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Deal Makers: A Brother's Best Friend Romance (Dealing With Love Book 3)

Page 9

by Laura Lee

  Charlee flings her arm to the side. “My God.”

  “Yes, my child,” I joke.

  She smirks. “You’re pretty good at that, Drew.”

  I gently bite the sensitive skin behind her knee. “‘Pretty good’? That’s the best you could come up with?”

  I’m forced to release her leg when she sits up and lunges for the button on my jeans. “I’d rather show you how much I appreciated that.”

  Yes! Finally! my dick shouts.

  Not so fast, I say.

  Dick! he whines.

  Pot, meet kettle.

  I manacle her wrists again. “Honey, as much as I love where you’re going with this, I wasn’t done.”

  Charlee struggles against my hold and pouts. “Drew, give me your damn dick!”

  I laugh and lean forward until she’s forced to lie back. Hovering over her, I say, “We have plenty of time for that later.” I pull my phone out of my pocket and check the time. “We still have another forty minutes and I intend to use every one of them to devour you.”

  Her eyes flash with heat as the fight leaves her body. “I’m really sensitive. You’d have to be gentle.”

  I scoot down her body. “I can do gentle, baby.”

  And that’s exactly what I do until we’re pulling in front of our hotel.



  “Hurry up,” I whine.

  Drew digs the keycard out of his wallet at an annoyingly slow pace. “What’s the matter, baby? You can’t wait to hop on my dick?”

  I narrow my eyes. Mostly because he’s right.

  “You wish,” I huff.

  Drew laughs and leans down to kiss me, melting my irritation. “You’re right; I do wish.” I yelp when he scoops me up bridal-style and holds the key against the door.

  I smack his shoulder. “What are you doing? Put me down!”

  He turns the handle when the light turns green. “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m carrying my bride over the threshold.”

  Oh. I like that idea.

  When I don’t say anything in response, Drew gives me his signature panty-melting grin and carries me inside. He sets me to my feet, grabs the bottle of champagne out of my hands, and takes a long gulp.

  “Are you going to share that?” I ask.

  The bottle was already uncorked in the limo but we didn’t exactly have time to drink it, so we took it to go and proceeded to chug straight from the bottle. We’re classy like that.

  Drew grabs my hand, leading me into the attached bedroom. He props our wedding photo on the nightstand and hands me the champagne bottle so I can take a quick swig. “We can have more later. After I get you naked.”

  I smile as I set the bottle on the dresser. “I can get onboard with this plan. But only if you’re naked too.”

  He laughs and grips each one of my hips, pulling me into him. “I’m okay with that plan.”

  I nibble his stubbled jaw. “What are we waiting for?”

  “I have no fucking clue.” Before I can say anything else, Drew is lifting my arms and pulling my dress straight over my head. He eyeballs my boobs and bites his lip. “Hello, ladies. I’ve missed you so much.”

  I start to laugh but that quickly dies out when he pushes the cups down and sucks my right nipple into his mouth. “Aaah, fuck.”

  I can feel his smile against my skin. “That’s the idea, honey.”

  I fumble with the button on his pants, practically screaming in delight as I lower the zipper and grip his cock through his black boxer briefs. “Christ, I don’t know if this thing is going to fit.”

  He unclasps my bra and throws it across the room. “I’ll make sure it fits, baby.” He resumes palming and licking my breasts. “God, I love your tits.”

  “They love you, too,” I pant. Drew starts backing me into the king-sized bed but I halt when I remember something. “Hold on. Where’s my purse?”

  “Who the fuck cares?” he murmurs against my skin.

  I spot it on the floor about five feet away. I don’t even remember dropping it. “There it is! I need something out of it.”

  Drew releases a sigh as he pulls away from me but he grabs it for me nonetheless. “What could you possibly need out of this right now?”

  I open the zipper and hold up the string of Magnums I had stashed in there. “These. I bought some from the vending machine in the ladies’ room earlier. Based on the little preview I got in the hallway, I figured you needed the big ones. I know we’re technically married but I stopped taking the pill a while ago and I don’t think either one of us want to make a baby tonight so...”

