The Alpha's Assassin

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The Alpha's Assassin Page 7

by Rain Itika

  He kept quiet, focused on the road ahead. She wanted to tear his head off but stopped herself. She was going to escape, and Roland had just handed her the keys to her freedom.

  The car.


  His body was strapped down, arms and legs spread out to the side. It was bent at an unnatural angle, which caused tremendous pain, but he was used to it.

  Being trapped for ten years can change a man. If it were not for the constant contact with the other species, he would most likely be a crazed animal by now.

  He looked around the darkened room. Since he was not able to feed regularly, his eyesight has deteriorated to that of a mere human, but he has been in this room countless times that he already knows what to expect. The walls were bare except for water stains and darks spots, the dried blood of hundreds of other creatures, like him, who's fate had intertwined with the devil. Next to him was a stainless-steel table, filled with all types of surgical equipment that were meant to save lives, but instead was used to torture others.

  He closed his eyes, daydreaming about the day he would finally be able to escape this place and drain the man responsible for this, right before he rips his head from his shoulders.

  The door opened and a dark figure stood watching him, the bright light behind him casting shadows over him.

  He stepped forward into the room and the man strapped down could finally see who it was.

  The devil.

  His soulless eyes stared down, a smirk crossing his face. He could see that the devil was looking forward to the pain he was going to cause.

  "Fancy seeing you here." The man taunted him. He was about to get tortured, so he might as well have a bit of fun.

  The devil ignored him and kept walking. He circled him like a lion to a prey.

  A bright light flashed on, blinding him for a second until he was able to make out his surroundings. Yep, it was the same, the room where they always brought him.

  The devil stood next to him, eyeing the equipment. He ran his fingers slowly over the tools, making a show out of it.

  "Can't make up your mind. So sad." He teased while making a sad face.

  It seemed to work because the devil slapped him across his face, "Shut it, bloodsucker." He spat.

  "Just having some fun, captain." He joked, a small trickle of blood slipping from the corner of his mouth.

  "We will see how talkative you are after I am finished with you." He said. The devil picked up a scalpel, toying with it.

  "I wonder. Since you have not fed in a while, how long will it take to heal."

  The devil stood over him, scalpel in hand. He placed the tip on his chest and pressed down. Blood pooled at the center. He then slowly cut down, a gash forming from his collarbone to his bellybutton, blood flowing freely.

  The vampire held back the scream of pain, not wanting to give satisfaction to the devil.

  "Cat got your tong, Xavier." He joked.

  Xavier closed his eyes, accepting the pain. After a couple of seconds, he looked down at the wound, already starting to heal, although it was slower than usual.

  "Tsk, tsk, tsk. This is unacceptable. How am I supposed to learn about what goes on inside your body if you heal so slowly?” He mocked, his voice edged with humor.

  Xavier refused to answer. He kept looking straight ahead, so the devil decided to try again.

  He cut him again, but this time removing his flesh, making sure the healing will take longer.

  Xavier did not scream again but merely muttered. After years of this, he was able to channel the pain into rage.

  Open your eyes. The devil demanded.

  He was forced to, the devil's powers making him.

  "Now, I have to look at your ugly face." He whispered, hiding the scream that would escape if he spoke louder.

  The devil laughed, "Do not worry. I won't make you look at me, but rather yourself, well more like what is inside you."

  You will watch what I do and scream for me. He demanded again.

  So that is what Xavier did. He watched as the devil played around with his internal organs. Removing it and poking it. He screamed the whole time, the pain beyond what he has ever experienced.

  "That is what I like to hear." He took a small silver stake from his pocket and pressed it against Xavier's still-beating heart in his hands.

  "Not only is your body allergic to silver, but also internally." He said as a small string of smoke drifted up from where the silver was pressing on him.

  Xavier's voice filled the room, emphasizing the pain he was going thru. This was the worst of the worst, so bad that he passed out. His mind completely black.

  Minutes later he woke up, the pain still coursing through his body. He looked down, a bit happier to see that his skin was starting to grow back - bit by bit.

  "That was interesting. We learned so much already. I wonder what else we can learn." The devil spoke.

  Xavier looked over to him. He was busy wiping his blood off his hands, his facial expression looking bored. After what felt like ages, the devil looked at him, assessing what else he could cut open.

  "Mmmm, what next." He sneered at Xavier.

  "How about you put your neck next to me and see how long it takes to drain you." He replied, sarcasm his only friend and relief of this life.

  "What a marvelous idea. I wonder if you would be able to do that without your canines?" The devil picked up pliers and moved over to his mouth. Xavier kept it tightly shut, refusing him the access he sought.

  Open your mouth and extend your fangs.

