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Charming Co-Worker: Holiday RomCom Standalone

Page 20

by Lauren Runow

  Before we take our seats, I turn and kiss him on the jaw, placing my fingers along the opposite side of his handsome face.

  “What was that for?” he asks.

  “For this. For being you. For coming to get me.”

  He kisses my forehead as we slide into our seats, and he orders two double Bushmills. We each pick up our glass and cheers to the New Year before taking a sip.

  I place the tumbler on the bar top and turn to Hunter. Everything he taught me that fateful night comes back, and I slide out of my seat, positioning myself between his legs. When our eyes meet, I give him a sweet smile as I wrap my arms around the back of his neck.

  “You know, when I think about the past two weeks, I can tell you that I fell for you, right here, just like this,” I say coyly.

  His hands grip my hips, bringing me closer to him. “And how was that?”

  “When you asked me to compliment you. For anyone else, I would have spoken about their outside attributes, but for you, it was you as the entire package. I guess I always thought you were out of my league, so I never considered just how incredible you were. Until that moment, you were just my friend who brightened my day every time you walked into the room.”

  He leans up to kiss my lips. “Can I tell you, I told my sister basically the same thing about you?”

  A smile graces my face, so large that my cheeks hurt. “Really?”

  Hunter grins while he nods. “Yep. She told me to stop being a dumbass.”

  I laugh out loud in shock. “Seriously?”

  He tilts his head to the side. “Well, not in so many words, but I know what she meant.”

  “I’m glad you listened to her.” I snuggle up closer.

  His arms grip me tighter. “Me too.”

  “So, what’s your New Year’s resolution, Mr. Johnstone?”

  He kisses me softly before saying, “To be right here, just like this, with you on the next New Year’s Eve.”

  As the countdown to the New Year begins, neither of us cares as we seal our New Year’s fate with each other in the best way possible, wrapped in each other’s arms, kissing in the most passionate way, two weeks be damned.


  One Year Later

  “I have to admit, I’m surprised you’re still volunteering,” Sheryl says as we clean up the men’s shelter.

  I Lysol the folding table and wipe it clean with a rag. “I like being here, especially around the holidays. It feels good to help out. Plus, I’ve been pretty fortunate lately.”

  She smiles. “Paying it forward?”

  “Yeah, I guess so.”

  With a broom, she follows me, cleaning up the crumbs I’m pushing onto the floor. “Not many women last long here. They get frightened by some of the men who look at you like a piece of meat and are scared by the ones with delusions. Just remember to be careful.”

  I roll my eyes. “You sound like someone I know.”

  “Your boyfriend?” She lifts her brows.

  “Hunter isn’t a jealous guy, but he certainly is protective.”

  It’s been a year since we started dating, and in that time, I’ve grown more in love with him by the day. I’ve learned that being his girlfriend is akin to being family. Once you’re part of his definition of family, he protects you for life.

  With a laugh, she points to the door. “I can tell. He definitely keeps an eye on you. He seems pretty smitten too.”

  I look over to where she’s pointing. Hunter is standing by the door with his peacoat on and a roguish grin on his face.

  I rush over to him. “What are you doing here? I thought you’d still be working on that Christmas Eve special?”

  His hair is glistening from the snow that must be falling outside.

  “I was able to get away early.” He shoves his hands in his pockets and leans back on his feet. “I thought I’d swing by and see if I could coax you into joining me somewhere before we get on the road.”

  I narrow my eyes. “You always have something up your sleeve.”

  “That I do, kid,” he responds with his shit-eating grin that I’ve come to love.

  This year has been a whirlwind for sure. No matter what occurred on New Year’s Eve between Branson and me, we didn’t let it get in the way of our work relationship. He stood by his word, and by February, I started my new position as a media market strategist. I finally have my dream job, but even better, I have my dream man.

  Working for the same company as Hunter definitely has its benefits too. I still get my daily visits that I always loved so much from him, only this time, he leaves me with a kiss and a promise for something later. Even though I know he didn’t look into it that first day, like he said he did, he was correct, and since we don’t report to each other, there are no issues with us dating.

  The rumor mill was on full tilt when we got back to work after that New Year’s Eve party. People had heard that I was going with Branson, and no one believed for a minute that it was fully work-related. No matter how much I’d tried to tell myself that his intentions were pure, I should have known better.

  Someone from our work just happened to be outside when Hunter met me on the steps. I’m sure, before midnight, texts were sent and messages left, and co-workers just waited for the next meeting at the water cooler, starting with, “Guess what I saw.”

  Branson was probably happy he was able to fall back on the act of it truly not being a date and that I was only there to further my career. And honestly, so was I.

  I never wanted to be the office gossip or—dare I even say—the office slut who two head guys were fighting over. It all played out for the best, and no one can try to say I slept my way into my new position. They all know I worked very hard for that spot, and me leaving the event to be with Hunter at the stroke of midnight only proved that point more.

