Deal Makers: A Brother's Best Friend Romance (Dealing With Love Book 3)

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Deal Makers: A Brother's Best Friend Romance (Dealing With Love Book 3) Page 4

by Laura Lee

  “Dude! That’s my sister you’re talking about!” I complain.

  “Dude, your sister and I made a baby together. In a hotel. She’s perfectly aware of how much better hotel sex is than regular sex.”

  “Everyone on this goddamn planet knows that fucking in a hotel is way hotter,” I mutter. “That doesn’t mean I want to associate it with my sister. Way to ruin it for me.”

  Riley rolls his eyes. “Grow up, Drew.”

  I flip him off and jerk my head toward Brody. “Tell that to this guy! He’s the one trying to change the plan simply because he’s ‘traumatized’ from seeing Charlee’s tits.”

  “Hey! I thought we agreed to completely delete the incident from our memories!” Brody whines.

  “I agreed to no such thing,” I scoff.

  As if I could ever forget that.

  “I’m with Drew,” Riley says. “There’s no way in hell I’m ever letting you live that down. Funniest shit I’ve seen all year.”

  Brody glares at the two of us. “You guys are assholes.”

  “Yeah, well, at least I didn’t check out my sister’s rack,” I taunt.

  “I didn’t check out my sister’s rack!” Brody swears. “It was an anonymous rack at the time!”

  Riley laughs. “Still doesn’t change who that rack belongs to.”

  “Fuck both of you,” Brody grumbles. “Let’s go fucking eat.”

  I fist bump Riley with a smile. “Lead the way, brother.”



  “Okay, I’ll be the first one to admit that the Blue Man Group wasn’t nearly as lame as I thought it would be,” I say.

  “It was awesome!” Devyn says.

  “No...Thunder Down Under would’ve been awesome,” Rainey counters, referring to Vegas’s all-male review featuring their finest oiled-up Aussies. “The blue guys were entertaining though.”

  “Thunder Down Under!” I shout, using my best Margot Robbie impression.

  Devyn scrunches her nose. “I don’t know...I can’t imagine male strippers being sexy. All those dangly parts swinging around seems like it would just be awkward.”

  Rainey’s lip twitches as she pulls Devyn into a side hug. “Oh, my sweet, innocent grasshopper. One of these days we’ll dirty you up.”

  Devyn blushes. “I’m not that innocent. Riley and I do lots of dirty things.”

  I laugh. “Oh yeah? Like what?”

  Her blush deepens. “I can’t talk about that!”

  “Who are we going to tell?” I challenge. “It’s just between us girls.”

  “But it’s private,” Devyn insists.

  Now Rainey laughs. “I think we should play Bachelorette 20 Questions.”

  “What’s that?” our bachelorette asks.

  “It’s a game where we get to ask twenty questions that you have to answer, no matter how embarrassing,” Rainey explains. “You can pass on five of them but if you do, you have to take a shot. Considering you already have a heavy buzz, I’d think twice about skipping any. You wouldn’t let me decorate you with plastic penises, so you should at least give us this.”

  Devyn furrows her brows. “I don’t know...”

  “Oh c’mon, it’ll be fun,” I promise.

  She blows out a breath. “I’m sure I’ll regret this, but fine. Ask away.”

  Rainey rubs her hands together with an evil grin. “Okay, I’ll take it easy on you for the first one. How old were you when you lost your virginity?”

  Devyn glares at her. “You already know the answer to that.”

  Rainey laughs. “Yeah, but Charlee doesn’t.”

  Devyn huffs. “Twenty-two.”

  I choke on the sip I was taking. “Seriously?”

  “Yes, seriously,” Devyn answers. “Why is that such a big deal? How old were you?”

  “Sixteen,” I say.

  “Seventeen,” Rainey answers at the same time.

  “There’s nothing wrong with waiting,” I assure her, “but just out of curiosity, why did you wait so long? I’m sure it wasn’t for lack of opportunity.”

  She smiles. “I wanted it to be with someone special and that someone was Riley. I love the fact that he was my first and even though there was a break in between, he’ll be my last.”

  I place my open palm against my chest. “Okay, that’s actually really sweet.”