  Xavier complied, not having a choice. His flesh was tender as his teeth extended. A cool breeze caressed his already sensitive fangs, coupled with knowledge; it sent goosebumps down his back. Deep down he knew what was to come, but he still hoped that the devil was not that cruel.

  "Let us get to work." The devil smirked while leaning over Xavier's face. He placed the pliers over the one fang, closing it tightly and jerking it as hard as he could. It came out with a big pop.

  The blood ran down his throat, making gurgling sounds as he screamed. He felt the most pain, not from the fang being pulled, but from the fact that they do not grow back. Vampire elders would use this as punishment for the worst ones. The ones who would feed off of other vampires.

  The devil mindlessly discarded the pulled fang to the table and quickly focused his attention on the other. No time spared as he grasped it, again pulling with all his might pulled. It came out with ease, half covered in blood. He wiped the blood off using his shirt and then lifted it in front of Xavier's face.

  "Does it not look amazing? I think I will put it on a necklace."

  That statement angered Xavier and he shook around on the chair, trying to get loose.

  The devil just laughed, "What do you want to say now. No snarky remark."

  "I will kill you." He mumbled, his mouth still forced open.

  "Too bad you won't get a chance. You would have made a good opponent, but I have more important things to do."

  His hand was a flash as he took the silver stake out of his pocket and stabbed Xavier in the heart before he spoke another word. The devil took a step back as he died instantly and admired his work. A smile appeared while he internally applauded himself. The world was a better place with one less vampire in it.

  "Guards." He called. Two men came into the room seconds later.

  "Remove this trash and clean the room. Set it up for the banshee next." He ordered while turning his back to the dead vampire and walking out.

  He went back to his office to clean up the blood. After al
l these years, killing these creatures still brought no feelings. At the moment he felt something, but whenever he walked away, it was as if he left the emotions behind. He was trying so hard, but the only person he wanted to kill was Lara. She has taunted him since she was young. The experiment he did not wish to have, but Bill, his second in command, convinced him to do it.

  Soon he will get the joy of killing her, but not before he gets to cut her open.


  When they arrived at the packhouse, Lara climbed out of the car and headed straight for the house, ignoring Roland. She was pissed, and if she had to talk to him now, she would most likely scream at him.

  "Wait.." his voice trailed behind her but she kept walking. As she entered the house, she saw Mary and Mark sitting on the couches.

  He looked at her with surprise, noticing her expression.

  "Trouble in paradise?" He joked.

  "Shut the fuck up or I will cut out your tongue." She replied, throwing daggers at him with her eyes. She heard him laugh while walking up the stairs to Roland's room. She did not want to be in there, but it was the only familiar place. She closed the door, locking it and sat on the bed. She was so angry she wanted to scream, and that is what she did. She grabbed a pillow, pushed it against her face and let go of everything. He infuriated her. He believed he knew more than her as if he has lived her life.

  The symptoms had started when she was 14 years old. The doctors said that her blood would heat up until it would literally cook her alive. They had said there was no cure, but luckily for her, they were able to invent a serum that would stop it for a while. She had lived with this for nearly 12 years, and then this man she barely knew, shows up and tells her she is wrong.

  A soft knock sounded from the door.

  "Leave me alone."

  Seconds passed until the voice on the other side replied, "Let me in. We can talk about this." It was from Roland.

  "I said, leave me the hell alone."

  The knocking got louder, "Open the door now or I will break it down."

  The anger got to her, and she had enough of him. She got up and went to the door, unlocking and opening it.

  "Why don't you ever listen to me."

  "We need to talk about what you told me."

  "Why, so you can tell me I am wrong? No, thank you."

  Roland looked hurt like he actually cared. He opened his mouth, about to say something but she cut him off.

  "I need some time to think. Please leave me alone." She whispered softly and closed the door. He agreed with her and did not attempt to open the door. She pressed her ear to the door, listening to him. She heard his footsteps sounding softer as he walked away.

  She took in a deep breath, relieved about the outcome. The way she was feeling now, she would have ended the conversation with her standing over his dead body.

  To let out all of the frustration, she decided to take a long shower. The bath would have to wait for later. The water felt like heaven as it caressed her skin. The heat making her tense muscles relax. Since she had no toiletries, she had to use Roland's.

  She took a deep sniff from the shampoo. It smelled just like him and she could not help but relax. Being close to him helped her calm down, and she did not understand why.

  It is the mate thing. It was the only explanation there was.

  She got out of the shower to soon, drying her hair before wrapping herself up. Looking around the bathroom, it finally dawned on her that she had forgotten her new clothes in the car.

  She went into the bedroom and noticed a bag with the clothes they had bought earlier. Her heart gave a little jump, forgetting about the fact of how he got into the room. This small gesture started to warm her heart and she knew what she had to do next. She will talk to him again, try to let him see her side. Try to convince him to help her, even if she had to beg. She finally had something else to live for, and she will do anything to survive.

