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The Diversity Myth

Page 38

by David O Sacks

“Group Communications” at, 57

  transformation and, 37

  Casper, Gerhard, 221, 251n54

  Board of Trustees and, 249n13

  budget shortfalls and, 248n9

  on conservative agenda, 227

  CUE and, 224

  “domestic partners” policy and, 223

  multiculturalism and, 23, 223–24

  political views of, 222–23, 225, 249–50n23

  reforms by, 222–23, 225, 229

  speech code and, 227

  on university's freedom, 249n21

  Castle, Terry, 65, 88n56

  Center for Hawaiian Studies, 79

  Cesaire, Aime, 39, 68, 83, 85, 190, 208, 214, 231, 247

  on Shakespeare, 12–13

  The Tempest and, 8–12

  Chace, William

  on academic populism, 13

  multiculturalism and, 17

  proposal by, 14

  Chavez, Caesar, 20n20, 36

  Chen, Davina: Asian American studies and, 226

  Chicago Tribune, The: on grading system, 54

  Chicano community

  as discriminated minority, 72

  grapes and, 47n15

  hunger strike by, 144–45

  perspective of, 32

  See also MEChA

  Chicano Fellows Program, 73

  Chicano/Latino Orientation Committee, 131

  Chicano Studies, 68, 201, 226

  Choi, Jae, 75–76

  on multicultural experiment, 98

  Chomsky, Noam, 76, 77

  Choy, Tim, 35

  transformation and, 37

  Christopher, Warren, 205

  Cisneros, Sandra, 6

  CIV. See Cultures, Ideas, and Values

  Civil rights movement, 64, 138

  Classics, teaching, 4–8

  “Class Party,” 56

  Clay, Terry, 180

  Clinton, Bill, 250n23

  multiculturalism and, xviii–xix, 242

  welfare state and, 238–39

  Clinton, Hillary

  health care program and, 239

  multiculturalism and, 242

  Coffee House, “Queer Be-Ins” at, 101

  Cohn, Robert: retirement of, 176–77

  Cole, Sally: speech code and, 165–66, 167

  “Collaborative well-being,” 59–60

  College Republicans, 176, 179, 195n44

  Columbus, Christopher: legacy of, xvii–xviii

  Commission on Undergraduate Education (CUE), 222, 224, 228

  Committee on Academic Appraisal and Achievement (C-AAA), 54

  Committee on Undergraduate Studies (CUS), 13, 68

  proposals to, 14

  Western Culture classes and, 21n37

  Common Elements, 4

  Common Readings, changes in, 4–5

  Communist Manifesto, The (Marx), 6

  “Community Service Writing” project (CSW), 55–56

  Condom dispensing machines, 103, 120nn54, 55

  “Condom Rating Contest,” 103

  Condoms, distribution of, 103, 115, 120n53

  Conklin, Diana: hypocrisy of, 210

  Consciousness raising, 93–94, 112, 136

  “Contraceptive Peer Counselors,” 103

  Controlled Substances and Alcohol Policy, 210

  Conyers, John: reparations and, 233

  Copeland's, protest at, 180, 185, 188, 189

  Cordero, Helen, 63

  Counterculture, 241, 243

  Courses and Degrees handbook, 56

  Cowell Student Health Center

