Aiden’s pants and underwear in one go, settling them onto the floor. Somewhere in the blur to the bedroom, Aiden kicked off one shoe but not the other, and Blake takes his time helping Aiden remove his socks and the forgotten shoe. He slides his hands up Aiden’s legs, squeezing at the spot above his knee, thumbs leaving a blazing trail in their absence.

  Aiden bites his lip when Blake stares at his jutting cock in front of his face, heat flushing through his cheeks. Blake licks his lips, places both of his hands around the base of Aiden’s cock, and squeezes tight.

  “Oh, oh,” Aiden breathes, his hand automatically reaching up and grabbing at Blake’s hair to steady himself. Blake waits until Aiden opens his eyes and peers down at him, wicked grin spreading across his face, as he opens his mouth wide and moves the head of Aiden’s cock into his mouth.

  “Fuck,” Aiden gasps, his grip growing tighter in Blake’s hair. It’s smooth and soft between his fingers, and when he gives it a tiny jerk to guide where he wants Blake’s mouth to go, Blake’s flutters his eyes shut, eyelashes resting against his cheeks.

  He looks beautiful. He looks absolutely gorgeous when he takes the head of Aiden’s dick into his mouth, circling that wicked tongue over and over again, back and forth, sucking and mouthing, leaving Aiden crying out like a bitch in heat.

  Aiden’s never been the type to be super loud in the bedroom, but something about Blake is lighting him up, splitting him apart.

  “Wait, wait,” Aiden protests, and Blake pulls back, pulling off and leaving a string of saliva between his bottom lip and Aiden’s cock. His mouth is swollen, a blush radiating on his cheeks, and Aiden damn near wants to shove his cock back in so he can fuck his mouth senseless.

  “Everything okay?” Blake asks, swiping the back of his hand across his mouth.

  “Uh, yeah,” Aiden replies, his voice low and ragged. Blake’s breathing is labored, his dark eyes wide with anticipation. Aiden swallows around the tightness in his throat at how close the tip of his cock is to Blake’s mouth. He wants to push it between his lips again, feel that wet heat.

  Blake raises an amused eyebrow. “But?”

  “I just didn’t want to—you know. Too soon.” Aiden closes his eyes for a brief moment, hoping that Blake doesn’t just start laughing at him for sounding so inexperienced.

  He isn’t inexperienced, far from it, but it’s been a while since he’s felt like this about someone. That all-encompassing thrill, and ease of learning someone’s body before sex.

  Especially on the first try.

  Blake rolls back on his heels, lifting himself up with ease, placing both of his hands on either side of Aiden’s face. “I see,” he says softly, eyes roving over Aiden’s features. “So what do you want to do instead?”

  “Um,” Aiden starts, and shivers when Blake trails the flat of his tongue along his shoulder and up to his ear. He doesn’t want to fuck or be fucked—not that he doesn’t love it, he does—because the preparation always feels like it takes forever, and mouths are pretty fucking amazing.

  Like Blake’s, which is turning out to be very distracting.

  He gently pushes him away so that he can focus on what he wants to say.

  “I want to blow you,” he says evenly. “I’m not in the mood for penetration, and your mouth is too fucking good to pass up.”

  Blake chuckles, leaning forward, kissing Aiden chastely. “Well I’m down for anything, as long as it’s getting you off,” he murmurs against Aiden’s mouth.

  Aiden grips Blake’s hips, pushing him back until he falls onto the bed, and straddles him. He begins working on his belt and pants, turning over on his side, with the strong command that Blake get naked as soon as possible.

  Blake stands up and slowly pushes down his pants and underwear, a long cock coming into view. Blake’s mouth starts to water as he gets a full look at the reddened tip, and he crooks a finger indicating for Blake to come closer.

  To his surprise, Blake crawls onto the bed, his head facing the other direction. Aiden is treated to a mouth-watering close-up of Blake’s firm stomach, his dick hanging heavy no more than an inch from his chin, and while Aiden’s not complaining about the view, it’s a little unexpected.

  “Wha—” Aiden starts, and then bites out, “Oh fuck me,” when Blake lifts his leg up and brings his cock into his mouth. He can hear Blake hum around him, and his hip reflexively jerks forward, hitting the soft back of Blake’s throat.

  Then the velvet heat is gone in an instant, and Aiden holds back a whine. When Blake speaks, his voice raspy. “You can keep doing that. I don’t mind.”

  “Oh God,” Aiden moans, and then decides to shut himself up by taking the cock that’s literally in front of him into his mouth. Blake isn’t huge, but he can’t fit him entirely into his mouth, and Aiden grabs the base with one hand, holding onto Blake’s knee with the other.