  She got dressed in a pair of denim shorts and a black tank top. The top was lower than what she was used to. If begging did not work, she would try to seduce Roland. Ask her to kill someone with her bare hands, sure, but to try and flirt was another thing. Hopefully, the mate bond would do the trick.

  She did not know where Roland was so she just wandered the empty hallways. Most of the rooms were locked, only the linen closets and bathrooms open. She made her way to the first floor and popped her head into the kitchen but found it deserted as well.

  As she walked around the center island, she noticed a pair of keys. It was the same pair that they had used earlier to go into town. Staring out of the window, she realized he had left the car in the driveway.

  Now was her chance to escape, but something was pulling her back. She mentally kicked herself, knowing she was going to regret it later

  There was a corridor next to the kitchen and followed it down. Muffled voices echoed against the walls, an open door at the end.

  It was probably his office since it was the same place Roland and Mary had disappeared to earlier.

  Trying not to make a sound, she tiptoed slowly closer. The voices got louder and before she was going to enter, what she heard next made her stop.

  "You do not understand. She is a danger to the pack. The rest of them will return shortly and what are you going to tell them. The rumors have already spread across the town. They know their Luna is not a wolf." It was Mark's voice.

  "I know, but I do not know what to do. The mate bond is getting stronger by the day. The longer I wait the harder it gets." Roland replied.

  "Then kill her now. Who is more important, her or the pack?" Mark questioned. Lara held her breath, hoping he would stand up for her. The whole dynamic of the pack thing confused her, but she would never hurt them, not now.

  "You are right. I will put Lara in the dungeon later and question her. If I do not like her response, I will kill her. The pack always comes first."

  Her heart stopped. She was frozen where she stood. He was going to kill her, even after he told her she was his other half.

  She had to leave, had to get out now. She backed away slowly, trying to keep quiet. She did not hear Mark's response and neither wanted to. She entered the kitchen and went straight to the keys.

  She picked them up as slowly as she could, afraid they would make to much noise and alert Roland of her plan. She did the same to the door. As she stepped outside, a wave of relief washed over her. She was so close to freedom she could taste it.

  She almost sprinted to the car, glad to have grass underneath her, not making a sound.

  She unlocked the door and got in. She tried to calm herself down, the adrenaline pumping thru her. If she started the car they would hear her and most likely come running.

  She was considering her options when a loud roar sounded. She looked up just as she put the key in the ignition. He stood by the open door, eyes black. His body looked like it was double the size, his muscles straining against his clothes.

  She turned on the car, changed into first gear and pressed down on the gas hard. She went flying.

  The trees flashed past her, blurring as she was going faster. She looked into the mirror and saw a brown object behind her. It was Roland and he was trying to catch her. The faster she went the smaller the size got. He was not as fast as the car.

  She was smiling, enjoying her freedom when a fire erupted in her veins.


  He ran as fast as he could, the gravel under his paws digging in. He had never run this fast, his mate motivating him. He was angry and confused. Why did she run, they had only had a small fight.

  He was losing her when the car suddenly swerved, driv
ing into the woods. He heard a loud crash, knowing it had hid the trees. His speed increased.

  As he got closer he could smell blood, her blood. The car was wrapped around a tree, smoke coming from the demolished engine. He quickly shifted back to his human form, ignoring the pain of his bones cracking.

  The driver's door was open wide and when he looked in, she was gone. He lifted his nose to the air, trying to smell her scent. She was a couple of yards away and he ran to her.

  She was tucked behind a tree and when he got closer he saw she was curled in the fetus position and hugging her legs.

  "Are you alright." He bent down, picking her up.

  Her scream tore through him so he gently placed her back on the grass.

  "Is anything broken." He asked.

  She let out a mutter, "It burns."

  "You need to tell me where, so I can help you."

  He brushed her hair away from her face, noticing the blood running down her face. She did not respond to his question.

  He laid down next to her, pulling her into him as he cradled her.

  "What is happening?"

  "Dying." Was all she could say.

  He was worried. She had warned him about this and he did not believe her. Now his mate is in pain and there is nothing he could to about it but hold her. And so he did.

  Her screams of pain filled his ears, making his heart break. They lay like that for 30 minutes when her voice finally died down.

  As he held her closer, he could hear her heartbeat slowing down as well, back to normal. Her breathing also became shallower as if she was sleeping.

  He turned her around so she could face him. He lightly brushed the hair out of her face. She responded by curling deeper into him and letting out a soft sight.

  She was definitely sleeping, and he was ecstatic. He did not understand what was going on. Moments before she was in pain and now she seemed fine. Maybe she was lying about her condition.

  He was about to stand up when her smell caught his attention.


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