  condoms and, 103

  HIV counseling at, 121n61

  Cox, Allan: death of, 115–16

  Craniometry. See Phrenology

  “Creation/Procreation: A Comparative Study” (Anthropology 154), 70

  CSO. See Career Service Office

  CSW. See “Community Service Writing” project

  CUE. See Commission on Undergraduate Education

  Cuff, David, 120n48

  Cultural determinism, 4, 19n11

  Cultural response, 243–44


  defining, 26

  stakes in, xi

  Culture of blame, 230–39

  Culture of rape, 114, 115

  Cultures, Ideas, and Values (CIV), 39

  debate about, 5, 14

  development of, x, 3, 4, 7, 15, 17, 19n8

  hiring clause of, 74

  Res Ed and, 224–25

  Cummings, Alan, 176

  Curran, Chip, 30, 35


  changes in, 15–16

  empty, 80–85

  radical, 75–80

  therapeutic, 53–59

  trendy, 59–68

  victims’, 68–75

  CUS. See Committee on Undergraduate Studies

  Date rape, 109, 110

  multicultural, 113

  Davis, Angela, 77–78

  Davis, Corey, 149

  Declaration of Independence, 245–46

  Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity, warning for, 107–8

  D'Emilio, John, 66

  Department of Transportation, multicultural victimology and, 235

  Dickson, Sally: on female identity, 151


  cultural, 5

  creating, 130–34

  ethnic, 133

  sensitivity to, 143–44

  stressing, 133–34

  Dingell, John, 197, 204, 205

  Discrimination, gender, 76, 81

  Distribution requirements (DRs), 53, 54, 60, 229

  reduction of, 225

  Diversity, 24, 40, 127, 143, 168

  accommodating, xix

  multicultural, 129–30

  training, xix

  Dolan, Tom: Biddle and, 202

  Domestic partners

  housing/health benefits for, 150

  policy, 177, 223

  relationships with, 150–51

  Donner Four, 95, 164

  Donner Hall, 98

  graffiti incident at, 94–96, 99, 169


  separate, 132–33

  theme, 96–97

  DRs. See Distribution requirements

  Drug use, 104–5, 107

  Duckler, Sara, 153

  Dugan, Ben, 49n43, 165, 168

  Ujamaa House and, 41, 42, 43–44

  Dukakis, Michael, 37, 38

  Dupen, Doug: sexual conduct policy and, 112

  Durante, Gina: on Rabois incident, 171

  Duus, Peter: CIV and, 68

  Dyl, Jodie: on CIV, 225

  Edmonds, Mary, 251n54

  Education, 40–41

  multicultural, 83–84, 133

  Education School, multiculturalism and, 64

  Ehrenreich, Barbara

  on gender peace, 237

  on Lorena Bobbitt, 236

  Ehrman, Kenny, 138–39, 147, 169, 170

  fighting words and, 167

  homophobia of, 146

  Ekanem, Anietie

  on Casper, 227

  criticism by, 251n54

  El Centro Chicano, MEChA takeover of, 183–84

  Eliade, Mircea: work of, 188–89

  Encina gym, homophobia at, 147

  English classes

  CIV and, 55–56

  X-rated, 66

  Etchemendy, John, 46n10

  Ethnic centers, 201, 223

  Ethnocentrism, 8, 13

  Eurocenter, Third-Worlding of, 82

  “Europe and the Americas”