  The only sounds that fill the room are the noises of their mouths, mixed with the muffled moans of their pleasure. Aiden sucks harder, loving the salty bitter taste of Blake’s precome on this tongue, and the earthy scent of his body.

  It’s heady and addicting and Aiden wants to drown in this, drag it out for as long as he possibly can.

  Which isn’t long, because just as Blake traces a fingertip over his ass and towards his hole, Aiden pulls back and blurts out, “Oh god, I’m going to come, fuck I can’t—” and Blake sucks harder, circles his asshole with a dry finger and he’s gone, done for.

  Aiden tosses his head to the ceiling and belts out a rattled groan, jerking his hips forward as his orgasm crashes over him.

  It’s the best orgasm he’s had in months.

  Blake pulls back, a small amount of spunk dribbling down his chin, and before he can move a fucking inch, Aiden’s back on his cock, bobbing his head and circling his tongue over the crown. Blake angles onto his back, his hand gripping hard onto Aiden’s shoulder, holding on for dear life.

  Then the words come, and Aiden finds out that Blake is a talker.

  “Oh god, you feel so fucking good, yes, yes, don’t stop,” he babbles, his fingers grabbing the hairs at the nape of Aiden’s neck. “Please don’t stop, please,” he begs, and it only makes Aiden go faster, suck harder.

  He pops his mouth off when Blake says he’s close to coming and shuffles away, kissing Blake’s leg when he whines in protest.

  “I want you to fuck my face,” Aiden instructs.

  Blake blinks several times, eyes dazed before the instruction catches up.

  “Oh okay,” he whispers, his voice slurred and scratchy. Aiden adjusts on the bed so that his head is towards the headboard.

  As Blake straddles him, Aiden tosses the pillow to the side, pulling forward as he scoots down on the mattress.

  The duvet gathers around his shoulders, and it’s a little uncomfortable but the discomfort disappears the moment Aiden gets a glimpse of Blake straddling his face, knees sitting on either side of his head. His chest is flushed, and his hair is an utter mess, eyes half-lidded and dazed.

  He looks fucked out and Aiden is about to do everything he can to return the mind-blowing orgasm he just gave Aiden.

  “You’re going to want to hold onto the headboard,” Aiden advises gently. Blake nods, spreading flat palms over the top.

  “Good boy,” Aiden praises, gripping two fistfuls of his ass. Blake tilts his head to the ceiling and groans, dragging the tip of his tongue over his bottom lip.

  “You can spank me,” Blake says, glancing down at Aiden with a lazy smirk. “I like it. A lot.”

  Aiden slaps the skin with a force that will sting but not hurt. Blake rolls his eyes in pleasure, hissing, “Yes.”
/>   “C’mon,” Aiden urges, his lips tracing along the bottom of Blake’s cock. “Put it in.”

  “Fuck yes,” Blake says with a sigh. He wraps a hand around the base, gliding into Aiden’s open mouth, his eyes widening as he watches it slide in and out between Aiden’s lips. “God, you should see yourself. You look fucking incredible.”

  Aiden hums, giving a slap on Blake’s ass as a response. Blake groans, and chuckles, nodding encouragement. “Keep doing that, baby, and you’re gonna make me come right away.”

  The term of endearment travels through Aiden like a tripwire, live and electric. He begins teasing with his mouth while smacking Blake’s ass, alternating between each cheek with an even rhythm that sends him bending over and gasping.

  When Aiden’s not smacking his ass, he goes back to sucking Blake’s cock, dragging his fingernails along the hot skin of his ass, and then coming back over it with a gentle touch of his fingertips. Aiden loves the way it makes Blake shiver, the way he’s falling apart under his command.

  He keeps doing this until Blake a shuddering mess, speaking nonsensically and begging.

  “You like it? Want me to keep going?”

  “Oh, fuck, please don’t stop. I need—I need—”

  Aiden kisses the tip of Blake’s dick, a gentle hand grazing up and down his warm ass. “Shh, it’s okay, I’ll get you there.”

  He goes back to sucking, gripping his hips bruisingly hard, guiding him in long slow strides in and out of his mouth. Blake’s hand blindly reaches out and grips at Aiden’s hair, tugging at the root as he shouts his impending orgasm.

  Aiden hums encouragingly, opening his mouth wider and dragging the flat of his tongue on the spot under the tip.

  Then Blake’s practically screaming, his head tossing back as he yells to the ceiling, a long string of colorful words and affirmations tumbling out of him just as he spills his hot come into Aiden’s mouth.

  Aiden attempts to swallow it, but the angle is awkward and he ends up choking on some and pulling back to get a breath.

  He ends up with some of Blake’s spunk on his chin and cheek, but Aiden doesn’t care, too enthralled with the way that Blake is panting above him as though he’s been running full blast for the last half hour. His hair plastered to his temples, chest beaded with sweat from his exertion.


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