  Two weeks of dating Hunter turned into months that flew by. By September, he was asking me to move in with him. I thought he was crazy at first, and I said it was too soon, but when he kept pointing out exactly how little time I was physically spending in my apartment, I knew he was right.

  Most guys might freak out about their girlfriends taking over their space, but Hunter had offered it right away. When he bought me my own toothbrush and hair dryer to keep at his house, I knew there were no more questions about where our relationship was going. By May, I’d already had a spot in his closet and my own drawers in his room.

  Moving in the rest of my things wasn’t that big of a deal. I always felt very at home at his place, so I wasn’t upset that I didn’t get to keep my couch or bring over my dresser. Thankfully, Sofia had known the move was coming, and she had already started talking to someone else about taking my place when I was ready to make that leap. The other girl was leaving a bad relationship, so I felt even better, being able to give her my furniture and help her get back on her feet.

  There was only one thing that was truly personal to me, and I was excited when Hunter removed a painting from his wall, so I could put up my castle pictures without even asking. It’s those special items that make a place a home, and the collection was even better with the addition of the picture of when Hunter took me to the castle here in New York.

  Living with him has been both an experience and a fantasy, and I’m sure whatever he has planned for tonight will be no different. I search around the room to see what else needs to be done before I leave for the night.

  When I take in the way his eyes are sparkling with mischief, I have to try not to laugh. “I’d love to join you, but I have to finish up here first, so whatever is going on inside of that head will have to wait for just a bit longer,” I tell him.

  He takes off his coat and places it on a nearby chair. “Then, let’s get to work.”

  Hunter helps fold all of the chairs and tables, stacking them on a cart, while Sheryl and I clean the rest of the room. I love how he enjoys the fact that he’s working. It seems to be a trait of his. Hunter is very easygoing, rolling with the punches, and he
doesn’t seem to ever complain.

  It makes being with him very easy as well.

  With both of us working, we’re able to finish up quickly, and before we know it, we’re saying good-bye to Sheryl and everyone else.

  As we step outside, the snow falls all around us. After I set my hat on my head, I reach over to pull Hunter’s collar up.

  “You sure do take good care of me,” Hunter says while placing a small kiss to my lips.

  “I love that you allow me to. Okay, so where are we going?”

  He takes my hand in his, and we head toward his car.

  As we both slide in, I glance to Hunter in question, and the smile that graces his face only tells me he’s up to something. If I’ve learned anything about this man, it’s that no matter how hard I try, he won’t tell me what surprise he has planned.

  When we first started dating, I read in a magazine that Sagittariuses are very spontaneous, and it’s amazing, just how true that is for Hunter. Him showing up here to whisk me away is very typical of him and something I’ve come to love. His little surprises are always an adventure, and I’ve done more things this year than when I was single.

  It’s become my favorite part of our relationship—well, besides the amazing sex and pure happiness I feel when he’s around. His surprise of tickets to Florida for last New Year’s was just the beginning. He was able to switch the dates, and we went at the end of January. Since then, he’s taken me to Niagara Falls and even the Grand Canyon. He loves to roam and see the world, and I love that I get to go with him.

  Once he gets on the road, I turn fully in my seat. I grab his hand and give him a cheesy grin, leaning in and hoping he gets my drift.

  He raises his eyebrows and shakes his head. “You know you shouldn’t even ask. I’m not going to tell you where we’re going.”

  I huff, and he wraps his arm around me, bringing me into him and kissing my forehead when we get to a stoplight. “Have I told you how much I love your little pout?”

  I try to pretend to be mad, but all I can do is smile.

  We’ve only driven for a few miles when he pulls the car over. As we exit, I see all the people wistfully skating around the lit-up ice rink. The tree sits tall and proud behind the center of the rink. Seeing it this close puts a huge smile on my face with its beauty and glamour and holiday spirit, all wrapped in one gorgeous tree.

  When he pops the trunk, I see he already has our luggage ready to go to his parents’, and next to them are ice skates, ready to go. We strap them on and push onto the ice.

  With the snow falling lightly and the lights twinkling all around us, it’s the perfect Rockefeller Christmas moment. One I want to remember forever. Hunter takes my hand, and we slowly make our way through the crowd and around the ice. There are couples having their special moments, just like us, as well as families showing their young children how to skate for the first time.

  No matter how many people are around us, everyone is enjoying what it is truly like to spend Christmas in New York City. These are memories every single person will remember, and maybe they will make a tradition of it. Thinking of having traditions with Hunter makes my heart so happy. This week marks the first year we’ve been together, and all I can think about is how many more I want to spend with him.

  As we approach the Christmas tree set up at the edge of the rink, I feel him slow down, so I pause and turn to him. When my eyes take in the handsomest man I’ve ever seen, down on one knee, my hands immediately cover my mouth, and I have to steady myself, so I don’t lose my balance.

  “Katie McGee. My Katie McGee. You are everything I’ve ever wanted when I think about who I’d spend the rest of my life with. You’ve become my world, my partner in crime, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I don’t want to spend another day without calling you my wife. Katie, will you marry me?”

