Deal Makers: A Brother's Best Friend Romance (Dealing With Love Book 3)

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Deal Makers: A Brother's Best Friend Romance (Dealing With Love Book 3) Page 3

by Laura Lee

  Devyn: I am SO sorry but I have to bail on you. Something unexpected came up but it shouldn’t take too long. Can I meet you down by the pool in a while?

  Me: No need to apologize, lady. This is YOUR bachelorette weekend. Is there anything I can help with?

  Devyn: Thank you, but I’ve got it covered. Go get some rays—lord knows we don’t get nearly enough chances to do that back home. I’ll text you when I’m finished and on my way.

  Me: Will do! Text me if you need anything.

  Devyn: Thanks for understanding, Charlee. You’re the best!

  Huh, that’s weird. I think about joining the guys for poker but decide to continue as planned since I’m already dressed for the pool. A sign for the adults only area catches my eye so I veer that way to check it out. As I spy a placard on the iron gates leading into the pool area, the reason minors aren’t allowed becomes obvious. Apparently, our hotel has its very own topless pool. I laugh when I think about how jealous Drew would be if he knew where I was right now. I turn around to head in the other direction when a little voice inside of me speaks up.

  Why the hell not, Charlee? You work hard for your body and it’s not like you’re going to see anyone you know.

  Hmm. The mysterious voice has a point. Why shouldn’t I? Just for a little while until Devyn texts me, at least. The attendant scans my keycard at the gate and hands me a towel. I round the corner and find an open lounger toward the shallow end. Taking a deep breath, I untie the strings behind my neck and back, holding the two black triangles to my chest.

  Here goes nothing.

  I drop my top on the ground, lay back and allow the sun to warm my skin. Damn, it’s going to be awesome not having any tan lines with the dress I plan on wearing tonight.



  “This is going to be awesome!” I’m grinning so hard my face hurts.

  “One hour, dude.” Brody hands the attendant his keycard.

  I roll my eyes at him and grab a towel. After Brody lost his ass in the first hour of Hold ‘Em, I talked the guys into taking a poolside break. Lucky for me, we don’t even need to leave our hotel to visit one of Vegas’s highest rated toptional pools. It’s one of the reasons why I chose this place. Or the only reason. Tomato, tomah-to.

  “Oh, whatevs. Don’t pretend like you’re not going to enjoy this.”

  “Not like I would’ve a year ago,” Brody argues. “Riley, back me up here. Random boobs just don’t do it for you anymore, right?”

  I plug my ears. “La-la-la-la-la! Not listening to a conversation about my sister’s boobs.”

  Riley laughs. “I’m going to grab a bucket of beers. Nab some chairs and I’ll find you.”

  I fist bump him. “Get two buckets.”

  Riley nods and makes his way to the bar. I glance around the sea of bronzed beauties and have to remind my dick to chill the fuck out. Sporting wood might get me kicked out of here and neither one of us wants that to happen. But my God, it’s not going to be easy. Thank fuck for polarized Ray Bans. I mean, it’s not like you go to a topless pool and expect people to look away when you’re putting your finest assets on display, but I don’t want to look like a major creeper.

  Brody smacks my arm. “Dude, quit staring and help me find some open loungers. This place is fucking packed.”

  “Of course it’s packed.” I scoff. “Do you see all the nipples?”

  “I’m trying not to see all the nipples,” he retorts.

  “Rainey’s not here, dickweed. It’s perfectly okay to look. Even she said so.”

  He points out some stacked loungers near the shallow end of the pool. “Doesn’t matter. Why would I care about some stranger’s tits when I have full access to the most perfect ladies on the planet anytime I want? Which by the way, I swear have gotten bigger.”

  I pull the chairs apart and set them next to each other. “Not all of us are that lucky, dude.”

  He laughs and claps me on the back. “Tough shit, bud. Maybe one of these days you’ll get sick of the single life.”

  “I already am,” I mutter.


  I wave my hand dismissively. “Nothing.”

  No sense in opening that can of worms right now, considering his sister is the reason behind that. One fucking kiss three months ago has ruined one-night-stands for me. Not that I haven’t had the opportunity...I just wasn’t feelin’ it. Hence, why I’m so excited about where I am right now. It’s been way too fucking long since I’ve had my hands—or eyes—on a pair of naked breasts.