  He grabs the condoms and throws them on the mattress off to the side. “You are the best wife ever!”

  Drew pulls his t-shirt over his head with one hand and throws it behind him. Holy hell, his right nipple is pierced with a barbell that’s almost identical to the one in my hood piercing. Fuck, that’s hot. I crawl backwards onto the bed and with the denim falling off his hips, exposing a deeply indented V, Drew stalks toward me with a predatory grin. I play with my breasts and pull on my nipples while he watches with rapt attention.

  “Get over here and make this marriage official, Big Guy.”

  He loses the pants and boxers in one fell swoop. My God, he has the biggest, prettiest dick I’ve ever seen. It’s long and thick and proudly points toward his laundry-worthy abs. It’s a little intimidating, to be honest, but in the best way possible. I discreetly check for drool as I continue staring at it.

  Drew joins me on the bed and says, “With pleasure, honey.”




  That was quite possibly the longest plane ride of my life. Thankfully, I only had a carry-on so I was able to take off for the parking garage while the others went to Baggage Claim. I really need to get a handle on my reactions to Charlee’s proximity. Brody’s bound to notice sooner or later that I’m always sporting wood around his sister. Plus, I can’t seem to keep my eyes off of her. I thought it was bad before, but now that I remember sealing the deal on our marriage—parts of it anyway—it’s even worse. I can’t stop picturing her naked. And Charlee plus naked equals instant raging boner. I feel like I’m fucking thirteen again where a gust of wind would get me hard.

  Now that I’m home, I think it’s actually starting to sink in that I’m a married man. I know that once we get an annulment, it will be as if it never happened, but what if I don’t want that? I keep thinking about that couple we met on the observation wheel. Sure, having a drunken Vegas wedding work out is the exception, not the rule, but who’s to say that Charlee and I can’t be one of the lucky ones?

  I take a drag from my bottle of beer as I walk around my condo. This place screams bachelor pad with its minimalist furnishings and giant TV, but it wasn’t always like this. When Devyn and Nathan lived here, it was a home built for a family. Pictures of Nate growing up lined the hallways, his books and toys were in the corner of the living room, and Devyn’s girly touches were all over the place. Candles, throw pillows, blankets, fancy soap, you name it. She took all of that with her when the two of them moved in with Riley, leaving me with the barren space that I see before me.

  I didn’t realize how much I missed all that shit until now. Not the actual stuff, but the comfort that it gave me. My mom died when I was thirteen and my dad followed shortly after my twenty-first birthday. Neither one of them had siblings, and their parents had already passed, so it was just me and Devyn until Nathan came along five years later. Maybe I’m trying to create something that isn’t there with Charlee—because I have abandonment issues or some shit. But if I’m being honest, I really don’t think that’s the case. Although I live alone now, I have good people in my life.

  You don’t have to share the same blood to be considered family. I think it’s more about having each other’s backs. Loving unconditionally. Supporting someone when they’re down or celebrating their successes when they’re up.
Brody, Rainey, and Riley definitely fall into that category. The guys at the fire station, too. I’m not lacking by any means.

  But still, I can’t help but envision what life would be like with Charlee here. What personal touches she’d put on things. How our wedding picture would look propped on the bookshelf. Okay, maybe not our actual wedding photo, because that thing is ridiculous, but you get the point. My mind even goes as far as wondering what our children would look like and how it would feel tucking them into bed at night like I used to do with Nate. Listen to me, talking about being tied down and actually liking the idea. Who would’ve thought?

  Fuck. What the hell am I going to do? Before I have the chance to contemplate that any further, my phone buzzes in my back pocket. When I pull it out, I see an incoming text from Charlee.

  Charlee: Are you free to go over this paperwork tomorrow?

  Me: Can you do it tonight? I have to be at the station at 8 in the morning and I’m on duty for 24 hours.

  Charlee. No can do. I’m still with my mom.