  He opens a box, showing off a diamond ring that’s both understated and absolutely beautiful. It’s exactly what I would have chosen for myself, and the man of my dreams is holding it up for me, promising me his love.

  I keep my hands covering my mouth as I nod my head, and tears stream down my face. Cheers are heard all around us as he slips the ring on my finger and then takes me in his arms.

  As he kisses me, I feel the tears falling down his eyes as well.

  If I thought I loved Christmas in New York before, it was nothing compared to how much I love it now. There will never be one that beats this year.

  I wipe my eyes as people around us congratulate us on the engagement. Seeing Hunter’s proud face makes me laugh. I lean over to kiss him again and almost fall to the ground when my skates slide out from underneath me. His large frame wraps around me, holding me securely and making me feel his promise to always be there for me.

  “Come on, kid. Let’s get you off the ice. I’m sure my niece is dying for us to arrive, so she can have some pie.”

  Heading to another Johnstone Christmas has been on the top of my mind for the last month. This time, I’m prepared, and I can’t wait to share my worst gift. I haven’t even let Hunter see it. When it comes to this game, all gloves are off, and I’m going to win!

  I spend the drive with the biggest smile on my face, and my cheeks are starting to hurt because of it.

  Then, I realize something. I jump in my seat and reach for my purse. “I have to call my parents.”

  Hunter turns and smiles as he nods. “Put it on speakerphone, so I can hear their reaction.”

  I hit the Call button and am bummed when Mom doesn’t answer. After I leave her a message, trying not to give anything away so I can hear her reaction firsthand, I try my dad but have no luck either—though for him, that’s not a surprise, as the man never has his phone on him.

  Hunter pouts his lip at me, being funny and trying to brighten my mood because I wasn’t able to get ahold of them. “It’s okay. You’ll be able to tell them when they call you back. Didn’t you say they were going to their friend’s house tonight?”

  I glance at my watch and realize that’s exactly where they are, so it’s probably a good thing they didn’t answer. The last thing I’d want when I told my parents I was engaged is them having a hard time hearing me because there was so much commotion around them and asking me to repeat myself. I can just see it now—me saying, I’m engaged, and them saying, Huh? I can’t hear you. What did you say?

  I giggle to myself as I tuck my phone away, feeling better about not being able to reach them.

  Hunter grabs my hand, rubbing his fingers over my ring. I place my other hand over his and lean to the side, resting my head back to take in the amazing view that is Hunter Johnstone for the rest of the drive.

  When we pull into his parents’ driveway, memories of being here just one year ago make me smile. At the time, I wondered if they would even like me, and now, here I am, arriving as the future daughter-in-law.

  Then, it hits me.

  “Do they know you were proposing tonight?”

  Hunter grins. “Why don’t you go in and find out?”

  I narrow my eyes before jetting out of the car and racing toward the front door.

  “Hey, wait for me. I’m getting married too. Don’t forget about the groom.”

  I stop and wait for him to wrap me in his arms.

  “Are you ready for your next surprise?”

  “I can’t wait.” I lean up to give him a chaste kiss and head toward the door.

  Before I can knock, it swings open, and everyone yells, “Surprise!”

  I’m taken aback suddenly—not by the words said, but by the people standing in front of me. “Mom! Dad! You’re here!” I rush to hug them both at the same time. “When did you get here?”

  My mom pulls back to see me more clearly. “We got here a few hours ago. Merry Christmas, sweetheart.”

  “Merry Christmas, Mom. Merry Christmas, Dad.”

  “Hey, what am I? Chopped liver?” I hear my brother say as he pushes through the crowd.

  “Liam?” I ask in dis
belief as I give him a big hug. “I can’t believe you’re all here.”

  “Yep, thanks to this man right here. Thanks again for setting this up,” Liam says to Hunter as he reaches out to shake Hunter’s hand.

  “So?” I hear Ella ask loudly from beside us.

  I glance to Hunter and nod.

  “She said yes!” he shouts out, and they all cheer.

  He wraps his arms around me and kisses me in front of everyone we love and during my favorite holiday of the year.

  Only this year, my Christmas miracle came true.

  Before you go!

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  We hope you loved Charming Co-Worker! Make sure to order the next book in the Falling for the Stars series Rebel Roommate for only $.99 or FREE for you KU readers!

  Have you read the first book in the Falling for the Stars series Naughty Neighbor?

  Grab it now for FREE on KU!

  About the Authors

  Jeannine Colette

  Jeannine Colette combines humor and angst in her sexy, stand-alone romance novels. Her stories feature dynamic heroines, and swoon-worthy heroes, who have to abandon their reality in order to discover themselves . . . and love along the way.

  A graduate of Wagner College and the New York Film Academy, Jeannine went on to become a Segment Producer at CBS News and NBC. She left the television industry to focus on her children and pursue a full-time writing career. She lives in New York with her husband, the three tiny people she adores more than life itself, and a rescue pup named Wrigley.

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