  Rainey sips her club soda. “No detours to Mushville right now. Let’s get back on track. Charlee, you want to take the reins?”

  “Sure.” I tap my lips in thought. “How many people have you slept with?”

  “Two,” Devyn replies. “I dated a man named Jackson for a couple years. What’s your number, Charlee?”

  I hold my hands up. “I’m not the one on the chopping block here, remember?”

  She rolls her eyes. “Well, consider it me trying to get to know my new friend better.”

  “Fine,” I concede. “More than two.”

  She frowns. “That’s cheating!”

  I shrug. “It was still an answer.”

  Rainey laughs. “Next question. What’s your favorite position?”

  Now Devyn’s entire face and neck are red. This girl is so damn cute with how easily flustered she gets. “If I answer that, you have to share, too.”

  “Doggy,” Rainey replies flippantly. “Now you.”

  “Really?” Devyn asks incredulously.

  Rainey grins. “It’s a good angle.”

  “Not doggy-style.” Devyn quips, as if she’s pulled one over on us.

  I raise my eyebrows. “So it’s going to be like that, huh? Here’s one for you: Have you ever had anal?”

  “No way! Exit only!” Devyn’s eyes widen comically when Rainey and I remain silent. “Wait a guys have?”

  “It’s fun every once in a while,” Rainey offers with a shrug.

  “Charlee?” Devyn squeaks.

  I nod toward Rainey. “What she said.”

  Devyn slams her hand on the table. “Lorraine, why didn’t I know about this before now?”

  Rainey laughs. “Oh honey, I love you, but it’s not like anal is something that would ever get brought up between us before now. And besides, it’s a recent development. Brody’s the only man I’ve let shove it up my ass.”

  I make a barfing gesture. “I’m gonna pretend I didn’t hear that.”

  Devyn laughs. “Ha! Not so fun now, is it, Charlotte?”

  “Hey, Devyn, have I mentioned how badly I want to ride your brother off into the sunset?”

  “First of all...ick,” she says. “But secondly, I think you two would actually make a really cute couple.”

  Rainey laughs. “Yeah, if Brody didn’t kill him first.”

  Okay, I know the point of this game was to embarrass Devyn, but now that we’re on the subject, I’m going to take advantage of it. I’ll admit; I was pretty pissed a few months ago when Drew so casually threw me away after the hottest kiss of my life. But when I had a chance to cool down and really pay attention to how solid his friendship with my brother is, I get it. I still think they’re both being stupid, but I understand why he’s being so cautious.

  I clear my throat. “Do you really think Brody would be that pissed? I mean, surely he’s gotten over it by now.”

  Rainey gives me an are you stupid? look. “Uh...were you there when he caught you two making out?”

  “What?” Devyn slams her hand down even more forcefully, almost making my glass topple over. “When did this happen? And why didn’t I know about that either?”

  “Oops,” Rainey says apologetically.

  The waitress is back with our refills so I wait until she leaves before replying. “At your engagement party. Drew and I got to talking and talking led to kissing and kissing led to a little rubbing which is right around the time when Brody walked in on the whole thing.”

  Devyn gasps. “Holy crap! So Brody freaked out, huh?”

  “Big time,” I mutter.

  “What did Drew say?” Devyn
leans forward, really interested in my reply.

  “In a nutshell, that it was a mistake and that it would never happen again.” I try masking my frustration but I don’t think I’m doing a great job.

  “Ouch.” Devyn grimaces.

  “Pretty much,” I agree. “It is shitty though because we obviously have chemistry and I really do like spending time with him. He makes me laugh and he’s a genuinely good guy. Those aren’t so easy to find these days.”

  Devyn smiles fondly. “He’s the best.”

  Rainey makes a sour face and presses a hand over her sternum. “Oh, dear God, that was nasty.”

  Devyn’s eyes fly to Rainey’s. “You okay?”

  “Yep.” Rainey downs the rest of her drink in one gulp. “I just threw up in my mouth a little.”

  I wince. “Yuck. Is the nausea back again?”

  “Yeah.” She nods. “I should probably switch to ginger ale.”