  development of, 6–7

  readings for, 8

  “Faces in the Community” (orientation program), 131–32, 148

  Faculty, political surveys of, 37–38

  Faculty Incentive Fund, 27, 36

  Faculty Senate, 21n42

  “American Cultures” and, 68

  Asian American studies and, 226

  CIV and, 14–16

  discriminated minorities and, 73

  feminist studies and, 69
br />   multiculturalism and, 25

  False consciousness, 35, 36


  dissipation of, 235–36

  redefining, 150

  Fandell, Sarah, 93

  FBI, rape study by, 109

  Federal Aviation Administration, sensitivity training workshop by, 235

  Federalist, The, 84

  Female science, 70–71

  Feminism, 97

  cultural, 152

  multiculturalism and, 71–72

  “Feminist Methodology in the Social Services,” Kerkhoven and, 181


  academic, 152

  multiculture and, 151

  sexual conduct policy and, 113

  Feminist Studies, 68, 69–70, 75, 201

  Feminist Studies 101, assignments for, 64

  Field and Summer Research in Latin America Program, 73

  Fields, Ken: on Freshman English, 56

  Fighting words, 165, 167

  “Final Report on Recent Incidents At Ujamaa House,” 41, 42–43, 49n47

  Financial scandal, ix

  Board of Trustees and, xx, 203, 204

  Hoover House and, 198, 204–5

  Kennedy and, 197–99, 204, 221

  Fincher, Leta Hong: on discrimination, 143

  Fire Within, The, 132

  “500 Years of Oppression” (Menchu), 27

  Florence Moore dining hall, incident at, 177

  400 Years Without a Comb (Morrow), 52


  homophobia and, 147

  limits on, 107–9

  racism/sexism at, 169

  Freedman, Estelle, 64, 70

  Freedom, liberation and, 107–8

  Freedom of speech, 163, 169

  Freelen, Bob: dismissal of, 222

  “Free Speech, Hate Speech” meeting, 173

  Freshman Orientation, 131–32, 148

  creating difference at, 130–31

  “From Thoreau to Queer Politics” (Abelove), 66

  Fundamental Standard, 165

  Gagnier, Regenia, 64

  Gaither, James: on Hoover House, 204–5

  Gandal, Keith: dialogue tutorials and, 65–66

  GAO. See General Accounting Office

  Gay and Lesbian Alliance at Stanford (GLAS), 100, 119n45, 160n63, 176

  Gay and Lesbian Association Against Defamation, 193n37

  Gay and Lesbian Awareness Week, 149

  “Gay Liberation” statue, 101

  “Gay Novels and Gay Identity,” 66

  Gay rights movement, 64, 145–46

  Gelpi, Albert: on political views, 250n123


  consciousness about, xix, 154–55

  sexism and, 151–55

  “Gender and Nationalism” (Anthropology 250), 70

  “Gender and Science” (History and Philosophy of Science 160), 70

  Gender identity, 151, 153, 155, 157

  Gender relations, xix, 151, 237

  Gender strife, 235–36, 238

  Gender studies, 71–72, 74

  multiculturalism and, 75

  General Accounting Office (GAO), 215nn3, 6

  Generation X, multiculturalism and, 83–85

  Gibbs, James, 13

  Gieringer, Dale, 56

  Gilbert, Neil, 113

  on rape crisis movement, 112

  Gilcrest, Todd: on CIV, 225

  Gingrich, Newt: on multiculturalism, 127

  GLAS. See Gay and Lesbian Alliance at Stanford

  Glenn, Evelyn Nakano, 78

  Goh, Ying-Ying: on multiculturalism, 226–27

  “Going Out of Our Minds: From Women's Movement to Women's World,” 154

  Goldfarb, Emily, 105

  Gonzalez Luna, Julia, 144, 160n50

  Gould, Stephen Jay, 91n113

  Grading system, xi

  review of, 54–55

  toughening of, 222

  Graduate Program for Aspiring Law Teachers, 73

  Graffiti art, 94, 101, 164

  Grapes, 47n15

  ban on, 144–45, 183

  political incorrectness of, 36–37

  Gray, Bill, 98

  Great Chain of Being, 128, 129, 130, 244

  Great experiment, 207–13, 248

  Gregg, Robert, 100, 102

  Grey, C. Boyden, 176

  Grey, Thomas, 165, 166

  Grossman, Jay, 66

  “Group Communications” (Drama 113), 84, 132, 237

  purpose of, 56–59

  Gutierrez, Lucky: institutional racism and, 142

  Haas Center for Public Service, 55

  Haine, Emily: on Casper, 227

  Haircults (Jones), 52

  Hajratwala, Minal, 64

  Half-Asian People's Association (HAPA), 143

  HAP. See Homeless Advocacy Project

  HAPA. See Half-Asian People's Association

  Hastorf, Albert, 116

  Heldt, Gus, 49n43, 165, 168

  Ujamaa House and, 41, 42, 43–44

  Heller, Craig, 13

  Herrington, Marvin, 120n48

  “Herstory” conference, 152–53

  Hill, Anita, 152

  Hillier, David, 64

  Hispanic Americans. See Chicano community

  “History and Politics of Sexual Orientation: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives, The” (Law 587), 65