  Brody and I recline against our chairs to soak up some sun. Since this was a spur of the moment thing, we don’t have our swim trunks which is just fine considering I have no interest in swimming right now, even though the game of pool volleyball they have going on does look fun. Mainly because the women are sitting on the dudes’ shoulders, tits out. I smile, thinking to myself that this is hedonism at its finest; my eyes are bouncing all over the place taking it in. Big tits, small tits, perfect handful tits—you name it, they’re all out in the open for my viewing pleasure. As I peruse my options, one particular pair gives me pause. The brunette beauty attached to them is coming out of the pool which is conveniently no more than ten feet away from me. Her Jackie O sunglasses are concealing her eyes but I can tell she’s pretty and her body is fucking amazing. She’s a teeny thing—maybe five-three at best—with long, lean muscles and the most incredible set of breasts I’ve ever seen. They’d fit perfectly in my palms, and my hands aren’t what you would consider small. Goddamn, her nipples are even flawless—a light shade of brown just slightly darker than her skin and proportionate to her cup size, which if I had to guess, would be a full C.

  Fuck, I really need to look away before my cock gets any bigger but I can’t. My fists clench, dying to swipe at the droplets of water beading down her skin. I swear I’m not usually this much of a tactless schmuck but this woman has me in a fucking trance for some reason.

  “You want one?” Riley’s back, waving a can of beer in front of my face.

  I grab the beer and crane my neck to look around him. “Move, fucker. You’re blocking my view.”

  He laughs as he takes a seat at the end of his lounger. “You’re ridiculous, man.”

  I jerk my chin toward the brown-haired goddess. “Dude, I know you’re about to marry my sister, but you cannot tell me you don’t appreciate those beauties. They’re impeccable.”

  Riley briefly follows my gaze. “Fine, they’re nice. But they’re not for me.”

  “Nice?!” I ask incredulously. “They’re stunning!”

  Brody takes her in. “I’ll give you this one, dude. But I’m with Rye, they aren’t the boobs I want to rest my head on every night.”

  The woman’s hips sway as she heads toward the empty lounger right in front of us. Some douche-nozzle steps in front of her, so I try taking advantage of her distraction to subtly adjust my boner, but she shakes her head at whatever he’s saying, effectively dismissing him within seconds.

  Down asshole, you can’t do anything about it right now, I scold my dick.

  Screw you man, she’s fuckhot and naked and heading right toward us, he replies.

  Just as she’s lifting her sunglasses, her body freezes, like she’s in shock or something.

  What the hell?

  The next chain of events happens in a matter of seconds but it’s a moment that will be forever burned into my brain.

  “Oh shit, is that—?” Riley says.


  “What the fuck, dude?” I ask.

  Brody is currently turned away, taking deep breaths like he’s pushing a baby out of his imaginary vagina. “First Munchkins, now this? WORST VEGAS TRIP EVER!!!”

  Riley’s ripping off his t-shirt like it’s on fire and thrusting his arm out. I follow the motion and finally see what all the fuss is about.

  Ho-ly fuck.

  The gorgeous
woman with the bangin’ body is none other than Charlotte Harris. I watch in slow motion as she grabs the shirt from Riley and pulls it over her body. I know it’s an asshole move but I can’t stop staring at her tits as she does it. When her arms lift, they have the slightest bounce to them, which holds my eyes hostage. I think my dick actually sobs when she’s fully covered.

  Her cheeks are cherry red and I doubt it’s from the heat. “What the hell are you guys doing here? You’re supposed to be playing poker!”

  “Is she fucking dressed?” Brody shouts.

  “Dude, calm down,” Riley says. “You’re causing a scene.”

  “Answer my question, Riley! Is she dressed?”

  “Yes, I’m fucking dressed, you idiot!” Charlee shouts.

  Brody turns around and glares at her. “What the fuck, Charlee?”

  She puts her hands on her hips. “What do you mean, ‘what the fuck’?”

  “What the hell possessed you to walk around in public with your tits out?” he asks.

  “Because they’re my tits and I can do whatever I want with them!” she says. “And in case you haven’t noticed, tops are optional here!”