  Charlee said she was stopping by her parents’ house on the way home from the airport. From what I can gather, she and her mom are pretty tight and see each other often.

  Me: Tuesday then? I can come by your place.

  As soon as I hit send I realize that I don’t even know where the fuck she lives. Jesus, this situation is complicated.

  Charlee: Can you have visitors at the station? The restaurant is closed Mondays so I have the night off. I can bring dinner for everyone.

  I smile when I think about Charlee sitting around the long dining table at the firehouse with my team. We don’t usually have visitors but they’re not prohibited. Plus, no one in their right mind would turn down her cooking.

  Me: Does 5:00 work for you?

  Charlee: 5 is perfect. How many am I feeding?

  Me: We have 6 people on duty at any given time.

  Charlee: Okay, so 12 servings for the manly firefighters plus one for me. Got it.

  I laugh. She’s already seen how much food I can shovel in my mouth. I’m sure she’s assuming my co-workers are the same and she’s not exactly wrong.

  Me: So, I’ll see you tomorrow?

  Charlee: Tomorrow at 5. *wink emoji

  Me: I’ll text you if we get a call and that changes, otherwise I’ll see you then. *wink emoji *wink emoji

  Charlee: Over and out.

  I pocket my phone and smile, thinking that five o’clock tomorrow cannot get here soon enough.


  Viva Las Vegas!


  “Come over here and make this marriage official, Big Guy.”

  The words are barely out of Charlee’s mouth before I’m caging her in on the bed, being mindful not to put my full weight on her. Her legs fall to the side, encouraging me to settle in between. I rest my forehead against hers and we both watch as I carefully rub the head of my dick against her clit. Now, pussies can take a good pounding—literally—but that little nub up top is a different story. I’ve had my face between Charlee’s thighs for the last hour. She came three times in the limo and once earlier in the evening. I know that her nerve endings down there are frayed from the attention I’ve already given them. Putting too much pressure on her now would hurt and that’s the exact opposite of what I’m shooting for. Hence, why I’m currently testing the waters.

  Charlee gasps. “Oh God.”

  I follow the delicate curve of her neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses. “Too much?”

  Her back arches as I slide all nine inches against her. “In a good way. Please, Drew.”

  I swirl my tongue against her nipple. “Please what, Charlee?”

  “Please fuck me, you asshole!”

  I groan when she wraps her small hand around my shaft and strokes me from root to tip. As much as I want to drive straight into her love tunnel, I can’t resist the urge to tease her a little more.

  “Such strong language from such a delicate lady.”

  Charlee growls. “Drew, I swear to fucking God, I will show you some really motherfucking strong language if you don’t put your goddamn dick inside of me in the next thirty seconds.”

  I thrust into her hand once more. “You want this, honey?”

  She huffs and throws her arm to the side, blindly reaching for the condoms. When she finds them, she rips the top one open and offers it to me. “Put this on, wiseass.”

  I raise my eyebrows in challenge. “You put it on.”

  I sit back on my knees, my dick standing in attention. Charlee gets on her knees as well and begins rolling the condom down my length with a fair amount of aggression. Her teeth are gritted and she’s practically glaring a hole through my dick, but she’s doing it nonetheless. Do you know what’s better than delayed gratification, folks? Say it with me now: Angry sex.

  And do you know what you get when you combine angry sex with hotel sex? Pure fucking awesomeness, that’s what.

  As soon as I’m covered, Charlee straddles me, positioning herself right above my tip. “You’re such a jerk.”

  I band my left arm around her back and scoot backwards until my shoulders hit the headboard. “Feel free to take your frustration out on my dick, sweetheart.”

  She lowers herself just enough for the tip to slide in. Her eyes widen when she attempts to go further and feels the stretch. Now, I don’t mean to brag or anything, but not only is my dick long and hard, but it’s also thick. Not in a freakshow kind of way, where I might as well be fisting the chick, but there’s definitely more girth than the norm. Every woman I’ve ever been with needs to take it real slow on that first ride down the flagpole. Charlee is so wet she’s fucking dripping, but she’s no exception to that.