  I narrow my eyes on her glass of club soda—the same thing she’s been ordering all day. I’m not saying Rainey’s a lush or anything, but I’ve seen her with a glass of wine or a beer on quite a few occasions. Plus, who the hell goes to Vegas and doesn’t drink? Unless...

  I gasp as it hits me. “Holy shit! You’re preggers!”

  Rainey’s jaw falls slack at the same time Devyn’s eyes widen.

  “Uh...” the pregnant lady stammers. “What makes you say that?”

  “Uh...because I’m not a dumbass,” I retort. “The crackers, the nausea, the ginger ale, the not drinking alcohol while you’re in Vegas. C’mon, Rainey, give me a little credit.” I raise my eyes to Devyn. “That’s what this morning was about, right? The something that came up?”

  Devyn eyes her friend nervously. “Uh...”

  Rainey rolls her eyes. “Don’t worry, Dev, I’ve got this. Yes, Charlee, I’m pregnant. But I just found out this morning. I realized my period was late right before I laid down to take a nap. I called Devyn and she offered to run to the drug store to buy a test. I’m only a few days late so normally I wouldn’t think anything of it, but besides the puking and never-ending exhaustion, my boobs have been really sore and I’m pretty sure they’re bigger considering how tight my bra feels. I’m an OB nurse, for Christ’s sake. I’m surprised I didn’t put it together before now.”

  I clap my hands in excitement. “Oh my God, I’m going to be an auntie! Does Brody know?”

  “Not yet. I didn’t want to take his attention from Riley this weekend. I was planning on telling him when we get home.”

  “Fuck that noise,” I scoff. “You need to tell him now, Rainey. He’s going to be so excited! Have you guys been trying? Wait...are you excited? This is a good thing, right?”

  She smiles. “It’s a very good thing. We wanted to start a family sometime in the next few years, but no, we weren’t trying. I’m on the pill...or I was before today, anyway. When that little plus sign showed up, I racked my brain trying to figure out how this happened because I take my pill at the same time every day. Religiously. But then it clicked. Do you remember how sick I was last month?”

  I nod in reply.

  “I wound up taking a round of Amoxicillin and antibiotics have a nasty habit of lessening the effectiveness of birth control. Honestly, we knew there was a risk, but didn’t bother buying condoms...and well, now we have a baby on the way.”

  I feel my eyes filling with happy tears. I know how badly she’s been wanting a child and considering how head-over-heels in love my brother is with her, I know that whatever she wants, he’d want. He’s going to be so fucking stoked and I don’t think she should wait another second to tell him.

  “Rainey, find out where they are right now and go to him,” I insist.

  She looks at Devyn. “This is Devyn’s bachelorette weekend. I don’t want to ruin it.”

  “Honey, I’ve been telling you all day to say something to him. This is way more important.” Devyn’s grin stretches across her face. “Besides, this may be the booze talking, but all this talk about baby making is making me want to practice making another one with Rye. Like, now.” She blushes. “And maybe while we’re at it, see what all the fuss is about with the butt stuff.”

  Rainey and I both belt out a shocked laugh. Ah, good ol’ reliable alcohol.

  Looking to lower your inhibitions? Drink me! Satisfaction guaranteed.

  Rainey pulls out her phone and starts moving her thumbs along the screen. She waits for a moment until it vibrates with an incoming message. “They’re at the hotel next to ours. He said he can be back in our room in twenty minutes, which is perfect because that’s about how long it would take me to get there.”

  Devyn’s on her phone too. “Riley and Drew are heading back with him. Charlee, what do you think about Riley and I making ourselves scarce?” She winks. “It would give you a chance to spend some alone time with my brother while Brody is otherwise occupied.”

  I raise my eyebrows. “Are you trying to play matchmaker, Devyn?”

  “Maybe,” she shrugs. “Or maybe you just gamble for a few hours and then go back to your rooms for the night. It’s your call.”

  I down the rest of my vodka tonic. Why the hell not? If there’s anything worth exploring with Drew, what better way to find out than a night out in Vegas?

  “All right, go get freaky with your fiancé. I’ll see what I can do about the Drew situation.”