  Riley tries being the voice of reason. “Okay, you guys. Seriously. You’re causing a big scene now. We’re going to get kicked out of here.”

  “Good!” Brody scoffs. “These jerkoffs don’t need to see her walking around practically naked!”

  “You’re such a hypocrite, Brody,” Charlee accuses. “You’re here too!”

  Brody flings his arm out at me. “Because this asshole fucking begged me to come! He wanted to ogle tits, not me!”

  At this point, I haven’t said a word. I don’t think I’ve even blinked. I know Charlee’s completely covered now, but I can’t take my eyes off of her. She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen even wearing a baggy shirt that hangs down to her knees.

  “Don’t act like I led you here by gunpoint, dick,” I say to Brody. “She’s right; they’re her tits, she can do whatever she wants with them.”

  For all that is holy, please channel your inner Chrissy Teigen and free the nipples.

  “Fuck you, Drew!” Brody stands up with a huff and bumps into my chair not so accidentally as he gets in Charlee’s face. “Go back to your room and get dressed, Charlotte.”

  Her jaw drops. “Are you kidding me?”

  “No, I’m not fucking kidding! You’ve done enough damage, don’t you think? I’ve been scarred for life and I’m pretty sure Drew will be walking around with a hard-on for the rest of the day.”

  He’s probably not wrong.

  She glances my way when her brother mentions my name and flashes me a wink. Aw shit, I’m pretty sure Brody just saw that.

  Riley holds him back when his body tenses. “Calm down, man.” Yep, he definitely saw it.

  Charlee throws her hands up in exasperation. “You’re unbelievable!”

  “I’m unbelievable?!” Brody asks. “Well, at least I’m not prancing around with my dick hanging out trying to catch some fish! You that desperate now, Charlotte?”

  Damn it, I can’t just sit by and let this shit go on anymore.

  I get off my chair and stand next to Charlee. “Not cool, dude. I think you should apologize.”

  Brody crosses his arms over his chest. “Fuck no.”

  “No? Well, don’t say you didn’t ask for this.” Charlee gets a wicked smile on her face before she starts belting out the lyrics to “The Lollipop Guild,” weird choreographed dance and all.

  Riley and I try hiding our amusement but we’re failing miserably. As we’re doubled over laughing, Brody stomps his foot like a toddler throwing a tantrum. “Jesus fuck, you two! This is NOT funny!”

  “It kind of is,” I argue.

  Even Charlee’s laughing now, which substantially brightens Brody’s mood.

  Brody lifts an eyebrow. “Really, Drew? So if you just accidentally checked out Devyn’s tits, you’d think it was funny?”

  My jaw drops. “Fuck no!”

  “Hey, leave her out of this!” Riley says at the same time.

  Brody smirks. “My point exactly, asshole.”

  “Touché,” I grumble.

  Charlee rolls her eyes. “Can we please change the subject now?”

  “I need a drink,” Brody mutters.

  I nod toward the buckets of beer. “There’s a dozen drinks right there.”

  He shakes his head. “Fuck that. I need liquor. If I can’t bleach my eyes, I’m sure as shit going to try bleaching my brain. Let’s go play cards again.”

  Riley gives Charlee an awkward look. “Uh...I need to stop by my room to grab another shirt. Unless...”

  “Hell no!” Brody interrupts. “Riley’s room, then drinks!”

  I catch Charlee’s eyes as we start heading out of the pool area. She looks relieved that we’re leaving, but I feel the exact opposite. Christ, if I thought fighting my attraction was difficult before, it’s going to be downright impossible now.



  After the pool fiasco, I had no desire to stick around so after a quick shower, I texted Devyn to see if she was ready to meet up. She happened to be in Rainey’s room at the time which is why I’m knocking on her door right now.

  Rainey opens the door, fighting back a smile. “Hey, Charlee. I hear you had an interesting time down at the pool.”

  I roll my eyes. “He told you?”

  She laughs. “Of course he did. He hasn’t stopped begging me for a boob shot since. Says he needs to get that ‘awful experience’ out of his head and my boobs are the only cure.”

  “He’s such a child sometimes,” I say.