  “History of Rights in the United States, The” (History 267), 60

  Hitchens, Christopher, 77

  Hollinghurst, Alan, 66

  Homophobia, 152, 155, 156, 164, 175, 234, 240

  generation of, 148–49

  homosexuality and, 145–51

  incident involving, 138–39

  multiculturalism and, 157

  uncovering, 148

  Homosexuality, 101–2, 88n56

  expressing, 148

  homophobia and, 145–51

  religion and, 100

  Homosexual marriage, 99–101, 105

  Homosexuals, 148

  military and, 178

  oppression of, 174

  policy on, 161n66

  RA, 100, 119n39

  Hook, Sidney, 3

  Hoover House, 217n53

  financial scandal and, 198, 204–5

  Hoover Institution, 57, 222

  Horn, Margo, 65, 68, 76

  Horsley, Sarah, 151

  House Energy and Commerce Committee

  Biddle and, 202

  oversight hearing by, 205–6

  House on Mango Street (Cisneros), 6

  Howard, Donald, 121n61

  “How Tasty Were My French Sisters” (Feminist Studies 295), 65

  “How to Bring Your Kids Up Gay” (Sedgwick), 66

  Hudson, Ron, 42

  Huerta, Dolores: on institutional oppression, 152

  Huerta, Mario: on homophobic attack, 172

  Human Relations managers, multiculturalism and, 25

  Human rights, 245–46

  Hurston, Zora Neale, 6

  IAC. See Innovative Academic Courses

  Iacocca, Lee, 84

  Ibarra, Delia: on diversity, 134


  creating, 134–38

  cultural, xix

  gender, 151, 153, 155, 157

  group, 136, 143

  interdividual, 164

  multicultural, 155–56, 163–64, 175

  racial, 134–35, 145, 148, 157

  sexual, 151

  Imagination, multicultural, 188

  Indirect expense issue, 200–203, 205–7

  Individualism, 129, 130, 246

  multicultural identification and, 155–56

  Individualist alternative, 244–48

  Innovative Academic Courses (IAC), 65, 75

  Institutional racism, 67, 148, 152, 156

  race and, 138–45

  Intellectual displacement, 230

  Interdividuality, 157, 164, 240

  International Fraternity Council Newsletter, 108

  “Introduction to Americ
an National Government” (Political Science 10), 67–68

  “Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology” (Anthropology 1), 60–63

  I…Rigoberta Menchu (Menchu), 6

  Irish American Student Association, 30, 36

  Irvine Dissertation Fellowship Program, 73

  “Issues in Self-Defense For Women,” 76

  Ivy, Canetta, 165

  Jackson, Bacardi, 180

  Jackson, Jesse, 1, 2, 18n4

  Jackson, Kennell, 51–52, 53, 85n2

  Casper and, 223

  on Western Culture protestors, 13

  Jackson, Michael, 108, 156, 251n54

  alumni and, 207

  on Archuleta, 211

  cultural change and, 34–35

  on multiculturalism, 34

  Rabois incident and, 170–71

  transformation and, 37

  Japanese-American internees, reparations for, 233

  Jeffries, Leonard: on melanin, 233

  Jenkins, Benji, 131

  Johnson, Lyndon: welfare state and, 238

  Johnson, Sonia, 161–62n78, 162n79, 247

  on sexism, 154–55

  Jones, Dylan, 52

  Joseffer, Daryl, 193n37

  Judeo-Christian tradition, 190–91, 246

  Judicial Affairs Office, Stanford Review and, 177

  Junkerman, Charles: letter from, 15

  Justice, 175–79

  Katz, Barry

  cultural change and, 34–35

  on multiculturalism, 33–34

  transformation and, 37

  Kaufman, Leslie: ban and, 193–94n38

  Kemp, Amanda

  Faculty Senate and, 21n42

  indictment by, 18n5

  Kempton, Sally, 157

  Kennedy, Donald, 23, 195n59, 217n42, 222, 225

  appointments by, 251n54

  on BSU, 139–40

  College Republicans and, 179, 195n44

  on Cox, 115–16

  ethics course by, 212–13

  faculty sit-in and, 201

  financial scandal and, 197–99, 204, 221

  grape issue and, 47n15

  great experiment by, 33, 39, 93–94, 208, 214

  at House oversight hearing, 205–6

  Leland Stanford and, 213–14

  multiculturalism and, xx, 24–25, 38–39, 189, 242

  on personal responsibility, 211–12

  on Rabois incident, 171

  resignation of, xx, 206

  sexual conduct policy and, 112

  support for, 204–5

  Ujamaa House and, 41

  Western Culture program and, 16

  Kennedy, Robin, 171, 204

  Kerkhoven, Jan, 180–82, 185

  Kerr, B. J., 49n433, 168

  Ujamaa House and, 41, 42–43

  Kershaw, Jamie, 173

  Kimmel, Michael, 161n76

  Kincaid, Jamaica, 20n20

  King, Bill

  on CUS, 13

  protest by, 3, 14, 18n6

  King, Martin Luther, 52, 57, 138

  King, Rodney: multiculturalists and, 179–80

  Kirkpatrick, Jeanne, 194n43

  Kiss-ins, 147

  Koponen, Wilfred: tutorial by, 66

  Krauthammer, Charles: on Stanford/Western Civilization, 1, 221

  Krieger, Susan, 181

  Krumboltz, John: criticism by, 54–55


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