  “Fuuuuuuuck,” we both moan as she sinks down a few inches.

  Everything inside of me is demanding to thrust upward but I’m trying to let her adjust so I hold still.

  “Holy shit, Drew,” she pants as she takes it down another couple inches. “I really don’t want to inflate your ego any further, but I don’t know if I can take it all. I’m pretty sure you’re already hitting my uterus.”

  “You can do it, honey,” I quip. “I believe in you.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Gee, thanks for your vote of confidence.”

  I wink. “Anytime, babe.”

  I grab her tits— because hello, they’re right in front of my face—and start sucking with just enough pressure to leave a mark. First the left, then over to the right. Yeah, it’s a caveman move, but quite frankly, I don’t care. I’d leave hickeys all over her body if I didn’t think she’d castrate me afterwards. At least she can easily hide these. Charlee clearly needs a bit more of an assist so I roll her nipples between my lips. She groans and goes a little deeper as I start playing with her piercing. I’m rubbing and biting and licking anything I can reach until her ass finally hits my lap.

  My eyes roll back for a moment as the sheer ecstasy of this woman strangling my dick really hits me. “Now, was that so hard?”

  Charlee smirks and rocks forward a bit. “Oh, it’s hard, all right.”

  “Smartass.” She yelps when I pinch her ass.

  I thread my fingers through Charlee’s hair and pull her lips down to mine. She whimpers as I plunder her mouth with my tongue and kisses me back with just as much fervor. I’d do this all night long if I could but my need to come is damn near palpable so I pull back, urging her to move.

  “Ride me, Charlee. Fucking ride me.”

  Her head falls back as she glides upward and back down again. “God, Drew. You feel so good.”

  “You too, honey. So fucking good.” Major understatement there. Nothing has ever felt this good.

  I palm her breasts and alternate sucking on them with kissing her mouth as she rides me slowly but surely. As Charlee gets close, she starts losing her rhythm so I take control. I grab on to her hips and move her up and down my dick until we’re both moaning each other’s names, covered in sweat, and on the verge of explodin

  “Fuck, Drew,” she pants. “Just like that. I’m almost there. So fucking close.”

  “Me too, baby.”

  Charlee’s nails are digging into my shoulders as her pussy grips my cock tighter and tighter. I pull her forward so her clit hits my pelvis with each stroke and increase my speed.

  She gasps when I get really deep. “Drew...”

  I bite her earlobe and whisper, “Come on, baby. I need you to get there. You feel too fucking good. I’m not going to last much longer.”

  With one more thrust, she comes, hugging my dick so perfectly I want to weep. Charlee buries her head into my neck as my own release arrives seconds later, exploding out of me with a vengeance. I shudder as I spill into the condom. I make no move to slide out of her once I come back to Earth, perfectly content staying here forever. I kiss her forehead, then her cheeks and then her eyelids, before going back to her lips. I know I need to pull out before I completely soften—don’t want to spill the baby gravy after all—so I do so reluctantly and toss the spent condom in the nearby trash.

  I know this started out with some serious hate fuck vibes but somewhere along the way it morphed into something else. What exactly that is, I couldn’t tell you, but I don’t mind one bit. Whatever this is, it’s better. I’ve had a long day in the desert sun, with I don’t even know how many drinks. And after what was arguably the best sex of my life, I should be fucking exhausted, but I’m not. Seeing Charlee spread out on the bed, in all her naked glory, I’m wired.

  I lie on the mattress beside her and slide my thumb against her flushed cheek. “You’re the most beautiful wife on the planet. With the most perfect pussy.”

  She chuckles as she turns into my hand. “You couldn’t resist throwing in that last bit, could you?”

  I smile. “I wouldn’t be me if I did.”

  Charlee nuzzles my palm and looks up at me adoringly. “You’re not so bad yourself, Mr. Summers. Your monster cock is pretty great too.”


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