  “Awesome!” She smiles. “I’m texting him right now telling him to meet you here.”

  “I guess I’ll just order another drink and wait then.”

  Devyn and Rainey are already standing up and grabbing their purses. Before she leaves, Devyn leans over to give me a little hug. “Good luck.”

  I’m not sure luck will help me find a loophole in this whole Bro Code thing Drew seems to live by, but I guess I’m about to find out.



  Fuck, this is dangerous.

  Charlee hasn’t noticed me yet so I’m watching as she sits on a barstool talking animatedly to some hipster douchebag. She’s wearing the same little black dress that she wore to my sister’s engagement party. I’ve had many fantasies about that damn dress over the last three months. Lifting it just enough to fit my face between her thighs... its straps falling off her shoulders as I’m taking her up against a wall...pulling it over her head and throwing it on my bedroom floor. You name it, I’ve probably jerked off to it. And now that I’ve actually seen her nearly naked body? The real thing is even better than I imagined, bringing my fantasies to a whole other level. Damn it, I’m getting hard just thinking about it.

  Down, boy.

  Right before I split up with the guys, Brody felt the need to remind me again to stay away from his sister. I know it’s the honorable thing to do. It’s the safe thing to do. But when I look at Charlee—or hell, even think about her—playing it safe is the last thing I want to do. And c’mon, we’re in Vegas! You’re supposed to do crazy shit.

  She finally sees me out of the corner of her eye and immediately jumps out of her seat. “Drew! You’re here!” She turns back to the douche. “My friend is here now. Thanks for the drink.”

  The guy’s face falls when he looks over his shoulder and sees me. I puff my chest out and give him the stare down. Yeah, that’s right buddy, she’s mine. Wait a second...I mean she’s with me. Not with me, with me, but...oh fuck it, you know what I meant. However you want to look at it, she’s spending the evening with me so fuck off, dude.

  Charlee practically skips to where I’m standing and wraps her arms around my neck, pressing her chest against mine. Why does she have to be so handsy all the damn time? And smell so fucking edible? Is she trying to make this harder?

  See what I did there?

  She squeezes me tighter and I’m pretty sure those are her nipples poking me in the chest. I recite baseball stats in my head to distract my dick.

  Nice try, but it’s not going to work, my dick says.


i,” she says in a breathy voice. “You ready to have some fun?”

  I groan as I pull out of her embrace, my eyes automatically falling to her tits. Yep, those were definitely her nipples rubbing up against me. As I make my way to her face, I see that her eyes are a little glassy and her cheeks are flushed. Shit, is she drunk?

  “How many drinks have you had, Charlee?”

  She rolls her eyes. “All day? I don’t know. Here? Three. But I’m fine—I’ve been drinking water and eating all day. Aaaaand, I can hold my liquor. How many drinks have you had?”

  “A lot.” I shrug. “But I’m a helluva lot bigger than you are.”

  She eyes me appreciatively and starts rubbing her palm against my chest. “You sure are.”

  I grab her hand when she gets a little too far south and clasp our fingers together. “So, it’s just you and me, huh?”

  She smiles as she swings our linked hands. “Yep. What should we do first?”

  I lead her out of the bar until we’re standing to the side of the casino floor. “Do you play poker?”

  “I know how...but I’m not really in the mood for it.”

  “What are you in the mood for?”

  She squeezes my fingers and gives me a saucy smile. Damn it, bad choice of words. “Hmm...well, we’re in Vegas and the night is young.”

  She taps her red lips with her free hand, drawing my attention to her mouth. God, what I wouldn’t give to slide my cock into that thing. Seeing her lipstick all over my shaft as she bobs up and down.

  “Drew? Did you hear me?”


  Charlee laughs. “You know what? Let’s make it a surprise.” She pulls her hand from mine to dig her phone out of her little purse. She fiddles with it for a minute then shoves it back into her bag. Grabbing my hand, she says, “C’mon.”

  She leads me toward the front of the hotel. “Where are we going?”

  “I ordered an Uber. It should be here by the time we get up there.”

  “We can’t just walk?”

  She shakes her head. “Nope. It’s off the Strip, but not too far away.”


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