  “Meh,” Rainey shrugs. “It’s part of his charm.”

  Devyn steps out of the bathroom. “Oh hey, Charlee. I’m sorry about ditching you earlier. Although I heard you had some fun.”

  “Not you too,” I whine.

  She laughs. “Oh c’mon, it’s funny!”

  I think about what Brody said to Drew earlier. “Really? Would you feel the same if Drew saw your boobs?”

  She scrunches her face. “Ew! No way! When Nate was breastfeeding, I always nursed in my bedroom if Drew wasn’t at the fire station. Neither one of us wanted to risk a nip slip.”

  I give her a wry look. “Exactly.”

  According to Devyn, when she found out she was pregnant with Nathan, Drew had insisted she move up to Seattle and live with him. She had completely lost contact with Riley—I don’t know all the details, only that it was a big, messy misunderstanding—so Drew was the only father figure in Nathan’s life until she and Riley reunited a year ago. Drew is no doubt a big, macho alpha male, but there’s also a big softy hiding beneath the surface. It’s really apparent when he’s around Devyn or her son. Not gonna lie; whenever I see them together, it makes my ovaries flutter.

  Speaking of Drew...I can’t get him out of my damn head. That look that he gave me at the pool was filled with so much heat, I swear it sent zingers straight to my clit. If I wasn’t so mortified at the time, I would’ve climbed him like the massive oak that he is.

  “Enough about flashing brothers,” Rainey says. “I’m hungry. What do you think about grabbing lunch then hitting the slots? Our show doesn’t start until four so we have plenty of time.”

  I nod. “Sounds good to me.”

  “Me too,” Devyn adds.

  “Hey, did you get everything taken care of earlier?” I ask Devyn.

  She and Rainey share a knowing look. “Uh...yeah. All squared away.”

  I narrow my eyes. “What am I missing?”

  Rainey positions herself in front of the little table by the window. “Nothing.”

  I peek over her shoulder and see a can of ginger ale with a half-eaten pack of saltines. “Are you sick?”

  Rainey shakes her head. “It was just a little nausea...flying always makes me queasy. I feel fine now.” She glances at her phone when it vibrates in her hand and laughs at whatever’s on the
screen. “We’d better head out. Brody says he’s coming up here to take his own picture of my tits if I don’t send him one in the next five minutes.”

  Devyn grabs her purse and slings it over her shoulder. “Knowing Brody, that’s not a bluff. We should go.”

  I shake my head. “He’s an idiot.”

  Rainey smiles. “Yeah, but he’s my idiot.”

  “Have I told you lately how perfect you are for him?”

  She tucks her room key into her purse and slips on her shoes. “Not to get all sappy, but I feel the same about him. It took me long enough to figure it out, but I can’t imagine being any happier than he makes me. Even when he’s being a complete jackass, which let’s face it, is pretty often.”

  I laugh. “This is true.”

  Devyn rubs her hands together excitedly. “You ladies ready to do this Vegas bachelorette thing?”

  “Ready!” Rainey and I reply in unison.

  Devyn hi-fives us. “Well, then, let’s go. Vegas, baby!”



  “What do you guys want to do next?” Riley asks. “We have a few hours before we have to meet the ladies. How about we hit a buffet?”

  I check the time on my phone. Huh. Apparently, we’ve been playing cards for over three hours but it feels more like three minutes. Probably because I’ve been zoning out the entire time, thinking about the nearly naked goddess that I’m not supposed to be thinking about. How I have an extra three Benjamins in my wallet is beyond me.

  I shrug. “I could eat.”

  Riley grins. “Man, you can always eat.”

  I jokingly kiss my bicep. “These guns don’t feed themselves.”

  “You’re an idiot,” Riley laughs.

  “Do we have to meet up with them?” Brody interrupts. “I think I’ll be sick if I have to look at Charlee anytime soon. Make no mistake; that buffet will be my bitch, but I’d rather not ralph up everything I’m about to eat.”

  “Yes, we have to meet up with them,” Riley insists. “My fiancée and I are in Vegas without our son. We probably won’t get another opportunity like this for years. I’m sure as hell not going to waste an opening for drunken shenanigans that will ultimately lead to hot hotel sex.”


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